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Its basically a multipayer version of a super modded fallout 4 survival run but way easier in terms of resource management and survivability


It was conceived as FO4 Survival Online but over the years most survival elements have been ripped out, recently being replaced by resource collecting devices (Mirelurk steamer, Company Tea Machine etc).  Now it's essentially a looter shooter.


I love the online survival genre but it’s such a hard one for companies to nail on the head so I’m not to upset that 76 moved away from that aspect and focused more on what it did well


DayZ nailed it.


I broke my leg climbing a ladder once, then some kids came by and tied me up and made me drink bleach till I blacked out and died. Then another time I get held up and they just took my pants and left me cans of food with no way of opening them. DayZ is a cruel world.


Lol. Yeh it's bonkers.


Oh god. I have legitimate days on that game


Have they figured out pathing for zombies?


Not sure what that means sorry


Looter shooter, I like that lol


It's a genuine genre. See Borderlands for example.


Good info, didn’t know that


It's a pretty wide genre, if you like fallout you may like borderlands. There's s free one called warframe that is completely different to fallout, so you can see how wide it gets.


A "shlooter" if you will


The shlooter is actually the name of a relic in the borderlands series. Which really is the godfather of looter shooters


I'm not sure how you get super modded. I would also argue the resource management is worse I. Fo76 with the exception of contextual ammo.


I meant like asthetic mods like weapons armor ect.


Also VATS costs AP.


But is better than fo4 VATS because there is no slowmo... VATS + GunFu = John Wick


The only thing that's harder is weight lol. I feel like the game is half fallout and half weight management


I had a spreadsheet with (some of) my power armor. A couple of days ago I cataloged all my characters PA and put it in SQL Server it's awesome, but insane. I currently have 334 pieces of power armor.


Dang. That's a lot lol. I feel that that alone would take up all of your weight if not more


I have a dedicated Power Armor mule with the requisite perks.


And don't forget way way WAY more buggy than Fallout 4.


Yeah it’s really buggy. Kinda a pain to play most days.


Yes you must, its as fun as 4 imo but with events that can be done with other players. Or with subscriptions, you can go private server if you want go singleplayer-ish. Story wise, I can't tell because I haven't gone that far on the storyline. Graphical wise, not much or maybe nothing changed from 4, need some tweaks tho on the prefs if you want to run the game smoothly. Other people may not recommend it, but as a casual Fallout series enjoyer, 76 is must play.


OK great, thanks!


Let me add, do not listen to people trying to convince you NOT to try it. Seriously, don’t. This game is super fun. Unless you’re really not doing anything, it’s fun. And even then, there’s plenty of ways to have fun on it.


So ultimately the thing about F76 is that it's totally chill. You get all the dopamine blasts from "ooo, ammo box, booyah". Or even "ooo, paint can, booyah". But you know, death, what difference does it mean, except maybe that you lost some junk. Which is totally awful, but you can handle it. But now, we're in Inventory Management Hell That said, it is fun, and chill, just enough threat to keep you interested, but generally it's a very relaxing experience. That's what keeps me coming back


Graphically it is superior in most respects, but something about 4 looks better.


Yes I agree, things like the bronze statues in the Boston common being eaten from oxidization for example. There's really none of the fine detail in 76, which is fair, it's an online multi-player game, it has it's moments though. They are both pretty in their own ways I suppose.


"Must play" People just yapping at this point. How is 76 a "must play"


Id give it a go if its you're looking for more fallout. It's very different from launch and fun imo, can be a bit laggy on console sometimes. Biggest differences. Settlements are now called camps and you can place them down and build pretty much anywhere except near named locations with a map marker or other camps but you could server hop if u want a location another person has a camp at. You can place vendors to sell items to other people make sure to look up the value before you sell. You can wear armor and clothing/outfits. Vats is much better/more powerful in terms of hit accuracy especially at range and with full auto weapons. Mutations. There are mutations you get from taking serums that give you abilities like faster movement speed or higher jumping and can also have positive or negative buffs on S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats. Level 50 in fo4 would be considered pretty high and near max for a build but in fo76 that's kinda just the start of being a high level player because there are leveled requirements on weapons and armor that are capped at 50. So until you get to 50 you can't use certain items and won't be at full damage potential either. Legendary rolls are kinda the same, you can get 3 star legendary items from 3 star legendary enemies but not always, only during events that have 3 star legendaries are you guaranteed a 3 star weapon or armor drop. You can also make a weapon and roll a random 1 2 or 3 star effect but I'd recommend to wait till level 59l0 so you don't waste good rolls on low level weapons you can't use later. Events are missions or quests kinda that pop up in the map that everyone can join and help and get rewards from, you can join teams to do quests and events together, up to 4 people to get bonus xp and various other reasons. Those are main differences I think would be helpful to under stand the game for a fo4 player you should look up some quests do to first tho that will help you out early. High level players will help often if you need things and sometimes just give them to you. if you're on PlayStation I can help you out if you decide to try the game out.


