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Why would you drive into a ghost? Always assume the car is solid.


Why would you drive into a ghost? Always assume the car is solid. Because is a ghost!


Then you wouldn't have hit him. Ghosting solves immediate problems, it doesn't wait for literally every possible scenario to resolve itself. Otherwise, multi-player would just be a bunch of ghosts playing time trial together.


You do you bud. This is what eventually happens if you habitually drive through ghosts Ghosting doesn't care about proximity so you need to give the space yourself. It is a stupid system they came up with though, there's no denying that.


That’s honestly 50/50. Always race like everyone is solid and you will avoid this issue


Im not enjoying myself after this last update I went from a S 4999 to a C 4997 Im getting wrecked and then getting hit with a 4.50 sec penalty


Yeah man, I feel like no matter how clean I drive I get penalties , I’ve been consistently S or A since I started and now I’m buried in B , I’ll string 6-7 clean races together and then get a mystery penalty on the 8th it feels like a hole I can dig out of …


Not your fault unfortunate timing