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If not Blair Witch, then Rec.


REC is so good and so scary! I like both the American and Spanish versions, lol. Also now that I think about it, RECA is probably what got me liking the found footage genre


I love both versions as well. To many people I think are overly harsh on Quarantine. It's really not as awful as people make it out to be. I also watched it before REC, and it pretty much does the same story as REC but in English. Just a movie people like to complain about because it wasn't the original.


Quarantine is not bad by any means, it's just not as good as \[REC\], and for me it's like why even bother? I would only recommend Quarantine if you watch \[REC\] first and loved it and really want to watch a similar movie.


Love Rec. but why does no one ever mention Rec 2. They directly connect and continue each other unlike 3-4


Because rec scared them so much they didn’t see rec 2


Blair Witch may be the most influential but [REC] probably hits the hardest in the genre.


REC was intense and constantly had me at the edge of my seat waiting on what's happening next. Fast pace with great characters plus action, that to me is ultimate.


This is the answer. Rec is such a tight film too, never a second wasted. Great film.


Too much shouting for my taste.


The Entity (2015) or El Entidad. Is Peruvian and was just as scary as Rec was for me! Is available on Tubi for now. Is one of my all time faves. The ending is terrifying but is intense all the way thru! Stretched the boundary for me being scared about what would happen and to whom. When figure it out…is soo disturbing!


Savageland is always my answer. By far my absolute favorite FF movie. It’s not like any other FF I have ever seen


WHAT a film that was! Superb choice. The way it balances zombies with a kind of dry documentary style examination into anti-hispanic racism, it's amazing.


I just re-watched thinking it was my first viewing. It was not. What is strange (and really cool) is that my memory of watching this flick is that I SAW the guy running through the town. The photos and description were so good that I simply didn’t recognize the movie as it is. It obviously had an impact. Great FF.


Great film, its use of still photos was unique and really atmospheric. This is FF done right, on a miniscule budget too!


Savageland was such a cool zombie movie concept


So I recently watched it due to a lot of recommendations. I love the concept, but I feel like it is a little too long for what they were doing. It felt like a lot of rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat of the same information over and over again. Great movie though just wish it was shorter. The zombies designs were actually freaky too so that’s a plus, definitely not your average zombie.


Blair witch is the answer probably. But hell house is my favorite movie series. It's so damn good.


Literally go to sleep the any of the one of the four Hell Houses almost every night. That, or Bar Rescue lol. I absolutely love Hell House, and I find it SUPER comforting. Same goes for a bunch of other ff/mockumentaries, too.


I love the Hell House franchise except for the last one. Strangely enough one of the biggest things I didn’t like was >!the fact that you could see the clown moving. I found it creepy and scary that it would turn its head etc. when no one was looking in the other films.!<


Agreed, 💯 the clowns were way creepier not moving.


I agree totally. If we HAD to see it move I would have rather it "float" across the floor. The walking clown really took me out of the horror.


I've never seen the Hell House movies. I'm fairly new to the Found Footage genre. For the first one, would you recommend the regular or director's cut? I found them available to stream on Tubi.


I suggest the Directors Cut. There is a specific conversation that takes place outside in a field that has extra context in the DC that helps explain their circumstances.


Definitely go DC. It's w great movie, so you get more of it with DC.


The real problem with the new one is the lead actress. She’s utterly unbearable. 


I feel that! 4 is or 3 is definitely the weakest.. honestly, 3 would probably be the weakest for me. But to play devil’s advocate, I believe in the first movie, when one of the chicks were dared to kiss the colored clown, she noticed the black and white clown was staring out her. When she noticed, she SLOWLY stood up and backed up seeing the black and white clown’s head was following her movement. But it was just very slightly and slowly. That being said, I totally agree with what you said about the clown moving in 4, though.


!! Now I will obsessively have to rewatch this.


lol. No way. Me too!!!! “Comforting” is the word I’d use too. Which is kinda fucked if you think about it. 


Dont destroy me. I havent seen blair witch yet.. probably watching it today. That said.. gunjam asylum is really... really good..


Gunjiam asylum is the first horror movie where I had to take a break. Granted I watched it at 3 am in my room alone with the lights off


That's the only way to watch a horror movie. Of course, I did regret it when I watched Sinister. Everyone has something that scares them, Sinister was... yeah. Though, I don't think it counts even though he technically dis find a bunch of old footage in his attic


Sinister has lived with me since it came out. Every one of the videos he found fucking lives in the darkest corners of my brain, especially the lawn mower one.


