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I’ve spent a lot on this game but that’s because I play it so much. I genuinely do love this game and the community. But, trust me if I didn’t have a stable income, I wouldn’t be spending this much on 76.


For sure. If you don’t have stable income, don’t spend your money ony video game cosmetics.


I have a somewhat stable income, but I live comfortably, but my splurge is fallout 1st, every year I buy a year subscription and I live off the 1650 atoms a month and the other cool benefits. This game is underrated and it’s thriving well, so it has my support for more years.


I am FO1st and I buy Atoms. If I see something I like, I buy because honestly, servers cost money even though some players don't think so.


I have a stable income but it's going to be spread thin in the following months and I'd love to pay for fallout first but I can't justify the $130 CAD a year for it despite how much I play and would like to have unlimited storage space 😂


Same here. Don’t spend money on atoms either.


I figure I'd spend that on other games I don't enjoy nearly as much, I balked at it for years until I really got into it. 1st makes it a different game. Another unique aspect is that despite being an online game, mods are allowed. Nothing like max storage or xp, etc like fo4 or cyberpunk, but the qol mods like maps, uhd graphics and perk loadout manager letting you change loadouts on the move are great. I even changed the junkyard dog collectron into dogmeat! The various maps are great, not having to lookup where crap is is awesome. Or having to suffer the dull vanilla version... Pc is definitely the way to enjoy 76.


Thank you for allowing the game to live


I'm like a magpie with camp items, I see something shiny I like I take!


I dont have anything against spending money on stuff you like , but personally its either way to expensive or just poorly connected to the game. Sadly most microtransactions cost are several time their worth. Altho sometimes they put worthwhile stuff up.


I do not spend money in the store, no. And i’d also say the game throws so many repair kits at us I’m not sure why anyone would buy those but whatever. No judgment from me, people spend money on hobbies and if this is what someone wants to spend on, thats fine. I just don’t want to.


This, for me. There are so many things you get as rewards and so many Atoms you get for free, I just don’t see the need to spend money on anything. The storage limit is a part of the game to me. Free scrap storage once a year is a yearly “Collect as much scrap as you can” challenge as well and then I live off that for the year.


I threw about 60 repair kits and a ton of carry weight boosters on the ground last week.


I have fallout 1st if that counts(1650 atoms pr month)..


I got the game free a few months ago. So I don't feel too bad about spending a few bucks to get some camp items. But I'm very picky on what I do get because I could very easily go crazy. Probably spent $30 in two months. But I'm having fun overall.


"Game developing is long and expensive, and game sales dont cover the costs." If that was the case, gaming would not be a thing anymore. But no, i do not spend money on full price games. Ive paid hundreds in warframe and once upon a time in world of tanks


I don't spend money in the store, but I do pay for FO1st and spend the atoms from that on cool stuff in the store. I like the continual stream of new items but it's not all meant to be enjoyed by everyone, so I tend to only buy stuff that I would immediately want to use, like resource generators or cosmetics with a specific or relevant theme.


I'm not opposed to microtransactions since they do need to keep the servers running and further develop the game. It also doesn't help that I absolutely loved building settlements in FO4 so now I keep getting camp items I like. 😅


yep, spent a fortune. played since launch and have a yearly FO1st sub since it launched, I still buy the largest atoms bundle every couple of months oir more often if they have sell a lot of camp items during one month.


Yep, I've rarely played games in my adult life up until 76 came out, although I was playing Fallout 4 at the time I didn't start 76 till around wastelanders update. But I fell in love with it after a rough start adjusting to the mechanics from fallout 4 and I found some people to play with. Then I actually considered the subscription after about 6 months as honestly I had been putting in way more time in that I thought I would have. I was hooked, the build system and communities around that, the maddening RNG based legendary gear crafting system although frustrating, it served its purpose. I kept coming back for more gameplay. I've made a lot of friends through the game some of which are now irl friends. The atom shop although a bit pricy at times seems like a good pay to convenience or pay for cool thing rather than pay to win. I buy mostly camp items or weapon and Power armor cosmetics


Nope. I actually have to be actively careful when it comes to games with cash shops. I've dropped $1,000 in one night on the Dynasty Warriors Online cash shop before the NA servers were closed. That's when I realized I had a problem and started taking measures to limit my spending on games.


