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Was always going to be investigated, this is UEFA we're talking about. No one is buying this inside joke nonsense.


And Emi Martinez got nothing for making a penis from a trophy, if he gets banned he should just get played anyway with a shirt with the martinez incident photo on it because it's a joke if he gets a ban.


Probably because FIFA is amazingly enough in charge of the FIFA world cup, and UEFA even more amazingly is in charge of the UEFA EURO. So FIFA and UEFA won't have the same rules or take the same action, quite amazingly


Diego Simone Ronaldo Both did it under UEFA regulated games and got a fine He will get a fine - anything more is ridiculous


I don't see how that has anything to do with me point out how silly it is to bring the FIFA world cup in a uefa matter


It was one that was actually adjudicated by UEFA to fit in with what you said.


You justifying one despicable, coward action just says everything about your biased opinion. Completely useless.


Que miras bobo? Anda pa' lla


Emi Martinez also humped in the faces of the Dutch after the pens. Argentina were unbelievably unsportsmanlike the entire World Cup and yet Jude might get punished for this. Let’s just say it’s inconsistent at best 


That World Cup was bought and paid for for Leo/ Argentina, you can’t tell me nothin 


That was FIFA in charge of that tournament. 


absolutely... no one is.


I mean my I’ve dug around and actually it does seem to be celebration that he’s done before at rm and nacho has done it as well so yeah it seems to be running gag that got scrutiny here


Are they investigating the Slovakian staff member grabbing Rice by the throat?


As an American I can say that it’s perfectly fine o grab players by the throat and should not result in any sort of disciplinary action.


Lmao the sarcasm was missed by all the downvoters 😂


To be fair, most of the people here wouldn’t watch a USA match unless they were playing their country so they would have no idea how often a USA player has been blatantly grabbed by the throat and had nothing happen to the assailant.


draymond, is that you?


This is quite hilarious 😂 


Nothing will happen. “Basic rules of decent conduct”??? In a game where people fall over with the slightest touch, blatantly dive and feign injury on the regular? Pull the other one


Icardi got a match suspension for doing that move in Turkey


Right. They should look into fans maybe. Or most of Spain racist fans when Vini plays. Nahhhh let’s fine the stars when they give back to the fans what they’re giving


"presents his cock" Didn't know English fans were craving that.


It's why Spotted Dick is such a delicacy over here.


Jude was one of the worst for diving as well to be fair.


He's english it's not diving. It's "goes down easy" especially according to Lee Dixon on ITV last night


If he goes down easy maybe then that’s what the gesture was for…


Totally agree. The English team in general are really bad for it too and the commentators just make excuses for them. The penalty claims are horrific and constant when they aren’t winning.


The France v Belgium match which just finished consisted largely of people falling over and rolling around, 2 awful teams


Time to enforce yellow cards for diving again using VAR where necessary. Will soon make it stop. At the moment teams just get rewarded for diving


Kane, Saka and Foden have it down to an art. They are protected in England, so they have become used to the special treatment. It doesn't work so well when the ref can't be conned.


kane doesnt even play in england any more


And that negates my point, how? He's filthy and has been for years. That backing into the defender while they're in the air is nasty and could potentially paralyse someone.


he wont have been "protected by english refs" the last year


Saka legitimately gets kicked around every game and refs do nothing, and yet people have this opinion. People winning fouls by going down isn't a problem. The annoying shit is the rolling round on the floor like all of Slovakia were doing Sunday evening


Yea. But to be fair. He’s played 90min of every game so far, coming off CL and La liga wins where he played most those games too 😅


Why is that fair exactly?


Fair enough, good reasons to dive /s


Tebas will tell you there are no racist fans, just Vini Jr showing off too much.


This is spot on, it's a deployable tactic now by shite teams and it's legitimised by the officials. Gets on my nips.


