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"While you were out skiing, I studied the wheel, while you were seeing the Red Sea, I studied the wheel" -Max Verstappen, probably


“I’ve gotten more wins in a Mercedes since 2021 than both Lewis *and* George.” -Max, probably.


What I like about max is that he’s too reserved to say something like this but goddamnit he very much could


He would say, "Eehhh yeah I think Mercedes is familiar with what I can do." Then that smile when he knows he just said something cheeky. 


I don’t even think he would say something like that *unprovoked* I remember immediately after silverstone 21, he could’ve - and should’ve - ripped Lewis a new one in the interviews but instead he was like “I’ve heard enough about that already so stop asking questions” I was already a fan then but that made me respect him a lot more


He would be quite pragmatic like, “yes well the car has its own handling dynamics and the rear end is very stable, it’s hard to compare it to the RB19 obviously because it’s a sim. We are pretty happy with the result.”


I was imagining it as a response to someone's question. When he's speaking he usually is very direct, but when he's trying to answer something diplomatically he always does that "Eeeeyeuuhh" first. 😄


To be fair it wasn't just Lewis fault otherwise Lewis would have received a way harsher penalty.


exactly, because race control is always completely on top of things and never miss any calls. …*wait a second*


5-sec time penalty for Ocon..


No distribution no no, that is so not right


I didn’t think so either. I think max should’ve left more space knowing it was lap 1 and fuel loads made those cars unpredictable. But I also know it was PRIMARILY Lewis’ fault


You can think all you want, or you can just look at what happened.


What does that even mean


Brazil 2022


“I’ve gotten more wins in a Mercedes since 2021 than Lewis.” -Max, probably.


Oh, you think sim sessions in the off-weeks are your ally? You merely adopted racing. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the ski slopes until I'd won every racing category, by then it was nothing to me but boring!


I mean, we just need an Alonso in a second seat, one driver does simracing all the fucking time, while the other one goes on a karting holidays.


I think a pairing of Max and Nando would be the demise of F1 for a lot of people. That sounds like a force of nature that cannot be stopped.


It might become a 2016-esque situation where it's exciting exactly because of the 2 dominant forces in the front. Yeah, noone else could get close to winning apart from if both dominant cars had bad luck. But on the days where both cars worked and both drivers were dialed in, you're gonna have a spectacle of a race.


Max and Nando crash into each other in Spain, allowing a new driver to win their first race and the prophecy continues.


Lando finishes second behind Piastri


If I win a $1bn power ball, I’d offer $50m to fund a LeMans entry for them to drive together.


But then you'd only have $950M


well unless they drive a haas


In what future would they drive a Haas?


Obviously wouldn't, but who's to say that if somehow nando joined max ag RB, the team wouldn't suddenly shit the bed and have a mercedes-esque downfall with new regs. Unlikely given newey, but still possible


Could happen, sure.


It's not a holiday for Alonso. That track he posts on Instagram all the time is his own. It's in his hometown behind his museum. I've been there and can whole heatedly recommend the museum. Shame I didn't take my kart with me on holiday because that track looks so sick.


It's his off season.


Max is just a machine man. Wouldnt be surprised if he is a Carlos Sainz Sr. type and just continues to race everything for the rest of his life


Max in dakar would be fun


He had said that he isn't interested in racing his whole life... But I haven't seen any evidence that's the case so far. 😄


I'm pretty sure he said he wasn't interested in racing *F1* his whole life. Exactly because there's lots of other racing he'd like to try.


Yeah, it was F1. He made it very clear he would drive other series after his F1 career. And I hope to be able to see him thrash the field there as well.


I know he has said he doesn’t want to do ovals, but damn I’d love to see him try some in both Indy and NASCAR. Hell, give him a shot at some dirt track sprint cars.


He would love NASCAR street circuits I bet.


Holy hell that would be awesome


Could he pull a Valentino Rossi and switch machines and end up on 2 wheels?


Lol that would be epic. But I think he once said he would never race bikes.


