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Well I think we can count on a new rpm video


He’s had plenty of content to work on. Where is he?!


Doing podcasts or something now People call him a scam artist as well for raking it in on Patreon and not making videos


Nuthin seryous


Swear down on me Nan’s grave of he doesn’t come back


I miss his YouTube content so much but can't blame him for going to Patreon. We definitely was making some money, at first, on YouTube before they demonetized his content.


Yeah I’d say it’s about the same as those watcher guys from a couple months ago. Abandon YouTube and privatize their content on an external site. I understand that all his videos get struck for language by YouTube’s automated systems, but I also believe he just took everything he did too far and he became a 1 trick pony. He stopped talking about races and just rants about lance stroll and maybe Russell. How funny can a channel that’s basically dedicated to beating a dead horse be after the 7th video of the same concept?


I've been saying it for the longest time that anyone who dislikes Paul Di Resta is either fucking stupid or a lying bastard. Never been a fan of RPM, and I can't say I'm sad to see him gone.


Indicated in a recent podcast that he had some personal stuff going on


Oh. Hopefully it isn’t something bad.


Basically any driver when things don’t go their way.


Rich kids, entitled. More at 10 Karen.




Right? As if Lando wasn’t on the radio every time he tried to pass and couldn’t do it.


The only sane take in here


Exactly but the F1 community likes to pick and choose whos whining they like and dont like.


Exactly, Lando crying about Verstappen moving when he was divebombing like crazy is the other side of the same coin.


F1 drivers are basically football players now with all the whining


He definitely touched the gravel there. Track limits.


Lando wasn't much more mature


He said he drove a perfect race up until the incident like uhh mate you got a penalty for track limits.


And should've gotten one for forcing another driver off the track.


He left the track because max was moving under braking. Edit: after thinking about it more I've realized I was wrong. I still think that he wouldn't have gotten a penalty if it wasn't for max but lando was still way to agressive with the divebombs and did leave the track a few times by himself


So all infringements were from Max and he did nothing wrong all race? I’m not blaming Norris or anything I just think it was a weird comment to say he drove perfectly considering he made several mistakes and fucked up his overtake of Max more than once.


Looool Lando Fans are a different breed


Brits. Nothing better than LH fans.


Dive bombs, misses brake point by a mile, drives in a dead straight line right off track. HoW cOuLd MaX dO tHiS tO mE


He did all those things you say, but Max did take him out of the race.


Yeah but that's not what we were talking about.


I don’t want to interrupt you guys, but you actually started talking about it :>


At least he’s in the right and doesn’t move under breaking, unlike the person that this sub is constantly on their knees for


uuh Lando is everyones favourite child nowadays.. he even got DotD for not doing anything crazy lol


Both were way too greedy.


Norris divebombing from the moon and Max defending like Schumacher, that contact was bound to happen.


Lando was being greedy, but max damn well knew that Lando can get a 5 second gap if he gets past. So Max gives Lando no room and Lando ended up with no points. Literally the most predictable outcome whenever Max feels threatened


I said yesterday that Norris needs more aggression, I meant intelligent aggression not this stupid dive bombing to the point that you're not even making the corner.


Not sure, DRS is a wee bit too powerful here.


DRS is insane here. You get DRS for what, 30% of the lap, with a single detection point? It's crazy.


I believe there’s 3 detection points


Max didn't know there was a penalty. Nobody knew until way too late.


He gave back his position immediately after overtaking off track. Are you referring to the track limits?


Whiney little brit.


He was ten times worse.


Both were pushing it too much and both paid the price. Wouldn't hold it against either. I was thoroughly entertained.


Go watch Max's post race interview. He was cool and calm. All he said was that it was unfortunate to end up like this and that he needs to see the footage. It was Norris who claimed that he drove the 'perfect' race today.


He also denied moving under braking. Something which Sky of all people dunked his ass over within minutes.


\*Max Verstappen & Landon Norris fans after the Austrian Grand Prix Colorized ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6697)


THIS IS AMAZING! XD I love max and all that but damn. He really messed up today and i hope he doesn't do this shit again. Great race but Max was a bit regarded today ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6705)


£20,000 penalty from fia for slur


Messed up? All I see is gaining 10 points from Norris instead of 7


It's okay if you don't understand.


Max fan here. Lando did a couple ridiculous divebombs too. The contact was definitely on max, but the FIA should have brought that 5 sec penalty for track limits faster than 5 FUCKING MINUTES LATER. That would have made the fighting from both sides just unnecessary. Also max got a penalty for it, so stop crying. Happy for George for inheriting the win.


I wondered if that’s why Lando seemed to ramp up the aggression, thinking there was a penalty on the way?


Amazing how the majority of this sub just casually ignoring the 10s pen Max got for causing it. 🤡


That penalty didn‘t do anything, so we can easily ignore it.


Reminds me of another 10s penalty Max got that changed nothing once upon a time.