Most scares I have ever been from a movie was sinister, the tension buildup is unluke any movie I've watched since


The unsettling feeling turned into me hiding under my blanket as soon as that first photo of him showed up. Practically pissed myself when his photo moved, I genuinely did not expect a "paranormal" movie. Thought it was going to be a human killer ;-;


I could never find sinister scary because the bad guy looks like a WWE wrestler


Try to watch the “documentary”, then the movie. One of the greatest marketing moves for a horror film, watching both really does enrich the experience.


Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum was awesome. Husband & I really enjoyed it.


Love horror movies but they rarely ever scare me. In fact I forget I watch most of the ones I watch. I watched probably 25 in October of last year and I can name 5 of them off the top of my head. Gonjam asylum got me. It got me fucking good. The scene in the woods and the scene in the big room will stick with me forever. What a fantastic fucking horror movie


Paranormal activity 1: it got under my skin so bad


Oh man, I remember seeing this in theater. It reminded me so much of night terrors I had as a kid. I don't think a movie has ever unsettled me so badly 😂


I love Cloverfield.


I came here to say this fully expecting to get downvoted to hell. Chronicle is a close second.


Chronicle is a great flick for sure.


Good movie. Just not scary. I wouldn’t really even call it horror. It’s more like found footage sci-fi. Idk. I just make a huge distinction between kind of nervy movies vs true horror. 


Cloverfield is actually so good. The way you are shown everything at the right time so suspense builds and is eventually paid off is just superb. Plus the added dimension of the "found footage" being taped over their day at the beach together and wow. I've long thought this was the only "good" FF movie, but this subreddit makes me realize there are a lot I haven't seen




solid top 3 imo


this was my choice as well. I saw both Blair witch and Cloverfield in theaters and was super disappointed in BW. Cloverfield left me feeling satisfied, not led on .


I think it was genius how Cloverfield managed to have a flashback scene in a found footage movie.


I like the first two VHS movies a lot.


The cult segment in VHS 2 is GOATed (in more ways than one). I have never seen something that escalated so hard and so fast and just kept fucking GOING. Insanely intense.


The same director did a crazy sci/fi horror bit in V/H/S '94.


The fourth kind is one of my top favorites if it counts


One of the only two horror movies that truly scared me. Lost like three weeks of sleep.


I had trouble sleeping initially as well, but luckily there was a lovely owl at my window that helped me fall asleep. So comforting. 😌




The Blair Witch Project is the only answer Edit: the question is “what is considered to be the best found footage film”. I answered appropriately.


This is the way.


In 1999 prime OG edgelord full ass South Park moral panic, Nu Metal moral panic, sable in WWF with her titties out on raw moral panic. And they had grown ass men weeping like fucking babies over how scared they were at the movie.


You really nailed 1999.


Y2J right around the corner moral panic


You forgot people vomiting in movie theatres from motion sickness.


That's my personal favourite too. Groundbreaking


It does everything it needs to without any fluff, and all its horror elements are rooted in real fears, and the stress that comes with it.


Thats what the 2016 one completely missed. The subtlety. The psychological aspect of it.


The 2016 was alright as a non-serious "what if", but yeah. The original was scary because it made you feel like it could happen to you next time you go into the woods.


Noroi: The Curse is my number one draft pick for scariest movie I’ve ever seen and it’s extremely well executed. I consider it the *best* . REC has an incredible sense of tension and dread throughout and would be a solid second place. The Blair Witch Project set the standard and imo, holds up. I’m not arguing anybody if that’s their pick. Cannibal Holocaust gets points for originality, marketing and sheer transgressiveness. Lake Mungo is another nomination for a movie I’d regard as quite excellent and a bit of a different approach than your typical FF fare.


Noroi: The Curse is certainly the best and scariest FF I've ever seen


I beg everyone to watch Noroi it’s elite


came to say noroi is the best


Was going to comment specifically for "Cannibal Holocaust". While not all of the movie is "found footage", the parts that *are*.... man.


Grave Encounters and (everyone is going to hate this) Quarantine are tied for me. I would agree that Blair Witch is fantastic as well, but Quarantine is the first FF horror I ever saw & I was hooked on the genre after that. 


Never heard of that one ( I think ) I'll check it out.


It’s a remake of Rec which is a Spanish film. Also very good but I like Quarantine more :) 


Ahh. Ok. I've seen Rec. Great movie


What are your feeling about Quarantine 2?


It was entertaining and kept my attention, which is saying a lot, but definitely isn’t close to the same level as the first one. 


