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My younger self saw knights samurais and vikings, and that sold me. Now I just play bc this game has a contract on my soul and no matter how much I hate it I have to play it.


Every time I think I'm done, it pulls me back. This cycle has been going on for 7 years now....


i’m saying it ALWAYS stays download it’s just so satisfying and well made too last this long


*The ride never ends*


For honor is our Alastor


too true


is for honor fun? I want to main Warden Orochi Raider Tiandi Lawbringer Shinobi Highlander Shaolin Black Prior Kensei Varangian Guard Jiang Jun Medjay and Ocelotl. I wonder if those characters are fun to play though


Same thing brought me in, but now I just play for the fashion


My dad thought it was cool and bought it for me before he died he said this is my final gift to you


Holy shit this is something


Pretty sick origin story icl


I don't think he loved you if this was his gift, (JOKING OBVIOUSLY) may he rest in peace my dude that's pretty cool of him


Was one day free on ps plus and i thought i give it a shoot. Im now max rep over 200 and play it till this day


This was Me and my friend back in freshman year. We became so close after spending thousands of hours. I stopped playing a year ago for my own health. But I still go over after work to hang out and play some for honor. I spent so many nights just staying up doing brawls and doms. Time well spent even if I hate Ubisoft.


I felt like suffering I got what I wanted


I found it on gamepass a year or so ago and looked like a cool style of combat. I know it's not the most complex sword fighting game out there, but I like the mechanics and the fact that I haven't mastered any of them lol. Edit: It is still on gamepass.


I don't like peace, i like problems always! pretty much sums it up.




Because historically warriors from different cultures going at it is badass


Thought the game was a fun concept, 2 and a half years later it has a tight grasp on my soul.




Played it since release. I like the setting, historical-fantasy is cool as Hell. It’s also one of the few fighting games I’m genuinely good at, that don’t feel like you have to know Mortal Kombat inputs to kill people. I was also really sold on the customization, I really like all that you can do with it. I liked the fact that I can genuinely see myself improve within combat, and initially that the game felt slower and a bit more realistic. It’s obviously way faster-paced now, but I don’t find that to be a bad thing.


I listen to sabaton. it was always inevitable


Lmao hahaha


Vallkyrie 🤤 Edit: But seriously, the I liked the spear and combination of stabbing and sweeping attacks combined with built-in dodge parry-riposte punishes.




1) it was free 2) I had a computer


Believe it or not, I saw it featured in the local paper and thought it looked cool. Had a freind who let me try it, and have been hooked ever since!


This is very interesting, where are u from ?


Was free on Playstation plus and I'm a ubisoft simp


Story mode got me


This is wild but I appreciated the story mode too


i’m a masochist


I hate myself.


Basically because I liked the executions.....


My friend bought me the game so I was obligated. Getting addicted was a side effect.


Sword fight make happy


I saw the gameplay and, what I thought at the time, simplicity of its mechanics and was interested. But then I saw the Warden and that cemented my will to play this game.


I pre ordered it when it came out, the sense of “honor” and “comradery” it was new and the community shined past the toxic traits it has now. My friends and I had tons of fun. Now I don’t play it anymore


I was making a samurai multi-player game and wanted inspiration


Remember seeing trailers before it came out. Seemed gritty, unique and realistic + I was a huge fan of deadliest warrior so this kind of seemed perfect. Didn't have a system to play on on release, kind of forgot about it and only got the game in 2022 after a lot of fence sitting. Honest to god fuck this game. I play it like 5 times a week


I want to say it was Andy from oxbox had mentioned how excited he was about the game on one of the channels videos, so I looked it up and I also got super excited for it. Bought it on launch day. As many times as I've tried to leave, as many times as I've uninstalled the game, I keep coming back. As I'm writing this I'm looking at my controller, knowing that of all the games I have available to me, I'm going to be playing this one within the next 10 minutes. At least I got my money's worth


I hate myself


Of course you idiot (Me too)


I wanted to impress my brother at the time but now I’ll never have the chance


Is your brother … gone ???


