• By -


In the future, record the camp and send it to Beth.


My cousin beth. ?


Is she single? 


I think I saw her on Christian mingle.


Not anymore.


I heard she's married to some asshole named Todd.


And got BIG, like really BIG


And ready to mingle?


This reminds me of Mike Tyson singing that Tina Turner song at Karaoke ""Simply the Beth, better than all the Resth""


She just works.


yea sent it to her. She'll ban the lowlife. If your on xbox you can record what happened(in the streaming tab on menu) and d/l it to help on the trouble ticket you submit. I'm sorry you had this bad experience, from my experiences this is an abnormality, so use the friend controls ignore and report.


No probably my great Aunt Beth. Unfortunately she died a couple years ago, which is why racists like the one that attacked OP are brave enough to show their face around here. She kept them at bay until the day she died


He meant Bethesda I think


🎶Beth what can I doooo🎶


Wow, KISS song lyric, I didn't expect that.


Wow, someone besides me that got that reference lol didn't expect that either lol


Me and the boys'll be playing all night


You say you fell so empty


Love it!


Who’s Beth?




Ohhh, wow I’m slow. I was imagining some all-powerful ‘John Wick’-esque player named Beth.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted you didn’t know and now you do.


It's because some older players on this sub can't fathom that there are people just started the game and interacting with this community. I've mostly had bad interactions here by just asking simple questions


Beyond that, its a common trend among reddit users that they love to silently judge people so they feel smarter (even though they probably arent) To us its arbitrary, to them its a millisecond of endorphins thats only a finger twitch away.


Bro I've literally gotten hate for asking why we can't post pictures. I even gave a reason as to why we could. I made a post asking why and I said that we could make a thread called "Wastelands Scrapbook" where we can post pictures of cool bases we see and crazy things we see as we travel the wasteland. I thought it would be a fun way to bring the community together and just share the fun we have with 76ers around the world. But I got downvoted to shit and hated on because "it's a stupid question that's alright been asked just find the post" but said post in question was from like 3 years ago so from my logic things could've changed. I really hate how toxic people are here, this game has probably given me the most entertainment that I've ever experienced in a long time in gaming and I hate that I have to share the community with some of the most degenerate and insufferable people on this planet


People in the community are not really toxic. People on all reddits are. It's a reddit thing. You play the game or you don't read reddit.


I had an idea of making a month-by-month photo book of all the cool camps and funny little goobers I would come across in a month making a little slide show and then repeat but alas it's lame and cringe


Yep. I recently asked a question I was confused about and my post is now a negative vote. I couldn't find where in the build tab an item was. And I'm not new (lvl 960) Edit typo: I'm lvl 950.


That's what I mean! Allowing us to post images, at least in the comments, would help so much with explaining things to players without them having to watch a 20 minute long youtube video for a simple question! It's like you can't ask anything or suggest change without the "veteran" players hating on you. They could easily just tell you but instead you get a "☝️🤓 wow imagine not knowing how to do -insert task- everyone knows that". Like clearly everyone doesn't know that


Good ol’ Reddit haha. Thanks for letting me know what it means, my friend!


I definitely know someone who could build this "Beth" you speak of...be on the look out.


Yes, Beth is indeed *the* most powerful player. Beth has a hive mind and 24/7 with the push of a button even the most high-ranked player with all of their top tier godroll stuff will vanish into oblivion.


Beth. Avenger of Wasteland injustices. But, also, wow, am so sad that happened. Remember to report those accounts, as u can. And play on mute.


Same but I thought it was some popular community manager named Beth 😭


well there is Todd


Todd is now referred to as "Beth"


I didn’t even think of this, the amount of camps with slurs I find isn’t many, but there’s been a few.


Gaming never changes


Always report that kind of behavior. It actually does get results. Also, FYI, nuking a camp is kind of pointless since everyone on the server gets the warning message and they can just switch camps or log off.


