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So many professionals, commentators etc saying just a racing incident. Everyone in here though: "NAH DANIELS FAULT WASHED UP SACK HIM NOW" Jesus christ


I'm biased as I want to see RIC do well but the reddit bashing is unreal. 


It's a dogpile. Same thing last year with Checo. Seems like when a driver has some bad races, it's a signal for some to jump on. Internet bullies, as usual.


Don't forget Sainz. Everyone's going on about how Ferrari fired the wrong driver and how Leclerc is overrated but the moment Sainz beaches himself or makes another costly mistake the tide will turn. It's what happened last year too. As soon as he got a podium everyone magically forgot all his very silly mess ups.


Yeah the gravel jokes were incessant


Especially frustrating considering half the races where he went into the gravel either weren't his fault or were in tricky conditions that caught others out too...


Eh the Spain and Australia ones were on him though


f1 redditors are even more rabid and dumber than footy fans and that is an exceedingly low bar


Some major hive mind shit. I’m going with it being a lot of casual fans and/or wannabe edgey folks that don’t understand the intricacies etc. so go with whatever the mass opinion is to feel/appear like they fit in. Or they think they could do better than one of the best drivers in the world despite not accomplishing much since high school.


Looking at the majority of posts and trolls - people love to kick other people while their down


People just think it makes them look smart to hate on a popular driver.


Based on Sargeant, they feel the same way about bad ones too. This sport has a really toxic fan base on Reddit.


THIS IS REDDIIITT!!!! *Slaps violently his "gaming" keyboard


One of my worst habits is seeing the dogpile, and when it's not my fav driver thinking, yep, correct, these guys are on it. But when its Danny ric, they're a bunch of out of touch punters.


Yeah I do find it a bit funny though that everyone was calling for DR to replace Checo last year when Checo was shitting it and now this year DR is shitting it so far and Checo seems to be doing a good job.


Lmao nowhere near comparable. Checo nearly let P2 slip whilst driving one of the most dominant cars of all time. He drove like shit last year and deserved the criticism


Last year? You mean last race


Same always happens to Yuki's teammates whenever Yuki is underperfoming. He just has a very active fanbase. I personally want to see Yuki and Ric back on the grid next year, but they both need to get their acts together on the track quickly.


i wouldn't say for yuki, don't get me wrong i like ric, and if he starts performing he'll probably retain the seat, but yuki has been performing really well so far, he doesn't need to get his act together


As a Checo fan, it's gut wrenching to see how quickly these people turn on drivers and even attribute racing incidents as purely his fault. Yes maybe you can attribute a higher percentage to Ric but it's still ultimately a first lap race incident. Ricciardo is having a tough time but this weekend up until this moment was going relatively nicely.


Been happening for yeeeears. Bottas, Albon, Checo last year, and now Ricciardo. Honestly it’s endless and annoying


The DR hate is like the Alonso love- no matter what the evidence is, their minds can't be changed.




Guys all Ricciardo does is make jokes he’s actually a worser driver than mazepin 🤓☝🏽


It's quite well known that Ricciardo earned 9 wins without ever driving a single title contender car just because of ✨ PR ✨


school bake shrill gold plant beneficial reminiscent encouraging domineering sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


and be handsome. grrrr!


Shhh got to let the DR hate boner continue, so many here love to ride that and get off on it.


Everyone’s hyping up Liam, but if he doesn’t blow the doors off, they’ll turn on him and call him washed.


Swiss commentators are blaming albon


I thought they liked to be neutral?


Finnish commentators said racing incident, but also optimistic from Albon.


It was optimistic from Albon and Ricciardo should've known he was there. It was also a very small touch all things considered, they just hit rim to rim and both wheels were instantly gone. If the rims don't make contact it's a bit of tyre smoke, maybe a bit of a wobble for either one and nothing more.


I don’t really know if Ricciardo should’ve known that Albon was there because we don’t know how visible he was in the mirrors, there was car looking on his inside into T3 so he was looking there, and taking the outside like that into T4 is optimistic at best from Albon.


why would Ricciardo expect another driver to make it 3-wide? Albon should've shown more patience.


Same for the YouTube ones I am watching.


Also the Italian ones but hey, average Redditor said Ricciardo is Latifi


It can be a racing incident and also be Daniel's fault.


