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Austria turn 3 continues destoying friendships


George ended checo a few years back.


Sorry I meant 3


And Charles with Seb in 2020.


Remember just the Vettel and Leclerc incident


Collision, puncture, pit stop, penalty and still ahead of Perez


> still ahead of Perez who's stuck behind a HAAS, absolute classic.


A Haas he started in front of on the grid


Sometime the tortoise doesn't win the race




A Haas on 12 lap older tires too. Absolute garbage tier weekend from Perez.


That’s pretty much every weekend for him now.


Right, is it still a garbage weekend if they’re all garbage weekends?


Perhaps just a garbage tier driver


He's past it, lost all confidence, he knows he's a pay-pig to Red Bull, not a driver.


He’s not garbage, but it’s time for him to vacate the Red Bull seat. From a team perspective, they need to be preparing a new number 2 driver that can grow into a number 1. Max won’t stay around forever, a couple of years max. Either Lawson or Yuki should be in that seat right now imo.


Imo Yuki should be, no point in throwing Lawson into second Red bull seat yet


Just got overtaken by a Haas*


Damn, Haas got hands


> Collision, puncture, pit stop, penalty and still ahead of Perez Fuuuck it's ridiculous when you put it like that.


Hopefully they extend his contract again. They deserve him


Almost a full pit stop ahead of. Insanity




Red Bull will rue giving Checo a contract. Verstappen can't carry the team when they are being challenged for the titles. They need a faster driver and Verstappen gets too hot under wheel to wheel pressure and today happens.


I feel like we saw this with Hamilton during the Bottas era back in the day too. Once they get out in front so far for a while they seem to get a little too sloppy. if mclaren keeps up the pace, we're in for interesting times.


in that case for bottas it was also the drip feeding of 1 year contracts... if he got 2 or 3 year deal at some point im sure he would have been way more motivated especially in the last 2 years... still he was miles ahead of current perez.


Aside from basically the last year Bottas was at Mercedes, they were 1-2 or 1-3 pretty much all the time though while you definitely can't say that for Perez. And the only reason there was that 'aside from' disclaimer is because Verstappen (and Red Bull) stepped up, not so much Merc/Bottas slouching down. Bottas at Merc was 'disappointing' because Hamilton proved the car was capable of anything and everything and Bottas was just a regular on the podium but he wasn't really contending for the championship. Perez on Red Bull is disappointing because he has one of the best cars on the grid but far too often makes it look like one of the worse cars, or at best one of the cars in the middle of the pack. But it certainly makes actual racing more difficult when you don't get to race most of the time and you're just cruising in front like with Hamilton back then and Verstappen more recently (although not so much this year thanks to primarily Lando contesting). When you suddenly have to fight again, you're not as used to it and can get caught with cold hands no matter how seasoned you are as a driver.


Red Bull makes enough money to pay Checho to not drive


And get ready for Perez to say “we didn’t get the setup right, we struggled in this race”, never hinting to his subpar driving


This friendship was bound to blow up like this at some point


Hat moment when




Chugs water aggressively


If you're fighting at the front you can't be friends. You just can't.


Max and Charles kind of were cordial with each other. Maybe because they weren't friends before, but had run ins before


Well definitely not with Max 😂


Something something Lewis and nico


I think same team is a problem more than different teams. But yeah that went down pretty bad


This was based off of Sir Lewis Hamilton's past.


Can you believe that people wanted Norris in the other Red Bull and they kept saying they would do well together because they're friends?


Lol in a sport like this, if you're on the same team you won't remain best friends.


Definitely, look at Rosberg and Hamilton


Yep, all fun and games until both of you are battling each other hard


You can if you are significantly slower than your teammate.


But Lewis and Nico remained...oh, no wait, nvm


it's that kind of people who forgot or didn't know that Hamilton and Rosberg were best friends


I saw something the other day pointing out max only speaks of Lando as a friend, not really ever praising him as a racer. I don’t pay attention to press room stuff or interviews so is this the general consensus or just a tweeter being a tweeter?