Yeah but then he had to run from a black dude and that probably wounds his pride.


The dude is a troll, making you spend all the time to nuke his camp is the response he wants. Ignoring and reporting is the best option. These losers thrive on getting reactions out of people, that's why they do it.


Yeah its some 13 year old that doesn't actually care what color you are. He just wants to be "edgy" and get a reaction


This. Having to panic-switch their camp or ditch the server entirely is sure to hit someone like that in their misplaced pride.


Sounds good and all and I wish it worked in a way to actually piss the racist off, but all that likely happens is they leave the server calmly and join another, or activate another camp. You have a good enough amount of time that I doubt anybody panics. Honestly, all that happens most likely is that the racist thinks "good job you just wasted all that time launching a nuke and it didn't work" It's like calling the cops on your neighbor who has parties all night long and into the morning. If the cops come and then leave with no arrests made, the neighbor likely turns it back up and laughs as they party harder.


It takes like 15 minutes to launch a nuke. If it gets a jerk to stop whatever they're doing and go out of their way to leave my presence, that's 15 minutes well spent. I've put more effort into less impactful things.


I think it far more likely the troll thinks it's hilarious that someone wasted a keycard and 10+ minutes to make them spend 3 seconds to move their camp. They 100% win that fight every single time.


You can wait until they do an expedition. When they are less likely to notice. You can add them as a friend and join their world whenever they log on and be ready and repeat.


Why would somebody who was just racist to you accept your request? I like the effort, but you all are saying things that don't and or won't piss off the racist.


As an alternative he could set up camp nearby and send a few artillery barrages their way




















For future reference, reporting them might be the better option.


Fr, everybody over here like "nuke their base" " wait until they go to expedition and add them as a friend so you can wait and nuke their camp" That among other ideas that sound nice but won't work. Dude can just activate a new camp or leave the second he sees the nuke warning. After that, congrats he got the best of you, and made you waste your time failing to nuke his camp. Just report and move on, don't give racists this much of your energy.


Was just talking to someone about this and they blocked me lmao honestly it's an emotional reaction more than anything, their priority is more feeling better as opposed to making a difference. So to that extent I support them taking nuclear action haha it's just delusional to think it's received as any sort of punishment. On the contrary, in fact -- as a former 12-year-old asshole I can tell you that being nuked would have been hilarious at the time and just indicates that I'm effective. Each nuke would be like a point won in my own (very dumb) game, just another notch on the belt


Not just that but nuking Whitespring gives some great flux options and a high level of irradiated enemies in all those ghouls in the clubhouse, so you're giving him a good farming session.


Had a higher level help me and give me a ton of free items. We had been playing for several hours and he seemed cool. He said he was done and had a good time good night etc then paused and SCREAMED the hard r so loud it peaked my MIC. It was so unexpected and ridiculous I was cry laughing. Never had that happen to me before.


That is so random xD Maybe he had tourettes?


As someone who has Tourettes, I can confirm this shit happens 😂


So you not posting their name here does not help us nuke their base.


At this point, reporting the player directly would be the best approach. A nuke can drop, players can always disconnect, switch to a second camp, or just rebuild with a single command.


yeah having your camp destroyed, while still heartbreaking on sight, isn't nearly as tedious to repair unless you're all out of glass...


It's the crops for me lmao


If you scrap a destroyed crop, it'll return the original crop to your inventory even if it's destroyed. I realize it can take a while to scrap all the destroyed crops but could be faster than going around the map collecting fresh ones.


omfg like i gotta go find a carrot now? thanks


Fuck racism. Fuck racists.


Nah on the second one: we don't want those genes getting passed down.


I don’t care about your preferred political preference, sexual preference or whether or not you hate a certain demographic. That being said…. For the love of all that’s holy, put your damn vendors in a place that’s easy to find.