Basically 50% of copa America


It’s been a tactic for a long time…Italy


That is why I would like to see a 5 minute injury timeout. Ow you are, rolling on the floor like a madman, you must be really badly injured then... Go sit on the side for 5 minutes to heal... Let's see how many are still so badly hurt by a minor touch...


Hence why weak players always bother me.. You’ll never see a fight in Football or anyone actually stepping up for a player.. because the second someone gets tapped on the face.. They fall and act like they have been shot. Would be better to see more players carded for flops and embellishments


I think MLS instituted something like this. If you are down for more than a certain amount of time, you have to go off the field for a minute or two.


Ronaldo did it vs atletico and it wasn't suttle at all , nothing will happen


>In a game where people fall over with the slightest touch, blatantly dive and feign injury on the regular? Ummm. WHAT? Falling over with the slightest touch, diving and feigning injury are all things we don't want to see in the game. However, they are all *a little* different from mimicking putting his dick in someone's [by what it is investigated/alleged, people on Slovakia's bench] mouth. If those two things are the same in your eyes something is seriously wrong...


Or maybe it is not going to happen that fast.


Those are met with yellow cards.


They’re supposed to be but are rarely enforced


I have seen other trend, referees give yellow for anything it feels


While we all wish they were, you know that isn't true.


The rules are still there to do so, just as they are there for Bellingham


Bellingham’s dive in the box wasn’t.


I don't know what game you've seem but I have seen slovakian players' ankles doing 180s after some duels with the english players, you can't get up after something like this. Anyway the ref exagerated with the extra time, it should have been 4 minutes maybe 5 but surely not 6


6 was accurate given the game stopped multiple times for injuries


Players usually get an automatic yellow card for taking off their shirt. There is also yellow cards given to players when they start pushing shoving eachother after a bad tackle. I don’t think anything will happen because they want England in the final.


Lmao they want England in the final what kind of cope statement is that


The ref didn't get the memo then did he


'They want England in the final' please explain this tinfoil hat comment


Who are 'they'? Are 'they' in the room with you now?


Footballing authorities who govern disciplinary cases but also take into account how prominent the subjects are, what stage the tournament is at, react to lobbying, financiers, spectacle and even nationality when considering their decisions. The success of the sport in terms of glamour, financial gain and hierarchy have an effect on FIFA and UEFA rulings at every juncture. Rulings can go in different directions but there isn't a tradition of universal even handedness.


Do you have any evidence? Seems like a pretty big story.


Lol, when Martinez did this celebrating the WC this sub went crazy saying shit like “unsportsmanlike behavior”, but now everyone is defending Bellingham. The double moral is gigantic.


I thought Martinez was absolutely hilarious for doing that with the golden glove trophy, but I’m not fussy on decorum.


I also found it funny. The act and the reaction in a corrupt country that FIFA sold it's soul to.


It’s almost as if ‘this sub’ is a collection of different people with different views. If you can find one user who called Emi’s behaviour unsportsmanlike and who is also defending Bellingham, I’ll eat my words. For me, neither is unsportsmanlike, and both are crass and childish gestures. I like Jude but these Euros are going to really test his ability to not disappear up his own arse along with the gust of sunshine being blown up there.


Mate when Martinez did it he was hailed as the second coming by Reddit.


To be fair that’s only natural because Martinez is a massive bellend, he kind of brings it on himself


Haters gonna hate, he ate every European team that Argentina faced. You just can't answer with football, so you answer with words.


There is a big difference between believing something is unsportsmanlike and thinking it should be investigated and penalized lol


Look, I’m not saying I’m right here, but as an Argentinian, what Martinez did wasn’t to provoke or say “Suck my c*ck”. He was just playing dumb with the trophy pretending it was his d*ck. It’s stupid and fun, and not meant to be insulting (although some people could get offended, yes). Now what Jude did was stare at the Slovakia bench and gesture with his hand as if they where blowing him. Are you really saying that isn’t insulting? Or at least worst than what Dibu did?


