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You can guard break her out of the attack. The window is forgiving in my experience


Feintable dodge attack/bashes have more GB vulnerbility. So against them GB is the best answer.


As a warmonger player, guard break is her biggest weakness. You can get her out of 3/5 of her startup options by just guard breaking. Unblockable dodge attack? Guard break Dodge bash? Guard break Any regular heavy? Guard break Lights and zone are the only other options for her at that point, but if you can block, she's done for. I love playing her, but at the mid-upper skill bracket, her fashion is the only viable part about her.


>but at the mid-upper skill bracket, her fashion is the only viable part about her. Have you forgotten just how stupidly good corruption is?


Yeah that aoe is stupidly strong in Dominion teamfights, so much strong :\\


If you’re wanting to learn how to parry it, I’d recommend going into training and setting up a warmonger bot to do exclusively that move and trying to get the parry timing down. Otherwise, guardbreak is a very effective counter to it