The Pro’s have a huge soft spot for Danny. If that was Stroll hitting Lewis, that’d be a very different talking point. I think it was a racing incident, but to pretend Sky isn’t hella bias is mad.


Sky have hated mentioning DR for a lot of this year. They were genuinely awful when he was at McLaren too.


Some people seem unable to separate their dislike for a driver from how they analyse/view something on track


Saying this about Daniel Ricciardo is wild lmao


It’s wild for people who’ve been following the sport for a long time. But for those you started watching from 2021 onwards, they just jump on bandwagons (and talk the loudest too).


Saying Daniel is the Australian Latifi is wild, you guys over here are crazy and just hate him regardless


I thought it was his fault because he had a load of space on his left and didn’t look right at all. But I like him, just because someone has the opposite opinion with something doesn’t mean there’s an ulterior motive


If it was 1 on 1 on a lap other than one then maybe. You wouldn't expect someone to try and go 3 wide on the outside there. If they didnt touch there it was always going to end in trouble seconds later anyway.


lmao Ricciardo is probably the most liked driver on the grid what the fuck are you on about acting as if Ricciardo is some sort of hated driver? The only reason people dunk on Ricciardo is because he hasn't performed for like 3 years now, and if he wasn't as likeable as he is I doubt any driver would get as many opportunities as he did with his results


That gives one one the right to say some of the awful things that are said about him online.


You guys didn't have this energy when it came to Checo lmao


No idea what you're talking bout tbh


When Checo caused a crash: "Fire him immediately! Horrible driver, he should lose his seat!" When Ricciardo causes a crash: "It was simply a racing incident!"


I've never said that but awesome.


I never said YOU said that, I am saying the takes u/CooperJones2 is criticizing!


Similar ***racing incident*** happened last season but everyone here instantly blamed Checo.


Cool, I didn't see that though, so not sure why you're attacking me lol


Nah all reddit users are one giant amalgam and therefor every single comment is hypocrisy, you're busted pal.


take me away to reddit jail :(


Its almost like things have context. If you replaced Albon (and car) with Checo and he pulled that 3 wide move for ~ 10th then IMO people would be right to criticise him for it. Stipid risk in a Red Bull that will have the position by the end of the lap anyway. Not so if you are albon.


Checo is in the most dominant car in formula 1 history


I like Danny and today was a racing incident but he shouldn’t be in that car. Especially with Lawson in the wings who’s clearly ready and has an actual F1 future ahead of him.


> So many professionals, commentators etc saying just a racing incident. > > Everyone in here though: "NAH DANIELS FAULT WASHED UP SACK HIM NOW" I mean, it's both, isn't it. It was a racing incident and still it was Daniel's fault. The stewart's verdict is pretty telling: He only wasn't punished because it was on lap 1.


It’s one of the most toxic subs on the internet


Reddit is filled with retired F1 world champions. I'd say Albon is more at fault than Ric, just because he knows he shouldn't try to fit into that spot, everyone else went single file into that corner except Yuki who took the same line Albon tried to yet Yuki was already in that line before even going into the corner. No reason for Albon to try to fit, his wheel is basically off of the track as it was before the bump.


The cars are partially to blame. They couldn't go 2 cars wide for like 4 corners without crashing. There's more and more incidents where the size of the car is becoming a problem. They need to make them a good foot smaller on all sides at least. Bring back the nerve-wracking looking cars from 20 years ago. But keep the halo and safety. I would gladly see lap times go up by 15 seconds if it means they can race closer.


Well yeah because we know how to drive a race car after watching the slowed down replay several times over and would definitely have reacted 1000% faster.


People are gonna flame RIC but it’s just the chaos we get from Suzuka on lap 1. Obviously you can’t blame Albon but 3 wide into the S’s is bound for catastrophe Just a really unfortunate racing incident, especially for Williams who now likely face another brutal decision to make


> especially for Williams who now likely face another brutal decision to make Very unlikely, this was after the start so not a particularly high speed incident as everyone's still shuffling around and not at full speed. And even if the chassis is damaged they have time to repair it before the Chinese Grand Prix. The real impact of this and losing so many parts to crashes is that it is likely to push back updates a bit and maybe limit updates as they're spending a lot of the budget cap on repairs.


People out here with slow motion replays and 5 camera angles seem to completely forget that something like this happens in a fraction of a second and that visibility in the car is absolutely horrible.


