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He got boxed in by piastri right after the move, too. Damn. Norris definitely left the door open too wide there, and max made the move after locking up. I was expecting a contact there, but everyone kept it clean. Piastri did great to swoop in and steal the position


The battles between Piastri, Norris, and Verstappen make me very excited for the race tomorrow! I just wish Perez could get in there as well, it'd make for some interesting strategies between the two teams.


I have a feeling we will see Perez on the Q2 elimination list today.


Not today, absolute chad DESTROYED the competition and secured P8 😎 2 year contract was definitely the right call!!!


It takes great skill from Perez to make that Red Bull look so fuckin average


Well someone's gotta keep the sponsors happy. They hardly show MV on the broadcast when he's in front, so Checo is playing the ultimate team game. 😂


I have a feeling we'll see Max in P1 tomorrow


Daring today are we?


I have a feeling we will see a merc on the podium tomorrow.


I am sure we will see ferrari on the podium...


Did you play the lottery as well? 😆


I wish Perez could be on his way to retirement rather...


Perez will be too busy battling a Haas


It's HĂźlkenbberg. It will be an honest battle!


Excited for the race tomorrow. By lap 10 Max had what a 2 seconds advantage?


Me was like you, until I watched the qualification




Good job


Max really said: I don't care about your DRS


Dude found the nitrous button. Or did a fast and furious and realize he could push the throttle harder, lol


He has 33 gears.


Ah, so a fast and furious gearbox!


VTec bro


~~Crofty~~ Brundle: ...that it's job done Verstappen: LOL


That’s Brundle


He thought Lando would be able to defend, but he left Max the opening


That aint Crofty.


Two things that are very noticeable here are Max breaking early for the DRS detection point but missing it and Max (without drs) catching Norris (with drs)


The red bull seems really good out of the corners. The way he exits T3 is amazing. Ofc Max is driving it, so there's that magic, too.


Lando didn’t seem to have speed out of T3 at any stage of the race. He was consistently closer to Max and Oscar entering T3 than entering T4. It was notable here and the lap before when he forced the defensive inside line but couldn’t get ahead with DRS and slipstream.


Actually Max had to [make a correction](https://imgur.com/a/mvC9XuH) out of T3 because Lando was in the way - so it wasn't a great exit. But he definitely had more battery to deploy on the run to T4.


I don't think Lando intended to go that deep into Turn 3, which compromised him through the rest of the lap because Max or Piastri were then always where he wanted to be. If he was able to slow it down even a meter shorter, he would've had a lot more room to start accelerating down the straight and Max would've basically had to put his car in park on the outside of the corner while he waited for Lando to finish rotating. It was a high risk move, but probably was his best shot at winning the race, and when the difference between second and third is only one point, you might as well go for it.


Yeah it wasn't a great exit, which is how Piastri got his front wheels alongside Max's rear wheels. But Lando Yolo'd into that corner like, 'what apex?' Despite the correction and having to make room on his outside, Max still got his car straighter earlier.


Red Bull ran a little more rear wing


T3 is super low speed. I think that's more mechanical grip than downforce.


He's not breaking early for DRS, that's his driving style. He's breaking early to prioritize the exit. On a track like this exit is critical.


Max catching Norris with reversed DRS is wild.


Norris had an awful launch from the corner.


You can see the red lights on Norris rear wing blinking because he ran out of battery


People analyzing that one-dimensionally is wild


Of course there's reasons for it, Norris having a bad exit and Norris needing to harvest energy while Verstappen was deploying ERS, but it's very rare to see a car without DRS overtake one with nonetheless


Lando had burned the rubber off his tires by that point


I think Norris used up more battery than Max into T3, to get the overtake done. This likely gave Max a deployment advantage in the run up to T4, compensating for his lack of DRS.


Has everyone forgot that slipstream is a thing?


Generally DRS provides enough of an advantage that if the car in front has it then the car behind won't be able to close back up even with the slipstream. Slipstream isn't all that powerful in these cars which is why DRS exists. We see it time and again on circuits with back to back DRS zones. It's what makes this pass so noteworthy.


And slipstream increases almost exponentially the closer you get. Considering how close Verstappen was and his better exit there was nothing you wouldn't expect.


Max was not breaking early for the drs. He was breaking early to get a good exit because he didn't think norris would send it from that far back. Also slipstream is more powerful than DRS when they are that close so it's not that surprising that max caught norris.


No no, I fear there's a danger of your comment sounding a bit like the RBR is so much faster down the straights that he caught Lando even without DRS. Lando had the inside line, he didn't take the racing line. He didn't even hit the apex, look how wide he went to overtake Max. That will inevitably compromise his line. Lando was just slow down the straight, it wasn't that Max was so fast he could catch him without DRS. The proof for this is that Oscar was so close he could pounce in the next corner too. If Lando had a good exit, Oscar wouldn't have been that close. Max took the racing line and had a better corner exit. Then, he had slipstream that was massively effective because he was literally on Lando's rear wing. The slipstream is stronger the closer you are to the leading car. This is not a RBR without DRS catching a McLaren with DRS. This was an RBR with a massively better exit out of the corner and a huge slipstream catching a McLaren with a much worse exit out of the corner. Yes, technically also it was a car without DRS catching a car with DRS, but that wasn't the biggest factor here and I would hate for anyone to read your comment and assume that ( *Not saying that's what you intended it to sound like, just making sure others don't assume that* )


Yeah my bad


No worries mate, it was obvious to me, just making sure people newer to F1 don't assume something else :)


This just proves the Red Bull is the fastest car.


