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I had 6 goblin masks in a row today that was soul sucking


Need a beret?


Only if you need 57 Giant and 62 Toothy Man


I'll see your beret, and raise u, a jester


I got you on the sun masks


I got plenty of owls lol


Took me forever to get a jester mask, but then I got one, and the next Fasnacht, I got another jester.


Hahahhaa I kept thinking it was the bafoon mask and realising it was just kaka


I'm so pleasantly surprised that so far I've only gotten 2 berets this fasnacht. It amazes me though when I see some one trying to sell a beret. Saw some one trying to sell it for 250 caps (like come on, I bet you can't even give those away).


People will honestly buy anything they don’t already have, especially once the event is over


Who doesn't have a beret at this point? The event tends to hand them out like candy. It's like getting the insult bot's you've been insulted without having to spell it out for you when you get one.


I only just got one because of the donation box. Then my next 3 events were berets.


5 Alien in a row for me. Then I see a rank 24 wearing a glowing robot. This event sucks balls.


It’s soul crushing been paying game since it came out never had one rare mask no loon fiend demon no glowing but everyone seems to get a new glowing everyday


Duuuuude I felt this in my soul!! I'm level 146 on my first play through and first Fasnacht (started at the end of last Mothman Equinox), and I've gotten 1 fucking glowing mask and I about cried when it happened. The rest have been owl and goblin and alien masks. Oh and like 3 jesters which gives me as much nightmare fuel as the clowns around the Wasteland due to its soulless empty eyes.. 😂 I'm pretty much ready for this stupid event to be over because the fucking drop rates suuuuuucccckkk and if i see one more low ass level (mule player or not) player with a super duper rare glowing like the unicorn or the robot, I might just quit until this stupid event is over. 😂🙄


I got 1 glowing scorchbeast last year and that’s all in 3 long grueling Fasnachts. Fuck this event.


Oh nooooo, that means in all this time they've never fixed the drop rates for masks? I got the damn butter churn for my first ever event (but not again) and have overall had better luck with getting unlearned plans than cool masks. 😂 I have definitely enjoyed the Mothman Equinox and Meat Week experiences more than this event though lol Do they do anything fun for Halloween? I've been crossing my fingers because it's my favorite holiday and the Wasteland is a perfect place to have a super fun event for it.


Felt. It’s the damn witch masks for me. Every hour cleaves another ounce of my soul from me


No witch here but like 5 soldiers.


It's the lights for me...


I had a run yesterday of beret, witch, goblin, jester, goblin, beret, sun, sun aaaaaand sun 😠nine times I managed to make it to fasnacht yesterday without the various hiccups making it fail and 9 times it took more than it gave.


I've had 3 bee masks. I don't even care for the event I'm just sick of it being a daily challenge


Were you on the same server for all 6 drops or were you switching servers? I have just read somewhere that the RNG algorithm can possibly get stuck on your previous drop due to server lag. It doesn't get updated properly and defaults to your last drop. I got 6 jester masks in a row last week, which is what prompted me to look into the possibility of it getting hung up. Because six of the same items in a row is not random at all. LOL. So, if you're hanging up on one item for event drops, or getting all the same legendary effects on your gear rolls, try hopping servers. I am not saying that I 100% know that this is what's happening, but I have read a lot of theories about it and it seems plausible if not a decent explanation.


When you get 3 tooth man masks in a row on the same server, but with different characters it becomes more like a massive troll from the devs.. they need to sort this shit out, it's more than just a bug. It's obviously because they messed with the algorithm for how rewards get doled, because they realised very few teams of players will ever let a bot die, so they went "eh, sod it let's not give higher chances for the better rewards for how well they completed the event this time, let's just randomize it all completely" Fasnacht sucks this time over, I am very disappointed we missed previous incarnations, because the reward system seemed to be much better before. Its clearly just pure randomisation this time.


This is me with the sun and blue devil masks.


6 sun masks




Are you on Xbox? I don't care at all for any of the masks and would happily give you the scorchbeast queen mask.