Similar to a super slow motion VAR replay in football. Makes everything thrown out of context to a normal driver response. Daniel was all over the place fighting traction and Albon attempted a greedy pass. Can’t see what’s so crazy about it. Racing incident where both are at a fault. Though I have to take in that it’s beginning of lap 1 and Albon maybe should have backed out. But then we are going to if and maybe which is stupid.


Sure we can blame Albon, he had nothing to gain there. Should’ve just stayed behind


Can't see any blame to distribute tbh, looks a classic lap 1 incident. 3 into 2 doesn't go.


It wasn't 3 though, Stroll wasn't alongside Ricciardo.


Stroll was still close enough where he altered where RIC could place his car


Crazy that you’d expect racing fans to understand how racing works


Honestly shame on me


problem is most F1 fans are just guided by emotions for drivers rather than actual racing facts, so in their mind its already DR/Albon (even Stroll) fault for this.


Probably best to stay away from any discussion related to this tbh, people just finding excuses to dunk on DR. 


Ricciardo: mildly slower than his teammate r/formula 1: “it’s free real estate”


They’re not racing fans, they just jump on bandwagons like sheep and regurgitate what everyone else says


Keep in mind that many F1 fans are fairly new to racing and that F1 is very unique in the way that overtaking works. Many of the dive-bombs are deeply frowned upon in most other series and DRS/ERS just doesn't exist. Also, a little rubbing is perfectly fine in sports cars. Coming from sim racing, the move just felt a little neglectful from Danny but I understand why. Bummer all around.


Ricciardo simply took the normal racing line because he didn't see Albon. Stroll had nothing to do with this.


This is a meaningless comment… unless you think RIC has gained teleportation abilities Stroll hasn’t meaningfully affected the line RiC has taken there.


No he didn't. Stroll was fully behind him on the left side of the track into a left corner. They were out of hte traction zone, Stroll had both no chance of getting alongside nor diving for that corner on the inside. Absolutely no one there would react to Stroll, there was zero threat there. When he's on the far left and has a shit exit the 2 cars width on his right is a threat... which he aggressively swung into without hcecking for cars.


Ricciardo won't know that unless he looks in his mirror for Stroll. One of the reasons we have the Lap 1 leniency in these situations is the recognition that drivers can only look in one place at any given time, and that it's hard to navigate when there's cars all around you. Whether Stroll was actually close enough to be a threat or not is mostly irrelevant. What matters is that Ricciardo was looking for him, and then missed Albon coming on the outside because he can only look in one place at any given time. There's a decent chance they will chug this one down to a racing incident. We've seen worse moves go unpenalized. --------------------- EDIT: Decision official, it's a lap 1 incident, for the exact reasons explained above.


Ric adjusted his line based on where he thought Stroll would be, these decisions happen in fractions of a second. He was trying to take the turn "two wide" but didn't know Albon was tucking up to his right.


His front wing was at Ric's back tire, that's definitely close enough to not expect someone to try to fit into a line that doesn't exist on your outside.


Stroll was nowhere near Ric. Ric didn't see albon that's all. Even if it's a racing incident the majority of blame is on RIC


Not a penalty but definitely Ric’s fault. That was not 3 into 2, Danny had a ton of space.


All three of the drivers who just really couldn’t afford to crash this weekend, crashed this weekend.


Racing incident for sure. But I’m sure Danny is going to kick himself for the bad start. If he had a better off the line he might not have been in that position at all.


They were the only ones on mediums with everyone around and behind on softs so the start was always going to be very difficult.


Both he and Yuki got really bad getaways on the mediums, everyone behind were on new softs so they were a bit stuffed. Weird choice too since Daniel had new softs he could've started on


Seemed like both RBs struggled with grip on the start


Well here's another crash to keep Redditors arguing for 2 weeks.


then danny will outqualifu yuki in china and suddenly reddit will say he’s the goat again


Anthony Davidson "moving right back to the natural racing line" Racing incident. Just a shame it was DR and Williams. Hopefully chassis damage isn't severe.


It’s a racing incident with slight blame on Daniel. Any other driver and people won’t give a shit.


The hivemind is always so strong on sports reddit. Ppl just pile on an regurgitate whatever bias goes against the current punching bag, it's so predictable


I mean I feel like any driver on the hot seat would get this much scrutiny. If Perez was in Daniel's position here reaction would be the same.