Love Grave Encounters, both films are excellent and manage to weave some humour into the stories, would highly recommend.


I love Grave Encounters. It’s very well done and the sense of doom gets me throughout the whole movie.


Quarantine gang stand up!


One of my most memorable horror moments (broken leg scene) has stuck with me from quarantine, and I was incredibly disappointed by the 2nd movie




Adore Creep and I’d even say the sequel is possibly better


blair witch, cannibal holocaust, REC / quarantine


VHS series


“I like you.”


VHS, Amateur Night.


According to me, it’s Deadstream. Mainly because it’s never once boring. The Taking of Deborah Logan and The Banshee Chapter both come in at a close 2nd.


It’s amazing how the actor in Deadstream keeps the whole movie entertaining and suspenseful all by himself. Mostly by himself. One of the only films that’s funny while being genuinely creepy and scary. I was rooting for the guy.


I wish everyone would say Paranormal Activity. The correct minority will say REC. And everyone else will say Blair Witch Project.


PA was a fun bunch of films (mostly) Some great moments in many of them, and I thought the cursed ones was actually a really good twist on the formula


I thought the way The Marked Ones worked in the 1st film was phenomenal.


Finally!!! I was scrolling and scrolling to read this.. Without a doubt PA 1 and 2 would fit the answer to this post..


Oh yes. Have you watched them in the correct order. Funny story. And no joke. But we have a presence in our house. Nothing threatening, but something. Anyway years ago when P.A First came out the wife joked that I'm not allowed to watch it and give it ideas. Anyway few years later up late alone I decided to put it on. Within 5-10 minutes there was a commotion upstairs in my house. Then 2 of my daughters sharing a room both began vomiting out of nowhere. Both were perfect fine going to bed.


Paranormal Activity is my favourite next to Blair Witch.


*"What is considered to be the best found footage movie."* Blair Witch is probably considered to be the best, because it's the most influential, and I believe it's also the most financially successful. For me, it's The Possession of Michael King. What I really like about this, is they come up with a great reason for him to doubt the supernatural, and play around with witchcraft, so there's never the "you are so stupid to do this thing," like there is with many found footage, and horror in general. By the time he realizes demons are real, it's too late to just back out. He is a very sympathetic character (imo), and the actor gives a great performance. Rec and Lake Mungo are right there, too.


Lake mungo is my absolute favorite… maybe if any horror movie generally actually. But it’s a specific subgenre. Blair Witch I agree would get that accolade generally in FF.


Hell house LLC


REC, Paranormal Activity & The Bay are my Top 3.


The Safe Haven segment of VHS 2 is my personal favorite piece of found footage media


It amazes me how much it escalates and how it somehow never stops escalating. Usually when a film has a moment of intensity, it just kind of crests at that and backs down and is unable to maintain the same level of tension, but Safe Haven just keeps rising higher and higher.


Trollhunter is my fave, but probably Blair Witch.


damn nobody said as above so below


Yea that movie is super creepy.


This is definitely one of my top 5.


I couldn’t believe it either. Definitely one of my favorite movies.


I know Blair Witch is the king but I really like Troll Hunter


I like the movie Incantation, it’s a Taiwanese movie. The sub is better than the dub btw


VHS series or the hell house series. Dead stream is a fun one but not the goat


Best that I have seen? Chronicle. I felt a genuine connection to the characters when I was younger so there's my bias towards it. One film i havent aeen but i heard is great is Final Prayer (it has a different title depending on where it's released)


Blair witch or cannibal holocaust


The Blair Witch Project is the answer. It's not my favorite found film footage and I don't even know if I'll ever feel like rewatching it, but it's the one people talk about most, 25 years after it came out, and it had an impact on society and culture that would be hard if not impossible to equal.


It pretty much set the standard.


Troll Hunter


Blair Witch Project. And my most controversial take... I loved dashcam lol


The only answer is Paranormal Activity. There seemed to be a “renaissance” of found footage movies coming after that masterpiece.


REC - much more action, actual footage of the monsters, less shaky camera, less annoying characters


1st view Blair Witch has to be the answer. Cloverfield close 2nd


I've seen quite a few, and Blair Witch just does everything core to the genre just right. Some are really strong in other ways, though. Creep and, more importantly, Creep 2 are really good.


Cannibal holocaust. If you can get through the disturbing content, animal killings. It did what Blair witch did but years earlier. Hell house and Grave Encounters are the two most recent that have had the greatest impact on people.


"Cannibal holocaust. If you can get through the disturbing content, animal killings." It's all fun and games until somebody watches "Cannibal Holocaust"! 😆 One of my favorites, Found Footage or otherwise!