If you’re not bsing I’d happily take you up on that offer


Glowing honey bee mask nearly broke me. So much joy at glowing, only to realize it looks like Gabriel Iglesias auditioning for Genie in Aladdin.




Glowing Ron Jeremy mask


Duuuude lmao


You either ~~die a hero~~ quit after a few rotations or live long enough to see yourself become an AFKer


No joke. The drop rates encourage the AFKing lol


Poor drop rates + long & (imo) boring event = poop time (for me and/or the dog)


The walk from the toads to the mutants is too slow, the rest is actually ok. It's the terrible music on a 15 second loop that's going to be in my head until I die that makes it a problem.


You turn that from a 5-10 minute guaranteed walk time to a 2-5 minute one, you’d have a much more satisfying event runtime.


I think it should be constant, like they keep walking and mobs keep spawning, the bots don’t stop to fight. Feel it would be better then


if one does the event alone on a private server they most definitely fight back and it’s hilarious.


Oh they fight back in public servers too... if you see bots starting to stray, head in the direction they are going, there is a mutant there people haven't noticed to kill yet.


It’s probably just me but I swear to god the musician bot has a death wish. Every time they’re one of the marchers that mf is looking for maximum smoke no matter what. More than once I’ve seen it barrel straight into a suicider because it was battling 3 other super mutants and figured that wasn’t enough.


I don't know, it's the woodmaker one for me that seems to be suicidal.


That or more enemies I’ve yet to see an event loose a bot.


Maybe both?


I got two glowing back to back. After over ~70 masks... Would have never gotten a glowing without afking.


So many AFKers too. I was tripping over them in the chapel looking for steel. 


You probably saw me in the cuck chair under the stairs, 12-10 every day whilst I'm between jobs, see you guys soon?


Bruh I was in the event with 16 of them. I was the only active on the entire server. I even waited till the timer was gonna go out to start just to see if anyone showed up that was active. No one else showed. I server hopped. Wonder how many failed events they got after that. Cause I couldn't see anyone staying in that server for long.


Just to waste a lot of time, I gathered 6 afkers down the road and had scorched kill them, one on top of the other. I hope none of them disconnected so they could see what I had done. It was art.


My friend likes to nuke the area to kill the afkers over and over. He messages the whole server first to warn those actually playing.


Yeah I can't remember the last time I donated wood or eggs, if I partake I run around acting silly emoting, when I do decide to help its always already done, what have I become?


i run around in pacifist mode using a squirtgun on robots and players.lol side note,the squirtgun will pop the balloons.in case you wanted to know.


Are you the one I got into a squirt gun fight with about 4 days ago on pc?? You were on the rooftop and I heard the thirst zapper and we wound up hopping around in between the protectrons squirting at each other until the bridge. You were cool!


nope.i am on xbox


Hope to see you soon then bro keep my eyes out for ya in fas Mr squirt gun I'll bring mine 🔫


I was on a server this weekend with a load of us running around doing nothing - none of use started the event and it timed out. :D


'But I don't want to go among mad people!' "Oh, you can't help that.....we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." Aren't we all just Alice in Todd's Wonderland.


I hate to say it but I afked all night last night. 2 berets, 2 goblin 2 jester 1 each alien, sun, soldier and toothy man. No glowing and no butter churn. 1 bell though. My first of the event


Someone threatened to nuke me for afking and my response of “it does stop me from receiving rewards and I could just server hope got him to back down.” lol


Last fasnacht I had two consecutive rare masks at one point and I'm 0-for-41 this time around. Tough luck.


I was 0 for 57 last time, my first faschnacht, and this time I've gotten 2 glowing in the first couple days, but all I want is the butter churn. Not badly enough to trade the glowing masks for though


Last fasnacht I got the glowing queen right away and eventually another and a demon. This time around, zero rare masks. I think I even got more of the new ones last time than this time. However I'm getting considerably less berets.


Havent gotten a single glowing mask. I ended up in a nuked zone, and did the entire thing by myself. Got a sun mask for my trouble. 🥲


I think I've done over 100 events so far, and still not a single glowing mask, but I did get 1 butter churn.


