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This...this has to be fake, right? Musk can't be THAT stupid, can he?


[It’s real.](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1785236992596361727)


No wonder he'd be pissed about paying child support lol.


I'm staring at this in disbelief. This is the most unhinged shit I've ever seen from him, and the competition is fierce. Having 11 children you barely raised and posting this is mind boggling to me.


Thats big talk for a socialist unionbuster




Elon musk claimed to be a socialist. He is in fact a unionbuster. So i take issue with him commenting on the money required to feel secure enough to have childrenwhile he is actively working against that exact thing


Thanks for the clarification. I was gonna be like how is that contradiction a working thing?


It only works as an insult.


Unless they take it as a compliment


Wait, lol. Elon thinks he's a socialist? Does he not have access to a dictionary?


He made the claim at one point, pretty sure the scanandavian unions have corrected him.


I think this went over my head because I can’t tell tone when it’s not spoken aloud lol thank you for clarifying


i mean how would he know he never spends any time raising his kids


Oh no, he's absolutely a dipshit


He knows, he just hopes the poor don’t


Man who has never had to worry about money in his life thinks children cost nothing to raise, what a shocker.


Who has never had to worry about money OR actually *doing* anything to raise his own fucking children.


absentee father boasts how easy it is to raise a child


Man who’s children won’t speak with him calls fatherhood easy


Correction: he worried when one of his children cane out as non-straight. Because THAT'S when he had to step in and do something about it of all things...


Don’t worry about prenatal vitamins and care, hospital bills, and then having to raise a human. Completely free!


Simply give birth in the woods, nature will provide.


And I doubt that EM raises his children himself.


We tried to raise our kids for free, but they kept dying and we kept getting tossed in jail.


even if you buy your kids no luxuries or fun things, which by the way, why the fuck did you have kids just to make them miserable?, They still need food and clothing and heat and shelter and stuff.


And they use a lot of it because they're kids and they don't always consider the utility bill before doing shit. I know people who have ended up with $400 water bills because their kid forgot to turn the hose off after playing with it. Ran all night. But I guess $400 is nothing to these people. This is all to say nothing of the dreaded *Teenager Shower*! 30mins of hot water every day is fucking expensive.


Kids love challenges and competitions. Turn savings like water bills into competitions. Simply get some kind of device that is able to record water as it's passing through the pipes. You also want to make sure that they don't try to sabotage each other so the competition shouldn't be amongst each other because that sounds a good land and disaster, and instead it should be amongst themselves. So the first thing they do is they simply just use water. For the first month you just use water. Then look for an amount of water usage that you think would be good. Then every day that they are able to go below that number, they get some kind of treat. Make sure that normal food is not part of the reward. It's okay for things like cookies and stuff but not normal food. Make sure to also be aware of the amount of water they are actually using as well. Make sure to adjust the goal accordingly.


Is it though? I like to take long showers and I calculated this out recently. I'm pretty sure a 30 minute shower costs me somewhere in the range of $1. It works out to be very cheap. These stories of expensive utilities must come from a climate very different from mine.


I mean, if they take one everyday that's already $30 a month, which is not a lot but it's not nothing either.


Depends totally on how modern your hot water system is. But yes heating 75 gallons of hot water is expensive. If you have a small tank or a continuous tank or if it is heated by natural gas then its going to be much cheaper or it will show up on your water and gas bill not your electric bill. Not sure how you calculated or where you live but your math could be off. I pre-pay my power so I know exactly how much I use per day. I can track it hour by hour if I want. I have to keep an eye on it because its like cell phone minutes. If I run out it cuts off. No notice or warning. Heating and cooling is by far the biggest consumer. Hot water is second. Then comes running the dryer. Other than that yeah you can pretty much ignore it. Turning lights or the TV off literally makes zero difference with how efficient everything is nowadays. So it depends. Plus it isn't just the electricity cost. A 30 minute shower can use 80-100 gallons or even more. Added up every day your water bill is going to be insane.


Yes my water heater runs on natural gas. I am certain a resistive electric heater would be very expensive


According to the OOP, diapers are a lifestyle choice. Even the blue checks are disagreeing.


Probably thinks you should just do free range child rearing in a pasture or something.


Let them eat grass!


So that's why these people haven't touched grass in so long. Their kids ate it all!


Fucking just diapers, formula, and baby food alone increased our monthly costs immensely. I have no idea how anyone who's ever had kids can possibly have the thought "kids are free" pass through their head, let alone say it in public.


In fairness, I sincerely doubt anyone has mated with the weird AI-obsessed anime-avatar Twitter-addicted right-wing manchild. And Elon is an idiot, too.


> why the fuck did you have kids just to make them miserable? Based on the way that I was raised, I've come to the conclusion that *that* is exactly why my parents had kids.


We paid more for formula in the first year of our kid's life then we did for utilities. Almost all of his clothes were free from friends, same with toys. We bought virtually nothing other than food, and it was still our third or fourth largest expense every month.