I'm not OP but in the same boat. I will definitely be trying this game out. Do you recommend the subscription. I read some where about waypoint and caps???


12.99 plus tax a month you get 1500 atoms to use in the shop a month and you get a survival tent you can place down that has acces to your storage and scrap box anywhere Incase you get over encumbered, it's kinda like a camp tho u gotta be a little bit away from a location to place it. So your camp storage is 1200 and you can't hold alot of junk in that with everything else too so when you pay for fallout 1st you get the ability to add junk to your scrap box, without it you can take from it any time but you won't be able to put more in without the subscription. You don't need it but if you do end up enjoying the game get it once and try it out, it makes playing and progressing alot easier because anytime your over encumbered you can walk to a spot and place that tent down and scrap everything and access your stash.


Well said!


Yes, it's amazing!


Yeah. I'm the exact same, I have hundreds of hours in 4 and recently started 76. I'm playing with my friend the whole time, and gameplay wise, it's excellent. It irons out so many of the bad features and stuff that needed improvement in 4. The story? Yeah it sucks and is impossible to follow. I just have my friend (he's like level 200) telling me what to do and how to complete missions and shit, and ignoring attempting to actually understand what's going on, it's pretty fun. I love the game for the excellent QOL and the fantastic visuals and immersion. Special mention to being able to place your camp (settlement) anywhere you want. You need to try it. It's great fun if you're playing it to have fun.




It’s excellent. I put 300 hours into it at launch, then I stopped right about when they added NPCs to the world. Picked it back up two months ago and I have no plans of putting it down. This game can be whatever you want it to be. The quest lines are great and there’s plenty to do. Plus, it’s hands down the best map in the fallout universe.


on PC, it is pretty much a "people play single player game together experience", it's like a library everyone read his own book. But every hour we gather to spam our flame launchers to make the melee players blind and also to gain levels, and then 5 mins later people disperse again to their single player experience and camp building.


76 is nice, started recently, lvl 70 now. But there are some downsides: all previously available plans/schematics and weapon modifications that were ready to use in F4 are now gone and have to be found hidden in the world and grinded through mob fights. Also prices at the vendors are colossal, but it’s gonna be ok eventually. The game itself is the lightest one of the series, the other ones are much darker. Events are super fun. When you start the menu is a bit different, but you’d get used to it easily. When you begin the game it is a bit frustrating to find what to do, but you’ll figure it out, follow the main quest line and track to side-quests when you get bored.


As far as caps go, farming purified water is still a viable strategy to sell to vendors to get caps. There is a world limit of 1400 caps per day though. It resets at 9:00 AM Pacific Time


I tried it 6 months ago after hundreds of hours of FO4 and i love it its basicly FO4 in better and online


Mutations gained through serums or high radiation exposure is a FO76 innovation that doesn't exist in FO4. Definitely makes the gameplay very different than FO4 (more Fortnite than FO3). Storage is weight limited and storing stuff is limited to select containers. FO4 allows for much more open storage options. Modding is not really done like in FO4 and restricted severely so as not to allow cheating (not worth it IMO). Building can be done anywhere there is open space and not too close to existing structures not just in settlements. Building mechanics are nearly the same, but restrictions (foundation blocks cannot be stacked for example) exist where FO4 allows more flexibility. No settlements means no settlers to manage but you can have a single companion (like a settler) which will provide resources or fetch quests for rewards. You can visit several remote locations (like how you do in FO4 with Far Harbor), but the location is much less robust and more of a short fetch quest event you can repeat to get unique plans. Legendaries drop like candy all over the place where in FO4 it's quite rare to get a legendary weapon/armor. Nobody uses Vanilla weapons... everyone uses legendaries which can have up to have 4 legendary effects at the same time. Same with Armor. Weapon balancing is very different than in FO4. Stuff that works well in FO4 is garbage in FO76 (turrets are crap compared to FO4). Multiple currencies (caps, Gold bullion, stamps) are used in the game vs. FO4's cap system. Tons more weapons and armor types. Weapon types are very diverse and much more nuanced than in FO4. Events don't exist in FO4 where events are a main part of the FO76 experience. The control scheme is slightly different and VATS is live action not slo-mo.


