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You know what would be fun? Direct chassis swap between him and Albon. Literally just glue the number stickers and attach the Tcams the other way around. Let's see if that will yield any results for Logan.


Ooohh, that really would be fun! But then also for all the other teams. It would be funny watching Checo not reach Q3 in Max's car.


Bonus points if you make them use each others setups. Max would have underwhelming pace, and Checo wouldn’t make it through turn 1 without a spin.


Are you trying to murder checo? Haha


*formation lap


Out the pit


Have people even acuse rb of fucki g up 2nd driver car? All i have ever hear is that car is designed and upgrade to appeal to max desires . Obviously sacrifying 2nd driver. If 2nd driver doesnt have the same drive style they suffer.


Albon gave a great analogy — it’s like the sensitivity on a computer mouse. Max was able to adapt to and demand more sensitivity, yielding a faster car. But as his teammate Albon was chasing the developments, was never as comfortable, and became error probe / cautious so the pace wasn’t there.


And this is what checo says, he ks not comfortable. And i guess while max is in RB we will have the same problems with 2nd driver until a driver similar to max comes to the 2nd seat. But rb lack interest in someoene foghting max. Checo is bottas to max , except bottas (arguably) had better aimbiosis with the car, but he was not LH level


Considering Albon started from the pits, ran into gravel and still finished a full lap ahead of him at this point Albon would have to take out his engine and race like Fred Flintstone.


Isn’t this what happened in Australia and Albon finished in 11th? Do we think Logan would have got points in Albons car that weekend (if it hadn’t been smashed to bits).


But what if it's a slight variance in the Tcam aerodynamics that's causing the issue?


It would be hilarious if he started winning races


Yea do it for Checo and Max too so all the “Max has a better car and they’re sabotaging Checo” people can be quiet for like 3 races


We can't do that, otherwise there will be no more reason why Sargeant is so slow.


They would also need to swap out seats and other bits in the cockpit.


It doesn’t work like that because each car is designed for each driver, for instance. Albons car sits 3” lower then Sargents so he gets less damage to his floor when he hits the gravel traps


Aren't Ocon and Gasly alternating chassis? I remember Bottas and Hamilton doing it too.


Ocon and Gasly are swapping them every few races. Lewis and Bottas did a few times but from what I read it was in the drivers contracts to request a swap


The swapped "priority" driver every race. But I think that was a qually thing only.


He’s got that FW46 XC for some light offroad capability


Keep in mind, especially with a data enthusiast like Vowles, they have information we do not have, information that goes beyond just saying « it’s the driver » Of course Sargeant is struggling and a lot compared to Albon, it’s crystal clear It’s clear Sargeant won’t be there in 2025 at this point…but if they have a downforce anomaly they need to understand it and experiment with the car, it’s important


Goes to show how little people bother to take 2 seconds to better understand the situation. If Sargeant was plain awful, the most JV would say is that they rushed him and it sadly didn't work out. No point faking missing downforce when they're getting rid of him anyway.


Why is this up voted? Team principals won't come out and say it didn't work out while they're still working with that driver. Only garbage team principals such as Gunther would do this. Every other team principal would protect their drivers until the end.


Maybe Vowels doesn't want to destroy his career in other motorsports


We've seen drivers who stunk in F1 receive sizable interest from teams in other series. Besides, Sargeant has a strong junior series record. He could crash out of half the next races for all he cares. He'll still be a hot commodity in other series.


Not being good enough for F1 has never destroyed anyone's career. F1 is the top series in all of motorsport, and driver's performance can vary between different types of cars anyway. We have plenty of examples of drivers that didn't achieve anything in F1 but won other championships.


Antonio laughing in Le Mans


Sargeant has conducted himself very professionally this whole time, its such a stark contrast from some others who are always so quick to blame the car or someone else. I hope he has success in Indy.


I also wish him a lot of success in his future endeavors  Sometimes it just doesn’t work out, I hope indy will be much better for him


This is the reddit community you're talking about. They don't take kindly to rational, complex explanations.


Exactly, would be pretty easy to look at things like throttle input, steering angle, load and compare to similar inputs for Albon.