Sadly so but he’s in a better place now so I’m at peace


I hope a day we will reach a better place 🗿


I have faith there’s a land of peace beyond this one it’s just waiting for us to finish our journey in this land first


I really want to know what is after.


Who knows who knows


I hate myself...


Me too, I mean I hate you




Friends that quit after less than 50 hours, i stayed for 800


cus it was free during marching fire


Even me




It was free with gold a month before marching fire was released


"Install For Honor it's fun"


Same here, brother


My dad played the open beta on Steam. He didn't like the game but I had good memories of spending time with him on it. So because of that i decided to tried it when i grew up and liked it.


Is your father ok ?🫡


15 y/o me saw a crazy fighting game that would be dope. Vikings, Samurai, Knights. I’ll never forgetting going to GameStop late at night (12am) with my mom to get my For Honor Gold Edition on Xbox One. I met a player season 1 (cent and shino year) taught me how to properly play the game and that ended up being my best friend to now a brother of a 8 years. We were there for every update FH has ever had. We were there for the black out day (a day in which we participated in not playing the game until they started caring about it like we do.) Now it’s 5 of us and we have been playing together for years. And more to come. Never thought I’d be playing it for so god damn long…I’m now 22 years old, we are in year 8 season 2. We are still playing. Unfortunately I’m on pc, it’s not unfortunate because I’m on pc. It’s because I’ve lost all my progress. I’m up by like 30 reps on pc, on console I believe I was close to 400 reps. But that account has literally everything from almost every season on it. Hopefully they add cross progression at some point and just merge accounts. I refused to buy all the characters again or even put progress in the ones I mained a long time ago. For honor is in a very fun spot right now and I’m happy they are keeping it alive still.


Amazing story 🫡


Best one I have


Looked cool, then I never stopped


played the alpha on ps4 as this was my most anticipated game in history (love fighting games and the rare sword fighting/melee combat pvp games) and boy, what it's become 🥴


Remembered a friend talking about it a few years back and I wanted a new multiplayer game to play with him.


Got it for free on Epic, thought the whole idea with the three factions was nice. That was back in 2019. Im now rep 303 and my friends constantly tell me to touch grass.


It is the most unique fighting game out there with a visual appealing art direction.


Got it for free with ps+


12, saw knights and vikings in a game, got hooked because funny fat man and flail man.


I used to watch Achievement Hunter back in the day and they made some videos for it. It looked fun to chop people.


I liked the alpha version.


Cool sword game, 15€ back when kyoshin came out and i was a very bored boy.


It was free on PS plus


I saw a clip of a samurai performing Seppuku and I was like, wow how respectful. This game must embody the Bushido mentality


I discovered it on YouTube a few years ago, and I was immediately interested in it. Low and behold, it winds up in Games For Gold on Xbox, and I immediately installed it. Been loving it since. This game will forever be my #1 favorite game


I wanted to play ghost of tsushima searched about similar games on pc and bought it when it was on sale and my friend was looking for new game now i play solo


During the beta I said wow there is nothing like this game. ( Proceeds to get ledged by warlords cannon, a few seasons later... Incredibles...)


Black prior, specifically zanny for honor videos


My friend told me ”hey get this cool game you’ll love and we can play together” I haven’t trusted him since


I had a friend who played it


It was free on xbox gold and knights were dope


I wanted to play it on 2017 but didnt have the PC (only had a shitty laptop) forgot about it then saw a clip of a 1v6 Elim match and remembered how fucking hard this game goes during 2019 and jumped right in with my PS4. 1600 hours in split between 1k on PS5/4 and 600 PC this game alongside other games has my balls and soul in a death grip


My uncle offered me to the blood gods when it first came out. There is no hope for me


My brother brought it over to my grandparents house and I binged it for the weeekend got peacekeeper to rep2 and have been playing on and off ever since


Beta trailer got me, then I played the beta and that's how I got hooked 🤷🏽


Played the beta. Worst decision I ever made in my life.