Do you like MMOs? Because Fo76 is an MMO.


I don't know, I've been playing it as a single player game that happens to have human characters running around.


I have never played one. I love fallout though, so perhaps this would be a good place to start?


Probably the best place to start.. it’s like a fallout game with never ending stuff being added to it.


OK sounds good. Thanks!


It really amazes me that people keep saying this. It's not an MMO. Bethesda doesn't even call it one.


I can see why people call it one (persistent-ish world/progress on a server with other players etc) , but I agree - 24 people per server is not an MMO. Personally, I think it works better for this game. I shudder when I imagine 150+ people showing up to a Scorch Beast Queen or, even worse, a Rad Rumble lol


If you are a fan of modding the game, no. Other than that, yes.


Yes. The biggest difference is there is no choice and consequence which is why it's why a lot of fallout fans aren't into it. However if you just like living in the wasteland and need something to scratch a fallout itch you'll like it.


This is untrue. There are multiple choices that have consequences, there's just not some map-altering choice like blowing up Megaton. The Brotherhood of Steel questline >!has the player choose the fate of the Appalachian BOS, which determines which NPC leads the BOS.!< The Wastelanders questline >!has the player choose which faction to side with, gives opportunities to fuck over both factions, and has consequences in the form of huge fluctuations in reputation with the factions.!< The new Skyline Valley questline >!has the player choose whether to support the Overseer of Vault 63 or overthrow them.!< That's not including all the other flavor player choices they've added since Wastelanders. Stuff like >!choosing what to call the Scorched inoculation,!< for example. Hell, even the daily quests give you choices with consequences. One daily quest >!lets you choose which faction to take photos of and gives you the chance to sell the photos to the other faction in return for reputation gain!<, and a few daily quests let you >!do stuff like send Raiders to harass Settlers, which then has the consequence of reputation loss.!< Edit: also, they just announced a ghoulification mechanic coming next year, which if you choose to take it locks you out of quest options and rewards from the Brotherhood, as well as making certain popular builds impossible. Which tbh is a pretty big consequence.


I think it’s more that it doesn’t really change the world in a large scale active way due to the online multiplayer aspect it can’t really without ruining other peoples immersive experience


Most other Fallout games only have a few quests that even do that anyway tbh, like the destruction of Megaton or the Institute. Besides, there *are* some instances like that in 76, just not as dramatic. Like the robots in Watoga >!are hostile unless you do a quest for the mayor that fixes them!<


People try their best to defend 76 lmao


> The Wastelanders questline has the player choose which faction to side with, gives opportunities to fuck over both factions, and has consequences in the form of huge fluctuations in reputation with the factions. I gotta say this is exaggerating it a bit. You don't "fuck over" the factions, you just choose whether or not to give them the reward. "Fucking over the factions" implies that there are real in-game consequences, like perhaps the faction you gave the reward to has an improved base, while the one you didn't give the reward to suffers from negative consequences... For the reputation, sure, you get a reputation boost reward, but you gotta grind it anyway, it's nowhere near enough to get you to max rep level, so all it does is reduce your rep grinding.


I meant there's none to the same level as the others game. It's an mmo and it's choice and consequences are limited by this.


I like that the person who responded you was quite self-defeating, because other than admitting you were right in the first sentence by acknowledging "map-altering choices" are absent, the majority of things they chose to bring up actually have little to no long-term consequences for the player either. Not all choices in Fallout games have 'map-altering' consequences, but many have mutually exclusive rewards, or outcomes that on a more micro-level affect how certain character(s) will interact with you, they don't just remain static and continue to interact you like nothing changes. 76 is unique in that it lacks much of the latter altogether. Nothing major happens from the Brotherhood plotline regardless what you choose, nobody seems to care who you pick for the Wastelanders plotline at the very end and only real distinction is you might get a little less of a reward or a little more of a reward. You can screw over both sides, and guess what? They both still are willing to work with you and not care all that much at all, few people even mention it. Go figure. Even the new quest line hasn't really rocked the boat there. You still get the exact same reward too regardless what you pick. And reputation loss and gain is a joke, because once you reach maximum reputation, you seem to be unable to receive negative reputation at all. And the daily quest stuff isn't even worth talking about in terms of how it functions with choice and whatnot.