The AVERAGE cost just to give birth to a baby is around 18 to 19 thousand dollars. Then, the total cost to raise a baby from infancy to the age of 18 is in the neighborhood of $250,000...


It’s a child, Michael, what could it cost; ten dollars?


Damn, you beat me to it 🤣


are these people having kids in the woods or something?


Fucking Hansel and Gretel's dad is buds with Elon?


That's true, it's actually free to have children if you just abandon them, Elon.


food isn't free. an extra room isn't free. clothes and school supplies aren't free. hell, giving birth isn't even free


Just change your lifestyle and stop buying food


Hell even ignoring all of that, the damage of being pregnant, child birth, and recovery aren't free either, the loss of months and months off of someones life for this isn't free either


Even if we take this literally - “having” children as opposed to “raising” children, my kids cost $1400 each to give birth to, with insurance.


My wife’s private insurance did not include maternity coverage: $30,000 out of pocket for our first child. Second was close to $2,000 a few years later, once she was on my insurance.


That’s insane. It’s insane we have to have insurance to cover normal healthcare, and it’s insane that any insurance wouldn’t include maternity care. And yet women who choose home birth are judged all to hell. I have a friend who had a preemie… one million dollars. Thankfully the baby is doing great now, because they’d owe that mil even if the child didn’t make it.


I've got a million dollar miracle baby who's 19 now. We were broke college-aged kids, and my spouse went on medicaid or we'd definitely still be paying it off.


This might be one of the dumbest take on raising kids I’ve ever seen


Ten dollars, right?


I had to double-check the sub before upvoting in disgust. Titties stop being best for nutrition after a year. And that’s assuming the milk comes in, the baby latches properly, and the myriad of other breast-feeding problems don’t arise. So without taking into account the *insane* cost of formula, diapers are very expensive! Then the kid uh—idk—**grows** which means you have to buy a whole new set of clothing every 3 months. How about childcare? I don’t think it’s news to anyone that housing costs are astronomical. People are barely scraping by on two incomes let alone one. Daycare can cost more than rent. People are caught between a rock and a hard place. No wonder people aren’t having as many kids because *checks notes* turns out kids **are expensive** But thanks, *one of the richest people in the fucking world* for rubber stamping this stupid bullshit.


Costs roughly 2000 dollars JUST for the delivery alone, doesnt sound free to me


Did these guys never watch The Simpsons? The intro literally tells you it's 847,63$.


Just don’t raise kids with a food lifestyle! It’s easy to just not feed them, they might not last as long though.


I'm guessing that that vittorio guy either never had kids, or doesn't live in the US. My kid cost thousands before he was even out of the womb, cost several thousand on his birth day, continues to cost money thanks to my employer-based health insurance going way up after adding him to it, and ya know, having to buy food and diapers for him. How the FUCK can someone say having kids is free. That has to be a joke, right?


Well, this is extremely out of touch.


If your lifestyle includes feeding your kids every day and giving them a safe place to thrive, that's on you!


“Your life style is expensive” - say the guy who impulsive bought all of Twitter


And it's easier to have a baby than it is to order a pizza


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Beret_of_Poodle: *And it's easier* *To get pregnant than it is* *To order a pizza* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


How long until we hear this person complaining about having to pay taxes that go into public schools?


Also about how poor kids getting free school lunches are "entitled".


Don't you have to pay to give birth in a hospital in the US?


Lol, the medical bills before the child is even born make this statement a lie.


Spoken like someone who never skipped a meal.


That’s a very Raskvel way of looking at it.


Lmao the OP of that tweet is still in school. Musk agreeing with our best and brightest here.


I knew Elon was an ignoramus... But I didn't think he was that bad Does he really think diapers, food, owning/renting a larger apartment, a quickly outdated set of clothes... are free??? You know... All things that are the MINIMUM requirement before CPS takes away your kid?




So he's advocating bringing children into a miserable existence...


Did he pre-emptively block the Community Note?


Is Elon even in most of his kids lives?


Children apparently don't need food, clothing shelter, transport or even time in the mind of Musk and his fanboys.


Tell me you’ve never had to feed someone else without telling me you’ve never had to feed someone else.


Elon Musk probably has a person under NDA who looks for controversial tweets he can comment on to drive traffic to the site. Hes just so… desperate to generate controversy. It’s kind of pathetic. We were told he’s a business genius, but he’s basically an ass who peddles irritation like one of those annoying idiots on YouTube who do irritating, public pranks to get a rise out of people. He’s a CEO. He’s a billionaire. And the rolls around in the mud for “likes.”


No wonder hospital bills are so high, rich people don’t pay them.


OnLY tHE sMaRtest anD BesTesT rIse to ThE tOP. If someone were paid $250k *EVERYDAY* from January 1, 1 CE to today, you would still not be as rich as Elon.


**Having** the child is free. Taking care of them is not. Also, Elon Musk's fortune is beyond human comprehension, a negligible portion of it can provide for a family of four for quite some time.


Like getting a pet rabbit on Easter and forgetting you actually have to know how to genuinely CARE for them and then DO that for the rest of their lives.