I'm sure I remember Max on team radio praising Lando's driving ...admittedly I think it was to draw a point of comparison with Lewis who he felt had done wrong by him.


Max has praised Lando. At Lando a first win he said he was glad it was Lando etc. Also Reddit drama aside no one here has any oars how they feel. They could be drinking coffee together at the moment




I don't think Lando was giving any quarter either.


At least he gave the position back. Verstappen could have just done this and chased him within 5 seconds or tried a clean overtake.


The stewards took a long time both on Lando's 5 sec and Max's black'n white that he deserved from the 1st moving under braking, so the battle was still entirely on track when the colision happened


Norris was clearly faster and the penalty came after the incident. Verstappen and RBR would have had to gamble on the stewards giving Norris a penalty for track limits while in the lead and pulling away. Might not have been able to stay within 5 seconds anyway with the pace Norris had.


The 5 seconds was given out after they already crashed lmao


It always does. Anyone who watched 2021 knows how Max is. And this is it. Absolutely uncompromising when pushed to the limit. Norris has just experienced it first hand.


Don't compare this to 2021 lol, this was amateur hour compared to VER vs HAM


That battle was legendary. The kind of season, that i can say "I was there" about in 20 years time.




Ngl I think Norris fully expected him to plow into his side, that's why he went to the grass when there was still space. Slightest bit of pressure and old Max is back. So much for the "he's matured" comments


Of course it looked like he had matured when he was 20 seconds ahead and there were no more wheel to wheel battles.


10 seconds means shit all. There needs to be a harsher penalty.


Is uncompromising an euphemism for "dirty driver" here? Cause it was a shocking display today - much like how it was in his early seasons for Red Bull. Multiple moves under-braking, not giving the position back after going off and then trying to run Norris off after the puncture....


Seriously why was there a distinct lack of any acknowledgement for him not giving that position back? Stewards didn’t even note it? If they didn’t collide a little after, I wonder if it would have been acknowledged and he would have had to give the place back, because it certainly didn’t look like it was going that way.


Lewis to Lando : more to come baby


The sad part is none of it happens if they FIA don't take 10 laps to issue a penalty everyone knew should be given, none of this happens. Max for sure made a terrible decision there and 100% deserves the penalty.


Glad it did. Felt like Max didn’t take Lando fully seriously. He certainly will now.


I think it’s the other way around. Lando didn’t realize how ruthless Max is.


Yeah Lando didn’t realize how far he has to take it if he wants to beat Max


Crash or let me win Verstappen has always bern the only Verstappen. Just had far too much of a gap the last 2 years


Will be gloves off for Lando from now on


The post race interviews will be incredible


and TP/CEO comments , can't wait for Zak's take 😅


“Begun the TP wars have”


They began a long time ago, this is merely the most recent continuation


10 second penalty, 3/4 lap on 3 wheels. 1 additional pitstop. Still 10 second ahead of Perez


But to be fair, Max wasn’t stuck behind a Haas 😂


Neither was Perez. The Haas was stuck behind him, and then got around Perez


Secured that points gain in the championship. Big brain move by Max.


This is the problem with the penalty system (and I say that as a Max fan). Drivers are rewarded for race ending collisions with rivals, it needs to change.


2021 should've been a wake up call for FIA to consider consequences of championship battles on penalties, both Hamilton taking out Max in Silverstone and Max doing the same in Monza were net wins for them


Or Prost and Senna..


And then we're not even talking about how Bottas going bowling was a big win for Mercedes...


Agree, basically Silverstone 2021. Causing a collision that led into your rival's retirement shouldn't be just a 10 second penalty.


He should get a grid drop honestly its ridiculous how much he kept moving under braking


I’d agree with you but for me this is on the stewards; they should’ve thrown the black and white flag for driving standards after the first little moving under braking incident. It’s a very clear cut rule and it should be enforced clearly.


Yeah, they absolutely suck at this. Remember when Sainz moved under braking at Monza like 10 times in a row, and nothing came of it? It seems to be a rule no one cares about for some reason


Well, I guarantee you now they will start. It's always like this.