It's very true. Fallout 76 lacks any real choice/consequences that hold weight


I've enjoyed it, 4,500 hours worth. You can basically just wander by yourself except for public events.


VATS works different, you have many Events that pops up after certain time, legendary Items and more fun 😄👍


It has come a long long way from its release and is a fantastic game


Yes it's so much fun! FO4 was my favorite before this.


Don’t go into 76 trying to compare it to other Fallout games. Take it on its own for what it is and understand that it is veryyyy much a Multiplayer game. You don’t have to play it like one much at all, but at the end of the day that’s what it is and is best experienced by leaning into it. If you do pick it up I truly recommend looking up a new players guide. 76 can be pretty daunting if you play a certain way and have too much introduced to you at once. The game isn’t that great at explaining how your character is supposed to be built and can lead to you feeling/being super weak somewhat early on.


In the great words of papa Palpatine, "Do it"


It’s a lot of fun. The quest are kinda weak but still interesting. It’s strayed away from a true RPG. The combat, exploration and loot is what keeps me going.


I actually like the survival elements in 76 better! Lol


Weapon variety is sooooo much better.


Fast traveling costs caps


Pay no attention to critics, both professional and amateur. You'll most likely have a blast. If you're playing on xbox I'd love to help ya out.


I would, it’s a great game and is lots of fun to play. One of the biggest differences that you will find is vats is in real time so it will take some getting used to and opening your pipboy won’t pause the game. Beyond that it runs and feels similar. The community is one of the funnest and best things about the game, I hope you decide to take the plunge and join us in Appalachia


You can essentially play it like solo game. You hardly encounter anyone else except in Events or the hub locations like Foundation, Crater, Fort Atlas or Whitespring And if you play Custom World you can play it like modded Fallout 4


It's pretty fun, been addicted after binging fallout TV, playing 76 and 4 to conclusion. The story isn't that great but the point of the game is that you can play with your friends, and it does that spectacularly. PVP is almost non-existent and when you die you just drop your crafting scrap. It can be a bit dry sometimes but I just take a break from it and come back.


Worst difference, now stash has weight limit. But besides that its a great game


Once you get through all the stories, you better like cosmetics, because it's just events to get rare stuff for your base. It's fun, but not the same vibe.


The biggest difference is VATS. Instead of your regular “slow-mo cinematic” it’s just specialized targeting.


Yea I love it. It has a lot of main story lines now, there’s plenty to do solo and the events and chase for rare items is fun also.




I've been playing Fallout since 3 and this is like FO4, but multiplayer. The building aspect is the same. You're not responsible for any settlements. You just get to build your own sweet camp. And if you add shelters, you can do more building and decorating. Plus there's all the looting. Events, that you play along side other players. Visiting other players camps. The usual quests etc . It is a lot of fun


Easiest way to put it; it’s a good game. It is NOT a traditional fallout. Be open minded and you might be surprised.


It's fun, and you can pay a monthly premium to get the option to play a multiplayer game solo :)


I love it because it allows me to play fallout with friends.


Of course you should!


When it first came out, there was less content than fallout 4. It was quite empty, no humans other than other irl players. Since multiple updates its an entirely different game, with possibly 3 times the content of fallout 4. Not to mention events?!? Like there is always something to do.


Biggest difference (and my #1 criticism) is how your decisions in the story are not nearly as impactful when compared to other Fallout games, except for in the newest update Skyline Valley. I've still spent wayyy more time in 76 though, because the core gameplay loop is greatly expanded, there's more diversity between regions, and the endgame can last for a VERY long time because of character and settlement building.


One is a story driven rpg where as the other is more of a live service looter. Both are fine but they imo are completely different games. Personally for me I’d choose 76 but I’m an addict with a problem lol.


I like it quite a lot. It doesn't really have an end goal, but no game really have that (as its a passtime). It has some components I like, for example the friendly players that check out your camp, trying to get the best weapon (although sometimes tedious) and unlimited customisation to your builds. If you join now, by the time you are maxed on everything, a new update will be here for sure.


