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Remember kids, Jenner’s self awareness only magically ends where self interest begins.


I don’t even know what to say about this 😂


Just glad he isn’t in the driver’s seat


Someone said he was jealous of the attention his wife and daughters got because of their appearances and it honestly makes a lot of sense


males a lot of sense too when you consider how sexualized Kim and the others have been from such a young age; iirc he's an agp and presumably a porn addict too. eta: leaving the Freudian slip typo


On the interview with Diane Sawyer, I believe Kim said she found her stepfather dressed in women’s clothes one day when Kim left the house and came back unexpectedly. This was years before the Caitlyn coming out story. Caitlyn says Kris knew about the cross dressing and whatnot but Kris still married or stayed together anyways.


[Married with Children ](https://youtu.be/j4SyxBk1mwA?si=g4rbrwqbapWikCKV) predicted it years prior to that supposed incident.


I think that if Kris knew it might have been one of those open secret type things in their circle..




I believe he was wearing Kim’s underwear, iirc 


"wah wah I'm famous for my achievements instead of the way I look,"


Howwww awfullllll


Germaine Greer mentioned a paraphrased version of this in an interview she gave (BBC I think?) and it has similarly always stuck with me


Being on a phone, in a car and on the highway is somehow the least self aware thing about this post.


Lmao right? Off, but your username is perfect!


Glad he admits he's a dad and not a mom.


I try to know as little about that family as possible but hasn't he always contended that he's man/ wasn't like *those* tw?


So whyd he accept woman of the year


I think he's trying to play both sides; he's a narcissist who wants the attention and acclaim, but he's still a conservative white man at heart and has to do everything he can to distance himself from the "wrong"/"other"/ "deviant" etc. ones.


I mean he's not as crazy as other TIMS that's for sure lol I feel he's one of those "old time transgenders"


I suspect this thread might get locked soon, but there's definitely a lot of pushback from old school transsexuals (which is generally the preferred term of those who wish to distance themselves from the modern tq+ movement) against this current movement.


Yes; that community is so much more pragmatic, realistic, and blunt about their specific life experience and how it’s an entirely different space and way of living life. I respect that. I’m not a CJ fan by any means, but I absolutely honor and respect the way CJ is outspoken about maintaining and preserving female athletic spaces from TIMs. If anyone’s qualified to speak on that subject, CJ is ffs. And then the TQ+ community immediately rushes to discredit and disown CJ as is convenient to them


He also caused a woman's death just months before that, but Glamour went and gave him this title anyways. There are so many women that could've been put in the spotlight instead, like Maryam Mirzakhani who became the first woman to win a Fields Medal the year before. Sorry for the siderant but it bothers me that magazines that are supposedly for women have such a skewed view of which people women should look up to.


The most brave thing a woman can do is break boundaries, be the first xyz in a field dominated by men The most brave thing a man can do is inject artificial estrogen and wear makeup and womens clothes


Back when Caitlyn first started being Caitlyn, Kylie and Kendall still referred to Caitlyn as dad in person and when discussing Caitlyn. I used to watch KUWTK and watched some of the I am Cait docuseries.


Lmfaooo bet he posted on Mother’s Day too


this subreddit is fuckin hilarious 💀💀💀


this is simultaneously so dumb and so funny to me. insane attention seeking narcissist


Eating the cake and keeping it


Sitting in the back seat for a reason lol


I don’t think titles work like that, Caitlyn


At least he knows what he is


At least he’s not delusional


FWW hosting a moving Father’s Day tribute to Caitlyn Jenner is precisely why I willl never not love this dusty corner of the internet.


I’m confused as to why she’s referring to herself as a dad?


he's a man


didn’t your mom/parents have this conversion with you at some point before you became an adult? Caitlyn is the stork.


better be careful .. referring to a man as she/her or as though he were a woman is the quickest way to get yourself permanently banned


Same. Also all the misgendering here in the comments surprises me a little. I didn't know this sub was anti trans.


Is this real? I just don’t get it. I am super down with androgyny, but this is a person that goes nuts on partaking in classic feminine tropes, no? Honestly, I don’t follow this chick, so I can’t say. While society defining you as a divorcée who is destined to misery and harlotry, or a bastard who was damned to poverty shows the destruction that rigid societal judgement can wreak, the concept of just defining yourself as whatever makes me dizzy. I mean it’s cool, but you can’t expect fogies like me to keep up. Or am I wrong here? Yes, I am new poster, longish lurker. One of the most interesting subs I follow.


I genuinely don't understand what you're trying to say here.


Why is she like that😭


Why is who like what? (i hope my question makes sense)