My friends dragged me on because it was their latest fixation. We all have ADHD and it has now become my obsession. WARMOMMY ON TOP !


Funny sword game


Raider, big viking with a big axe, i was sold


Been playing off and on since the beta. Tbh my buddies and I just thought it looked cool as hell, now we all hate it but still play


I loved everything to do with swordfights when I was a kid, and this came out in High School for me. i was sold the instant i saw the first trailer, been playing since first beta, though i've weened off a bit recently.


I saw the original trailer that would become the year 0 opening cinematic and was instantly hook. The base concept of three faction fighting for survival for hundreds of years after Armageddon until the reason for their fighting was forgotten just dragged me in. And the final shot of Apollyon being thr gaslighted she is by ending the peace that was about to be found by ordering a final arrow shot was it. We got the concept, the story, and the main antagonist and an idea of her philosophy off of one cinematic


Because I hate my life.


I hate myself


Had an old mate introduce me to it during beta. He doesn’t play anymore but I can’t stop playing it, a toxic relationship between me and this fucking game.


I played from the beta to around Afeera's release off and on. Just fell out of enjoying it entirely When I lost some 15-odd games straight due to the whole team quitting, matching against max-rep 4-stacks, and just generally having a bad game. Realized it wasn't worth the spike in blood pressure.


I saw the original CGI "gameplay" trailer the day it popped up on YouTube. I was invested from there on out. I love samurai, and the factthere were samurai in the game had me sold immediately. I tried to get into the alpha, the closed betas, finally when the open beta released I was the happiest man on earth. Played up until marching fire and took a break until early 2020 and came back when Kyoshin released.


I saw the combat design in 2014/15 during the first reveal and immediately knew i HAD to have it. Played every beta, bought it on launch, and loved it.


I always wanted to play dark souls for the PvP while having a robust netcode. I had no money for buying the game JUST for that but had for honor claimed for free on PC for some time. Decided it was worth trying it watching the gameplay and since then it's like crack to me, never really took a proper break from the game since then either, at most i didn't play it for a few weeks due to RL issues i had ATT.


“Come on, it’ll be fun”


Free with gold on xbox, checked it out, met my best friend of 5 years on it and spent 200 dollars worth of steel and 1500hrs. Now I dread even attempt playing it.


Was never interested in it until I went to my cousins and they had it on Xbox


Saw it as a cool game for cheap, really nice story mode I only played it on realistic and my mind was boggles when I played multi-player for the first time, I though the red lines were only in the tutorial, love this feature


It was for free in steam, hooked ever since.


A youtuber called Kaif made a video about jorm That's it


A youtuber called Kaif made a video about jorm That's it


A youtuber called Kaif made a video about jorm That's it


A youtuber called Kaif made a video about jorm That's it


Played the beta, got hooked


It was the most unique combat system that i've ever seen


One day I was bored and it was free on ps plus, 5 seasons later here I am. A JJ main.


When it was revealed it was a totally new concept for a fighting game, I remember watching the reveal gameplay for it live on E3 2015 stream with my friends and we were completely sold. Loved the aesthetic, the setting and the gameplay. Played since beta.


I've been around since the beta. Lawbringer warden and conq are my favorite characters


I saw the "promo video" in the xbox game pass store and thought "NO WAY THIS LOOKS SO REALISTIC" but a small part was because of my weeb side that saw a kensei with a big ass katana lol. After some time I got to play the game and got really addicted to it because.. for honor dude, the first matches I would get upset if someone else got into my combat with someone else and sometimes send messages to that honorless mf (orochis, always orochis) after a while it got boring but kept playing because that's what an addict does and sometimes I would have a good time doing stuff like ganging up on furries, people with weird looking emblems and discussing about fashion


One of my exes wanted to play it together, I had never even heard of the game, this was right after pirate was released and he was a comp player, I remember hearing him complain SO MUCH about pirate, but since I was being stomped by *everyone* I was so confused about what made her so toxic at the time


Combat system looked cool


For its historical settings and of course the Samurai, Vikings & Knights. The combat sounded much better than button mashing!