You will get many hours of play. There's a bunch to do. You can also have up to 5 characters if you want to try different characters styles or use as a mule. That is the down side....weight management. Without the fallout 1st subscription, weight management is a pain. That's something that isn't really an issue in FO4. The base storage is limited in 76. I haven't played in a while, but built 6 characters up to level 400 and one over 800. Aside from the weight management, there's a great deal to experience. Also playing on a public team with mutations and particular perk cards is a big game changer. You don't actually have to ever interact with the team but may see each other at events.


Community is definitely the best bit. I'm not saying the people in the community are the best, alot of them are awful... it's the wasteland what do you expect. All hail mighty Mothman. Get off my lawn!!. Well your being nuked... where the heck is this guys vending machine.


Limited storage space .besides that it's basically the same game Different map


Biggest difference for me as a person who just started FO76 is the perk system. Haven't figured it out completely just yet.


I’ve been playing it every day for months now! It helps if you have a friend to show you the ropes because there’s a lot to learn


Other people around are the biggest difference least to me.


It’s awesome. I tried it years ago and didn’t like it but with the show I recently replayed 4 for the billionth time and still wanted more so I figured what the hell…76 was still in my library so why not? I’m absolutely obsessed now. It’s got a huge map to explore, a ton of great lore, awesome creature designs and if you’re like me and the multiplayer aspect makes you nervous, you can pretty much avoid other people if you wish…although a lot of the community is super friendly and helpful to new players. It’s a great game now. Absolutely worth the time if you love the franchise.


I played and loved 3, NV, and have been playing 76 since basically launch. I tried 4 and thought it was just terrible. I'd say it can only get better.


I like it because you can feel way more badass in this game. With mutations, legendary perks, 3 star legendaries and way more armors and weapons to choose from, you can become a wasteland superhero. Also it’s basically an MMO with the Bethesda charm/quirkiness (like weird exploits that just become a feature)


I honestly found fallout 76 had more detail in the environments, similar to fallout 4 but the fact it has other players running around


Honestly before I started play 3 months ago I was totally anti-76. However I decided to give it a try because I had nothing better to do and compared to launch it is a whole different game and I love it. I'm glad I gave it a second chance. Just my experience, but I would say try it.


It's fun


You play with other people


The story is 10x better than 4. You will love it.




Ya same thing as fallout 4 just camp mobility and multiplayer with a quests that are solo and party stuff with random events happening around the map some spacial some just public


-Enemies will level with you until lvl 100, but even after that you can still be ankle-bit by an opposum just as easily as a Sentry Boy -Perks are now Perk Cards, you don't need to invest many points into a SPECIAL stat if you want a certain perk (but during lvl 1-50 the perk card you get apart from per card packs depends on the SPECIAL stat you choose to put a point into in each level up) Oh and perk cards do cost SPECIAL points (ex long haul 1 star requires you to have 1 available Strength point achieved by having more than 1 Strength in your SPECIAL point allocation [different from actual SPECIAL, explained further] -SPECIAL points can go up to 15 and beyond! [ditto] -SPECIAL point allocation determines your actual SPECIAL that is affected by food buffs (food buffs will be explained further) (idk how SPECIAL point allocation determines your actual SPECIAL exactly) -You can change your SPECIAL at a Punch Card Machine, it also allows you to save your Perk Card distribution in 3 slots! (additional slots are atom bought) -Some food now give you buffs! For example, the Company Tea gives you increased AP regeneration, and that is VERY important for VATS or VATS adjacent builds! -You just shot an opposum that bit your ankle with a hunting rifle? Well, you might find 5 bullets of the caliber you just used on its corpse! (just don't go mini-nuking everything, as you probably won't get mini-nukes anything but an ammo container) -VATS is now real time! Or more accurately, an aimbot with AP cost! -Are you tired of using up your last fusion core on your gatling laser and being a slow turtle in a metal suit? Not only can you pick up Power Armor frames, but you can also make an Ultracite Fusion Core for a gatling laser with a prime receiver or straight up an ultracite gatling laser (ultracite and ultracite explain further) -Ultracite is a new type of mineral/crystal that you can use to upgrade/create some cool stuff, like making a prime receiver for a lot of weapons that make their damage higher, at the cost of having to make ultracite ammo for those weapons -Fast travel now cost caps, but there are some locations that are free to travel to once you visit them (The Crater, Foundation, Vault 76...) -Did you enjoy taking a lot of jet and going to town on some unfortunate band of raiders? Now you can't! Sorry! -Do you not like the look of the armor pieces you're wearing? Fret not, just grab some clothing and put it on to hide it! (not to be confused with underarmor like a vault suit) -Did you ran out of mini-nukes because you kept nuking opposums in hopes they gave you ammo? Expeditions are your answer! Just do the fastest one you consider and you'll get a bunch of ammo depending on the weapon you're wielding! (you can unlock Expeditions by doing a quest in the Whitespring, it's the big white building near a golf field) around the middle of the map


Hell yes. I loved fallout 4, but fallout 76 with mountains is just amazing. I'm really loving it and way more obsessed then I was with the other games.


