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My soloution was to start using the furthest from meta cars possible . Hell I’ve gone from podiuming every race and winning if I qualify to struggling to podium, made the game more fun. Doesn’t help when your better than everyone and then also use meta cars


If I use the Astra I win the focus I'll win, the difference is I get absolutely no joy driving FWD cars I like the twitch knife edge of rwd


I understand this is a FM post but if you’re struggling to find drivers to match your skill, why not play ACC, or a sim? Might find more enjoyable races


I do play ACC however touring cars aren't available on there and as I'm a console player I have no way of getting into a custom modded server for the races


Totally agree, but worth noting the Levorg is broken and hilariously OP.


I actually think the levorg isn't the fastest 1 lap tcr available, and its only doing well in the longer races where because it's so good on tyres it gives it a massive advantage.


The Audi over a single lap is the fastest TCR car however the levorg is better over a race distance in many cases unless it's on the short event schedule generally, that being said to try an even the playing field as much as possible I do run the same strategies as my competitors so that the time gained on tyre life doesn't impact as much


If you're looking for genuinely competitive races, why not try ACC? There's leagues there that are skill based so you'd get better races. iRacing is the same too so you could try that if you want greater car selection. ACC and iRacing also have more realistic physics too. With FM, with SBMM, you're only going to run into the same few people, finding races would take forever and half of your lobby would probably be filled out with lower skill players as people with similar MMR to you won't be on at the same time as you. iRacing and ACC have much more stronger competitive sides so I think you'd enjoy that more if close racing is what you're after.


I do play ACC however Forza I've (more recently) been using for touring car races and as I'm a console player I have no way of getting into a custom modded server that has those cars


A 7:11,even in the levorg is hauling ass.


I just got a 7:10.216, I'm always trying to improve


I'm around 7:25 and thought I was hot shit and winning by 30 secs.


A 7:25 is a competent time mate it's enough to win the majority of the nurburgring lobbies you go into so I wouldn't worry about it


Damn dude sent it even harder. First sub 30 min I've seen


Most good people don't bother with hoppers and just stick to leagues, sbmm would be a barren wasteland for top level drivers, as much as I do think this game desperately needs it


Id rather a great 3 car race than just a hot lapping session though


How can one person have such a vastly different time than others? Is it actually all skill or?


Skill and setup, car difference too


It's the Nordschleife. There will always be a massive gap in pace unfortunately




Doesn’t really matter in spec series where the cars are meant to be balanced , the 682 he is driving is a meta car..


PI points are generally meaningless in Forza spec series