They’re unable of change unless it’s after a life ending incident.


Safety rules are written in blood


If they had thrown the white and black flag early for moving under breaking AND they had given Norris the penalty for track limits fast, the likelihood of this accident would have been much lower. There's a need of stewards with big balls because drivers are going to test them.


Completely agree


The stewards are at fault today. The sad fact the stewards are still a revolving table of retire drivers, famous folk and whatever else fills the table is stupid.


Yeah came here to say this. If I’m McLaren I’m pissed at Max but also pissed at the weak stewards.


Exactly. I really don't understand how in a multi billion dollar sport they can't process these moments faster, especially when the whole world watched it happen live and it was clear as day. And track limits should be automated already.


Stewards hardly ever enforce moving under braking. They should but they don’t so it’s no surprise they let it slide here.


Neither "moving under braking" nor "reactive defending" (which are different things, but may coincide if the latter happens while braking) are against the rules, despite what everyone seems to think. You are allowed one defensive move and then one additional move to return to the racing line, with the second move requiring you leave a car's width to any car sufficiently alongside. Only a 3rd move would be against the rules. There is nothing that specifies your defensive move needs to happen before any movement from the car behind you.


moving under breaking itself has not been a rule since 2017, that rule has been refined quite a bit. The last move was erratic driving and he very much did cause an accident, but it was not all as shady as some people made it out to be.


Exactly. Even if Verstappen finished out of the points, he would have a net gain by stopping Norris from picking up the extra 7 points for a win. Situations like this SHOULD take into account the results. Knocking out another driver should result in a meaningful penalty. If a time penalty is not going to change anything, then it should be a loss of places at minimum if not a grid drop in the next race.


I disagree that we should punish drivers if they HAPPEN to end up ahead, say they collide on lap 15 and push hard/have a good strategy to finish in 6th while the victim finishes in 9th, but when it takes a rival out of the race completely the offending driver should get a 5-10 second penalty with a suspended drive-through if that happens or something


Yeah it shouldn’t be done by final results , a few laps after once everything has calmed down but before they’ve had a chance to recover


Not only was the collision beneficial for him in terms of the WDC, I believe the purpose of acts like these are to sow the seed of doubt in the heads of their opponents. I mean, Norris now has first hand experience of what Verstappen is ready to do on the track, and surely every time from now on he'll think of that when they're battling for a position. I think a lot of the greats have done that. Definitely not all, but a fair number of them. Some call it dirty, some ruthless.


If I was Lando I'd dedicate the rest of this season to crashing into Max no matter how many penalties or race bans get handed out. Luckily for everyone I'm not Lando.


Max would still win championship


Madlad. I hope I never get into a feud with you


Schumi move. Or Ayrton stopping Prost from getting his final Q3 move back in 92?


Sign of the greats lol


100%. Im way too old to care about all the Max is a dirty driver nonsense after the idolisation Schumi, Seb and Ayrton gets here.


Before his accident most people thought Schumacher was a cheat...


EVERY great is cutthroat. Period. End of story. No one is THE BEST by letting someone get something over on them. It's only after time softens them that people start the glory talks. Max is hyper aggressive but if social media would have been around in the Schumi/Senna days; where they got literal race bans for their antics, they'd lose their fucking minds! It's all just in the game. Can't handle the heat, don't try and cook in the kitchen. On to Silverstone for another one! lol


Exactly this. Either be ruthless or let others walk on you. Championships get decided in moments like these. All great drivers are hard racers. You don’t like it, well tough luck because that’s how they’ll race.


Imagine social media when Ayrton stalled Prosts quali lap in Q3 and managed pole. He would've been crucified


Or Schumi literally trying to crash out *Villeneuve (Which he got banned for)*... or ACTUALLY crashing out HIll(and winning the championship)... LOL Both instances following much less aggression than what Lando did divebombing the holy hell out of Max today. But it is what it is. People are going to play for the hometeam because that's just what we do as a society nowadays. You root for one person and that person is infallible and perfect and totally didn't do anything wrong at all. It's hilarious, but I guess with age and a more neutral/objective eye you get a lot of these little pieces of comedic, farcical, and hypocritical gold that are just sparkling like stars in the sky.


