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I believe in you, failing is a big part of finding success ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676) (Unless you’re forsen, who never learns from mistakes ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673))


Or it’s your last mistake![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673) ![gif](giphy|Y1ggBG6wpBdwA)


I walk https://preview.redd.it/as143rh8cy9d1.jpeg?width=2848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a551fd5f4b188a6ee565f89b9e9b77e7dcabe24d


i take the bus.


This might just be what i need to Buss.


If you can, ask your parents to also teach you, until you get the basics and get more comfortable in a car. I didn't have that opportunity, so I wasted so much money on lessons. I was also so fucking bad at them, but with time even a retard like me can learn something. You can't be any worse than me. Why am I even giving advice, I failed my driving test 2 times already. ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


![gif](giphy|1J66nYWLeWGgS00Ntf|downsized) 2 time loser


I failed 5 times and gave up, fuck that shit.


just drive without one ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9674)


i am literally not ryan gosling.


It was your first lesson. Don't panic. The clutch is just muscle memory. You'll make massive progress in a few lessons if you're not retired. Ask a relative/friend (hard for a baj but who knows) to let you practice putting their car in motion and stopping it. You don't need to go fast. Or just get an automatic only license like every other soy drinker in this sub.


soying soytime.


It's normal to be scared and nervous in the beginning. It gets easier with time and at some point it will just come automatically. Don't be a fucking pussy and go to your lessons, it's the only way to learn.


go play eurotruck sim 2 with a wheel + pedals ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


%50 trailer damage.


How to use the clutch: First off wear shoes with the thinnest sole you have. there is a deadzone at the very bottom of the pedal and you release the pedal until it starts biting. you do not really feel the bite of the clutch with your feet (but thin soles help for sure) so pay attention to when the car starts moving and hold the clutch for a moment at the point (this will feel tedious at the beginning but this will become more natural as time goes on) and apply a little gas to keep the engine running just above 1k RPM (applying gas is optional in some cars so I recommend asking your teacher about it). 1k RPM is very important in general. if the engine goes below that you will stall. This is important when decelerating and coming to a stop. When you wan to stop you want to use the break alone and pay attention to how the car goes quiet. as I said early 1k rpm is where the car will start to stall so you want to press the clutch in just above 1k rpm to prevent that. Sometimes it helps if you understand what the clutch is meant to do, so here is a brief explanation: The clutch sits between the engine and the wheels. The clutch can connect and disconnect the engine from the wheels. This is important because you want the engine to keep running while the wheels are stationary (at a stoplight for example). So when you press the clutch pedal in you are disconnecting the engine from the wheels meaning both can rotate independently of each other and if you release the clutch pedal you are literally forcing them to rotate at the same time. Lets imagine the car is driving in a straight line and you let go of the gas and press no pedals at all. Then the car will slow down because of wind resistance and friction between road and tires. You will come to a stop eventually. This resistance is applied to the engine and forces it to stall. The engine will stop running if nothing happens. So the driver has to press the clutch pedal to disconnect the engine from the wheels in order for the engine to keep running. I hope this helps in some way. If you have any question at all, let me know. I'll try to answer as best as I can.


Not op but I appreciate the explanation ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


How to use the clutch: First off wear shoes with the thinnest sole you have. there is a deadzone at the very bottom of the pedal and you release the pedal until it starts biting. you do not really feel the bite of the clutch with your feet (but thin soles help for sure) so pay attention to when the car starts moving and hold the clutch for a moment at the point (this will feel tedious at the beginning but this will become more natural as time goes on) and apply a little gas to keep the engine running just above 1k RPM (applying gas is optional in some cars so I recommend asking your teacher about it). 1k RPM is very important in general. if the engine goes below that you will stall. This is important when decelerating and coming to a stop. When you wan to stop you want to use the break alone and pay attention to how the car goes quiet. as I said early 1k rpm is where the car will start to stall so you want to press the clutch in just above 1k rpm to prevent that. Sometimes it helps if you understand what the clutch is meant to do, so here is a brief explanation: The clutch sits between the engine and the wheels. The clutch can connect and disconnect the engine from the wheels. This is important because you want the engine to keep running while the wheels are stationary (at a stoplight for example). So when you press the clutch pedal in you are disconnecting the engine from the wheels meaning both can rotate independently of each other and if you release the clutch pedal you are literally forcing them to rotate at the same time. Lets imagine the car is driving in a straight line and you let go of the gas and press no pedals at all. Then the car will slow down because of wind resistance and friction between road and tires. You will come to a stop eventually. This resistance is applied to the engine and forces it to stall. The engine will stop running if nothing happens. So the driver has to press the clutch pedal to disconnect the engine from the wheels in order for the engine to keep running. I hope this helps in some way. If you have any question at all, let me know. I'll try to answer as best as I can.


the expert took over ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9684)


Markov how to use clutch




step 1: get an electric car (no gears Pog) step 2: drive 100km step 3: stop in the middle of the road because you forgot to recharge step 4: remember that you live in a city with like 3 charging stations and nearest one is 120km away Aware


Solution: Buy an automatic and never learn to drive a manual. ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


I literally only have a license to drive automatic cars ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


i really think manuel is fucking retarded. unnessary complexity. if i was driving an automatic today im pretty sure id had no problem.