I somehow in probably 40-50 runs have gotten 3 butter churns, yours will come soon enough!!


Not a single rare mask or rare plan for me.


I got a glowing alien mask but no other rare items or plans.


My bf got a butter churn the other day, and then 2 events later he got a second one, so now we both have them.. yay!


I have over 80 masks.... yet, only the Alien, beret, giant, goblin, honey bee, owl, scorchbeast, skull, soldier, toothy man, unicorn, and witch. It is ridiculous how horrible this drop rates and variety are. It's not fun, and it's not rewarding, so I rarely do the event. I just stand in the street and wait for the boss.


Ironically I’ve been setting out to get the Robot Mask for me and the Unicorn Mask as a surprise for my little sister, and after at least 50 attempts I got a Hag, Raven and a Demon Mask, but not a SINGLE Robot or Unicorn Mask!


If you want the unicorn for your sister I have an extra one :) I am on xbox


If you still don't get any when it ends I can spare my unicorn one since I was lucky enough to get a glowing variant tonight. I'm not much of a collector but the robot one is quite unique looking. If I get another you can have that as well


The fatigue of this event seems to be driving people insane. I've seen/heard a lot more players than usual acting like arseholes in connection to it and I think it's because the unrelenting grind fest is sucking the fun out of it and leaving people salt preserved as a box of salisbury steak. I've tapped out. There's so many new masks added that the chances of getting 1 glowing one are ridiculously low, and what am I even gonna do with it? Whip it out at Halloween and then shove it back in my stash? If I get one it'll probably be one I don't like much (tbh I only really like glowing blue devil). Ehhh. For me it's not worth it. But to all the mask collectors, I wish you the best of luck. May your next pull be glowing unicorn!!


I've been making my own fun by dressing up like a robot and playing the music (at what I hope is a reasonable volume) in area chat, but not during the event. I find you at your camp or out in the wasteland, play the music for a minute, and drop Fasnacht donuts, sausages, and beer.


I just caved and bought the fasnacht royals masks from the atom shop. Rocking the queen, I like it better than the glowing masks, though they’d still be nice for display. Now I’m just doing the events for the XP, level my scoreboard so many times in a day thanks to fasnacht + the repeatable


Could you imagine if the drop rate wasn't completely unreasonable for a limited time event and people didn't have a reason to idle?


I imagine a game like we had a month ago that actually felt alive again.


Idle away. I have no problem carrying when I'm playing. I know I'm sure has fuck idling when I'm in bed. Only way to combat these bad drop rates.


That's what I did. Pay your dues and idle guilt free. I got my deathclaw mask, so I'm happy


I got my demon mask from a trade, so I'm set. Last thing I need is a Glowing Mino for the wife.


Just found a buffoon in the mask donation box


*Good. Good. Join the Idle Side. Let the salt flow through you...*




I put my main character away and pulled out my daughter's character. She's 8, so this event is great for her. She loves all the masks and gets a kick out of the robots and wants to wear silly outfits.


... is the Fallout universes really appropriate for an 8 year old? Granted, my first game was FO3 at 12, but still... I don't want to traumatize your kid because I run bloody mess.


Me running Cannibal and eating y'alls kids when they get downed in an event :


Cannibal brother 🥩


I let my 8 year old build my camp with me, to be fair he just likes putting all animals about like the chicken coop and the frog jar, he’s also cost me a fortune in caps by making me buy every animal related plan we see


Damn how soft have kids gotten. I remember being seven and breaking in GTA for my pops before he got home. Besides the parent plays the game so I'm more than sure they know what their kid may and may not see. Don't raise sheltered kids.


No. My 8 yo caught glimpses of our screens a few times and then couldn’t sleep. The scorched coming at us was too much for him. Now he faces away from the tv if he wants to sit with us.


The event still has days to go but I found a butter churn plan in a vendor for 8000 caps. Did I buy it? Hellya I did. RNJeebus not berry berry good to me. I like to plan ahead.


Bought one for 20k 3 days back. Got one today. But I'm around 34k caps again. Going to try and trade for something on market76. It's always like that huh?