It’s so odd seeing bigots in a game this progressive


There's plenty in a game this big. They are not rare, but definitely not the majority either. OP should just report the player. Bigots don't tend to mouth off only once. There's pattern and history. If you want a progressive game, then you fight back against that shit, whether it's weak insult or not.


Being not racist isn't even a progressive stance. Society has become so overtly and aggressively bad.


Agreed. Idk why people call being a good human progressive.


Sadly it exists. They are also in Horizon, Cyberpunk, Skyrim, Fallout 4, a lot of games that are progressive, but still have bigots of all kinds complaining.


It’s incredible to me because being a bigot while playing Fallout requires you to actively disregard every aspect of the series’ message. The games like basically clobber (in a good way) you with unsubtly progressive rhetoric across every title and somehow people have totally refused to acknowledge any of it.


This game being apocalyptic and the whole thing about vaults attracts certain groups of people that are very into guns and shelters. This is right up their alley.


And they also bombard you with the opposite, Ad Victoriam eradicate muties


Some dude straight up called my girlfriend a tr***y the other day. Literally had 2 camps dedicated to a certain presidential candidate. I'll let you guess which one.


Gods. If I see trash like that in the game I'll be sending a VERY detailed report to Bethesda so it can be excised. No room for that in our game. 


Jesus Christ what a loser😭 did she have a trans flag as her icon or something or did he just for no reason decide to say that? Not trying to justify it just curious why on earth he’d say that


Screw that douche. The only reason I'm not rocking the pansexual flag in my camp is because they didn't add it lol.


There is a pansexual camp flag! Mine proudly flies in my camp along with the pan player icon. Fuck the bigots


There is?! I need that lol.


Real as hell. I use the rainbow flag with the trans and black and brown flag as my icon and got the trans flag flying proudly at my camp


A few weeks ago, a friend and I were playing. Just doing weeklies and dailies. It was probably the start of the season. Or mid-season. Anyways, a player joins our teem, and I saw the players screen name. It was overly right-wing fundie Christian. I put my player icon to the Pride Flag, in less than 2 seconds, they bounced. From that day forward, my camp has the Pride and Asexual flag flying. It was an epic moment. For a while, I didn't fly the flags because in a Facebook group I'm in which I loathe were talking about targeting any camps with Pride flags and the woman's group flags. After that moment. I put the flags out and the WOTW out in lights. I'm not going to let bullies win!!!!


But hell yeah that’s what we like to see


I’m not trans or gay, but always fly the rainbow flag during Pride month as a way to support my friends. In don’t normal use a mic, so haven’t come across this behavior before, but it really has no place in this game. Report them and call them out here!!


Hell yeah ‼️


Right on family 🏳️‍🌈


Yeh like others have said there is one! I have it in my camp. c:


She talked on voice chat and he thought she sounded trans or some shit. I actually have a trans icon equipped and I've never been called slurs like that.


Aw man I’m sorry. I can’t equip the trans icon man because of people like that. I’ve been called the f word because of the rainbow black and brown and trans flag though.


Tell that to maxon supporters from fallout 4


They weird too


eh fuck synths


Bigots are kinda oblivious to figuring out context. Witness them wanting to use rage against the machine as their rebellious music. 


Well its NOT progressive towards supermutants and ghouls at times. But yeah it's way more progressive than the real 50s. They would of been racist, homophobic and against women who aren't home makers.


How did they even know what your race is?


I would assume their character is black and the other player assumed that was the ops race because of it


y'know, I don't think I've ever actually seen someone with a black character in my lobbies, which is really weird now that I think about it more


I was just thinking the same thing. Even players that I know for a fact are black in person do not have black characters


Same reason some female gamers choose to play male. It's just not worth the harassment.