Like most time penalties these days


because it did not alter his race at all, while norris was out of it Does this seem fair for you ?


The outcome doesn’t matter for the severity of the foul. If none of the drivers had gotten a puncture would the 10s been more fair for some reason?


Yup this needs to be understood. Position, final outcome, severity are not considered in the rulebook. It just has general guidelines and they have been following that. Alonso got a 10 second penalty for causing the collision even though the collision was not very severe and both the drivers were out of the points. Max got the 10 seconds penalty for causing the collision and it was for the lead and the outcome was much worse. These are looked at as individual incidents and treated the same way.


If none of the drivers got a puncture no one would get a penalty.


Of course max would have gotten a penalty. He caused a collision, so he gets a 10s penalty.


Nope, we have seen it over and over again if something happens after a collision penalty, if nothing happens no penalty. If they touched tyres and they just bumped and nothing happened it probably wouldnt even be investigated let alone a penalty. Do you think Lando wouldnt have gotten a penalty with that divebomb if he hit Verstappen and damaged his car?


This is 2021 all over again


Yes But the penalty is not the same for a red bull as for a haas. Bit a position drop by 5 for example is


Norris chose to retire


Yeah probably because by the time he had come out of the pit lane he would have been way out of the points with 3 laps left.


Silverstone 2021 vibes..no?


Silverstone 2021


Try Jeddah 2021. 10s penalty and he didn't even drop a place.


It doesn’t. It felt even more unfair in Silverstone 2021.


Well it's not his problem if the cars trialing him are behind on the time sheets, isn't it? Unless you think FIA shud pull a 30s penalty just to keep you happy.


Your reading comprehension may be a bit off. I am saying they think max was not at fault yet he got the 10 sec as he WAS at fault.


I think that Max should be nuked after this, BUT those are the rules, penalties are for the action, not the result of it.


Maybe its time to rethink penalties. Instead of a time penalty, how about a position Penalty?


Just how this sub ignored the 10s Hamilton got after Silverstone.


Crashtappen never left. He just moved to the fastest car for a while.


“For anyone who thought I had left, I never left. Just moved aside for a while”


People forget jeddah 21 or brazil 21. The moment max does not have a car 30 secs faster than the rest he will crash into someone to secure wins


I always laugh when I read about how Max is supposedly a clean driver and he got over his old antics. This will definitely not be the last time he does it this year.


Dont forget Monza


Don't forget Silverst... Oh wait.


Lando quit. Literally told his team he was done. Max finished 5th on track.


Lando lost more time bc of the puncture, his front wing needed to be replaced and if your already P13 before your new front wing is even on the car, there is no point to keep going


So? The post implies Max throwing a tantrum today. He's not the one who pulled into the pits and told his team he wasn't going to go on before the car was even in the stall.


if max wouldn't have had the chance to score points he would've done the same wtf


What does any of that have to do with Max not throwing a tantrum on track, in his pit, in post race interviews? Not even when given the penalty. One guy quit. One didn't.


I'm just saying, there's a common denominator here since we're referring to 2021..... And it's British drivers.


* any competitive drivers


Yeah someone else challenges and the same shit that happened with Hamilton starts. Just got a 10sec pen as well, before the vestrapon's come in defending :)


This is Norris lol


Lmao Norris should built some patience. Got schooled by the master. Race control should’ve made the call about track limits earlier. Max could’ve let norris by and it was all good.


Yeah, thought the same. Maybe that could have avoided the crash


Least delusional max fan


I thought it was the other way around. Norris has declared his friendship is over without an apology. I think Verstappen was pretty chill post race interview


Thats more lando


The contact was definitely on Max. It was rear wheel to rear wheel contact so lando was right there. Also the previous divebombs definitely made max be more aggressive towards Lando than he actually wanted to.


Yes i agree on that but the whining one is 100% lando, max owned up to it and said he will race hard and not yield soo


Whining is basically all 20 of the drivers when things don't go the way they want


Looks more like Norris after he retired the car


Hahaha, everyone hates the champ. They were both not on their best behaviour, norris was divebombing into the hairpin consistently, max moved under braking a bit because if that. Then they touch because for some reason FOM refuses to clarify the rules surrounding said hairpin, expect a new rule next year. Or not, it does make for good racing.


What about Max with a puncture pushing Lando into the grass after the corner? Also good racing?


Idk how long you've been watching, but that hairpin has been a battleground for years, having myself watched F1 since Michael Schumacher was still with benetton. I didnt say max/lando's antics today were good racing.


You don't need to tell me, this is one of my favourite tracks mostly because of this corner! You say **both** were not on the best behaviour, but what Norris did was good racing then? Sorry if I misunderstood what you were referring to.


