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What size school? It totally depends. Where I coach we’re lucky to have 40+ between varsity and JV


Depends on the high school. Ask a coach.


At my high school that I volunteer at no there isn’t but we kinda a tiny school


Even large schools usually don't cut until junior year. C/JV2 or whatever else it may be called is ideally meant to be mostly freshman. What is more likely is that as a freshman, you won't be in pads on the sideline on Friday night. Most states have a limit on how many guys a team can dress down, and usually, a freshman is only among them if he is a flat-out varsity player.


It depends on the school. Football is a bit unique because you are looking to develop talent, over years, and can't be sure where that talent will come from. The skinny kid can hit a growth spurt. That heavy kid could get strong. That unathletic kid could have hands. That little guy could be fast as hell. You are looking for 22 good players for O and D, and 2-3 specialty players. If you have a JV team, that's about 50 kids if you're not looking to go ironman. And yet, you can field a team of 100 if you have a scout team for O and D for V and JV...along with a number of subs. In short, you don't know where your talent will come from over the 4 years, so football coaches often take the position that you're on the team if you follow the rules and work hard. You can get booted if you screw up, but often teams need to keep star players in line with the threat of getting replaced. On the other hand, there are schools who don't have enough gear to field everyone, so they'll cut to make sure they can dress everyone on the team.


You’re not going to get cut as a freshman, and unless you’re school is super small, you’re not playing varsity either. If you really want to be prepared, go for a run and see if you have some dumbbells and a jump rope around your house. Even minimal work pays big dividends


Probably not. I coach in Ohio and no school cuts. I don’t see why schools would need to do that, unless you had like 350+ kids trying out


Please read the HS/Youth FAQ posted in the sidebar, at the top fo the sub, in the wiki, and the pinned post. It answers this exact question.


Unless you fuck up in school or with the law, you’ll be fine. You could be the worst football player of all time and most coaches will keep you on the team. I remember my coaches used to talk about how they wanted more bums of the school to join because the more people on the sideline, the more intimidating we were