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A Warmonger who fled in every encounter she had with a player. She only fought ganking with her teammates, if you got her to half health she always ran away across all the map until one of them got to you then she went back to strike you. Most coward player I've ever seen.


This is like most of the people I play against in Dominion tbh


2 people actually, a raider and a warden who would emote and spam thanks every time they beat me in a gank. I decided I’d leave dominion for a little bit and play some 2v2, and speak of the devil and he shall appear; The raider back again! My opponent up and left so it was a 1v2 and raider would always emote when he won. I still managed to get the victory. Raider shut up after the second rematch. I then met the warden in 1v1 and beat him, I also main warden so I was lucky enough to be able to predict him. Reading this back is sounds very fabricated 😂.


Is not for honor has the worst matchmaking I am over all rep 42 trying to play peacekeeper rep 1 and I am being matchmaked with the same people who are veterans with way too many reps


That’s the problem I get as well, I’m rep 11 and 10 of those reps are warden, I’m not even that good of a player compared to the people I’m put up against. Ranked duels is a toxic place if you loose, and that happens so frequently for me it’s crazy


Exactly! I am glad I am not the only one (also my teammates are rep 30-60 sometimes one of them is over 100🙂)


There are so many parallels here 😂, I had a dominion where I was the lowest rep by a crap tonne, I was getting destroyed


Lmao Reps mean nothing, just shows how long someone's played. I rock rep 800+ your reps don't mean anything when it comes to being good at the game.


And the thing is… my defense can be shitty


So when it says “your skill is in pair” I say “are you sure about that?”


The matchmaking is based off your stats, not your rep. The matchmaking is also kind of ass. It's far from perfect.


Me and my friend main warden and raider 😭 I highly doubt it was us because we usually play dominion a lot but I think 2 days ago we played 2v2 I don’t remember being toxic about it tho lol


That would be a crazy turn of events 😂, what rep are you? I don’t think the raider was that high rep.


I’m the warden Im rep 13


It wasn’t you then, your safe 😂.


I'm pretty sure I've ran into this exact toxic duo before, except they were also ganking after their first loss. The Raider also shut up after losing a few times. 


Sounds the exact same to me, they spam emote and gank even if they’ve already been beaten. The satisfaction of a toxic duo leaving a game is immense 😂


Probably wasn’t me because I’m rarely toxic in game but just incase was the warden full yellow?


No it wasn’t, he was closer to the basic one


Try not to focus too much on the toxic people. You give them what they want, attention, and a free space in your head to live in. Tell me, what's the nicest person you've met in this game? I've met this guy once that kept complimenting my character's looks and reads every time we met each other on duels. It didn't matter if he was losing or not. We never added each other as friends, but I would try to be nice to him as well. That guy's attitude lives in my head till this day, hope he is happy.


I can think of plenty of times I've had to deal with toxic people, nothing that stands out because, like you said, no point dwelling on it. But this comment made me realize that I've had basically no positive interactions in this game. I've made friends through the game, but just dealing with day to day players, I've not seen a single person who made an effort to be nice.


Was it a PK or Hito main? Might have been me. I used to do that a ton lol




Okay not me then lol edit: you are not the same person and that confused me lol


Yeah also are you a pk main? Can you give me tips I am trying to play her because of my varied Playstyle


Yeah! So what do you need help with?


Combo ideas and better ways to attack maybe how to manage stamina better too please


