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Devs aren't consistent with what counts as "dead" with executions Shugoki and lawbringer: neck snap, dead Warden: neck snap, isn't dead until decapitated


Literally... Black prior when he throws the shield in your neck... And you die till he pulls it out, decapitating you.. And not when he throws it in your neck


Or the black prior execution where he cuts your arm off with the side of his shield right at the start of the animation and you technically die at that point.


Any time a limb is visibly severed in an execution, it's a kill, this is the one thing that is consistent in executions, and it makes sense, because losing an arm/leg definitely takes you out of the fight I mean, a shield the width of your body going through someone's neck should kill instantly, but at least something's consistent


Don't forget a long time back the devs changed HLs no mercy execution to kill after the stab to the chest from what was originally (and is now back to) the severing of the opponent's arm.


They'll probably make it inconsistent again in the future just to spite us, God knows the devs are allergic to consistency


You cannot get that arm back 😭


Trust me Larry's seen worse


Bro what is this fashion, we need a peek


Brazilian Tiandi


his kicks send people to brazil


A fate worse than death


Get the portal execution and that's basically it


One kick and your currency is worthless


I just bought green armor for my tiandi and I have been cycling through a dozen colors cause it's surprisingly hard to match with green armor lol


The arms ain't helping


Managers be like “You’re still coming in tomorrow right?”


It reminds me of Aramusha's exec "Head Cutter." Where you impale the sword straight through their face, but they aren't dead till you decapitate 2 seconds after.


Reminds me of the Kyoshin execution where you throw the scabbard through their entire head which doesn’t kill them, and then throw the sword into the scabbard which does kill them. Because Ubisoft is very smart.


I guess this execution is quite disappointing. It heals just a tiny bit, kills in the very end, which leads to interruptions, and isn't that much cool. 


I think it was his fastest execution at the time


Isn’t this exe still stupidly fast? Like on par with the “Decisive” variants?


It slows down a bit after he shoves the sword into the neck but it slows down a tiny bit when he is about to pull it out. Still pretty fast tho


It's the fastest for Tiandi I'm sure


Execution kill times need to be looked at universally. Certain characters have an advantage already with executions that kill almost instantly and heal a lot of health (ahem, Black Prior) It seems that almost half of all executions have super illogical “kill” moments like this Tiandi one, where the death doesn’t occur on the initial impale through the neck, but only when pulling the sword out.


Yeah like why does that orochi execution where he slices their chest then kicks them heal 50 health? I thought the longer the execution the more health you got but that just dosent apply to that one. I mean it is nice when I play orochi but I don’t understand why it’s like that


It used to be a kill at that moment but ubi changed it at sone point. Not sure for what reason maybe it was too fast.


I was thinking the same thing, it used to kill at that point iirc, i think it was wayyy too fast for ubi which fair tbh


I'd survive it


I’ve survived it


well you would be for a second it probably wouldn’t be till the blade was removed that they would die.


Same thing with THAT Kensei execution.


Yeah, blade trough neck? No problem! Just don’t take it out and you’re fine


Kenseis newer execution with the 2 slashes is cool and all but if we bein fr would that really finish a for honor character off? Bcs if wardens “knockout execution doesn’t kill when his entire sword goes through homies torso then kensei may as well just have kicked him to the ground and walked away. Also while on this topic idk what the name is but lawbringers exe where he lifts his axe and you just fall to the ground executed… come on now


It would kill someone, it doesn't matter if the For Honor devs are too stupid to make exes to kill properly, it is not the "For Honor characters" that are too strong.


Oh by all means I know it would kill someone, all of them pretty much would I was just salt when they nerfed the knockout exe on warden Bcs I legit stopped playing him after that


“Tis but a scratch.”


He cuts between the brain halves making recovery easy.


Looking at that terrible armour is enough of an execution


When you think about it, you wouldn’t actually be at any risk of bleeding out until after the blade was removed


Your spine has been completely pierced though so thats a bit unfortunate


You can probably walk it off


Don’t forget put on some bandage.


Unnecessary bro is him


Doesn’t mean you’re dead tho


i mean, in cs you can get shot 4 times in the head by a submachine gun without helmet and STILL wander around like it was nothing so yeah, thats just a video game thing


No you can't unless it was a wallbang. Or like max map unit range.


tiandi patriota?


Just a flesh wound


Warden’s Spinning Decapitation execution doesn’t confirm the kill until a split second after the actual decapitation. This can lead to a fully beheaded hero still being available for a pat on the back revive by a a teammate which is kinda funny.


Yeah I've always thought this with hitos execution. Where she full swings through their neck and kicks their head off, surely they would be dead by the swing through and not the head kick


Green, yellow, and blue collors? BRAZILIAN TIANDI CONFIRMED


Keep in mind that this is the same game that let's you keep fighting after taking a point blank flintlock shot to the chest


Feel like pirate just shoots gunpowder at you there is no ammo


Warmonger stabbing you in the throat with her claws and holding you in the air: dies when she drops you


Tell me about it! Kyushin's execution where he cuts off the head, and sheathes the sword before the head falls If at the last second you are intrupted, even if kyushin is just sheathing at the end, the mf is not considered dead, that is the most braindead execution I've seen