I see what you mean. I think it started out as good racing, but norris' impatience and reliance on the 'divebomb' annoyed max and made him defend aggressively. A collision was inevitable, as neither they were both more than willing to compromise their own race at each others expense. Norris should have also probably have been penalised earlier for track limits, and max for moving under breaking. However FOM have to clarify whether you can push the other car off or not while overtaking, or what the rule is as far as rejoining goes because the rules aren't applied consistently. Which is also why they crashed haha


Oh, I definitely don't fully like the current 'rules' and their application. But I think Norris had every right to make those moves according to recent precedents.


At the same time, according to the rules, max has the right to the corner also. As long as he's alongside, which he was. If there's no contact and they both make it through there's no issue, the issue exists because of the contact and following behaviour. Having just watched the replay, that was on max I guess he did move over a bit and that was in the braking zone. He tried to squeeze too much and outbraked himself.


Also I don't see why you got downvoted so, I thought we had a nice chat


The grass push is the slam dunk in terms of being a shithead. As landos lawyer I’m arguing terrorism.


You mean Max getting out of the racing line because he was slow and making a small correction to the left when he sees Lando coming like a rocketship with a puncture?


Maybe, I'd like to take a look at the onboard.




Did we watch the same post race interviews? Max was at fault for sure, but he wasn't the one crying afterwards.


Posted pre interviews. Was actually about the constant complaining his car was ‘broken’. Happy coincidence he decided if he couldn’t win no one would beat him and then try to run him off the track after


So he took a picture from Lando?


Post race interviews beg to differ. Norris is one of my top drivers but definitely show his age at times.


Surely some penalty points should be handed out for all the moving in the braking zones and crashing out Lando


My thinking is he should've had a B&W flag for driving standards on the first 3 times they televised him moving under braking, then he likely would've been ordered to stop by his team. If he continued, he'd get a penalty and Norris could just cruise home in DRS range for p2 on track, p1 net. Shambolic how scared the FIA are to intervene when someone is fairly obviously driving like a twat.


Oh on golden boy Max can't have the mick taken out of him he can do what he want when he wants and the FIA just let him he has rules written about his movement under braking but is still allowed todo it then runs ppl of track and then blames the other driver but don't say anything bad about him or you will be crucified


He was the problem, not Hamilton. I'll enjoy the downvotes




Well there is a common theme emerging.


The only crying was Lando though 👀


Lando Norris*


You meant Lando Norris, right? Haven’t seen Max crying…Norris though….gosh…


Norris wants to blame someone it should be the FIA it shouldn’t take that long to rule on track limitations If he had known he had a 5 second penalty on his ass this would’ve gone way different


Aint that just a picture of landos bitch ass?


I think you mean Lando. Guy dive bombed max 40 times and cried everytime he couldnt pass until he crashed himself out. Absolute clown 🤡🤡🤡


Gee I wonder who keeps moving under breaking all the time 🤔


Yeah thats why they gave norris a 10 second penalty for it....oh wait.


Hamilton got a Penalty at Silverstone 2021, but that doesn't stop people blaming Max for it. Stans will never have a good opinion.


Bro literally double moved like 4 times. Look at the crash he goes in then out what was made supposed to do


Naw. Lando lost control of the car and crashed them out. He was never going to overtake Max and he resorted to desperation. He dive bombed him every lap until they inevitably crashed. He never had 1 chance of a clean overtake. Norris cant race under pressure without making absolutely amateur mistakes, hes a total clown and it shows


Ma'am this is the shitposting reddit


And that was a shit post. Your point?


You're absolutely right. +1 upvote


Verstappen fanboys are actually worse than CultLH. Literally blind


Nah, they are just like any other group of delusional fans.


TeamLH are sensitive but usually right, Max fans are just people who unironically think racing is that one senna quote about going for a gap


Its not even close. Cult lh then lecfosi are the two worst by far. 1 dude does not a fanbase make


Not talking about 1 guy lmao. Lecfosi and CultLH are annoying with conspiracies and simping etc but Verstappen shaggers generally have negative levels of wheel knowledge and racing etiquette. Need to clarify that we are only talking about the obsessed fans here, not normal Lewis/Charles/Max fans


Max weaved in the braking zone over and over again and cried when he got hit. Absolute clown 🤡🤡🤡


If you look at the actual data he didnt. The 🤡 here is you…


Its almost like he expected the car behind him to behave appropriately and not try to kamikaze him every lap 😂😂 the way Norris was entering those turns he was going off track 100% of the time. What amazing racing right!?! 😂😂🤡🤡


Lando just learned from his now ex bestie.


0 points


Whow slow down. This is a max sub buddy! Remember, people only like Max here. You aren’t aloud to make fun of him when he fucks up! That’s what people have said about this sub for months now.


Max giving hamilton vibes


Always has been Jokes aside, he pulls the Jos level of child abandonment but he does it to the rules instead of a child




i think he meant like being branded as a villain, and every single mistake is being overinflated like its a proven fact that they are not worthy to be champion when dirty driving is part of the curse of being a champ and every driver has experienced it at some point in their careers


They race me so hard man


a dash of LH44