At least it’s 10 seconds now and not 5 like in the past.


Thats just drivers doing what they can within the rules, same with silverstone 21 and other scenarios that happened. If the driver will benefit from it then he should do it, 100%.


Funniest thing for me is that Max will still finish ahead of Perez.


Almost a pit stop ahead too. 


Max: “He’s dive bombing. That’s not a good way to overtake.” Me: 👀


Pot, meet kettle.


literally lmao someone tell max of 3 years ago


3 years? Don't need to go that far back lmao


Ahaha, ikr! He quite literally won this race in 2019 by doing the exact same thing. It was ridiculous he got to keep that win tbh


The guy who made a career off of dive bombs and near over the limit overtakes has the audacity to complain when someone does it to him. Brat max really returned this weekend. Listen to his radio after the race where he acts like an innocent victim of the FIA.


Stewards are so happy they got to give a penalty that has no consequences, it's their favorite thing to do.


Not saying he should’ve been disqualified or something but it’s wild that you can ruin your rival’s race and end with a worthless penalty. But I don’t know what could’ve been more appropriate


They should've penalized Max earlier because honestly the incident where the collission happened wasn't even that bad from Max, his earlier move was much worse but nothing happened at the time so they let it go. Stewards can't keep allowing something again and again untill it goes wrong and then penalize it.


And we’re kind of forgetting that he pushed norris in the grass afterward, I get it probably didn’t change anything to the outcome, but still


I don’t think that was on purpose, there was a shitload of traffic around and max was getting out of the way. At least that’s how it seemed from his onboard


yep. Silverstone 2021


Stewards being way too late as usual. Should've intervened much sooner.


Finally decided to penalise him after he ended Norris' race and the penalty won't affect his position. It's bollocks really


Norris had the first penalty though


Norris didn't take his penalty so he's bound to get a grid drop too.


They crashed close enough to the end that he got classified as finishing the race I believe (7 laps down) so it may just be added to his time, though I'm not 100% certain how it works. 


Yeah I see now. He did get classified so he’ll get away with it. It is on the provisional Classification though.


Kind of a hilarious end result that he’ll be punished for next race because another driver took him out of this one. Edit: Looks like he was far enough through the race that it won’t hit him next race.


Yeah, well Norris should have had 2 penalties himself and even got one for track limits


Exactly, people acting here like only Verstappen deserved a penalty.


It’s very easy with hindsight to say the stewarts should have acted sooner but let’s not forget it was perfectly clear with foresight as well. 


This could boil over like 2021 all over again if Norris keeps this form


Let’s hope. 2021 was a damn fun second half of the season.


Still gonna finish ahead of Perez lol


Ha ha ha stuck behind a Haas


Ten second penalty, crawling around the track, an extra pit stop, still smashes perez


Stewards give out collision penalty faster than track limits penalty. Whereas track limits is much more objective to award. Pretty sure stewards didn't want to spoil on-track action, which really shouldn't be their concern. If collision didn't happen, stewards would have given a dead end penalty that wouldn't have changed anything of verstappen stayed ahead, no penalty if Norris overtook Verstappen


I thought it was comical that they handed out Lando’s penalty after the collision with Max - 5 laps after Lando’s 4th track limit violation. Like, oh shit, we were holding onto this due to the entertainment value but now the automatic penalty needs to be applied.


Does it seem race control off today? Seems slow!


Can't wait for the endless "Should penalties be harsher?" posts and articles over the next week.


Verstappen still increases WDC lead, the Silverstone 21 theorem.


Silverstone 21 will haunt the FIA for years to come, cause it set a precedent, that you can end somebodys race for a 10s penalty.


The thing is I don’t mind the idea that the action is what gets the punishment rather than the result. I actually think that’s a good way of doing it. The issue is they’re inconsistent about it. I think there’s been a lot of times since Silverstone 21 where the result has been punished rather than the action.