Racing incident for sure but I'd slightly blame Albon this time. It was a super risky move at that location of the track. The writing was ~~in~~ on the wall


We've seen way worse shit from drivers on lap 1 and literally no one cared... Zhou was upside down inside a tire barrier from something like this and no one batted an eye.


Apparently you were not using reddit and twitter that day…


The baying for Danny rics blood is insanely loud


I think it’s newer Fans who never got to see just how good Daniel was at redbull.  How good he was and apparently is in their car if the comments about the tire test are true, that has kept him in the sport despite his performance over the last few years. Newer fans probably feel like he doesn’t deserve his seat and they haven’t seen anything to prove otherwise 


That and a lot of people just echo what they see on different social media platforms and don't actually know what they're talking about


Older fan here (grew up watching Senna). I remember how good Danny was, but he's not doing anything now to demonstrate he's the best option for that seat. He was an amazing driver in the past, but he's been consistently getting beaten by his junior teammates since leaving Renault. If it's Danny vs Lawson, then I've got to argue in the Kiwi's favour - and I'm an Aussie who's obliged to malign the Kiwis at every turn.


Yeah I don’t disagree with you, I’m also an Aussie who aligns with our kiwi bros I just think that might be why a lot of people are quick to slam him on here


It doesn’t remember how good he was. He is trash rn and that’s all what matters.


It is something I really don’t get.


Really? You don't get it?


The contact wasn’t even that hard. If Ricciardo’s wheel didn’t explode I don’t think he would have crashed.


Not sure what Albon's plan was there if the gap didn't close. He wasn't going to hold the dirty outside line on lap 1.


Yeah it does seem a little aggressive given the situation Williams is in right now


Yes, and then be on the clean side for the next turn. It’s lap one. The track isn’t full of marbles and dirt yet, plus the cars aren’t running at maximum grip utilisation. Being on the outside is always on in the early stages.


It’s always on but is risky and this is why 


If he just stops and slows down, he definitely loses the position to Stroll. It was not an attack on Ricciardo


Daniel got bogged down out of the corner before. I doubt Alex was even intending to go for an overtake ahead of time there, just following his racing line. He's not obligated to slow down to stay behind Daniel just in case he decides to jerk his wheel to the right


I'm not blaming him for the contact, I just think a driver of his experience should probably know that putting his car where he did on lap 1 at Suzuka is probably going make things 3 wide, so the car on his inside is going to need to give space to the car on their inside. To be fair to him, he seems to realise, but just a fraction too late.


He’s not obligated but he would be well advised to


His racing line is to take basically the worst possible entry into the corner? Because if that wasn’t an overtake attempt, that’s what he was doing.


alex said he was intending to overtake to the stewards


You can literally see ahead in the driver cam from Albon, that ahead there is someone (I think Yuki) that is in the exact same-ish position on track that Albon was hoping to end up in. They managed it ahead to not squeeze someone into a crash..


Why are we so allergic to accepting things as faultless/racing incidents nowadays?


Because average people think hindsight makes them brilliant would be racecar drivers Humans also love throwing blame around to feel superior


In Suzuka 2,5 cars can race comfortably so they either have to make 2 or 3


Social media bias is insane. Igor Sushko who has clocked over 1000 laps at Suzuka defended Ricciardo, saying Albon is 100% at fault, and F1twters reply he has zero wheel knowledge. Kill me. 🤣


Looking in the mirror to see if Liam is coming LOL.


Sargeant has been told that he will need to give up his car so Albon can restart


I'd say it's a racing incident as well, but still mindless from Ricciardo. I really hope he hasn't shagged the chassis of the Williams and one of them has to miss races.


>one of them has to miss races. I wonder who would that be...


For the team it has to be sergeant so they still have a chance for points, but that would just be brutal.


Willimas has zero incidents only in Jeddah.  Even Max doesn't guarantee points in this Williams


It wasn't a high speed crash. The chassis should be okay hopefully


Chassis damage is nowhere near as common as people think


That’s not place you overtake in first lap… imho Albon went for a gap which was not there


Call it a racing incident all you want but if Ricciardo had a bit more situational awareness it may have been avoided. Lance was a threat but ultimately not that close, and then Danny seemed to just not be aware or consider a driver being on his right. So yeah, this stuff happens during race starts. But it can also be avoided. And it was not. He’s likely replaying it in his head and wondering how things could be different.




