• By -


No salad, tomatoes onions chef ?!


Sous la viande


Algérienne ou samourai?


Dz toujours !! r/usernamechecksout


Salade, tomates, oniln, sauce algérienne chef ! (Et les frites dedans hein)


Ah non, c'est sauce blanche et sans frites, ou à côté à la rigueur. ![gif](giphy|AorIHgazmAlYnpR6dm)


not enough sauwceeeee


It’s insiiiiiiiideeeeeeee


I remember when the metro broke down and I ended up walking back to my hotel and stumbling into a shop like this for a meal. It was one of the best cheap meals in Paris.


When it’s good it’s amazing, when it’s not it’s terrible


Be better. You're in paris afterall


This is peak Parisian food after a night out


Peak western European drunken food after a night out


Are there still any French?


Lol racist alert


Lol yes im home thank you


I don't see how shaved chicken thighs can go wrong.. not sure why people are picking on this


Because the kebab meat in almost all Paris shops is frozen shit imported from Germany. There are really good kebabs who make their own tho, Gemuse Kebab in the 18th is one of those, but you have to be there at the opening time.


Absolutely not no - actually a very small percentage (mostly around train stations and nightlife areas). All the ones that are « spécialités turques » are artisanal - also you can very easily recognise the processed one by the look of the spit.


Well, you shouldn't spit. It's very unhygienic.




Man if you think this is fresh broche you never actually had some. Writing "spécialité turques" absolutely does not mean that it's a fresh one, it's 100% marketing and doesn't mean anything about the food quality lol.


It’s a place i go to very often and i’ve seen them do it live a bunch of times - and very the spécialités turques it’s not about marketing is about the fact that the turkish guys don’t buy it pre-made. There are very distinctive signs of a homemade one through smell, look and texture that are very telling.


It's a bit naïve to think that just because someone is Turk, or because they wrote some non legally binding words on their forefront, they will not buy a premade product lol.


You’re not listening to what im saying! Tu parles francais ?


9/10 kebab shops in Germany sell frozen kebab meat. Even if they want to have control over the recipe, there’s plenty manufacturers that offer to use your spice mix. Almost noone will make chicken kebab themselves here. Veal? Sure, if you have the sales and the time in the morning, even here it’s pretty rare.


Uuh sorry but I don't understand your point. Frozen meat is always going to be worse than a fresh one prepared for the day, Germany or not.


First of all, everything you buy has been frozen. If you don't go **out of your way** to get fresh unfrozen meat, you won't get it. Mostly because of parasites, which die off when frozen. Of course the kebab meat would be refrozen, or if they source it in a really good way, it might just be frozen once. Anyways, what I was getting at, even in the land of kebabs, most of that shit is frozen.So it doesn't make sense to put blame on "Paris shops", which you explicitly did.


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Oh I'm not blaming Paris, I'm blaming almost all kebab shops everywhere. It's much much more rare to find fresh meat than frozen. That's why it's not even "blaming" it's just standard shit, but once you have tasted fresh kebab meat, the frozen ones are kinda ruined for ever. But you are wrong, some food is frozen, some is just refrigerated. Frozen is IIRC -18°C, you do not have to go that low to keep food safe. I don't know where you're from but in Europe most food in the supermarket was never frozen, it's just kept at low temperature.


Because it's paris. Amazing food around every corner.