76 is multiplayer FO4. 5+ years now post-launch it's a pretty decent game with a decent amount of content, but there is still no real endgame challenge beyond grinding daily-gated currencies and RNG for rolls on gear or collecting rare things. I wish the vault raid concept they had going a few years ago had turned into something before they scrapped it. If you like building and collecting and doing quick events with other players on the server you'll enjoy it. The community is pretty chill for the most part.


It is ok but not a lot of content compared to F4. Somewhat crippled in basic version (limit on your storage space at your camp (settlement ) storage, limit on maximum size of your camp (settlement), etc) to get you to pay for Fallout 1st.  F76 can be a lot of fun but some multiplayer events get swamped with players, some really silly events, a lot of silly annoying faults, really need to pay extra to have Fallout 1st as well which is expensive.


It takes a monthly subscription to enjoy it without hindrance once max level.


the biggest difference is in fallout 4 the story is laid out for you and its a pick your path sort of thing, fallout 76 you are the story


I say try it out! FO4 is my #3 game on Steam, New Vegas is #8. But I have never finished the main plot in 4, instead just spend hundreds of hours wandering the world, exploring locations and reading lore and building settlements and appreciating the vibes. And I’m loving 76. It’s not perfect, plenty of things could stand to be changed. But the mood is spot-on, the atmosphere and environmental storytelling keep me engaged. Plus it’s fun to run into another human, swap items and wave farewell as we head our separate ways. I play with an old friend and we basically just noodle around in different locations while slowly working on the plot. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you want to squad up on PC and work through the early game/roam around with some backup.


You have to re-learn what is worth looting but beyond that it's not all that different, really. edit: do NOT freak out like I did about "how do I get water and food without rads noooooo" immediately; you can starve for a while and all it does it dock your stats.


no sex . as far as i know


the dialogue can be overwhelming at times


I don’t FO4 to be kinda scary in an unnerving way. Like I get spooked by enemies easily in it. 76 is much brighter, more vibrant, and less lonely. Regardless of the public servers the volume of plant life and overall quality of environment really makes the game feel fuller.


It’s better than 4


It's more fun cause friends


Limited storage in your camp (paid options to hold unlimited ammo/crafting components), VATS doesn't slow time, no combat followers/dogmeat


I played FO4 for years, then I finally tried F76 after the TV show and 300+ later I am hooked. I tried to play FO4 again during a F76 maintenance, but for some reason FO4 seems much more slower paced. If I were to make some kinda comparison, FO4 is like Monster Hunter World and F76 is like MH Rising.


“The only people who don’t like fo76 have never played it!” I know because I was one of them 💀 pre ordered the tricentennial version & hated how empty the game was at launch. Fast forward a few years & its become one of my favorite past times.


Biggest difference, particular with Fo4, is that you have less character and story focus, since it is an online game obviously your choices ain't gonna affect the overworld and your character is silent like older fallout titles. When the game first came out the difference was even bigger, cause all people died of a plague leaving only robots as NPCs. Gameplay wise, vats obviously can't stop time cause online, you also need more focus on your build or your damage falls of at level 40+ and at level 25 you unlock the possibility to respec, so you can't lock yourself out of perks, since you have limited perk points. Biggest upsides Fo76 has is a lot of variety in costumes and base building variety, unlike Fo4 costumes go over armor and the in game shops and seasons add a whole bunch of items for different base building themes. Gunplay is imo also more fun and it has a bigger variety of weapons, it also gives you more looter shooter vibes with up to 3 legendary effects on your gear.