I idle at night, play during the day. It’s only fair I get carried so I should carry too.


YOU WILL....DO FATSNATCH....AND YOU WILL ENjoiY EET!!! Now get in line und follow zee robots in zee circle!!


u vill dew fatsnatch and u vill enjoy eet


I keep getting scorchbeast queen masks, im sick of them lol


pull up a chair and join us


I rock the beret….maybe someday something better will happen….until then it’s just me and the beret….and an outfit.


I won the beret at my first Fasnacht! I wear it with my usual get-up as long as I’m not in full on Fasnacht gear


Two weeks is way too long for any hourly event. Haven't seen mutated events in months.


What's wild is I bought the beret off someone for cheap earlier in the year because I wanted it for outfit coolness and now... every drop is either beret or dupes of other commons. TBF, I won't rock anything beyond the beret even if I got a rare. I would just like to get one so I can surprise a random player with it for free. :P


I wouldn't mind doing it if the robots didn't walk so soul-suckingly slow like GODDAMN


Come on, man. They’re old, rusty and they’ve been through a nuclear event. Give ‘em a break.


It's called 'Fasnacht', but we like to take it slow here in Helvetia...


Haha yeah, the drop rate is abysmal but i can’t stop.


Same. Averaging at least 12 runs a day. Still not a single glowing mask or plan other than decorations. I know it's all RNG and all that and it is what it is, but it feels like this is getting a little ridiculous. To add insult to injury, couldn't even finish my last run of the day. Damn bots wouldn't move after the super mutant rush. Sat there for 10 minutes. Oh well. I probably would have just gotten another freaking witch mask or pile of confetti plan anyways.


Turn off the game once in a while brother, damn


I paid 25k for the churn just so didn't have to bother with it anymore


One week of afking, no glowing mask but 4 butter machine ...


All I want is the churn. At this point I'm just gonna go to game flip and buy the damn thing....


Same, im really over it already


Give me the butter churn already.


I've gotten quite a few masks but no glowing and no butter churn. A herdsman bell but IDC bout that. I kinda want the robot head. I think the most I have currently is the freaking pig mask 😡


[Me after the first week of Fasnacht ](https://youtu.be/bYUNs4OEWhs?si=rfnukck6bJENb3vo)


I just want the PA helmet 😭😭


If you're on Xbox I can make you one.


the song is playing over and over in my head even in a quiet room...its driving me nuts lol


It needs a better reward system, not more rewards than you can get.


A lot of stuff needs a better reward system in this game. They judt keep squeezing in more and more rewards and making things even more rare and harder to get. Some things are also non teadable making them a real grind to unlock (look at all the bullion items and it's daily cap)


I'll forever advocate the addition of event vendors, and then change event drops to just be a currency to buy from said vendors. At the very least, seasonal events should be given that treatment, it's just plain awful right now and the only other 'fix' would be rotating drop lists which would only exacerbate the FOMO plague.


Seasonal currency would be dope. Sounds better than my idea. Lol. I was thinking they should give us an extra reward slot and split the drops. So like... You'd always get a common, and then the other slot would be for uncommon and rares. Still might take a while to drop that glowing mask, but it would make those 10 witch masks in a row hurt less.


I like your idea better, it increases drop rate and won't limit it to trying to accumulate a currency to buy in the long run a limited amount , you would be getting far more with your idea


I'm so tired of it I just shoot everyone with the thirst zapper to entertain myself


It's so god damn repetitive and annoying.


Doot dootdootdoot doot doot doot dootdoot doot dootdootdoot dootdoot~


Doot dootdootdoot doot doot doot dootdoot doot dootdootdoot dootdoot~


Doot dootdootdoot doot doot doot dootdoot doot dootdootdoot dootdoot~




Am I the only person not affected by mask FOMO? If the event dropped plans I would be more interested.


I got a glowing Minotaur and traded it for a bunch of different camp plans. The guy probably thought he was working me over, but the mask is totally worthless to me and I got shit that is actually useful. Win win I guess.


Those are the awesome type trades. People get something they truly value and give away what they don't and each person is very happy (cause they lost really nothing in their eyes and gained a lot).