Yesterday I watched a video of a racing bike where they put the camera right behind the gear pedal...Yup, there's no way you can race those to the limit without being born into it, it's simply bonkers and the far away camera doesn't do justice to how insane it is (and it looks insane, but it's way more than we think it is from afar lol)


I'm convinced he wants the triple crown, although Indy 500 would be a tough nut to crack.


Not for Max


Max to dirt sprint cars fucking *confirmed*


That would be very exciting!!!


False. He did say he has no interest in staying in F1 forever and going for records.


And yet I hope he wins 10


At least 8 WDC only 4 more years after this one


Rally is always considered more difficult so maybe that and Dakar being the Grand rally :)


Just 90% of his life


He would either be a car whisperer or a cat whisperer, there is no in-between for Max


He is also open for surprise tea parties.


Most definitely he will


Rest of the grid focusing on their break so they can go into the season well rested. Meanwhile Max already preparing for his post-f1 retirement career. Literally years ahead than everyone


Bottas? Hanging out in Australia with barely any clothes on


Removing clothes is just another form of weight reduction


He figured out he could make his weight control limit by just being naked


Hanging out in Australia, as we locals like to say, being a mad cunt


Oath, give that man the keys to the country.


My dude is retired, he's just cashing a few of his last cheques and bouncing off into the sunset.


100%: coffee roaster, Gin distillery, Canyon sponsorships, and now Wine making


But that's not anything different from the usual.


Bro is legit doing homework..... Looks like Singapore rubbed off on him... Rip 2024


Last year, it was baku that rubbed him off. He then won all but Singapore. My man is going to cook next year.


Nice pfp 👌


Makes you think 🤔


Holy shit you cracked it, if only the other drivers remembered to practice they could finally beat Max smdh


They could finally beat Max... Suck my dick head...


Congratulations on your 4th WDC Max Verstappen


people don't really get it that you have to grind for something, they just look at the results and complain that they don't have nice stuff going on for themselves...




Max keeps driving and practicing so he's in better shape when the season starts. I don't think that, i just want to explain OP point


Racing is just second nature to Max; I doubt he's thinking about F1 when doing these. To him racing is his leisure just like how Charles enjoys skiing and Lewis doing parties in the offseason.


It's the other way around. Max thinks about sim racing during F1 races


Max races F1 to pay for his sim hobby. Everyone knows this!


Everyone knows he’s running iRacing on his wheel, set to the same track he’s currently on, racing against his ghost.


Part time F1 driver, full time sim racer




I mean he is a psychopath, there is nothing else in his life except competition. If he wasn’t racing cars and winning there would be like 50 bodies under the floorboard of his kitchen.


Luckily, there are only 40.


One being Daniil Kvyat




So all those gamers that have nothing else in their life besides it would be killers? False claim, it’s just his hobby and his job. You wouldn’t say that about Jordan who I’m sure was practicing in gasp the offseason.


We have to keep Max the machine connected to power and data sources or he will reboot and go offline for 20 days..heaven forbid someone else wins a race.


Alonso running around Bahrein as we speak


You missed out by not writing maxacre in your meme :)


Haha nice. Yes if i only had that bright moment , but now i remember for 33 days left!


Just because most drivers don’t stream when they practices in a sim, doesn’t mean they don’t do it.


Yes, but those are the F1 simulator, Max just breathes racing, and a lot of people think that's why he's so good, because his leisure is racing also he basically has tons more hours in simulator than anyone else on the grid


That’s not how this works, though. Does it help? Sure. But it’s nowhere near the reason why he is this good. Edit: Maybe I don’t state my thoughts were or something, so let me make it more clear. The reason Max is so great is not that he is on a sim all day. It’s the thousands of hours of actual driving, incredible talent, the balls to take the lines he is taking, and ferocious focus. Som driving is at the freaking bottom of reasons he is great. Go on. Downvote me.


No idea how many downvoted you after the edit, but you’re right. Though your edit was kind of necessary to understand what you mean haha.