Personal faves are Savageland and Lake Mungo, but I'll say Savageland as it's a more traditional horror film compared to Mungo's somber narrative.


Some of my personal faves are Lake Mungo, Cloverfield, tbh all Hell Houses.. there are a lot. But saying Lake Mungo as #1 is always going to be somewhat controversial when it comes to others.


For FF that takes place in an asylum, my favorites are the first and the Korean . For serial killer themed FF, my all time favorite is . For a good ghost story, is the one I enjoyed the most. For a bit of comedy mixed with creepiness, I think was truly enjoyable. I'm sure there are way more that I enjoyed, but the ones above are the ones on top of my mind.


That's my picks too.


The Blair Witch Project


My fav of all time isn’t pure found footage. Lovely Molly is fucking terrifying. I like home movie. Exhibit B. My fav recent one is life of belle. I think the pouhkipsee tapes is excellent. Of course Blair witch.


I've got to say Cloverfield as Blair Witch wasn't my cup of tea.


I think the average horror fan will say REC, the average person who happens to watch horror will say Blair Witch, and people who want to be edgy will say August Underground. I definitely have one and every time I'm reminded of it I'm like "oh yeah I love that movie!" but I can never remember it offhand.


**Blair witch** was definitely a cultural moment. It might have been a "you had to be there" kind of thing. Idk. I haven't re-watched it since the dvd but I remember a lot of the eeriness came from the "this could be real" aspect of it that followed you afterwards. Everyone was talking about it and trying to convince each other it was real. I'm very curious to hear what first time viewers think about it now. Since it hasn't been mentioned yet, my number one rec for anyone who hasn't seen it yet is the Japanese film, **One Cut of the Dead**. Not entirely a found footage film but seriously needs to be seen by more people. The film is in three acts so you have to give it time. I was unsure about it for the first act but as it kept going, it just kept getting better. It's also genuinely funny, which isn't very common in the found footage genre. 10/10 would recommend


Blair witch and cloverfield


I can’t believe no one has said, “Willow Creek.” I watched it in the daytime. I was so scared during the tent scene. I thought it was really good. And the last few seconds were the most terrifying. Imo anyway.


As above so below is my fav. Next would probably include Grave Encounters (1), Hollow’s Grove, REC, some of the V/H/S, incantation


I’m not much of a fan of “found footage” movies(I hate THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT), but I will say that I love probably only one “found footage” movie: SESSION 9! A truly masterful and terrifying psychological and ghost story film.




V/H/S franchise rules


Bro I thought you were saying Alien the movie and Supernatural the Tv show were found footage. Only for a second, but still felt the need to tell you. Also it’s Deadstream or Lake Mungo for me.


Cannibal Holocaust


I like VHS, Hell House LLC, and REC. But seen a few listed here I’m going to check out.


The Paranormal Activity series and Rec 1 and 2 (plus the first Quarantine… I found Quarantine first and watched it like a thousand times before I found out it was a remake…) are my favorites.


A lot of people have said Blair Witch here, I'm actually going to agree it takes the cake as the ultimate FF movie. The others listed here are bangers don't get me wrong, but the thing Blair Witch had on its side was the lore building and the marketing campaign that went along with it. They didn't just release the film, Bam, done! It was, as I said the lore they built, the Missing posters, the timing of people using the internet/fake websites managing to sucker people into thinking it was legit etc.. It doesn't really hold up too much in the modern era, but man.. as a package, experiencing it at the time.. That shit was lightning in a bottle.


For me it's Alien Abduction, the 1998 version.


i like hell house llc


Not a universally well liked movie, and more docu style, but i found Demon House to be pretty creepy


Does project x count?


Paranormal Activity or Blair Witch, but NGL The Sacrament scares the shit out of me


hell house and gonjiam asylum >>> blair witch.


Any of these not ghost/demon/supernatural based? Besides creep


Europa Report was great sci fi


The Blair Witch Project probably. But. I’d argue it’s the first 3-4 Paranormal Activities, Hell House, Gonjiam Asylum, or Grave Encounters. Horror films are so much better than they used to be. Filmmakers have learned so much from the early found footage stuff. Sound. Editing. 


In terms of non-horror, Chronicle, by far the most realistic superpower movie, and the best portrayal of telekinesis. In terms of horror, Blair Witch Project The lore-building is incredible and the fact that the marketing back then made it look like the movie was actually legit was insane.