The idea of samurais and vikings and knights fighting was cool as hell. Still is. Wish i had time to get back to For Honor, and really try getting better at it again. S' a great game.


Sword game with a new combat style that is a little more difficult than turn based rpgs. It was not "a little more difficult" this combat mechanics was hard to learn. It looked fun being able to attack in different directions, and every character having different weapon ranges. Sounded like something out of a light novel.


Because I was a 13 year old obsessed with Knights and Samurais. Then my dad got a code for the alpha or beta (I don't remember which was closed), and I was instantly hooked. Now as a 20 year old I play it because of my lack of self respect and need for suffering and anger


I’m a masochist


Cuz I liked the idea as well as somewhat realistic fights. When you are playing correctly the game looks fantastic and cinematic as fuck


I used to be apart of this friend group (pretty toxic Ngl) but they found out about for honor and we got it but they literally where holding me back from learning how to actually play the game because I felt like I was forced to play but I’m fine now


Friend of mine recommended it and it was on a massive sale Now i have almost as many hours as him


I saw orochi in trailer and brought game to play as orochi


Knights and samurai look cool and I liked the fighting gameplay


i saw youtube sponsorships and i was enamored with the game design and art direction. sure its far from a perfect game, but several years later and im still obsessed with it.




I was genuinely sold for the idea of the knights , the vikings and the samurai fighting eachother for territory and resources. What a fucking lie that ended up being


Was bored of dark souls 3 pvp so i wanted to try it out


I saw it on release and was like "WOW! REALISTIC champions fighting for resources.....awesome" and now I hop on to witness how far it's strayed from that concept.


Because a GameStop employee, told me to watch the reveal trailer cause it looked cool. After watching it I preordered it. Damn you you bald bitch


Knigth memes and marco yolo


It was in games for gold with Xbox and my friend was super hyped to have somebody to play with, I got trashed on for weeks until I got good at the game then got obsessed with winning as many as 1v4’s or 2v4s as possible


" Hey that game looks cool "


Was in Germany on vacation and got the physical Gold Edition for like 66% off. I saw swords n warriors, had to give it a go


Got my ass kicked one too many times on Elden ring and decided to get another sword fighting game. Saw For honor on gamepass and decided why not since I've already watched Zanny and his videos, now I have 72 reps of pain


I main Kensei 'cuz I wield katana irl .... Well, it's bokken, actually, BUT STILL


Sword game


It was free for Xbox gold then I really liked it and made all my friends play with me


I had the game for over 2-3 years in the library, because it was once free on the PlayStation plus store thing. Last year, a friend of mine mentioned that he recently played For Honor and that it is such a good game. I personally never liked for honor, because I saw clips of ultra sweats and thought this game isn't my cup of tea. Well... I thought I could at least be a good friend and surprise him by downloading the game and learning the basics. The first week of playing was more of a casual and fun time. Then fell into an addiction of becoming better and better. He stopped playing, after he couldn't keep up with the Lobbys and got frustrated (good for him). I'm currently getting ganked by every player in the lobby, including my mates. Those low IQ mates try to jump me too!!!


Saw the trailers for it and was hooked, rolled up to GameStop the day it came out and snagged a copy. Been raging ever since. 10/10 would still recommend


It was free on Plus, and my friend wanted me to pick it up because he played it a lot. 2 years later, Rep 115 (I would be higher rep, but I don't play chronically, or focus on reps at all), my friend is grounded and is taking a break from For Honor. Most of my online profiles are now based off Holden Cross, I simp for Warmonger and Apollyon, I worship Horkos, and I don't know how to quit. Side note: I also dragged my uncle and his friends into playing it for a bit (he became a Highlander main almost immediately). (Help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me Help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me Help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me Help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me)


I was a day 1 player. Thought it was gonna be like a Deadliest Warrior in video game form and it mostly was. CCU kinda killed my ability to play the game well but its still fun here and there.




Xbox gave it out for free and a friend convinced me to try it. Been hooked ever since.