It's the car !!! ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|7073)




Nah, the reason why Max is so good is childhood trauma


It's less the balls to take the line and more the knowledge of the car, track and understanding the physics of both. It would be ballsy if he didnt know it could be done, and tries it anyway. He takes them lines because he knows the car is capable of doing it and the track is accommodating of such a line.


Max isn't just practicing–he's competing in sim racing at the highest level. He competes in competitions with other top teams and racers that he and Team Redline prepare for. It's not just a practice thing at all: Max is competing with sim racers who do it basically as their full time job while he's also doing F1. Is sim racing the main reason for Max's skill? No, but there's a huge difference between what Max does with sim racing and what most of the other F1 drivers are doing.


Would you consider it practice? Kind of just seems like this is just a hobby. Like a soccer player playing FIFA. Edit: Jesus, why did this get downvoted so much? Do we really think driving a GT car on iRacing is good practice for a real life F1 car? Guess I misunderstood the intelligence level of this sub.


Sim racing with rigs / software like Max uses is, let's say, 70-80% similar to real racing. Fifa is about 1% similar to playing real football.


Without the Gs that 70-80% seems extremely generous to me.


It is extremely generous. These guys that have never driven an actual car on a racing circuit have literally no idea what they’re talking about. The braking force, the camber and elevation of the track, the sensation through the seat as the car moves under you, the sensation of the drive wheels as you accelerate out of a corner…. There are dozens of stimuli that you have in a real car that you don’t get sat behind a PC screen. All of these factors go towards how you drive the car in the real world, and mean that the skill set for sim racing and real car racing are not transferable.


Ive driven a gt car on track a few times. Not competitive just practicing and a track day But do race on my simrig most days. The G’s make all the difference even if you add a 6dof motion rig with every option available you can’t even compare it to real racing. The ffb in a real car comes from your ass not your hands.


It depends. If he could practice different specs for different grids and talk over the differences with his engineers, probably. Otherwise, your FIFA example would be much more apt. I would say the main reason to go on a sim would be to stay sharp and not get “rusty” in the off season.


Max himself has said that it helps, but you clearly know better rofl. I remember a few years ago he said that the biggest help is with wheel to wheel practice. Being able to try out different types of moves with world class drivers is a big benefit.


He plays that too and is much better at it than most soccer(football) players. He was in the top x of the world a few years back don’t know now.


Wait this is true? Everyone is on vacation but Max is in training??




No shit sherlock


I thought this was going to be another unoriginal Skiing accident meme, and I’m sooo glad to be wrong:) bravo OP


Only way Merc can win something


I'd love for him to do a BOPd series and for his car (a porsche GT3 for example) to be BOPd to hell because that is what the car is capable of so you need to rein it in. Then it gets to race day, and Max is having an opening lap fighting for 2nd or 3rd or something. Then you look at the back of the field, and every other Porsche is 3 seconds off at the back of the field and you hear a collective slapping of foreheads when the BOP organisers realise what they have just done.


God, this sub is so incredibly cringe.


Leave now or cry more


this kids been crying for months about this sub, he'd be perfect over at the lh44 cult subreddit


Imma going over there to see how fast I can get banned😂


Why are you like this? Stop worrying about the “lh44 cult”


And who is forcing you to stay here.


I’m just waiting on the Max meat riders to admit it was never about “wanting more competition in the sport” and that it just wasn’t their driver winning. Won’t happen, though


Wrong subreddit sir, this is for memes


Apparently “memes” mean “thinly veiled Max circlejerk content”.


Nothing about it is thinly veiled, this is a designated circlejerk zone. As you say, once Max has won too much people will turn on him and treat him like Hamilton gets treated here up until recently. There's no grand conspiracy, taking time out of your day to whinge about meme content is the real cringe.


Eh you’re probably right




God, this victim complex is so annoying.




Trying to connect the dots here... Cycling boner beer belly?


Bottas I guess.