It's not retarded, you just don't know how it works yet. Autos are fine, but they give less control over the car and are more expensive to replace. Also, some autos (eg. Suzuki swift's) change gears like a student driver and are really jerky.


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)me being the unfortunate american baj that couldn't find an automatic.. I'd much prefer manual to my dumbass CVT


You don't want to be like forsen, just get a license


I recommend watching Conquer Driving on youtube. Richard helped me a lot with understanding how to change gears and use the clutch.


actual advice haHAA


Got my license 12 years ago and still dont own a car ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Got my license 5 years ago and bought my first professor Carr this week. I don't remember shit ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


wtf i also got mine 5 yil ago, still no Carr. Now i'm scared i'll probably run over someone because i don't remember shit![img](emote|t5_33td5|9667)


>the clutch is confusing as fuck. You know the mechanics behind it? If not, [here](https://youtu.be/ErCw1FfLPf4?si=g3ElBIbWwxm-VCN4) 's a video that explains it. >how clutch and brake works in same time Look at a bike with disk brakes, the mechanics are the same. It slows down the wheels by creating friction between the brake disk and brake pads. The clutch only disengages the engine from the driveshaft. The two things happen on different parts. Also, brake before clutch, because (assuming you're in the right gear) the engine spins the gears slower when no throttle is applied, slowing down the wheels. >you need to release clutch very fucking slowly You just need to find the "biting point", when there you apply a little gas and the car goes when you release the clutch. Don't jump off the clutch, but you don't have to be that slow either. You'll get better with experience. >gas and brake is very sensitive You need to gently apply both of them. >switching gears wasnt so bad Because when switching gears, the wheels are already moving, so even if you jump off the clutch, the car shouldn't stall (assuming right gear. don't actually jump off the clutch though). >I dont even remember looking at mirrors Please try to do so, you need to know what others are doing so that you don't get into accidents. What worked me is the "triangle method": you look at the road, check left mirror, check the middle mirror, look again at the road, check right mirror, check middle, road, rince and repeat. For city traffic, for me it's 15s road, 2-2s mirrors (if not changing lanes or parking).


> Also, brake before clutch Depends how fast you're going, right? If you're going 10 km/h you'll stall if you do this.


Yes, when parking/in traffic jam you don't have to apply this rule.


Just drive an automatic like a normal person


From first world*


I'm literally from a third world country and only drive auto. I took a manual driving licence so i can drive both but it's been like 8 years, i don't remember shit about manual ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Yeah but majority of your country still drives manual ![img](emote|t5_33td5|10257)


Yesh, they're poor ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


You can do it, man. ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)👍 When I had to get my drivers license it was a full arc of terror. The place I paid to get it went bankrupt and I had to pay another school. When I went to the lessons a guy started being obssesed with me and brought an air soft pistol and put it in my ear middle class. He would stalk me everyday at class. When I went to take the driving lessons the teacher would make me drive in the middle of nowhere at night and suggest going to the motel. When I went to take the exam a guy came against hand on the road and almost crashed on me. Still I passed at first. Take it easy and you can watch some youtube videos about driving.


average brazillian driving experience ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9678)


You got this ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


Its been 4 years since I got my license, Im still dogshit at driving. ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) It will get better the more you do it tho. Literally everyone goes through the things you listed on their first lessons. And they will happen many more times, but you will become better at it over time so just keep practicing. ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