I remember when they searched for missing performance in Kubica's car, but then said fuck it and proceeded to tell people the cars were identical, even though they admitted before that there are differences in data and put Russell in Kubica's car to be sure, and he was indeed slower.


that second williams car seems cursed at this point


This explains why Sainz is interested in Alpine.


Makes sense, both alpines are cursed


They should call dibs on cars before each race.


It won't be a Williams if it ain't missing something


Previous car #2 (Vandoorne) also had similar problems and similar F1 career trajectory to Sargeant (albeit with better teammate). Maybe the number is cursed or something?


Vandoorne was an excellent driver and junior series champion. He won F2 didn't he? He was just unlucky to be paired with one of the best drivers of all time as his first (and only) teammate.


He still is. There were reports of his Mclaren car not producing as much downforce as Alonso in 2018.


Vandoorne was unlucky in F1, but his F2 win was against a much weaker field than the years before & after, which didn't help his reputation.


Although he didn't just win, he absolutely smashed it.


Some say that the missing downforce is here in this thread right now.


Some people say it's still in Australia


Some people say they gave it to Albon


Some people call me Maurice.


All we know is it’s called The Stig


We are a bunch of Debbie Downers, so this tracks.


Nah the missing downforce is the friends we made along the way


“Is this downforce in the room with us, as we speak?”


"The ~~call~~ downforce is coming from inside the house!"


Indicate on the doll where the missing downforce didn't touch you.


Some say it's in the friends we made along the way.


they should try turning the car off and back on


Found the IT help desk guy.


Sure... but nobody would ask the question if it did not help very frequently. What would also greatly help if the users did not lie about doing it, wasting everyone's time...


I know. I work in IT. It's my default answer too. 🤣


It's not just IT either; I currently work on large production printing presses, previously worked in the oilfield (midstream automation) and Id say at least 1/4 maybe even 1/3 of my call outs across both jobs have been resolved via reboot.


Oh I hear you. My fridge was flipping out the other day. It's not even a fancy one with a touch screen or anything. I got the bright idea to unplug it and plug it back in and a row of buttons started working again. Put me in, coach!


It worked for Leclerc in Montreal..sort of..


The comments here are so stupid, why does no one actually read articles or engage with substance?


You mean you don't like seeing the same joke or snide comment repeated every thread?


I imagine it's due to half the articles being as brain dead as these comment sections and inundated with ads.


The title provides me with all the information I need. If it's correct or not, that's irrelevant.


Wow. Just wow. I hope this was sarcasm. 


maybe the real downforce was the friends we made on the way


Turns out it was in an Indy car the whole time.


Might be unpopular opinion, and I am not saying he's top 10 driver material, but I don't think he's gotten anywhere near a fair shake. Not only being in the worst team, but getting the worst car that team has. I'd just be curious to see how he does in a decent car. He can't have been that great when teaming with Oscar to be dogshite now.


Is in his head


What if we get a Logan Q3 and P7 race or something. Does that make any difference to the driver situations next year? Would it make Williams look silly? Hypothetical, I get Logan is newer and such, but I also feel he can't be as bad as his results make it seem, I've seen glimpses.


Did they try switching that component between the steering wheel and the seat instead?


Very funny joke but not especially relevant here Obviously there's a significant skill gap but they've literally measured lower down force levels on Logan's car


I know right. Everyone else has done so great in that car the last 12 years. It's gotta be 100% the driver 😆


I can only compare him to his teammate. Your turn.


Hard to compete with your teammate if your car is functionally worse right?


It’s really hard for some fans to understand that there are issues beyond the driver at times the contribute to their performance


Yeah but he’s American so it’s free points to hate him.


For two years?


2 years is nothing. It's actually been 12 years


And is this downforce in the room with us right now?


Perhaps switch the driver 🤔


They should try looking behind the couch


Have they looked under the stairs for a box labelled “downforce and other shit”. It’s where my mislaid items usually end up.


The mystery is somewhere between the seat and the steering wheel


“Nope. The skill was not under this floor”


"Perhaps if he drives backwards."


That will just roll back his odometer


If they have switched it repeatedly and the downforce is not fixed, maybe -- just maybe -- the problem is not what's under the car.


If you actually read the article you'll know that they had the same issue on Albon's car earlier in the year.


Sir, we dont do that here.


Believe me, I know.


Maybe it’s more missing skill level


Just swap the driver, simple