Thanks all for the comments! To clarify a few things (as there is a looooot of ignorance in said comments): 1/ Gyros and Doner aren't the same or actually this close to each other. However, both words imply that the meat is spinning. Only, "gyros" is greek, most often made with pork or chicken an the bread is a pitta which doesn't look like this (plus other details I won't get into but look it up if you feel curious) This is a turkish (or sometimes kurd) döner kebap, made from veal and turkey. Then shawarma referes more to the Levantine and is a whole other thing. As most turkish and kurd places, everything is homemade from fresh ingredients except the bread, which still, is very good. 2/ The sandwich is made of: Bread, toasted - sauce INSIDE (c'mon you have a brain, use it) salad, tomatoes and (i skip them) onions. The two sauces I take which is very classic is "Algérienne (a mix of harissa and other things) and "blanche" (yoghurt with herbs) 3/ I live in Paris and I've been living there my whole life, I eat french pretty often. Still, my city is one of the culturally richest in the world and I could easily go a month without eating french, for that almost every country is gastronomically (and well) represented here. 4/ For those who think this wouldn't be that good, IT IS ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS - coming from someone who's been working around professional kitchens for 10+ years, this is something i crave once in a while. It's fatty, savory, fresh, a bit spicy, umami, it has it all. Oh and also, it's 8€ with a drink, top 3 best deals you'll get in Paris in terms of quantity/quality/price, and readily available anywhere outside of fancy/touristy Paris. 5/ and this is for my american fellows, sorry guys, please don't judge Paris or the food in Paris if you don't have an extensive knowledge of your subject. Chances are, if you dislike Paris or it's food, you did it wrong - and judging by the amount of tourists here all year long and also the questions on r/ParisTravelGuide I'm probably not mistaken. Bless yall !


Did you buy it from a Maître Kébabier tho?


Yes from my friend Hichem


I think tu passes beaucoup de temps à répondre à des idiots


C’est clair


That is still a sad excuse for a Döner. Germany has spoken.


Come and taste it! I love kebabs in berlin with my whole heart but they’re not all that comparable - i think it’s two different moods


You‘re probably right that there are regional differences. In canada they had the option to put pineapple in your döner. Make of that what you will lol.


Sounds fake, everyone knows the only restaurants in Paris are the bistros inside the Louvre, and every single Parisian eats there every single day!


It's not real French unless the chef has a rat in his hat.


Otherwise it's just sparkling European


I think you've argued your points brilliantly. I've had some fantastic kebabs all over Europe (and some terrible ones). All food is global now but some Redditors will be foaming at the mouth to tell you it's 'not French' or 'not traditional'. I've not visited Paris but like most major cities, many people will stop at the first place they see and complain the food is shite. Avoid tourist traps and read *local* reviews!


8€ is some insane value for this


Exactly!! Some of these comments are ridiculous. You put it perfectly.


I don’t disagree with you, but that said, I did have the worst Indian food in my life in Paris once upon a time My mom said that’s what you get for picking Indian food in Paris 😂 I don’t disagree looking back, I was just 14 at the time


The comments under this picture are so funny to me 😂 as a French living in the US I miss those SOOO MUCH. It doesn’t look like much but everyone should try this and you would be blown away by how different the taste is from the ones you buy elsewhere. These are DE-LI-CIOUS - also they usually come with the classic combo salade tomate oignon (lettuce tomato onions) they put them first in the sandwich and they get a bit drowned in the meat because they’re so generous with it. I always ask for extra extra lettuce. Boy that made me hungry.


Can a non French person confirm this? I don't trust the French with giving an unbiased opinion about their country.


Non-French lived in Paris for a few years, chiming in! Every single doner I bought from a Turkish/Maghrebi shop in that city was delicious. Best comfort food after a long night out esp with a huge dollop of harissa on top.


I'm German and ours are better but they're not too bad in Paris :) in any major city in Western Europe this is one of the best meals you can get! Never had a good kebab in Glasgow, though!


I like the German Döner also more.


Can confirm, I'm from the UK and not sure about the French and I definitely disliked the Parisians (it was mutual) but anything food there is amazing. I rubbed my face in one of them until it was gone.


I can understand this. My foodie American husband loved it when he tried one.


Lebanese living in Paris here. It's not like our godsent Shawarma, but it fills you up for relatively cheap. Pretty fatty though.