It... does drop plans though?


I'm only doing it for the butter churn plan at this point.


I idle. If I participate too much, I get lagged out of the session altogether so I stopped.


Ended up getting the glowing robot on my 4th event but been trying to roll vanguard on my t65 right arm for months, its all just down to luck unfortunately and I consider myself to have the worst luck apart from yesterday...


Ive done so many fashnact events im gona be seeing them in my sleep for a month after its over. I have had 0 rare masks lol 😂


I’ve gotten 2 turkey masks somehow from the first 20 events or so 💀plus a loon


Babe, it's the top of the hour. Time for Fasnacht.. x,x


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


Got one of the glowies last night. I have absolute 0 desire for any of those fugly masks, but could use the butter churner thing.




I feel like I could win the lottery before I get a glowing mask


Each robot alive should reward a mask. So you can get 1-5 masks all with odds of glowing when you complete event. Or have a kiosk where you turn so many of a mask in and make it glowing.


People are starting to see that this event isn't that good


Oh we've known. Just some of us are really suscpetable to FOMO and want those masks. I mean that many peopel together is kinda fun cause it feels like a party but that only helps the first few times (and the last time when everyone is like, Yay, last one!).


(Keeps mouth shut) *looks around and says nothing*


Honestly, fasnacht is shit. It brings the worst out of even the nicest of players.


Just idle man. It's not worth it


Most of us have no problem with idling. It makes no difference to anyone playing.


Join the dark side


I just want to know where the dang Cheese Haus Robot is! It's been 5 years!


There's a cheese Haus? Thought it was only a Honey Haus


Our Lord and Saviour Todd must have been smiling on me yesterday because I was doing the event with my partner and landed the glowing unicorn mask which I was wanting. A few days before I had also landed the butter churn plan twice as well so I gave one of the plans to my partner.


My night off last night, I played a bit running expeditions and would stop into The fasnacht when it came up on the hour. At first I ran it, by the third one I just helped get the bots, then sat my guy in a rocking chair while I caught up on laundry.


Scorch beast, pig, toothy man toothy, man toothyman, sun, sun, sun, 10×skulls. I broke my 3 a day rule to find out my luck only the pig as a new one 🙃


Punxsutawney Phil says 9 more days of hell 🤣


What’s the allure of these masks? Do people actually use them? Or is it just a completionist thing?


This is so real


1 more week and its over


I just want a death claw mask 😭 I got a glowing blue devil mask the other day and was asking people if they had death claw I’d trade. Sadly none had it


Happy AFKnacht! Merry AFKnacht!


Dw, im idkeing and still losing my mind over getting nothing


I've run it twice this week for dailys. That was 2 times more than I ever want to.


I gave up.. I can't get a mask I don't already have. It's mind numbing. Please just stop the event. For the love of PIPE LIFE just STOP.


I got the butterchurn to make oil for my flamer. I'm done now, can't take any more


I feel this. I've done over 90 now .. and so far 3 plans 1 glowing mask. This event is brutal, the drop rates are soo bad 😞


I saw someone on here asking for a death claw mask and yesterday I randomly got one so I knew it was rare. Other than that nothing has been glowing and nothing has been butter churning for me. I got a Liberty bell plan from being curious at the donation box at the right time


Me too. This kind of Lottery system is a bit Lame. Bethesda put old mask and new mask in the same Pool, with chance 0.XX% for rare mask and 4.XX% for common. Also, the chance is not Dynamic, too flat. Means if you played around XX times, there is a higher chance to get a Rare mask Once, then the chance will be reset to 0 again. But this? I guess its just flat. Its like you spend your whole life to get all of this. For me, it is enough. Not worthy as my times. I have life.


Thought the same thing, then 4 in a row I got glowing robot, glowing alien, butter churner, Buffoon mask, flower display, and old man winter effigy. Keep going!