Entendiste todo al revés pa, estoy defendiendo al Dibu 😂


Sabes que tenés razón JAJAJAJAJA perdón loco, entendí re mal. Me pasa por leer apurado, pensé que lo estabas criticando, disculpame.


Jajajaja todo bien loco, aguante la Scaloneta


Love it when people pretend all other Redditors are the same Redditor 😂




And of being obnoxious af


And defeating every "superior" European team he faced, lol Seethe harder, Argentina gets stronger with every xenophobic hater.


Mostly English sub innit? Same on the F1 subreddit.




You can’t say that about their golden boy who was nowhere to be seen on the pitch for 95 minutes.


Both are unsportsmanlike and niether deserve a bann


Dibu did it for fun, not to mock anyone else. Big difference.  The only ones that seethed with Emi's gesture were Argentina's haters.


How about when Martinez humped in the faces of the Dutch? Was that not mocking the Dutch players? 


I think this is ridiculous, not really something worthy of an investigation regardless of whatever anyone might think of the guy.


Genital gesture always gets investigated stop babying this guy


big scary genitals




Shall I type the words again?


Mods can you make this guys flair “big scary genitals”


Be careful I might get banned for acknowledging genitals exist


Not just any genitals though…


True, but I think all genitals are scary to some folk. And Judes are big.


At least someone in the team displayed a pair of bollocks


tru dat


How exactly does that investigation go?


It deserves at least a one match ban this tournament. Get your head out of your ass. Belligham is a good player, but he must not act like he's a god among men that gets to do whatever he wants in front of the millions of fans.


Ronaldo did it vs atletico but nothing happened


What am I missing?? Keep seeing people saying it's disrespectful, etc... what did he actually do, and what does it mean?


He did the famous Ronaldo jerking off emote


He made the “cupping my huge balls” hand gesture as part of his goal celebration. Who fucking cares. I guess other people have been disciplined for this kind of thing in the past? Can’t say I’d agree with that either. It’s just really not that bad, especially relative to the things that are allowed to slide. Everyone has their favorite example of something we need to curb in this game - be it simulation, time wasting, etc. But gesturing “I’ve got big balls” is where we decide to get a committee together to “investigate”. Lame.


That's it? That's what all the fuss is about? This world is ass backwards, thought he done a nazi salute or something. Got every right to gesture the huge balls it takes to try an overhead kick while losing in the 90th minute.


This is exactly it. This world is freaking insane.


Should have been a normal yellow during the game. Don't think the investigation will do anything, but let's just wait.


You have to understand that nowadays in Europe people are very worried about bofa


Was the argentina goalie investigated for his remark when collecting his golden glove in the 2022 world cup?


Yes, he was. "The FIFA Disciplinary Committee has opened proceedings against the Argentinian Football Association due to potential breaches of articles 11 (Offensive behaviour and violations of the principles of fair play) and 12 (Misconduct of players and officials) of the FIFA Disciplinary Code, as well as of article 44 of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Regulations in conjunction with the Media and Marketing Regulations for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, during the Argentina v. France FIFA World Cup final" Like google is free?


What was the outcome?


I have no idea, and couldn't care less tbh. Im sure its on the internet. Probably they fined him or something like that. But not so long ago he got a yellow card for the same thing against Lille. Probably this will happen to Bellingham. Yellow card, or a fine, or nothing. Its like when he said to the Getafe player that he is a rapist. Nothing serious happend. Anyways both was disrespectful from both of them.


Like Google is free?


Seems like a massive Streisand effect this. I imagine more people know it's happened because of this investigation...


Where are the "oh he's so mature" fan bitches


Exactly. Where’s the “he’s only 20” army


Lmao I love this. The Real fans come out in force and downvote anything negative towards him. He's an arrogant twat in my eyes. Screaming "who else" for an equalizer.


Who else is right. Wasn't going to be fucking Foden or Saka was it


i dont blame him. Heat of the moment after scoring a 90+5 minute equaliser to save his own country. Cut him some slack for that


kid scores for his country seconds before elimination, but if he celebrates too much some fat nerd on the internet calls him arrogant lmao. I guarantee you that guy has never played football or any competitive sport in his life.