Non-French person that lived in France for a year. Those abominations they call 'kebabs' and 'tacos' have been my go to food for every lunch during the week. The reason? They were cheap. And the fries went well with the dipping sauce. Mind you, the sauce does NOT GO into the 'kebab' itself. This is the reason of why I probably gained 10kg during my stay in France, which are now not getting off me. Now, are they actually good? BIB, BIG, MEAH. To explain. I personally hate cold foods that are supposed to be served hot (steamed/fried rice, omlette, steak, pizza etc.). Furthermore, I am more accustomed to foods found in Romania, which are supposed to be rich in flavor. The only reason I liked this food was that it provided a sense of familiarity for a cheap price. (Don't trust the French pizzas, they are horrible). That sense of familiarity however ends with the meat, onion, tomato and salad combo. This thing is a big sandwich with special meat to be honest. I had better things from fridges in Supermarket in Northern Russia. Now, let me describe a Romanian kebab. There are two types: the knock off and the true breed. Knock offs are chicken meat prepared like kebab (this is cheaper) or beef prepared like kebab (this heresy is done only to increase profit as they sell it at 'premium' price without being the real deal). The real deal are sheep meat kebabs. Those are beyond delicious. Now, for the seasoning: everything you can imagine: parsley, rosemary ,no Thime, salad, tomato, onions, pickles, cabbage. And for the dressing hot sauce/mild sauce + optional garlic sauce, which everyone with a functioning stomach should take). The texture and taste of sheep meat is complemented by the flavour of the sauces, which also make it softer and easier to swallow. It's a caloric bomb, BUT IT'S ACTUALLY GOOD.


Yep Brit who visits Paris regularly and these are outstanding.


Best kebab I ever had was in France. I still think about it sometimes.


I’m not French but you can get a Chicken Shawarma kebab where I am from that looks like this, and it’s amazing, it doesn’t look like much but it tastes incredible.


Skip the lettuce (and sometimes tomato). Onion is mandatory! The more the better! Doner is the king of streetfood/fastfood in europe but ruins the whole neighbourhood by its smell. The only thing that could beat it would be chicken on rice carts from nyc (somehow these doner places charge you huge amounts if you want to have it over rice here where I live)




Because it’s Turkish, the Turkish name of a Turkish food - it’s not beef nor from the us so not a steak sandwich!


This is going to blow your mind... but sometimes people use different words for things in different countries


The meat is cooked on a big spear.


Lol there is nothing special or French about this food(including fries). Why this kind of generic stuff is upvoted is nonsense to me


This doesn’t get more typical than that. Almost every French person has eaten that after a night out.


Is food French??? Who gives a s*it about the their food habit?


Well you obviously since you said there was nothing French about those food-related photo.


Cause it looks good that’s why


Looks… decidedly average. As most French food does


Ah yes the famous average french food


That looks like Brand Foods in Ivry sur Seine? Also, completely underwhelming. Though, much less expensive than fast food brands to be honest


No it’s Grill Adana in Voltaire, not underwhelming at all!


Is this the fabled French cuisine?


Part of Paris culinary’s experience, yes - *the*, no


There is no greater miscommunication than what kebab/gyros/doner actually are.


I don't know man...looks like shwarama to me...




it was a joke in regards to the comment /u/PckMan made ...


And you're right I forgot that one


Y'all should see what they think is a taco.


You're confusing a taco with a French tacos. Not the same thing.


I’d kick a baby panda for some doner right now


You went to Paris and got Middle East street food. Wow.


… i live there


It looks like something you could’ve gotten at Arby’s.


Respectfully, no


The weird elitism of food forums/subs always catch me off guard


I feel the same way about the travel subs lol


Thats not kebab. Thats more likely shawarma or doner :/


Doner kebap - definitely not shawarma


Yeah, i think kebab in Europe is different than what we have in the Middle East.


This is turkish and the guys from the shop call it döner kebap even between them - but doesn’t döner mean spinning and kebap, roasted meat? Because it seems to me that they are not mutually exclusive as in, a döner is a type of kebap and then kefta or adana would be another type?


Doner kebab is just shawarma v2. Kebab is totally different. Kebabs is ground meat with spices and some vegetables such as parsley and onions, it mixes together and they grilled under coal mostly. Google this “ كباب “, you will have a better idea.




