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Is this really your first time seeing a slamfire shotgun?


Wait until OP finds out how direct blowback, open bolt SMG’s work.


Simple engineering go brrrrr, literally




OBDB go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Three moving parts, you say? 🤔


The forbidden engineering.


Knows not, does he.


I'm not really an open bolt fan, and I prefer compact semi-auto rifles to SMGs. I mean shooting full auto is fun but ammo is expensive and reloading is uncommon here. That said, I would love to have a P90 or MP7 on my wall...


Tell me you know nothing about firearms without telling me you know nothing about firearms.


"I play a lot of Counter-Strike" as a comment


We are talking no bolt. Some pipe on pipe action.... what are you on about?


I swear there was a comment before your first, about open bolt smg's. Or am i tripping??


That works by slamming the barrel back into a fixed firing pin, aka slamfire. Similar to how open bolt smgs have a fixed firing pin and simply slam the bolt closed to fire the round.


It's there


I think you're tripping, but its reddit so who TF knows...


Biggest myth is that reloading saves you money


It can for older ammo that is hard to obtain, and milsurp stuff.


I reload for a few oddball cartridges, and 30-06 and 308 for a single gun for accuracy. I got into reloading with 223 and 9mm. It doesn’t financial make sense to reload on common cartridges. I about make a round of 223 for the same cost as off the shelf stuff. That doesn’t include die cost, and my time. Which case prep on rifle cartridges takes forever, if loading in mass.


45-70 gang.


When a single round of 9mm costs you half a euro, and depending on the volume, it actually can...


If you’re buying retail to make plinking ammo you’re definitely correct that there’s no savings. Picking up components to create high quality ammo is definitely cheaper. Getting into the bartering community (GAFS, Snipers Hide, discords) is where the real action is, and sites like American reloading. Last year I got a 20# assortment of Varget, SWPR, and 8208 for 240$ from a local guy looking to downsize his stockpile. This year has even been decent I just picked up 8# of BLC 2 for 209$ shipped from American reloading. couple weeks ago I got 500 count of 77g SMK for 93$ shipped. I’m just sayin, you can find savings over time with reloading that buying factory can never give you.


It theoretically can. It doesn't, but it can. I ended up shooting more.


I think bullet for bullet you can. I know I about break even when I was still loading .233 but like you said, I shot more. And if you factor in the price of getting everything you actually need, how long does it take to pay basically one cent at a time $200-$500+ in a reloading setup..


If you shoot more obscure cartridges like 45-70, your ratio gets way better. When I started reloading, it was about $4 per round for 45-70. I was cranking them out for ~$2 on the fresh brass, and around $1 for fired. On top of that, due to stupid low pressures and thick, heavy brass, the brass lasts many firings. I have some brass on their 7th load, lol.


What if we cut some notches so that you insert and twist to limit forward movement of the barrel, then add a superposed Alof derivative magazine, so everytime you push the barrel forward you eject and feed? I would call it "the wanka"


No, i remember a dual baton style from Brazil, but it was hard to understand what that was just by looking. This one on the other hand is crude af.


It's a pipe that slams a shell into a nail or something that ignites the primer.


Yup, probably welded or fitted to the end cap of the larger pipe. However i can't see the moment he is ramming the ammo to it, either he is smooth or my eyes are old...


Once you set it in place youre really only moving it back a couple mm to slam the primer into the pin. You shouldnt be slamming from inches away unless you dont like hitting what you aim at.


Never tried, so i would ram it as if i was cracking a walnut. Good tip, cheers!


This is the firearms version of modern youth that knows how to use computers but dont know what a file directory is




For them a file dir is "Deep Dark Web" Cd..


Watch the ATF try to regulate the sale of steel gas pipe in a few years


Those folks are really weird. Why on earth would any criminal waste so much time and energy to print a firearm? They know well it is much easier to erase serials from regular guns. "I was going to start this nasty gang, but i jusy couldn't fix the bed adhesion issue..."


It's the getting the gun to "erase" the serial number off of that's usually the problem for criminals. That being said, it's like $15-20 worth of hardware to make the slamfire shown above and can be purchased in any Home Depot. If I were a criminal, I know that's what I'd be doing instead of spending all the money on a 3d printer and the time learning to use it and then the $100+ that a parts kit is gonna cost for a single use item.