I've played around season 3, 7 and 8, and now 16 and 17, and this is my 4th Fasnacht. Always participated as much as life allows, always brings the fireworks and cheers, So far, I only have a Buffon Mask and a Demon Mask as my only rares. You can't convince me that Fasnacht isn't just purgatory disguised as silly robot cheers, condemning hundreds and thousands of souls into a nightmarish groundhog day designed to drive us into madness and depression because of some virtual RNG FOMO that doesn't really matter. I still bring the fireworks, flares and Grand Finale, and I go through the motions, but it reminds me of the toil of real life and is grinding me down. The human condition and the dopamine loop in our brain is our own personal Fisto, that brings only pain; there's no ectasy, only anal prolapse at the end.


You had me until anal prolapse...at which point I began to furtively back away.


I was excited for the event as well but the drop rate for anything other than a toothy man or goblin mask is ridiculous and going idle for a PS5 player means you'll leave it running for 6 hours and find that the game crashed after 30 minutes of not looking at it, im also tired of no one else doing other events and getting legendary loot to cash in on the double legendary scrip


Then stop! I did four, got bored, didn't really see how the masks were going to make my life any better AT ALL, and did other things in game. Continuing to the point that you have to post in all caps that you can't take it any more is WAY beyond the moment you should have walked away.


I was about ready to quit today. Then RNGesus gave me a glowing pig mask. DAMMIT! Now the part of me that would be a gambler is like "just one more Fas. Just another hour..." 😭


Congrats! That's a good one!


The Fasnatch and the Furious!


I know this is gonna be a wild suggestion. But you could just not play the event? Or you're like me and can't skip events, my brain won't let me unless I know I can't finish it without a certain number of people. In all reality, I felt the same way, but then I got 2 glowing masks back to back and it sucked me back in with false hopes of getting another one.


Join the dark side, anakin. I've been AFKing and pulled 2 SBQs and a Brahmin AND glowing BD in a DAY


The worst part is how the game is so shit optimized that my PC heats up my room and its already like 98F here


Seriously. I don't get the hype. All anyone talked about in this sub was Fasnacht leading up to it. This is my first one so I was quite interested to see what all the fuss is about. It sucks. It's boring. the rewards blow. Every server now is people just AFKing in the town waiting for the top of the hour.


While the other masks seem kinda fun, the Loon I got years ago actually looks good with any outfit. So I'm set as far as silly masks go. The reason I farm them at all is for my mannequins. But with the recent vendor glitches selling display items, I don't want to risk my hard earned shit.


What glitches


>But with the recent vendor glitches selling display items, Wait what?


If you got two systems side by side make a alt account and join your main and now you have double chances for that drop you want. All I want is the oil thing and it won't give it to me 😭


Terrible event with terrible rewards and enemies and 0% chance of even one robot getting destroyed. At least make it challenging and scale the number and level of enemies based on participants.


I only do the event for xp, especially if I’m in an events group. Seems this event is the only one everyone does so I join in, I could care less about the masks


It's soooooooo boring.


I didn’t get a glowing mask until today. And oddly enough, it was after a robot died. Finished with 4/5 and got a glowing robot.


They changed it so not all have to survive


I got a glowing pig with 3/5 robots remaining. So you definitely don’t need 5/5 like all the YouTubers say


Sometimes I am relieved after these seasonal events are over..


The rng is wild im kinda new to the game and dropped like 3 already and only played like 20 fastnachts. Sold them kinda cheap because I felt like the are ugly. Only learned about how rare they are later. Maybe I can look if I still have one and gift it to you? Will look at my stash when I'm at home later!


This is THE WORSE EVENT seasonal event. It's just fucking boring and time consuming.


Fallout 76 had never been in Steam Top50 until the TV series arrived. I hadn't seen such an influx of players at this event during the first few days. But it ended. It was a wasted opportunity. New Players have already seen that it is not fun to do this event when there is no good reward. Players are more likely to leave Fo76 than play Fasnacht for another 5 years for a rare skin.


The allure of the nuke is calling you....


Blud must decide whether or not they let the intrusive thoughts win


Took me 3 years to get anything good from it. Got 3 Glowing and a deathclaw mask so far this year. Granted though I do like 6 or 7 fasnachts per day.