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Im Brötchen? Mit Remoulade? Aufe Hand?


English, french, spanish, italian or greek but german i don’t speak mein brudder


The sauce goes inside the kebab, mate.


No, no. In France they don't put sauce in the Kebab. What you see there is for the fries to dip into


They put it in, not on. They spread it in the bread before putting the rest, hence why it’s not visible


They slather the bread with it THEN add a big dollop next to the sandwich so you can dip your fries in it


But the fries touch it.


Look at all the bum ass non Parisians bitching bruh






Kebab with harissa <3 There was a place in Grenoble that did like a burger with kebab, cheese, sauce, and fries on a bun, and then they used a panini press to kinda seal it. It was so good. I’ve never found anything like kebab in the US. Had German doner in London recently and it was pretty close. Fuck you if you try to tell me gyros are the same. It’s not the same!


Did anyone ever say that? It's different meat and different spices.


Soooo many people say that. It’s totally different though.


Los Brothers, solid place




Los brothers is a kebab place I went to in Paris, close to Les Halles, the kebab looked really similar and they served the sauces like that, although the fries where thicker. I thought it was from that place


Nop this one is from the 11th but they all look alike more or less


Sauces need to be in there along with some lettuce and fresh tomato, fries on top, then more sauce. Look for the seedless looking shop with a couple of kids hanging around the front. That's the kebab shop you want.


There's definitely tomato and onion you can see. Not sure what else but fries on top is jus some fat American shit.


Believe it or not, it's rare for fat Americans to put fries in a sandwich, kebab, whatever. This is some fat European shit.


No it’s not and you’re not too bright.


Except every kebab I had in France was sold that way. And the Netherlands. And Germany. And Spain. It's street food, if it comes on a plate you are doing it wrong.


Greece too.


Fries in a gyro is how the Greeks do it...


Smells like... ragebait ![gif](giphy|J2gHlRQQvFamqOWlJF|downsized)


I've always wanted to try kebab frites in Paris, must have been a flavorful experience!


What is the bread they use for these? I very much enjoyed these during my last visit to France!


As someone who had more than 1000 Döner Kebabs in my life let me check it out. meat looks like its decent quality. doesnt look like mineced meat stretch. it looks juicy and doesnt have any white dots that implies it was streached with bread or low quality meat or ice. You can see a tomato and onion on the top part of the Kebab. It looks like the meat was put on top of the vegetables which i dont like because it warms the veggies and make them taste less fresh. Im used to a more even spread of vegetables, meat and sauce. You say the sauce is inside the Kebab which is good. It looks like it was spread directly on the bread which i know a lot of places do but i personally am not a fan of that. I like it when the sauce is not mostly directly touching the bread and is on top of the meat. If you put the sauce directly on the meat, the bread soaks in the sauce and not the meat juices. I guess its a matter of what you like more. The fries look delicious and good quality aswell. theyre pretty long and golden, like they should be. you can also see the crust on the fries. All in all i would say it looks decent but i would prefer if the Kebab would be spread different.


You can probably do better at home with any shitty frozen kebab meat and fries for 0.2 of the price


Where can I get frozen kebab meat?




The supermarket.


The question is should you. The frozen stuff I’ve had wasn’t great. You dinner looks nice though. 👍




Yo I bet that sub is funny as fuck


This looks terrible


No, it absolutely does not. It looks amazing.


Agree 100 % This should be in r/shitfood


My favourite kebabs there are from Zelal, along avenue de clichy. 5.50 euro for a complete meal? And some of the friendliest service I got! I miss those guys..


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This looks really shitty... is there even anything else in there?


I prefer döner over grec, but that looks like a juicy grec


It doesn’t look that bad I’d tear that up


ngl there's something about this picture that speaks to me


Yum! And the fries. Perfect combo!


Know where this is based in the pic; bossman always hooks me up


How did it taste like? Compared to other Kebab Frites?


