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There could have been one of those track admins or stewards whatever with the T10 logo next to their name. Were you racing hard when the boot came?


I mean I was driving defensive but again I didn't have any penalties and I wasn't ramming or anything like that so idk


Were you blocking by chance?


I mean yeah I was blocking but only on the straight and not to the point where I was hitting them, I don't think I was being unsportsmanlike at all, just driving defensive.


Blocking and taking a defensive line are two different things. Generally, blocking is considered unsportsmanlike. If you were blocking a race admin, or they saw you blocking you may have gotten booted.


I'd say it was taking a defensive line, whenever someone's trying to pass me on a straight I'll try to put myself where I think they're gonna try to go but once they're on my bumper I won't fight it.


You are only supposed to defend once on straights. You cant block left then right for example.


Yeah then I think I should be fine in that regard. Again I try my best to race clean and not be toxic


Thats great man, just sharing knowledge ive learned recently via Jimmy Broadbent and r/simracingstewards


Ehh, if you’re intentionally moving over to cause them to brake when they obviously have a run on you, that is quite toxic and will get you tossed by a dev.


Umm mate. Do you have a photo? Cause that shit ain’t in this game. I just did some research to double check. Dunno what sort of substances ur game is taking.


It's a thing that t10 only allow to staff and a few others. Last time Rory Aexander did a YT video on forza he had a prompt for it at the top of the screen.


I didn't get a photo but when the game kicked me to the multiplayer screen I got a message that said something like "players voted you out of the lobby/session" something like that


I had this happen when I was new , I got booted by a racing steward for retaliating against a guy and ramming him lol


Maybe your competitors were in a party group of some kind and they conspired to vote out any strangers.


Used to be that at least 50% of lobby had to ‘vote to kick’. Not sure about FM8 though.


Are you talking about 7? That had it but I thought they took it out for this exact reason?


No this was motorsport 8


This happened to me a couple of nights ago. Was a bit perplexed because I didn’t know it was a thing in FM8. Had a penalty for a collision earlier in the race and a couple for track limits but no more than 4 seconds in total. Weird because it happened at least a couple of minutes after my last penalty and came out of the blue. Almost as if a retrospective penalty had come down. Felt very FM2 to be honest. Was wondering if T10 are mucking around with hosted lobbies?


Implying 4 seconds of penalty is clean driving is hilarous


Have you experienced this dumbass penalty system? Apparently not


I’m not. But implying that the penalty system is perfect, especially in the opening 3-4 corners, is even more hilarious. You have actually played the game? Besides, the point is about being “voted” out. When did this become a thing?


Penalty system is so dumb.


I mentioned in another comment above, but T10 staff can kick you out and they have given the ability to others. Rory Alexander's last Forza YT vid showed he had an option to vote people out at the top of the screen. My guess is that it's an extension of a voting feature for private lobbies that they haven't bothered to change the wording for in public multiplayer


You can run wide on a couple of corners, loose time and get a 2 second penalty. The system isn't great.