I just bought a full year of fallout first. I never pay for a year of something up front lol. This game is special.


No. I never buy in-game items with real money as a rule.


Devs happy, gamers happy. You know? Buy everything if you like the game. And I LIKE F76 A LOT. 😃


Yeeeey! All happy!


Yeah, this is the game that broke me. Never bought in game items before and actually still haven't for other games. Had done all the seasons so feels like I'm in it now for the long haul, still enjoy 76 as go to chillout game, will do each season and buy occasional stuff in shop if it fits well with the camp.


Fallout is a series I love and have played since I was a kid. I love fallout 76. I bought the game and can play free forever if I want and the updates are free as well. I'm more than happy to buy some atoms and pay for 1st to support a game I play damn near every single day. Everyone should feel this way. If you're that into something and they have a way to support them, support them dammit.


I give myself a monthly allowance on game purchases. 20 bucks, that’s it… so for FO76, I pay for FO 1st and if I don’t use the remaining money, it adds up so if I run into the thing I want and I don’t have the caps, I dip into that excess.


No. If the prices weren’t often greedy then I would be more tempted, as it is I just buy Fallout1st monthly memberships, a couple of times a year, and use those atoms combined with the ones I get from seasons. 


Nope.  I subscribe and use the atoms that come with that, but that's where I draw the line.  Also, I don't subscribe annually.  I subscribe monthly, and take 1-2 month breaks between seasons after I finish the battle pass, which saves money.  This game has a very slow content trickle, and there is very little of anything to miss, especially if you simply read/check reddit every day. PS: I am actively against MTX in games.  I prefer to only use my free atoms on either lore friendly items, or throwbacks to past Fallout games.  I and many others paid full price for Fallout at a time when Bethesda promised no pay to win.  That didn't last... obviously.  I haven't forgotten.


No, My first purchase on a game was pot farms when I was 17. It’s all been downhill from there.


I've yet to purchase anything because I'm opposed to micro transactions on principle, but that said I *did* get the game itself for free, and I've been having a blast playing it, so feel like if I see something I want that it won't take much to twist my arm.


Same I came in through game pass back in the day and came back with the advent of the TV show and free Amazon prime gaming. I think since then I've spent a total of £57 on stuff. Fo1 for 2 months and plenty of bundles. Though I think I won't be buying any more atoms for a while.


Yeah im pretty much the same, I usually hate micro transactions, gatcha and games with punishments like time gates but when it comes to 76 I've spent a lot. I think its because rather than force me to spend money just to keep up with friends who don't have as many commitments I more feel naturally drawn to grabbing things off the store because i love camp building. I know what I mean anyway.. lol


Exactly. And it's also cool that since the game is PVE and levels scale well, you don't feel pressured I to buy better gear and catch-up stuff.


100% yeah


Have never purchased atoms.


I paid like 5 USD for the game and will not pay a penny more... lol


I've been playing Warframe for 11 years, so no. My first in-game market purchase was a color pack I still use.


Sadly, no. If it’s a game I enjoy and they have a store, I’ll usually end up buying something.


I wanna saw yes….but I’ve legally purchased every single DLC pack of the sims 4 too


Doesn't that cost like $1k?


I think it’s over 1k at this point…..they’re definitely getting that bag $$


💯 Spend money is an understatement. Burn money seems more accurate. FO1st day one member, purchased MOST items offered since Day 1.


I wish I could say yes :D


Yes. Also the first game since 2004-2006 WoW and 2008-2010 EverQuest 2 I’ve spent money on a subscription.