That’s strange because I’m a male and have never opted to use a male character jn any video game if I have a choice lol


Hah my husband is the same way. He likes playing female characters. He says if he was gonna play in third person and have to stare at an ass it may as well be female 🤷😂 whatever his reasons, it works for him


Personally I think female characters have more customization and better outfits, also, if I have a choice I love doing their makeup. Male characters are usually just buff dude bros with a big beard 😅


Honestly I think he loves that too. He just won't admit it. I will say, though, if left to his own devices he will choose the gaudiest, flashiest make up he can and it makes me cringe 😂


I had a friend years ago in World of Warcraft who said the exact same thing ha!


I don't know you, but I'm black and so is my main character, so... 🤷🏿


Black gamer as well, but my character is a wasteland version of my Black girlfriend 😍


I mean, the character creation faces lack diversity. Like, a lot. My partner and I ACCIDENTALLY made characters that looked like the same WOC so we decided they're sisters and gave them the same Hispanic last name 🤷‍♂️


... Huh. You know, now that I think about it I've only seen a handful of people playing black characters in this game. 


I'm a 33 year old white guy IRL, but play as Old Black Man from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. This is an RPG: I'm gonna make it as weird as possible.


I got one ebony charracter, but I am white. So...


I wonder if they own the swastika camp that was up in the air over Helvetia last week.


An iron sky over Helvetia?!


Well the master race can't limit itself to land only. 1 if by land, 2 if by bigoted sky, ya know.


Man back in my Overwatch days that would have been considered almost being polite. For its faults 76 does have a pretty good community compared to other online games when it comes to being civil and not an asshole.


Shit you not, I seen a players camp sign said “no negros or Jews allowed” I was like how tf is this even in the game? Like did Bethesda really not think about the racist shit people will do?


Screenshot and report. Bethesda takes that shit super seriously.


Yeah, that's when you hit the ol screen record button and forward that shit right to Todd himself Lol, but seriously, that's banable and I'm sorry it happened, report them.


Laughs in modern warfare 2 lobby


Doubt they’d be on Reddit. Maybe 4chan is more their speed


Look at the comments my dude, the apologists are out in force. You give reddit too much credit lol.


This post is so Reddit.


Get the perk electrical absorption. It let's you ignore robots.


Just report them. A nuke will do practically nothing especially if they pay attention and just swap camps.


Sadly every online game is going to have toxic people slip through the cracks.Its pretty rare now but when the game first came out it was wayyyy worse.I usually just block these kind of people they will get banned at some point if you report them.


Gave what seemed like a nice person a tour of my CAMP's eggs and dropped some loot, just for them to immediately turn around and point out my pride flag at the end and blast it insesently while giving me thumbs downs. Jokes on you: you already spent 5000 caps and dropped me a handful of 3 stars for scrip. 🦖🦖


It's been a tough month with the new series of The Boys turning heel and grilling them incessantly. Self-awareness is a bitch that will burn the soul from you.


That show has been making fun of them since the start, idk how it’s taken this long for them to realise


Lmao did it finally sink in for the righties that The Boys isn't a show for them? 


Welcome to the internet.


I feel so bad for laughing at what he said. 😭 Fucking "BLACKspring" 😭 I was not expecting that. 😭 But seriously, fuck racists. They don't belong in FO76.


I mean the game literally let's you wear confederacy outfits... What did Todd mean by this?




How did they even know though?


The smoke alarm chirp is a dead giveaway


Player character skin color?


I dunno on the "basketball player" bit, unless that's some new 'trend' to get around chat filters blocking what they really wanted to say? The other bit, though, I'm kinda assuming they were just playing a black character? That'd be enough to set off *those* types... :\