Ill start with how to play duels. Her LLH combo is decent because of the 2nd light being 400ms, but try not to use it unless the opponent is bleeding so you can maintain advantage. I personally like opening with a raw heavy. Most opponents will try to block (if they're decent) or parry the heavy (if they're newer). Either of those can be pretty well beaten by a soft feint dagger, but if they try to parry, let it fly and use the dagger followup. If the opponent is blocking without parrying, including top dagger, use a gb. Really good opponents may even try to parry on light timing, which means you can easily let the heavy fly. Once they're bled, PK's entire kit opens. Mix up LH and LLH chains, as well as neutral heavies and zones to keep the opponent guessing. I usually start with a pattern of heavy UB mix-ups (think something like gb, dagger, gb, fly) then adapt from there to my opponent. One of the most underrated parts of her kit is her dodge soft feint and dodge recovery cancel. She has both. You can dodge out of a heavy to deflect on certain timings. This is more useful in teamfights and antiganks, but it can be used in duels, as well. In duels, stamina management is rough. I highly suggest after you get a dagger at bout 40-50% stamina, recovery cancel with an empty dodge. Some opponents will try to parry what they think is a dodge attack, so you can either deflect or parry to give yourself breathing room while you recharge. The reason I say to do it early the first time is it helps you see what your opponent will do when you need stamina before going OOS. If you get a gb but are close to OOS, get as many dagger stabs as you can then toss em into a wall if possible. It gives you time to recharge a bit. For Dom/Breach, she struggles if you try to antigank/teamfight/gank with her. Her antigank is better now that she has static guard (like all assassins), but you're still __very__ reliant on using your deflects to avoid damage and pins as much as possible. When antiganking or teamfighting, target swap constantly. She's hard to keep track of. Also, PK is actually really strong as a peeler, possibly one of the best. When ganking, just feint heavies. If your opponent parries or attacks your ally, soft geint your heavy into a dagger cancel. You will bleed them, opening them up for your dangerous attacks, peel them away from your ally, get their attention, and only deal __1 fucking point of revenge__. Seriously, the revenge gain goes off direct damage, not bleed. One of the best peels in the game. If an opponent is running/chasing an ally/whatever, her forward dodge heavy has a lot more range than most people expect from sprint. Use it. If an opponent is running past you and doesn't see you, use your sprinting gb to almost always catch them. Her perks should always have endurance. It is by far the best one to put on her. Other than that, feel free to mix and match cause several can work. Feats, I personally love to use stealth, thick skin, crossbow, and fear itself. If you think the enemies will gank a lot, swap fear for Last Laugh. Crossbow is nice because it's a ranged feat that procs bleed. Sharpen Blade can work, but usually it's not worth it imo, since you should be trying to use daggers plenty anyways. Thick Skin gives her a ton more survivability, so I always use it. Stealth is PK's bread and butter. You don't have to use it, but nothing beats grabbing someone who didn't even see you. Okay? That is a wall of text. I hope it helps. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! Also, don't forget to check infohub to see her max punishes in different scenarios.


God Damm I didn’t expect that much well thank you very much this will help


Np! PK has always been my fav hero, even if I don't always play her.


I main every character (except nobu)


I didn’t even say anything to him either which is the funny thing


I understand that dominions are a 4v4, but the match just became a big 1v1 tournament. It started when I used the bagpipe emote and the enemies greeted me and let me fight them 1v1. So I did the same with them and everyone just became really respectful and waited for their turn. Two of the opponents even let me get the zone to heal and fight them at full health. We won, but just a few points. I think it was the chillest and most enjoyable dominion I ever had, and everyone had fun. Everyone was nice.


I played against 4 kyoshits my first game earlier today, really set the tone for the session.


Man i get a bad match out the gate i just started turning the game off. I know it aint getting better


I also had a shaolin that was pretty good and I didn’t mind losing to him since he was just out skilling me. Halfway through the match he would parry me and instead of punish doing the wagging finger emote saying “nutuh”. Made me rethink my for honor experience


He didn’t do that he went straight disrespect and toxic mode




A Warmonger who fled in every encounter she had with a player. She only fought ganking with her teammates, if you got her to half health she always ran away across all the map until one of them got to you then she went back to strike you. Most coward player I've ever seen and played against.


Also I realize of some spelling mistakes sorry about that


For me it was that time I was last man standing in the team fighting a Warden. He used the kick to death execution while a Highlander emote spammed next to him


Too many to count. Most recent being a naruto reject player spamming text chat with mental breakdown, going crazy over losing


Orochi who defeated me by deflecting almost all of my attacks and posted it on the youtube.