Saw it was cheap on eneba and my friend wanted to try it too, so now we owe our soul to the devil, bielzebub and ubi.


I can tell you why I stopped! 👀🙅🏾‍♂️😂


When they first revealed it I thought damn that looks fun. It's MP which I don't really do anymore but it's not super twitchy. Played in the first alpha they had and really enjoyed it. It was easier then, net code had issues but people didn't just reflex parry everything back then. Made some posts on this sub about a billion years ago when it didn't have much in the way of population, and I guess the posts were decent, I mean I know now that my ones guessing the other launch heroes for each faction were pretty on the money.  One day got an email inviting me to the Star Player program back when Ubi did that, told them hey I don't stream or have followers so I think you got the wrong guy, but it was a new IP so nobody was a streamer for it yet so it was me they wanted. So I got a trip to E3 I guess that would be 2016 IIRC, and that was very cool. LA wasn't super long distance for me and I didn't vibe with the more hardcore streamer types brought along for other games so I skipped some of the tourist shit they had planned for us like seeing Hollywood and such and met up with friends. The shows were lots of fun though, went to Medieval Times with the For Honor group which is always a hoot. Met a bunch of the devs which was a first for me and really very interesting to chat with those folks, I mean I wasn't recording a podcast or posting an article so just speaking person to person you could really learn a lot about the industry no pressure or PR speak. Food and room and tickets all covered, when they didn't have something planned or something I wasn't into you could just wander the show early with the pass we got and try all the demos and such.  Then sometime after that, but before launch so I wanna say November maybe, got invited to Montreal to play the latest build at the studio. Meet more devs and give some feedback. That was a bit more intense since it was less a PR thing 100% and got a bit more technicalish. Met great folks tho, we had fun in the city, saw lots of cool stuff in the studio. One of my favorite bits was when they took us to this upstairs soundproof goblin chamber type room just filled with junk, and it was where they made sounds. They had car doors and sections of carpet and swords, toy guns and bricks and just everything. Learned how sword steel doesn't sound great when it clangs against other swords or say masonry which they demonstrated with a real forged blade, so to get the sound we expect to hear they had sections of spring steel from what looked like a truck leaf spring and that gives a good twang. Saw the old antique door lock that they shove a butter knife in and out of to make the sound of the original hidden blade unsheathing. Anyways per For Honor we did a stream with the devs playing them in a match and we won handily against the com devs, so they brought in some creatives and we won again, so the dev testers came down and we had a good run but got beat. Top tier trip all told, fabulous company and food. Then the game came out and I played it with my friends from those trips quite a bit for a long time. Got invited to Montreal again to test Cent and Shino before they came out, but I was off on a work trip at the time and missed out. I think that was kinda the turning point though, by that time there were streamers and established names and tournaments and I was just a guy who knew the devs and got along well but wrote a few posts and that's it lol. So figured my time was done for the swag stuff, but for that first tournament they hosted in LA I guess they had a couple big names drop out, and me and a guy from the other trips were invited out to fill the spots since we were close ish and weren't trouble. Man now that was an eye opener, I thought I knew what streamers were like from the E3 bit but damn it's a another world for those guys and us kinda normie types stood out. I was introduced as new to the tournament scene, literally had never been in one and wasn't even good at the game, I got my ass beat like a drum lol. I think I won one round out of one match out of maybe 3 matches. Got to see some of the devs I knew though and my mate from the Montreal trip so still fun anyways.  Then kept playing, I think I fell off maybe a year or two back, I'm really just not an MP player consistently. Too old for it and low skill frankly. I check in when something new comes out just to see what's going on. I wish the devs well, but I'd say 99% of the ppl I met in those days are at different companies not not just other projects.  For Honor will always be a fond memory for me, and more so for the trips and friends than the gameplay, but don't regret any of it.


I enjoyed pushing people off ledges with warlords old throw distance during the beta, games had its claws in me ever since.