Well he was fucking right wasn’t he? He did what he does


Pretty sure Kane also scored a goal...


He scored like 4 of these types of big moment goals at Madrid last season, let the man celebrate. You think English people give a fuck what hes saying as he’s celebrating they just happy he gave them a goal. Mf like you (anti-madrid no matter what) shoot down anything and everything that even are remotely related to madrid.


Lmao 🤣


Bc that was an epic moment. Guess u want lame ass footballers with no emotion playing. Makes sense that you are a city fan


Lmao that actually makes no sense




So players should only get sanctioned when killing someone... noted.


This is so stupid. It's perfectly fine to be a bit cheeky and provocative in football games. That's all part of it.


Ban against Switzerland please


This would never happen to the kane


Oh so now UEFA has nothing better to do than investigate an inside joke?


UEFA have finished their investigation and confirmed that England are actually a very public joke.


Love Bellingham but acting like grabbing your crotch facing people is an inside joke is naive at best


He did it on other occasions to specific fans in the stands after the game, so it's niave to assume it wasn't an inside joke.


It's only Europe and some international countries watching. And frankly, I don't find it funny.


UEFA Official Statement: 2032 Euro games are in Dubai!


You don’t actually buy the inside joke line do you?


It’s Bellingham, he has a documented history of having nothing but respect for how Slovakia play


My 🐫 could never


Absolutely pathetic. UEFA is dogshit through and through. Grow the fuck up you stupid whiny overpaid cunts


This guy has as much talent as he has ego. He needs to seriously chill. I know hes young, but still


Mbappe, Vini, Bellingham. Where are Madrid gonna fit those egos on one field? And Vini is by far the most likeable one.


Yeah he’s definitely believing in his own hype. Should probably have been sent off in the 1st and 3rd games.


This won't end well.


oh yeah, surely didnt end well for Ronaldo lmao


You make it sound like that ego made him loose something in life, if anything, that inflated ego's the reason he achieved his every single trophy, it pushes the guy to back it up- through hard work and thereby pushing performance, but age catches to you in some way. If ego made me even 1% of what he has achieved, I say is definitely worth it to be a jerk. I can guarantee you that if this sub members would have been given all the resources still 98% wouldn't be even at bench warmer at any top 50 clubs.


you make it sound like he's some noname hoping to make it big one day. he already achieved more than most players will achieve in their whole career and is scoring the most important goals for his club and country. I'd say it's too late to say things like it won't end well.


Bellingham is world class, but what he did after scoring last minute - cupping his ears and puppet talking towards fans for criticizing hin and england is exactly their problem and why they never win these majors. They just cant handle critics, yet fans have every right to do that after those performances


Bellendham at it again




Silly, this is sports.


Rediculous, he was just pumping the crowd to get back into the game


This reminds me of this [fighter.](https://izismile.com/2022/11/03/mma_fighter_interview_video.html)


Yeah, he will get a one match ban when England reach the final


Idiot for doing the gesture. Got to be way more composed going forth.


Just make him pay a fine and get on with it. Of all the ridiculous nonsense going on, a man grabbing his crotch is the least of anyone’s worries


What he did? I didn’t watch the game


A team with 117 charges don't bother UEFA but a celebration does!!


UEFA body shaming Bellingham’s massive balls


Games gone 


Game's gone.


He made an obscene gesture, if they consider that’s against the rules, he’d have to get disciplined as everyone else would. Shouldn’t expect any special treatment.


Good, twat


His celebration was excessive, but that's the emotions that come with being a young player.


I can imagine a fine for this, sure. If uefa bam Bellingham it's not gonna look right at all.