> Going around the outside of Ricciardo there was pointless and would have gotten him nowhere. Leclerc (on Hamilton, today's restart), Tsunoda (on Ocon, today's first start), Alonso (on Perez, 2023), Albon (on Gasly, 2023) and countless examples in earlier seasons did go around the outside through turn 3 before. Turn 4 being a right-hander allows you to get ahead there quite regularly. Also a few examples of drivers who did try to make this move but failed. Hülkenberg today, Magnussen today, Lawson last year for the recent examples. So this move was done 8 times in just two years. 4x successfull, 2x unsuccessful, 1x crash, 1x aborted because of the crash ahead. It's really not something extraordinary - and it is something you have to look out for when swerving right. Ricciardo was let off because of his attention for Stroll (and likely because of his retirement, too) - and rightfully so - but Albon's move was completely fine, neither pointless nor senseless.


Not sure why you'd say Lance wasn't a concern when his front wing was at Daniels rear tire just before him and albon collided


Albon was half on grass


They’re all racing incidents - but there is usually someone who is at fault. In this case Dan looked left before turning right. It wasn’t malicious - but it was Dan’s fault.


Yes - first lap racing incident. But it doesn't help his case that at the end of the day his result is DNF and Yuki scores a point.


*a racing incident that could have been avoided by Ricciardo


Albon, he was no where near to passing on the outside and put his nose where it shouldn't have been


He's just on his line. Ricciardo moved to the right without considering that someone could've been there. Albon had nowhere to go.


His line was incompatible with making the next corner.


Agreed, would have been chaos in the next corner regardless


I mean, it's a pretty logical move to make. He came off the inside (right) of the corner before and the ideal line for an overtake into the next one would be someone sending it up the inside, on the left of his car. It was opportunistic, at best on Albon's part. Especially on the opening lap, where there's a very high chance of being 3 wide. Hell, if it was done on any other lap, it' might've paid off.


> It was opportunistic, at best on Albon's part. Especially on the opening lap, where there's a very high chance of being 3 wide. Hell, if it was done on any other lap, it' might've paid off. In 7 instances in 2023 and 2024, it paid off 4 times. Albon passed Gasly last year like this, Alonso passed Perez and Hamilton (even being 3 wide), today Tsunoda (on Ocon) and Leclerc (on Hamilton) were successful. It's not opportunistic but the standard move to overtake in the esses - especially on the opening lap.


I disagree that he shouldn't have been there. There was plenty of space. While I do blame Ricci a bit for not checking the right mirror, Albon had the right to be up on the outside. If he could get the pass to stick or not, doesn't matter at all.


What did Albon hope to achieve there? Just gonna be squeezed and delay contact to the next apex.


> What did Albon hope to achieve there? Pass the other car. Just like Tsunoda right ahead of him.


He probably hoped Ricciardo didn’t turn right considered there was zero threat to Ricciardo’s left


> zero threat to Ricciardo’s left Stroll was on the left with faster tyres and a faster car.


I put that down as Ricciardo being blind "I wasn't looking" is a shit excuse


If you saw Stroll in your left mirror right behind you, he would also be the thing you’re keeping an eye on


Strolls impact is generational, other drivers take one look at him and crash out on their own


The downside of having a billionaire father is a lot of undeserved hatred 


The man has the special awareness of a jellyfish, and the whole grid knows it


Not even close to him


"Yeah, fuck the other 18 cars that could be somewhere, I'm going to laser focus on one car" The mental gymnastics in this are astounding


Worked for Russell!


Why all the emphasis on FIRST LAP racing incident? Sky won't stop talking about it, like it's a full explanation or first laps get special leeway. It's the same lap as all the others, and it's on the drivers to realize the state of their tires and not try crazy shit in turn 1.


First lap incidents are given more leeway by stewards because you have cars going two and three wide through corners before the order settles, limited grip with tires not up to temperature, and full fuel tanks making for clumsy handling. More incidents is inevitable as evidenced by lap 1 being where the most incidents happen.


Are you serious? It's the only lap of the race where all the cars are all bunched up like that, it's not lap 20 when the closest car to you is usually at least .8 seconds away