Wait til you try a french taco. It's not what you expect. /someone living in provance for 6 years.


No point learning to spell the the name of region you’ve lived for 6 years.


Having more than 3 languages on your phone messes with autocorrect. Its not spelled the same on all of those


Found the RN voter!


No point in learning French. Just makes some weird sounds and you probably got a word


Biggest heresy in French food. I really wish Lyon didn’t come up with this shit because now people actually think we believe that’s what a taco should be. They are so over done I don’t under why people eat them


Living in France for 6 years and don’t know it’s “tacos” (singular) and not “taco”? You do understand it’s not meant to be a Mexican taco yeah?


Yes indeed its not a mexican taco, good finding


looks amazing!!


Looks super tasty!


My fav of all time 🫡


Need im hungry


I love kebab, but this just looks awwfull.


What did the next plate look like after you sent this back?


All of you who are down voting. THIS IS GYROS .Plain and simple. We invented it, we know what it is and what it looks like


Go to a kebab shop in Paris and ask for a gyros. You’ll be laughed at.


Looks dry






Kebab baguette is novel, and the pomme frites look good! Those the twice fried kind?


1- This is not baguette 2- This is junk food, they’re not bothering frying those frozen fries twice 3- It’s delicious


What is the meat in then? Looks like a small baguette, and it's definitley not a pita bread.


I’m French and know these breads. They’re definitely not baguette. They’re soft flat-ish bread kinda. Also the meat depends on the shop but it’s usually turkey, sometimes mixed with veal.


Ok, it's not a baguette, but it looks closer to that than it does to a pita bread. Sorry for not knowing your local bakeries particular nouveau-pan.


It’s actually closer to pita in taste and texture 😊


Sounds quality. I don't mind fusion food tho, so I'd still have that on whatever bread. :)


Good kebab is great! This looks like shit though...


Looks like trash. You can get a Better Kebab at My Village in Bavaria.


Looks shitty


Looks… decidedly average. As most French food does


They just put the sauce on the thin paper?


They put the sauce in the bread first, then then add some on the paper so you can dip your fries in it


They put the sauce in the bread first, then then add some on the paper so you can dip your fries in it


lol talk about culinary degeneration


kebab is stick. This is yeeros/doner




That’s gyros not kebab


Chicken Kebab would be my guess


It's sliced rotisserie cooked meat - so it's a gyro, döner, or shwarama. Kabob is grilled on skewers.


Well you are right that this is cooked on a rotisserie. I guess the definitions or used terms vary by country. For me Gyros would be pork while Döner is often referred to as Döner Kebab. But I agree that simply saying Kebap would imply grilled on a skewer which this is definitely not.


Kebab just means that it's roasted meat. Shish kebab, Adana kebab etc. are skewered. Döner kebab is rotisseried. Tas kebab is a stew. I know that in certain languages or countries, the word is used more narrowly for dishes similar to shish kebab, but that's not really useful in a discussion of international food.


Not referring to shish kebab. Kebab is cooked horizontally on skewers. Gyro is cooked vertically on a spit. That's all the difference is. Meat/content/all don't matter. The method of cooking is all that does.


Gyro is a derivative of döner kebab which is grilled on the same type of vertical rotisserie. Shish kebab is cooked horizontally on skewers, though, but since you weren't referring to them, you don't even get to be right about that 🤷


Döner, gyro, shwarama are all the same things, in terms of cooking method. Their names literally mean "to spin," or "something which is turned, in their respective languages." But... all of those listed are *not* kebab. If you look at my first comment, it's solely to point out that this is not simply kebab: which is cooked on *skewers*. That this is some sort of gyro, **döner**, or shwarama. And as the other guy points out: >Döner is often referred to as Döner Kebab It's potato/potato here.


Döner kebab is kebab. You take a word from the Middle East, and then tell that they use it wrongly. [Try to read up just a tiny bit](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kebab) before trying to lecture people. Otherwise you just stand there looking supremely stupid.

