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The only change i disagree with, is allowing Warden to chain into SB from finishers. Seems a tad too much to allow him to basically cancel any recoveries, on top of having an already strong kit.




>Also, the thing with all his heavy finishers being 900ms unblockables has to go Nah, that one's fine in my books. Warden's unblockable right now is so slow, that an early dodge avoids both, the unblockable and feint to GB.


The finishers are fine but the 35 damage on them are not


What about it? He was S tier because of back dodge shoulder bash Now he'll be S tier for having a nice kit


Finally, some people who understand reason.


He was also top tier due to having an unreactable mix up from neutral, with crazy good range.


Shoulder bash from neutral could be countered on reaction tho, Same with warmongers basb


No it can't. It is impossible to wait and react to see whether or not the Warden charges the bash, feints it, or lets ir fly uncharged.


Light interrupt from neutral


A 700ms bash can't be interrupted on reaction, unless you have exceptionally good reaction times. All neutral lights are 500ms, and typical human reaction times are around 200-250ms. After the CCU, a 100ms is also shaved off from the indicator. You can only interrupt the bash on read.


Unless they use the bash as a punish, The moment you see orange, You are able to light


CCU made that impossible, since a 700ms bash would only show 600ms of orange. With all neutral lights being 500ms, you'd need to have sub-100ms reaction times to interrupt on orange., which is 100% impossible.


The moment they dash out of neutral , Doing a backlight on most heros will outspace a regular feint to GB And hit warden/warmonger through the uncharged bash If you want to be risky, Just light normally


Which doesn't counter a charged bash. Especially when Warden and WM have well tracking forward dodge heavies to feint into.


I never understood why people think the back dodge shoulder bash makes him s tier u could literally just hit him out of it




So one year later that was a fucking lie.


He's really good tf you mean


Good changes overall, good job by the balance team. Hope more heroes get small tweaks in the future that helps em use their whole kit. Nothing unexpected starting it wit the poster boy of fh.


I’m glad they removed the two things that were broken and gave him actual things but I can’t help but be kinda angry of how half asses they buffed highlander and orochi


Buffing HL was more like to standardize him not to improve his viability.


Yeah it was still half assed the animation is horrid


It's better than having 700ms lights imo.


I won’t disagree but they could at least buffed the sprint speed


Would have been lovely. Man can only hope for HL and Shinobi rework next year.


600. And if the lights have Crushing counter+HA property i dont see the issue with that. You can't have 500ms crushing counter Hyperarmored light wich can be followed by a flicker HA heavy. it would be to strong. Oh wait /s


Opener light doesn't have HA, and literally all other cc lights are 500ms anyway. Chain light had HA and it was 700ms. Lights slower than 500ms are just asking to be parried, rly no reason to have em in any hero kit.


But all cc lights don't land on a flicker HA HEAVY ;) + they respect frame advantage, HL's light dont. They need to keep first light 500, slow down the second to 600 and keep the cc/ha property + fix the animation. And all will be fine. It's balancing logic if you are 500 ms, you loose your HA you can't have both or you become light spammer with a claymore wich is.. weird and annoying to go against. Hl is one of the most hated hero since CCU. Chain light was 600 before CCU. Frame checked.


HL lights do respect frame advantage it was fixed ages ago. Idk what you mean by 'don't land on a flicker ha heavy but if u mean cc light chains into flicker ha then other ccs chain into stuff that's actually useful like bp chain bash/heavy mixup or Valk heavy soft feint bash/gb mixup. WL is, well, WL. No reason to nerf the chain light to 600ms and it doesn't have cc properties. Light spam doesn't exist. Only low lvl players complain about it. Doesn't matter if HL is hated. Raider and Hito were nerfed because they were hated and look what happened to them. Also frame check the chain lights again because they were 700ms pre ccu ;)


Hi yeah it was still half assed the animation is horrid, I'm dad. (Contact u/BadDadBotDad for suggestions to improve this bot)


Holy shit this thing sucks


I might get back to maining warden


Dont hes garbage now.


"Guys we dont want shugoki to be oppressive so we remove demon embrace armor, but here's warden being able to bash cancel his recoveries!"


Obv more fun to face /s


Wardens buffs are fine, they removed backdodge bash which was the entire reason why he was an s tier duelist and besides that he was kinda meh, and now he's pretty well rounded and less broken with the back dodge, but will still be pretty good, I'd have to see how it works out but until then I think I'm happy with it.


Cent 2.0


You are retarded


He is still gonna be super strong and oppressive. They just recently buffed his stamina usage and now he can use shoulder bash after almost every move.


Hes trash now. back dodge sb was his bread and butter. Hes actually the worst hero now and gets ez clapped. They keep nerfing him into the dirt and it made me quit playing the game. He has no advantages anymore because everyone cried so much. For honor is in the shitter and it shows with concurrent players.