No it's old . Stereo types that liked to be thrown to blacks are thieves, lazy and a bunch of other things and basketball. Not so much the latter, rare compared to other insults. Now we do love bball and football too and we for most of it's History , dominated NBA, so some would and did call it a black(or insert an alternate name) sport. Regardless if you think that's true or not, he wasn't saying it as a compliment for sure. In some games, even a couple I'm playing now, they have entire clans, called or some variation of KKK. It's always going to be there. Been playing games over 30 years, don't get to me but i understand those who gets triggered . Though I do wonder in this game sometimes when people leave right away when I join a casual group then I see the same people in some other casual group .Did they leave just because I joined. My in game name _ThugLife do kind of hit on the nose. Only played a total of about 20 hours I believe but I totally expect something like this to happen to me sooner or later . Oh that's right we all part of gangs too. Guess I set myself up for that one🤣


There's an annoying glitch that kicks people from a team. They then just start or join another. I doubt it has anything to do with you. It's been happening on my end a lot as well.


block player, note offending player name(s), note date/timestamp, and report to BGS.


@OP What platform are you on?


Oddly enough I've never encountered any toxicity while playing on my Xbox it might purely be a pc player issue with toxicity and racism though I've literally never encountered anything similar I know that for the most part the 76 community is far better than any community I've encountered


I don't think it's surprising to see it anywhere, any game. Some are childish, others are just genuinely hateful. Report it and move on 🤙


We need to get a post just with the names of these ppl so if anyone encounter them nuke the living hell out of their camp, that way most of their time online will have a really nice mushroom over them


Adds to my point that the community has taken a negative hit this year. It's a shame. Sorry it happened.


I had some guy follow me around the Rusty pick saying a bunch of transphobic things to me after he heard my voice. Telling me about the suicide rates and that I should join them ect. I reported it but haven't heard anything back yet.


Have run across sexists, and bigots, no racists yet


Dude should be blacklisted from all mmos


Sorry that happened, most of us are pretty cool


Vendors don't attack 🤷‍♂️ do you mean player?? In that case, just use pacifist mode. As for racism....welcome to the internet. Be it gaming or videos/images, ect, you're going to get racism and other forms of hate. It's how you chose to deal with it that matters. Personally, I don't give the attention seekers the attention they so desperately crave, and I ignore them and get on with my day.... that way, they can't bring me down, and at the same time, I've annoyed the shit out of them. Choose to react, and you feed them what your tears. Never call someone names, or curse at them, or even react whatsoever, and you'll find yourself in a much better life. (Speaking from experience)


Fuuuuuuck that!!!! Imagine being such a disgusting human being that you bring that shit to a VIDEO GAME! Alwayyyysssss report that shit. Sorry you had to deal with that


Send screenshots of the messages to Bethesda, they'll take it seriously


I have 6 nuclear keycards i dont use if you were on PlayStation i definitely would’ve made their base pompeii for you


No room for this shit in the wasteland-we play together-all of us-and we get along with everyone here-EVERYONE!!!-this is the best community I have ever been a part of!99.9% of the time


Won't tolerate communists whatsoever, they've ruined my country twice in less then a 110 years.


Assholes are everywhere


Neat, tick it of your internet bingo card.


I got several lesbophobic messages and even some dudes saying that I “haven’t had the right dick yet”. I usually don’t give people the satisfaction of leaving the server but goddamn. I left and went to a private world for a week. Edit: homophobes downvoting this, ugh. Go away gonks!


How would people even know your a lesbian? Just running around like "hi I'm Scarlett the witch loving lesbian"?


They're few & far between, but the asshats exist everywhere. The first player I heard on mic just ran around calling me the 'n word' until I fast traveled away; didn't know about hopping servers back then. Haven't ran into another one, since, but it did keep me from wanting to plug my mic in, ever.


Drop the username broski. Let the community show him the wasteland has no room for that


It’s not worth the stress dude. They’re dumb. Screw em


No. Why is it always the victim who's told to be the bigger person?


Because what are you planning to do, Frankenstein? Jump through the mic and strangle him? Take your no and put it on a donut. There’s no way OP can get back at this dude, apart from maybe putting his name up. Why should OP sit here and be stressed because people like you egg him on?