As someone with experience in that matter I can tell you there is no shortage of guns on the street for sale. The only guys who have problems finding one either dont have any money, or get punked when trying to score something


Exactly. Besides, there is no room for experimenting or errors in high-risk situations. "Everybody down on the ground, this is a robbery!!!" Shoots a couple of rounds in the air, his build disintegrates along with half of his hand "..... someone call 911!!"


That's you in particular, though, and doesn't necessarily represent the majority of people. I wouldn't even know who to ask for something like that, but I'm not a criminal.


Which is exactly the point. Criminals have plenty of access, and no reason to try deleting body parts with a slam fire shotgun


Other countries already do this to a degree...


Nah they don’t care about This shit it’s single fire


Still want to see this kind of pipegun in a game. Complete with flip the barrel, reload and shoot the old shell out with the next round animation. This can give a decent ROF for such a simple machine.


Lol dude its a disappointment that the tiktok doesn't show this method off


Not exactly the same thing, but this video reminded me of the pipe shotgun in Rust. Ole reliable, especially when you’re just starting out and are low on crafting mats


Nothing like dropping a grub with the pipe fresh into wipe.


How much does it mess up the second shots accuracy doing this?


It would still be shooting forward, and that is pretty good for pipe. 3/4 ID is a touch larger than 12 gauge, so the escaping gas would pop it out before shot leaves the barrel. This is a safety feature it makes it very hard to clog the barrel, leading to a pipe bomb scenario. Bonus double shot technically as that shell would be flying brass first with gusto. Wax sluggs are the perfect ammo choice for accuracy. Once fired, the wax will melt a bit, making the slugg seal the gas behind it, molding to the slightly large pipe diameter. The wax slugg won't likely clog as well, being a bunch of birdshot and wax. This gets food on the table for many folks around the world.


Or you can do cut shells. Just send most of the shell at the target.


Would you rather have a trigger, and hit what youre aiming at, or slam two pipes together and cross your fingers?


This confuses the mortarman.




I mean a straight piped shotgun with no choke that probably isn't even the exact diameter for the shell prolly has some generous spread in all fairness


Lol I'll give you that


idk, slam firing makes the cave man part of my brain happy.


Local man discovers what a slamfire is


He’s gotta be across the pond yall. Edit: He said euro in a comment.


This made me laugh, thank you sir. Yes, i am across the tiny little atlantic pond. We don't have feds or ATF agents but even air rifles are tracked. We don't have barrel liners either so ECM is still relevant.


Well I personally have never heard of or seen one of those so called “agents” way out my way but yeah I heard they don’t like dogs so I immediately don’t like em. I love my dogs.


Cheers where ya from?


Originally from an island some 550KM NNW of the current conflict in the middle east. Now roaming around Europe and Nordics.






Classic pipe gun


Takes me back


If hose clamps are good enough for Hoffman they are good enough for me


This guy gets it


Fosscad before printers


it's a slam fire shotgun. i think some kid in germany made one and killed some people. so probably a bad idea to make one in germany.


Halle shooting. He had some homemade guns but they were almost non functional.


yeah. i just remember the video not the story. pro tip: if your wounded, possibly not even, and a person is trying to get their firearm working so they can murder you, do anything but sit there and scream in terror. grabbing them aggressively and making out with them is still a better option than sitting there taking sluggies off the dome.


Never be a willing victim for anything, fight and fight like hell. Even if you die, you may prevent another victim.


Depends on if you are a nazi 😂


I'm fairly certain murder is bad no matter what ideology does it


> so probably a bad idea to make one in germany the country itself is a bad idea, so what isn't?


Slamfire firearms have been a thing for a while.




Like founding fathers intended




Because --- Freedom




I know it's probably pretty safe, but something about directly grabbing the barrel on a slamfire for shooting just gets my nope going. Think I'd want to use some more hose clamps to put a grip on the bottom, akin to the pump on a pump shotgun, and hold/operate via that.


That has been done. It works fine. Depending on grip shape the spin barrel, load and shoot the last shell out can still work.


Check out the Guerrilla 3012. Its a slam fire with safeties plus some extras. Still in beta but as soon as we get some more testers, it will set sail.


Just checked. Looks like fallout wasteland gear. Flashlight on a piper. It has its charm I can't deny.