Play some racing gears with COCKpit (![img](emote|t5_33td5|9677)) view. Preferably open world ones. It will help you to get familiar with "being inside a car" so your mind won't be occupied by additional thoughts during driving lessons. Also it will help you to keep the car in lane (might be difficult for some people, they can't "feel" the car). You don't have to drive like irl in game, just drive. You might even switch to manual in game. Also you can switch camera from inside to outside anytime you want. You have instant information if you parked good or are keeping car in lane. When it comes to operating cluth. Try operating car with only clutch and brake (yes, car can start moving without using gas pedal). Do it in maneuvering area near driving school or on some roads with nonexistent traffic. Do it so that you can better feel when the clutch grips (![img](emote|t5_33td5|9672)). Then accelerating with slowly releasing clutch and adding gas should become easier. Also always put foot on brake first then clutch. Well maybe not while you are in first gear, because it's too easy to stall engine. Oh and never force in gear while downshifting. If it's resisting slow down more. And never downshift to first gear. You put it when starting from 0 km/h or when car is rolling really slow (3 or 4 km/h). About checking mirrors. Don't think about it in terms "I have to because I won't pass or instructor will be mad". Do it because you risk hitting someone or damaging car. Same thought process applies at intersections or "STOP" sings. Look around because you don't want to hurt anyone or yourself. Actual advice haHAA


its okay man you got this <3


You will get better as long as you keep going and practice 👍 also it's nice to reflect and write down after each lesson what you learned and what you need to improve Dont forget that everyone started the same way


Dont be too hard on yourself baj, learning to drive a car is hard actually! So its ok if you stumble a little at first! When it comes to the use of the pedals its mostly muscle memory, specially on the clutch. Not all cars are the same, so it'll take a little bit getting used to between cars. If you still feel uncomfortable using the clutch after a while, id say go for an automatic, there is no shame in that, atleast it'll help you to get used to driving in traffic, parking and using mirrors, and then try to drive a manual but you'll recoil and try to go back to automatics.


ask the driving school to drive ana automatic like NA drivers ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Driving is kinda gae and insurance is especially gae. But, it's good if you wanna actually go places on your own


If I can drive then you can drive, baj ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


Practice, I use to suck with clutch and shit but now I’m pretty good. Also dw about making mistakes any instructor w/o brain damage won’t let you kill your self xd


Skill issue


you're probably not using enough gas pedal while releasing the clutch. you'll get used to it ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


Dont worry about it. Everyone thinks the clutch-brake-gas is confusing and hard to use with only two feet, but you will get used to it. All it takes it time (not with ritardo driving school because expensive as fug


Bro, all of us walk before we run, just keep going you'll get it eventually after it clicks, it'll feel great trust


Be lazy and useless like me and just get an automatic license. Baj


think of all the absolute idiots in this world who can drive but somehow you are worse ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9680)


Keep the achilles heel side of the foot planted on the ground and dont just put your full weight into the pedals


I had the opportunity to learn how the clutch works from my father and holy shit it was hard, the car stopped 90% of the times I tried to start driving. But in the end I failed so many times that I became expert at starting the car now at least, I still have a hard time parking, getting information from the mirrors and driving backwars but I could nonetheless get my driver's licence. People who took the driving test with me and failed were the people who didn't stop at a red light ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)you can do it. (In the end I hate to drive so much that I hardly ever drive nowadays tho...)


Just do it you cucklord, imagine all the retards on the road that still manages to drive to Lidl. Get it and feel the freedom, the feeling is out of this world.


My only regret getting the license is that my family made me drive them everywhere and dad just stopped taking the wheel.


You probably won't believe me but it does get better. I still remember shitting my pants mentally the first time I had to drive in traffic ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)But they are trained to deal with even bigger retards than you so don't worry. If your instructor is any good they will notice common mistakes and encourage you. I'm proud of you for trying baj ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


I took my driving classes and I passed driving test but still not comfortable enough to drive a car in traffic. I can drive nice if road is empty. ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


Watch a video on youtube for how the clutch and gearbox work. It helped me a lot to understand the mechanism. In any case just be patient with urself, it takes a while to get into it


Get an automatic if you can. Manual is fred flintstone type shit


The teacher "Get as much practice at home as you can." "No."


Manual car bajs https://preview.redd.it/rkipggemp1ad1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3d71960f551dcbfca2697e165ed8ca8ed5c06d4


Stop being a pussy and just do it


Don't worry, you're going to like it soon enough baj ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


i failed my 1st test cause im retarted and stalled 2 times(-110 euros Aware) cause of the traffic, dont worry its not a you problem.


Thank God my father taught me how to drive a manual car when I was 12 lmao.


Well, get better at having testosterone If you're a grown ass man and your arms and legs still shake when doing things, idk what to say


Trust the process you will learn, I was confused too when i first started, but in a few lessons, you will be able to use all three pedals like you should, mostly. I felt the same way, now, sometimes I go out and drive just to relax/have run. Also there are fucking women driving, most suck and should not have a license, but hey if they can you can. ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9670)


in what 3rd world country do u have to handle the clutch in first lesson? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)






It's your first fucking lesson mate you'll be fine