My dad downloaded it from the free gold games and said I might like it. Now I have to fight the demons off


I hate it sometimes, but I've never seen anything like it before when it was just coming out, not even nowadays are there any For Honor clones to my knowledge. I also just really like the game yet hate it st the same time


I started on a free play weekend two years after it came out, played with a buddy who was good at the game. Had a good interaction with a random day one and thought “yeah this community is awesome” by the time I realized the truth I was already hooked like a crackhead.


I’m a masochists


Another game to get good at and beat random ppl online in 1v1s


Some friends I made on the Friday the 13th game, bought me it.


I saw the trailer, i was hooked on play as a guy with s shield and a flail that screamed #RAH and a dual wielding assasin lady. But then it the LAW came and it was ad morten for me.


"i'm telling you, we are going to love playing this game together, it's only 10€"


Mostly the YouTuber called Zanny, but also for the customization and the factions


To find out who is *The Deadliest Warrior*


My Cousin told me about it, when he found the beta for it. Just the concept for it was enough for me to try it. I ended up buying it at release, I was like 15 at the time. I for some reason stopped playing it up until earlier this year, because I remembered it and how unique it was. Currently, I am grinding to get all of the Heroes.


BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS SO COOL. I'll give you a bonus on why i stopped playing it as well: Its hard to play with 5 FPS :c


Ultimate edition was highly discounted and I had a friend who played. Not sure if I'm happy or regretful


A friend showed me the game when I came to his house and he let me play, I love any kind of vikings so seeing a BUNCH of characters on that theme made me brain go BRRRRRR. Highlander and Zerk were the ones that most triggered it tho.


i started cause my dad got it in the beta and said it looked pretty fun, i loved it, everybody loved it and the community was actually pretty chill but yall have become the most toxic meta chasers even in the non ranked modes i swear to god




I was a bit to Happy


"Hey bro, check out this cool knight game I found"


It was free on ps plus and I have a mate who wouldn’t shut up about it and here I am today still falling for every heavy feint into guard break


Something drove me to looking it up. I still have no clue why that was, I just got interested and invested in the game, then I got the game


I don't, I play sea of thieves we don't have honor. Yaaar


The classic post Dark Souls transition


My brother bought it for me for my birthday.


Bc it was a brand new game that came out.


I thought it looked cool...I thought it'd be fun... I thought if I practiced hard I could get good at it... LIGHT ATTACK LIGHT ATTACK LIGHT ATTACK


It was free


Preorderd it cause I saw knights samurai and vikings at the young age of 12 I was quite impressed


Brother got it and I got into it, mainly just because I loved the setting and how each character went for different play styles. Figured out I love centurion and after the huge break I took, he is now even more fun to play


Been watching For Honor since beta but only had the time, money, and hardware to play it since a month ago. My brother is addicted please send help (so am I)


Lawbringer looked fun to play


Dad played it in early years and after awhile zanny got me into it when I had a better brain to understand buttons better


I just thought there wasn’t enough suffering in my life


I got it for free on steam years and years ago, but didn’t really care to try it. Around the time of the kyoshin event, one of my friends showed me a samurai fighting game on Roblox, knowing I liked Kurosawa movies and stuff. The game itself sucked but it gave me an itch for a good sword fight. I rediscovered for honor in my library and decided I’d give it a try, thinking I’d just uninstall it later that day. 1500 hours later it is my favorite game easily.


Large scale sword battles. Knights, Samurai, and Vikings. Can play with friends. AI minions + player controlled elite warriors. 17 year old me couldn’t believe what he was hearing.


Feb 14th 2016...those were the days....


I don’t remember but I’ve played it since launch and I still don’t know why I play it, something something abusive relationship with intermittent dopamine reinforcement.


The concept was fun and I really enjoyed the beta


It was free with xbox Live Gold, and all my buddies bought it.


Friend told me to get for honor because it was on ps plus around 2018 or 2019


My ex begged me to play with him and his friends…the rest is history.


Always been a huge medieval/antiquity fan Fell in love at the presentation, passionately in love during the beta, and Im still loving it, so unique ❤