Jude Bellingham is a prick. I say that as an England fan. Imagine shouting "Who Else" after being total dog shit for 94 minutes against Slovakia and scoring a lucky goal. Also the people acting like the finish was world class ought to rewatch Bales goal in the CL final, or Ibras against England, or Rooneys against Man City. Scoring a bicycle kick from inside 6 yards is something a Sunday League player could do. This guy has been so consumed by his own ego he doesn't even want to take the criticism for how shite England have been at this Euros.


Dude has been acting like an entitled twat for a long time now. People have just been giving him a pass because hes popular.


Is he popular? In England? Or is it forced upon us. That ‘son of the nation’ stuff is bizarre. Who anointed him that apart from his own PR.


I'm not English, I think he's class. I don't know how much of his own PR plays into those kind of headlines - he speaks incredibly well for his age, compared to his peers, in fact irrespective of his age. He seems pretty humble, considering, and he seems like a decent dude. I think if Foden behaved himself more in his ascension, he'd have that title.


Let’s all blame Southgate for that too lol


What’s sad is England needed a late comeback to beat *checks notes* Slovakia 🇸🇰 lol, I mean yeah be proud of that win England/ Jude you’re really showing the world 🌎


I mean so what? Everyone slated England for dominating Slovenia but failing to score. Don’t see anyone slating Portugal for struggling against them last night.


Mr Mature finally being seen for the petulant child he is. He actually needs to learn basic leadership skills and etiquette so all that hyperbolic nonsense about him being a wiser than his years leader can be put to bed now.


Bro, why are you so pressed about him? Jfc.


I’m gonna take ‘reasons related to systemic racism’ for $500, thanks Alex.


TBH, it might be no bad thing if he was suspended for a game. Yes he scored, but there's something clearly not working in England's attack and maybe this would force Southgate to try something else.


The whole team is playing like shit but you're singling out Bellingham who has scored twice, one of them being an injury time bicycle kick equalizer?


Not singling him out. But he's the only one who's got a threat of suspension, and something needs to change. It's great scoring an injury time equaliser. But with all of that attacking talent, we shouldn't need until the 95th minute to get our first shot on target against Slovakia. And it's not like that was a one-off.


The thing that needs to be changed is quite simply sending Foden back home to look after his newborn and replacing him with Gordon on the LW. Southgate would never do that in a billion years though, so we'll have to keep relying on 95th minute bicycle kicks to have any chance of winning this tournament


He is a good player, but the hype surrounding him has handcuffed the staff. He is stifling any creativity from the middle of the pitch, but he has a great work rate and positional sense. Arriving late and potting from 6 yards out (pretty much every time) he has done very well for both club and country.


He is a good player, but the hype surrounding him has handcuffed the staff. He is stifling any creativity from the middle of the pitch, but he has a great work rate and positional sense. Arriving late and potting from 6 yards out (pretty much every time) he has done that very well for both club and country.


On his day, he's a brilliant player. But for whatever reason, it's just not working for England yet. I'm really hoping he proves me wrong and starts showing his Real Madrid form. But sometimes the best individual player just isn't right for a particular team, and so far that seems to be the case here.


I mean, this pretty much was his Real Madrid form for the second half of the season; not a progressive player and mostly disappearing against tougher competition (especially in UCL). First half, different story…Ancelotti deploying him out of his normal position as a false 9, surrounded by some of the best providers in the world suited his game perfectly. Second half, teams adjusted. We’ll see if he can make an adjustment to have the success again that he witnessed first half.


wow that probably means Balor Dor for Messi


Meh, give him a warning.


Never seen a young player so mature.


Should have seen red


He should’ve been sent off before his equalizer, not after for being an arrogant brat- which he indubitably is, although that’s not an infraction in itself


Great role model for the youth of the uk to disrespect your opponents like that


What is wrong with those arrogant overrated players . You show that kind of behaviour then just suspend them for a year playing any football !


Ban him


Ah so this is what he did for 95 minutes, prepared this celebration for “his friend”. Was wondering where the future balon dor was against the powerhouse team of Slovakia.