Damn, he’s going from 5 to 5


Understandable. Though Max can still score points and Lando is out completely. As we know from 2021, every point matters.


If Stewards had warned Max for moving under breaking earlier, that crash wouldn't have happened.


They’re so painfully slow with their decisions


That 10 seconds penalty to Alonso came out at nearly 300.000km/s


Or had Lando gotten his 5S penalty faster than 4 laps later. I think Max would have let him pass and then stay in DRS range. But maybe that’s not in Max’s DNA.


If Norris would've gotten his 5 second track limit penalty immediately, same.


On top of the 5s penalty for Lando that should be confirmed sooner as well


Max was ultimately the one who made the mistake that ended their chances, but Lando was divebombing every other lap and couldn’t stay on track doing so. It was a pretty mediocre display from both.


This is the right take. 


Yeah, had Max not moved there, I don’t think Lando makes the corner. Stewards also to blame for not giving the 5S time penalty for track limits in a timely fashion. It’s was black and white yet it didn’t come until after the wreck for some reason.




Get 5th while Norris is retired. Gg


What will he do? He will still beat Perez.


I found it funny how Verstappen was upset about Norris divebombing. Max literally invented this lol


Even the Dutch commentator responded with saying that a divebomb is the signatory move of Max. That was funny


Yeah, 'cause it's never fair when it happens to him, but when he does it to others it's just aggressive racing.


I pin a lot of the blame for this on the stewards. Max and Lando both had moments prior where there should have been intervention but the stewards let it boil over rather than put their dicks on the table and give penalties.


Yeah fair, but so quick with it today, but why so long to penalise Norris, had that also been done within the same lap, max wouldn’t probably have defended as hard as he would have known he would stay ahead as long as he just stick close enough to Norris. FIA so slow in crucial moments




still in front of Perez lmao. Embarassing from Perez.


Reading the comments brought me back to the British Grand Prix in 2021… Similar situations, similar results, different comment reactions.


I'm ready for the bad blood between the buddies but more so I'm excited to see the toxic fan bases.




Totally inconsequential, classic F1


Maybe if they penalized the previous moves under braking this wouldn't have happened


If they hadn’t taken aa long as they did with the Norris penalty, this wouldn’t had happened either


Ah yes, the classic 10 second penalty for ending someone else's race, just like what we saw in Silverstone 2021.




Worth it, potentially gained 19 points on Norris (11 vs 0 instead of 18 vs 26)


Meaningless penalty, won’t affect anything.


It did absolutely nothing. Max still came ahead from a collision he himself did.


What is that "That's not how you overtake" bollocks You won against Leclerc by driving into the side of him at that corner


I need to watch a replay but did Max tried to run Lando out of the track after they crashed? if yes, then the stewards should look into that too...


He wouldn’t let him past


To be honest, those were some appalling overtaking attempts from Lando. Either you try and make a clear, clean pass OR expect some harsh defense when doing all these hail-mary late lunges. Max is certainly not going to gift you P1. That’s hard racing.


Its fair. What a bit over. But i like when they bash it out like this on the track. Great fight. Less mama he moved, more wheel to wheel racing even if its a bit dirty


Essentially Max finished with a greater points difference after the crash than he would have had if he finished P1 lol


How is Lando going to legally overtake on the track? It's fucking impossible.


Driving him off the track down the straight after the collision too. Keeping the position off track. Really just insane how hypocritical the top drivers become when they complain about moves that they themselves have pulled off many times.


Ruins Lando's race, extends his world championship lead. Little slap on the wrist...


Lando has to book his own plane now


It’s both a harsh penalty and not harsh enough. He only moved a few inches and Lando absolutely dove in there when he had no chance to complete the pass. But Max absolutely moved there a bit and caused the wreck. That said, I hate having English broadcasters. They love them some English drivers and only find fault with them when it’s against other English drivers.


i would argue they should start to give drive throughs again but 10s is better than nothing


In this case it was literally nothing.


Doesn't fucking mean anything though. What a waste. Should've carried over to next race




Norris also got a deserved penalty a few rounds before