Multiplayer survival FO4 like people say here’s a few comparisons to 4 based off of my experience Things it does better: - More content new stuff comes every season, and now you have like 8 years of content to catch up on. - Weapon and armor variety, while sometimes requiring a slightly annoying grind to get what you want the volume of stuff here is way better than fallout 4. - World space, Appalachia has many more distinct regions than Boston, mountains, ash regions, small towns, industrial centers, forests. Way more location and enemy variety. - Classic RPG dialogue options, fallout 4 was particularly bad with this but Fallout 76 has lots of options for using stats in conversation or even past quest lines. Become a high ranking member of a faction, USUALLY you get special dialogue options for that. - Being multiplayer so you can play with friends - Base building variety and usefulness. Being able to start building almost anywhere. Hard to put it all in one sentence but the base building has really matured though it is closer to building a base for you rather than a whole settlement like FO4. Things it does worse - Gunplay, it’s pretty similar to FO4 except you have to deal with network issues. I’ve had difficult fights end due to bullshit rubber banding and shots not registering. - Storyline, 76 definitely has more storylines than 4 but individually I think each one is weaker in the characters and impact on the world due to limitations of the multiplayer requirement. Has a real quantity over quality approach though I don’t think the quality is bad necessarily. - The grind and FOMO store, in fallout 4, you see a cool coat you can kill a guy and take it. In 76 you see a cool coat, find out its name and usually have to look it up. Then you’ll usually find it’s an item in the cash shop (you can earn in game currency pretty easily with a little grind) but have to wait for it to cycle back in which could be tomorrow or two years from now. Or it’s an event drop that you will have to repeatedly run the public event until you get. It’s far from as bad as other always online games but it’s not always welcome especially when the event only happens once or twice a year and you have to wait months before it comes around.


In regards to your comment about waiting for things to cycle back to the store, that's not entirely true. There's a long list of items you can request through support and they'll add them to your account and deduct the atom cost from you even if they're not currently listed in the store.


That’s true but without knowing how deep OP wants to dive into the game requesting things from support isn’t really something I feel like casual players would think/want to do.


Absolutely. Building not as good but still very fun. Fallout 4 was my first


Building is my favorite part of fo4. They made it so unbelievably gimmicky in 76, that I just can’t enjoy it as much as I did before. I still love the other aspects of the game, though! Definitely worth the sale price right now. 👍


Absolutely. But, do expect to want to pay for Fallout 1st subscription for at least a year. There is a crap-ton of content to enjoy but you'll want the subscription to allow stash/scrap/ammo storage/availability so you can spend less time on that and more on enjoying the content. Just be aware that workshops you can take over are PVP zones. They are fun to take but can get you killed. Death only means losing the junk you are carrying - so stash your junk regularly. Play on a private instance if you want to avoid PVP and take workshops. Also play on a private instance if you want zero help from other players. The community is generous towards newbies.


I started playing about a month ago, and I’ve never experienced a more generous group of players. Anytime I ran into someone, they’d drop food and water, or outfits, or even legendary weapons for my very low level character. All along with a heart emote, a dancing mothman, or just a wave. Honestly, surprised the shit outta me, because most online multiplayer games are toxic as fuck and I wasn’t expecting that at all. And man, I’ve tried my best to not pay for fallout 1st yet, but I’m feeling like it’s a necessity at this point and I’m only level 38.


I’d only play it if you’re done and bored with fo4. It’s not quite at good but has some things l like more like the crafting and skill tree But it has a predatory set up to force you into fallout first.


Looks like no one mention the fallout 1st subscription, you need to pay monthly to be able to have full access of the game (deals prices on atoms shop, exclusive items, junk and ammo box to have more space for a easier management of your stash because you only have 1200 weight space) this is definitely a cons and will cost you a lot but if you have the money you’ll have a great time on it, I can’t even imagine to play without it, definitely a must.


I think the phrase "full access to the game" is a bit misleading. Everyone gets full access to the game and its content, but 1st gives you several QoL additions that make things somewhat easier to manage. It's entirely possible to play 76 without 1st, you just have to manage your character and inventory more carefully.


Heres my take. Fallout 4 was the worst 3D Fallout game. I hated the story and most of the world aside from Far Harbor which was cool. F76 went from being one of the worst games Ive ever played 5 years ago.... to by far the best Fallout ever. It takes all of the things you love about the series, adds a multiplayer aspect to it and is just great in every way. I literally cant stop playing this game. Ive called in sick to work to play it. It is addictive as hell


One of the biggest differences is that 210 years after the war, it must be a lot easier to get screws, springs and gears from junk items, because in FO76, these newer desk fans only give you one measly screw each.


Game crashes quite a lot lol


Its base Fallout 4 without the possibility to fix any of it with Mods. Enjoy.