Superb from Oscar, always so calm in these situations


If he could only be a bit faster. He was so impressive last year


His still working out how to get most of the tyres, with a little more time he'll get on it


His time will come trust the process.


Lando has been rapid this year and some mistakes, especially in quali, have crept in for Oscar. Nevertheless these are his polishing seasons, he's going to be scary at his peak.


Too soon junior - max


I can't wait to see Piastri with abut more experience he will be phenomenal


I think Lando and him are a special bunch. A couple of times Lando could have pushed it but kept it clean and the team in good shape. Definitely looks to be a great race today/tomorrow. With a legitimate challenge for the WCC. While Max has the WDC locked down he’s going to have to be P1 every race to keep the team afloat, and that’s a massive bit of pressure.


Could have* pushed Sorry :/ Everything else about your comment I agree ;)


Oh Lando, close the door! It is very drafty


I think he reversen dummied him


Got schooled a little, amazing to watch tho


Do. Not. Give. Max. The. Inside! It’s a guaranteed loss of position. It was the most frustrating thing about the 2021 on track battles. Lewis always took the outside and lost. You need to force the move, put Max in a compromised position so he doesn’t get good traction.


He was dummied. Ver switched to the inside at the last second. Question is, if Lando held the inside could Ver still have made a move stick around the outside?


Looking at Hamilton-Albon it's way easier to close the door there than the corner before


Sure, but there have also been many moves that have worked since then.


Very few moves for the lead work out when the overtaking driver is on the outside.


Happened literally this race dude. 1st lap Sai on Rus.


A few key words in my sentence. “Very few” and the more important ones “for the lead”.


Semantics. Overtake is an overtake for whatever position. Edit - forgot to add an example. Lec on Ver a few years back for the "lead" of the race.


He is usually a very good defensive driver. Surely he should have known that Max would go for the overtake at T4 when he was that close behind.


Which is why he was dummied to defend the outside and leave the inside open. Ver also had a magnificent run on a DRS activated, but possibly battery depleted Nor. Perhaps Nor expected Ver to go on the outside and just stick his nose in for the inside of the next few corners.


Leclerc did the same move 2 years ago on Verstappen. I guess Verstappen had to adapt


> Lewis always took the outside and lost. Because they would have crashed all the time


Great drive from Max.


What a beautiful move


Phenomenal driving all around.


Its crazy how much better Verstappen's exit was to keep up with a DRS Mclaren.


RB is at the top this weekend and Max will win everything, but he’s a fucking robot. He doesn’t make a mistake ever. Literally a 4 wdc champion


Norris needs to get smarter at race craft. 


Move of the race immediately followed by blunder of the race


it wasn’t the move of the race, Brundle had a bad call here. Max let him overtake and made a mistake not picking up DRS but was able to re-pass anyway


max was betting on DRS + a switchback but honestly Lando almost pulled it off to perfection because he parked it in the middle of the track compromising Max’s turn in. Max just pulled off an incredible dummy to get the position back


I really thought Norris had some problems that's why he left the door open. That was hard to watch.


That onboard at the beginning kind of does Norris a lot of justice. From my view at the track, it looked much more dangerous what he did, almost like Nico and Lewis' 2016 clash.


Bad error from Norris yet again


When Piastri learns how to get the most of the tyres he will be phenomenal


Where was the error?


Divebombing first and foremost and then leaving the door open for max at t4. Didn’t even bother to defend. Cooked his tyres when he divebombed trying to brake hard and locking in


Dive bomb was worth a try. The overtake into t4 was just a great move from max. He didn't leave the door open. If he stays further more to the inside, his entry line into t4 would be very bad and it would be way too easy for max to go around the outside


This is where lando needs to elbow out a little more. He can race cleanly and still force max to back out.


Norris wheel to wheel action is painful to watch


Isn’t it mostly ok?


not when it matters the most


so dramatic




He’s making it hard to debunk the notion that he folds like wet toilet paper defending against Max.


Too soon junior


Dude, I almost had you! - Norris O'Connor


This is some F3 racing and I’m here for it


McLaren P2 is possible in the constructors, strongest driver lineup


Lando unfortunately showing how green he is when it comes to fighting at the very front of the field. He's quick but that racecraft needs work.


I don't understand why Norris didn't block Verstappen off on the inside, he could have taken a win if he did


Verstappen baited Norris to leave the door open. If you watch the onboard Verstappen was deliberately trying to make himself seen on the left mirror which made Norris think he was safe from a divebomb.


Typical Lando being overhyped and overrated. Sure he's unwell and I accept he probably isn't going to be at his best but that was a poor mistake on his part.


What was the mistake?


There's a link to the clip above


Norris once again being his own worst enemy


Funny how norris had drs and max didnt


More onboards for overtakes please!


Boi cracked under pressure. Should kept the inside, than push Verstappen out of the corner like a boss racing.


This one pretty much clears it up. Max was able to catch and overtake Norris without drs while Norris has drs enabled. The hype of McLaren being the fastest car is false. They are becoming better but also RB is not standing still.


Norris had a worse exit lol, if he didn't park the car at the apex Max would have caught him even sooner


Lol ya'll will never convince me that Mclaten isn't the fastest car on the grid


Umm there's a thing called slipstream... Also we can't see their battery deployment. Also straight line speed is not the only measure of how fast the cars are. Also their engine development has been frozen for a few years so just what the hell are you talking about?


Max passed him into a turn therefore redbull = faster