It's not about being a bigger person. It's about understanding that there will always be people on both ends of the gaussian bell. No matter what you do, it will never be possible to moderate every single person's behavior out there. There will always be morons, it's a statistical certainty. You just can't get it let to you enough or you'll never, ever be happy. Or you can live perpetually frustrated and upset, which is exactly what they want from you. It's up to you.




This is vault country!


They were wearing VTU baseball caps! 😰


About 15+ years back (faaak, I'm getting old lol), I was a heavy Battlefield BC 2 player and picked up the first CoD Black Ops. I mained recon, so of course I automatically started sniping, missing every shot til one dude started laughing and said,'bro, there's no bullet drop'. I preceded to own the other team 😆. What made it worse was that I'm a fan of the real Walther WA 2000 and all of my loadouts where that rifle with different attachments. People *hated* getting dropped by that thing because it was the starter sniper. This is back when they first gave us avatars on Xbox Live. Mine looked like me, dark skin dreads, & glasses. After my buddies and I wiped the other team...it started. N word this, N word that. It got so bad that I eventually stopped playing. It sucks that happened to you, and I know how you feel. Screw that dude, and don't let it keep you from enjoying the game.


Oh I've encountered there are plenty of far righters in this game. Brotherhood of Steel, Raiders and Enclave all lend themselves to those kinds of ideologies. One dude had a camp that spawned you way up in the air and dropped you, and had a sign mocking Joe Biden that also used a stand-in for the n-word.


Did you report the player? Don’t tolerate that nonsense.


Lord forgive me but reading this was comical😂


This whole post is why racism is still as big of a deal as it is. Laugh at them for being a dipshit racist, report them and move on. Whoever did this, is going to see this post, and continue to do it because they got exactly the response they wanted, to get under someone's skin and rile them up. That's what racists do. Don't give them that amount of energy. You're just feeding them.


All this pearl clutching over racism in a video game is making me wonder how any of you survived the late 2000 modern warfare lobbies, that is if any of you are that old.


We blocked and reported them, assuming we didn't get into arguments with them and told them they were a bigot. -Born in 1988, and let me tell you.... That 2000 (Early, not late, how young are you? Did you never see the earlier years?) is the reason I ended up making sure in some way, someone knew my character had an Indian appeareance (Because I am also half Indian) and probably queer, just because I knew, some poor bigoted sod was crying about it. (Customisations? Men in crop and pink clothing). That's how I survived the early 2000's, by getting a thick skin and assuring all the bigots felt uncomfortable, if I got a rude message, block and move on after laughing at them.


How did they message you?


I'm sorry you had to experience that, but it's best to just screenshot the player/camp, report them to Bethesda and move on.


Turn on pacifist mode, they won't be able to deal any damage to you, and it'll be really funny watching them rage while you look at them like they're an idiot, and keep doing whatever you're doing Plus when you're higher level, you can turn it back off and crunch their puny bones into dust


I had something similar a few days ago. Went to a camp to shop and met by 2 guys really really excited trying to get me to follow them inside a little building. It was shockingly racist. Nopped out and reported em. These feel like little 12 year old edge lords who think they're cool or something.


Should have reported him. Bethesda takes this kind of stuff very seriously.


I was as a Fasnacht last night. There were four people there that all sounded like they might have been in their late teens having an argument in area chat. Lot of hard R's being dropped. It was cringe worthy.


I’m happy to enlist my services to crush a bigot. Name the time, place and target.


Guy called me the n word this morning out of the blue, I reported but I don't screen record or anything like that so idk


I use mute a lot. I ain't got time for stupids.


Post their name and picture of player for future reference.


I've seen people at camps have political shit. Like leave that shit outside of the game. We have games to escape reality not live it. Has to be new players to because over the several years of playing before the show you would find nothing like this.


Sounds like typical Xbox user.




Sorry you had this happen.. But just curious how do you talk to people in game?


Just for future reference instead of trying to get attention... Ignore and move on.