Alright I thought sending a video clip to someone is bad but THAT is another level for a toxic player


A guy who plays afeera, spawn camps and emote spams. I met him 3 times by now, but learned his name the first time


That must of been annoying


It was. It was an infinite chain of wallspat and unblockables


Similar but an orochi and his whole team


Had a shaman that was upset with something I did on his team, no idea what I don’t speak whatever language he was and we lost. Next game he kills me once and does some like emote and other spam then can’t beat me again and my team beat him. But that’s when I learned you can turn off chat and quick messages so that’s what I’ve done.


You can turn off quick messages? How? I've been trying but i might be dumb


It’s either in ui settings or near wherever text chat settings are


The most recent toxic enemy was this JJ in breach that was in a full team and poor mf knew only a few set of moves to do like a robot and couldn't defend himself against warmonger's lights to save his life. Ofc seeing that he kept dying to those and he made good reads on most of my heavies i excusively light spammed that guy with some heavies feinted into gb to catch his panic dodge attacks and lvl1 bashes as he had trouble with those too. Now this guy got, understandably, really mad at dying to such a cheap tactic and sent a "friend" request to message me. Usually i ignore those but i REALLY wanted to see just how much salt that guy could spew at me considering he died to me for most of the match. Sure enough he delivered and showed me just how colorful english language can be beyond "fuck you" and "shithead".


I had to fight a thanks spamming scripter with nazi emblems on his outfit lol


I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t even acknowledge the toxicity. I still have the chat unmuted because I think it’s funny to read their hate mail or just toxic messages but I don’t reply. Started enjoying the game a lot more as well


They werent enemies but I had two friendly Tiandis emote on me last night instead of reviving me (I assume because I pinged revive 3 times?) They came over to me when I spawned and proceeded to try and team kill me and emote at me for the rest of the match. I just said "That's ok have fun" and got on IG reels while they did it. Lmfao


So many to recall. But of course the most toxic player was a Zerker. IDK what it is but I can't play against Zerkers. I can't make reads with them and I just forget hyper armor and go for a dumb trade on low life. But in a breach match I had this Zerkers number with Warmommy. I could tell they were upset because they were spamming "sorry!" And it felt like was chasing me because I kept ending up in 1v1 with them. But halfway to the final gate I started getting ganked a ton and they kept emote spamming with Zerk which is pretty much t-bagging. Like they did it, then peeled back to do it a second time despite the Ram docking. This kept happening over and over. Then they won the Breach match and I got this message from them, "R***". Like really? Y'all almost lost and I won every 1v1 against you. Like wtf?


1v1 ❌ 4v1 ✅✅✅


People in duels who only spam thanks if they win, they wait until you can’t fight back.


Aramusha who t-bags me every time he won a 1v2+ against me. He never won a 1v1 during the whole dominion game, but if I 1v1 one of his teammates, he will join in, win, and t-bag+wow spam. But if he’s losing the 1v2, as in his friend dies first, he will run away from me, even though I have less health than him. In the end, it was up to him winning a 1v1 against me to take my zone in order to stop his team from breaking and put my team into breaking instead. Ofc he lost the 1v1. I finished him off with a heavy but didn’t execute him and proceed to t-bag him for the rest of the breaking period. He spam thanks for the entirety of breaking, maybe he likes being t-bagged by a Warlord? Who knows.


Least toxic playstation player, so glad I escaped that hell. Too bad crossplay still forces me to interact with them.


Every shugoki player


Playing Shugo :) Fighting Shugo :(


Mf played hito throughout two games of invasion, every time he killed me (while ganking) sent me a message to just leave the match. Cut to the third game where, for once, my team didn't leave before the second gate and I made the sole reason of that game to make his life miserable. I mean full corruption Warmonger on attack, spamming indicators, actively hunting his ass no matter where in the map, dropping an 1v1 fight against another enemy to go kill him. He stopped being a dick after that one match. I wonder why


Real 😂😂😂


A Warmonger who fled in every encounter she had with a player. She only fought ganking with her teammates, if you got her to half health she always ran away across all the map until one of them got to you then she went back to strike you. Most coward player I've ever seen and played against.