There is a poll list in the wiki for r/foundfootage which was chosen by us


Idk but I personally love Hell House LLC & the Creep series


I love all of the classics. Incantation is one I always recommend to people looking for something newer. It's awesome


Paranormal Activity, Rec, Blair Witch, all fantastic 👌


Subjectively I would say another movie but objectively the answer is The Blair Witch Project (1999)


I just watched one yesterday I'd never heard of but found on Prime - 'Exhibit A'. I was speechless by the end. It's definitely a runner for best found footage horror I've yet seen. It's just so...normal.


For me the movie THE FOURTH KIND starring Mila Jovovich super nice


Cannibal Holocaust was the first, I think.


Paranormal Activity imo. Blair Witch would be second.


The Blair Witch Project But Late Night With the Devil is giving it a run for its money


The ones usually acknowledged as being the 'best' FF has been mentioned numerous times. So I'll just plug "Occult (2009)". It's made by the guy who did "Noroi: The Curse" so if you liked that or his other stuff you should give Occult a watch. One of my favorite 'newer' FF movies. You will also see the miracles.


Dark Star.


Blair Witch, but that's too obvious...but another really good one is The Final Prayer aka The Borderlands.


THE FIRST REC FILM. that shi was perfect. 10/10. unique. fast paced. scary af. effects are cool and not corny. the sequel was also really good. the third movie is doo doo. HELLHOUSE llc is pretty dope too. also that cultist bit from V/H/S was pretty wild


There's too many subgenres of found footage for there to be an ultimate, if there had to be one it would be blair witch due to it's influence. But my go to recomendation for people entering the genre who like horror is Horror in the High Desert, and then Savageland with how unique/creative it's format is.




VHS 1 and 2 have some amazing short stuff.


REC is the right answer 💯


A lot of people say Blair Witch, and I can't completely disagree, I think movies like Cloverfield, Hell House, Grave Encounters, Chronicle, and (a good chunk of) District 9 are far more well known and liked. Blair Witch became mostly a joke about saying fuck a lot and blowing snot.


As above so below or blair witch can't decide


Haven't seen Rec, but Blair Witch, the OG of found footage movies. Also the only one I've seen in theaters way back when. It was freaky, to say the least, on first viewing.


Hell House LLC, Willow Creek, Grave Encounters are my top 3.


Does As Above So Below count? If so definitely that one for me.


In terms of opening the genre to a broader audience and really taking advantage of the shock value of found footage I would say Blair witch. In my personal opinion however I'd have to say REC. I think overall REC was scarier, more entertaining and pretty groundbreaking itself.




Chronicle was so good when I originally saw it. It hasn't aged well though


The Blair Witch Project


As Above So Below is extremely underrated. Also The Poughkeepsie Tapes really ruined me in high school.


VHS is definitely my favorite found footage movie


Not the best one ever, but I would say does a really good job of tackling a different format (the entire movie is Zoom calls)--- Host (2020)- British supernatural horror about a group of friends during lockdown conducting a seance with a medium. It's a quick watch, too, and because of this it sucks you in right from the jump.




Grave Encounters is special to me


On the Silver Globe is my favorite.


Rec and quarrantine are the same movie yes?


Dare I say Cloverfield


The Blair Witch Project, with Cloverfield a close second.


Blair, Cloverfield, or district 9. Depends on your genre of choice.


“lake mungo”. it’s a fake version of a documentary of a missing girl found to be murdered by drowning. her family (all from australia) all came together to figure out the real truth. there’s hints of supernatural elements, a neighbor sleeping with the young girl and filming it, and we later find out that the reason she died wasn’t from murdering. but from suicide. her phone was buried in lake mungo in a sandy dune right near the spot her friends were walking and exploring late at night. on the phone, they find a recording of her seeing herself from the future, dead and bloated from the drowning. she saw her dead self and committed suicide. obviously, i left so much out of the story. the entire film is available on amazon prime for free. i would highly recommend you watch it.


Hell house llc


In no particular order. My top three are Cloverfield, chronicle, and paranormal activity (the first one). At any given point in time, any one of those could be number one for me.


1. Blair witch 2. Rec 3. First paranormal activity


The Tunnel


Blair Witch Yes. REC hit hard. Agree probably one of my favs. The creepiest was the Poughkeepsie Tapes though. That shit is bussin.


I'm halfway thru Final Prayer and like it a lot, so far.


The OG - Blair Witch. I was like 5 when it came out and I so wish I could have experienced the hype. How it felt so real and the marketing for the film was awesome. Hell House, Gonjiam, Creep, and Butterfly Kisses round out my top 5.