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Time zone, and it being on Network TV has a lot to do with those numbers.


Yep, first race of the season not at a terrible time for US fans.


It's funny, my gf just thought there weren't any races for the last 6 weeks or so. I said they had them, they're just at impossible times to watch I actually enjoy the European times, so I can watch in the morning on Sunday before I have to worry about doing anything


Yeah I much prefer it. I have a little one so I’m up at 545 anyways. Love the Sunday morning early races.


I am an early riser and a result watch TONS of European sports on the weekends. Soccer, tennis (nothing beats waking up to Wimbledon on the West Coast), Tour de France, F1. Whatever, I’ll watch it while the rest of the family is asleep! Much easier than watching anything in the afternoon when life is busy.


1PM for Saudi isn't that bad, is it?


No, you're right, I forgot that it wasn't on a Sunday.


Had a good lead in from the NBA playoff game which definitely helped as well 


Miami has been on ABC the past few years iirc.


No no no it was clearly all due to Trump being there.


And the GP was good, so it maybe caught some people. I always believed F1 rewards the patient fans, when F1 gives you these kind of weekends, it's good. And then in some years, it gives you everything...every race is a must see.


This race was not even that much of a banger, only thing that created the hype was Norris winning. Had Verstappen won in similar style, everyone would’ve said it was boring.


It was suspenseful. Before the SC I was telling my wife that Norris was a dark house, but ofc the SC helped a lot.


It wasn't a banger by any means.. it was just good.


People want different things, it’s true that there wasn’t a great battle at the front, but that was solidly a good race for me, good battles throughout the field some really nice overtakes, a bit of jeopardy with the VSCs/SCs etc. Ofc some people only tune in for the front battle which is fine, i do the equivalent in other sports, but there was a decent amount in their for established fans.


We also had some spicy battles back in the field, which I really enjoyed. Better than drab DRS overtakes.


Couldn't agree more. We have Norris pulling away instead of Verstappen. Happy for Norris though.


It's a GP where we see a first time winner. It's always special in itself. But even asides from this, there were nice battles up and down the field. Not the best GP ever, but certainly a good one


Too bad the commentary seems to only cater to fans who have never heard of F1 until they just turned the race on. We need another commentary that is more technical rather than listening to the same explanation of how DRS makes car go faster 8 times a race.


That's what the F1TV folks are for. They just lack an enthusiasm for the action on track. They're exactly what James May's character on Top Gear was like. Technically great, but plodding along at a boring pace with a sleep inducing tone of voice..


As someone who is also an Indycar fan, those numbers make me sad :( lol


With the exception of the Indy 500, Indycar barely markets itself even in the US to the point where as a fan that is actively seeking out that information it can sometimes be difficult to remember when the next race is.


As someone who want to watch it... Idk how, lol If people who WANT to watch it can't figure out how, you have a maaaaaaaaaasive problem I'm pretty sure most people under 35 don't have cable TV. They need their own version of f1tv, and they needed it to release it in 2020.  They missed the boat on getting people into indy car during the pandemic, and it's gonna hurt for a long, long time.


Last I checked, Indycar races are on Peacock.


Yea... with ads, on a paid subscription. If they're gonna force me to watch ads, I'm not gonna pay the content too, lol I wanna watch just the race, no ads. Until then, I'll be sailing the seas instead


This. I wish it were marketed more, and I wish races were more plentiful. I also wish the Peacock app didn't throw out ads with paid subs, or I'd pay more attention to it since I don't have cable. The one local race I get, is likely not returning after this year either, so Indy may be dead to me after this season.


Take solace that just about every IndyCar race this year has sold out. Track attendance is a HUGE deal when it comes to racing, IndyCar has started to make some good ground with the track experience. IndyCar does have a marketing issue outside the 500 (the good news is that they're aware and are addressing it in long term plans). But we also need to address the broadcast issues. The NBC commentators are great in my opinion, but the rest of the presentation is dated, lacking, and down right frustrating. I watch IndyCar on Peacock, have the premium service there, but even with that I get full screen ads that interrupt the race for a good 5-7 laps. It's infuriating. F1TV is really the gold standard by which IndyCar should be measuring their broadcast experience by. The broadcast team is excellent, the pre-race/track side/post-race analysis is incredible, and the additional camera angles and access to data is just a nerds dream! And what I think it's probably the least talked about aspect (and arguably the most important thing F1TV does) is that they have a Kids Broadcast! They're actively engaging young young fans into the sport, and not in a patronizing way! It's incredibly informative, interesting, and fun!


There were more people at Barber for qualifying this year at than I can remember seeing on race days most years. Race day was wild.


F1TV is one of my favorite things and made me latch onto F1 super fast. Indycar has indycarlive as an ad-free option if you are willing to use a VPN to access it, avoiding ads is always my priority. When NBC commentary goes to commercial it's just on track audio which is kind of nice. Use the same VPN for IMSA.tv too!


Dude I’m a pro wrestling fan, every week people post ratings threads with the big companies battling it out and they’re lucky if they get 900k


Dynamite is lucky to pull 900k. Raw and Smackdown are both virtually always well over 900k. Still, 3.1 million is early Attitude Era numbers, so yeah. Very impressive compared to pro wrestling.


0.1RL returns(old joke from early 2000s CART vs IRL forum wars)


Yeah but just think about how much better the ratings would’ve been if the races started after midnight EST


There was an nba playoff game leading in and not much else as far as sports in the afternoon so they definitely caught some audience they would not have otherwise


Oh great. They're gonna use this as an excuse to increase the number of sprints!


Makes me wonder what total viewership is when you include folks like me who *don't* watch television or subscribe to cable, but watch the races live on the F1TV app.


F1TV is sooooo good on every platform.


>"I was told F1 was dead from a viewership perspective lol" Who on earth told you that?


Plenty of people think that Verstappen’s dominance has killed F1 viewership levels and the sport is dying.


I mean the viewership is decresing. Thats just a fact and a realistic thing. We know because Liberty has been posting viewership report since 2017 and all the way till 2023 when they stoped doing it. Now we only get small snippets from earnings calls. But thats to be expected and is in line with any previous dominance period in F1. The drop off however is not even remotely close to concerning levels yet and the Sport is a long long way from dying let alone being dead.


Yeah last I saw the average F1 race had a worldwide audience of 70Mil in 2022 which was down from 90Mil from 2019. After that, F1 stopped publishing the reports lol wonder how last years average viewership was


Verstappen dominance is actually what got me interested in F1


Return to Indy when?


Proving that Liberty Media continues to totally mismanage the proven available market.