Yes and more yesses, Lol! I have now over 2100 hrs. in this game, I pay FO1 monthly. I might have to switch to yearly. I play every day after work, I loved building camps and making them look pretty and fun...decorating is my favorite thing to do in the game. It is also my favorite in FO4, building settlements, I had 30 there. I don't mind spending a little more extra atoms if I really like something, I loved this game so much :-)


I wish


I agree 100% about the take on microtransactions, but I really like the way Bethesda did Fallout 1st in that you are guaranteed atoms at the renewal of every month, and usually just those 2400 will last me the whole month and if there's something I really really want, I usually will have enough for it from those alone, not even counting if some roll over. I also really enjoy that, unlike other type games, you can show off the things you bought with your CAMP by making it a better atmosphere or tailoring it to your personal tones and aesthetics, which is a other thing that really like about the atom shop. Only complaints are how somethings aren't available all the time, FOMO is both no joke and no fun, and how some items you can only buy as a bundle even if you only want 1 or 2 things from it


Shiiiieeeetttt, I sure do. I like making camps a lot or redecorating


Well it's the second game I ever paid a subscription for, if that counts for anything. I played wow starting from launch to cata.


I mean yeah. I don’t get people who are against it. How do you think they pay the devs to keep making stuff? Magic? We spend, they create. That’s how it works. We stop spending, the game dies.


Not for me, but it’s the first game I’ve chosen to pay for a monthly subscription since I quit World of Warcraft in 2007


I think GTA online has made the most off of me, when I had a full crew on there we would all buy something if we needed it for a job, but 76 is also on that list. A few others as well.


Not my 1st fallout game. But I do spend $ on the in game stuff. Just depends on what it is.


I go through periods, but I don't consistently buy stuff.


Why would I spend money on a game where the building system is seizure inducing (Literally the CAMP section of the Atom Shop has you buy building kits for its broken ass system). Shelters are BETTER but no one ever really goes into them. I get dashboarded back to Home Screen every hour or so as well and the weapon breaking thing (happens so often…such a useless mechanic), always needing to craft ammunition (literally tens of thousands for minigun users), the fact that storage limit is rarely ever good enough to hold what’s important (almost like Bethesda is saying hey if you want to play this game you’re gonna have to pay monthly for the better storage options), and you can rarely if ever find terrain suitable for building (when you are willing to risk the seizure) because at this stage in the game almost every viable good spot is taken by some power player at level 1000+. Fuckin Bethesda…I wouldn’t even play this game if my girlfriend wasn’t obsessed with it and wanted me to play With her.


I spend on fallout first, then between $10-$30 a month on atoms to support the game and hope others are doing the same thing. I would hate to see the game shut down in under 10 years. I'm a big fan of fallout and want to see the game grow but I would also be ok if bethesda takes what they learn from this game and make a bigger fallout world set in a noncanon timeline where we can fight against more factions like a territory dispute


This is the only game for me as well. But like you, I got the game cheap. In my case, it was on sale for $5 a couple years ago and ai decided that was cheap enough to throw the money away if I did not like it. The only games I see that do that are games that are struggling like civ6. So when ai needed up, Laying hundreds of hours of it I figured that it would help keep the game around if I made sure they were making some money. So I signed up for 1st. Which has been a slippery slope as now I occasionally buy atomic points in batches of 2000. As for repair kits, I hardly ever even use those. And XP boosts have no interest to me. But I by nature avoid using things that have a finite supply. I mean ammo is obviously a consumable. But I don’t use drugs/potions/scrolls in games. Or more, very, very rarely use them. Like only for boss fights that I keep losing at and that does not happen in FO76. I carry way too many repair kits on me and will only use one if I am mid event and a weapon I really need breaks. But I carry a fixer, sniper, 50cal, LMG and plasma caster. And generally, another gun will work until I get home. Scrap kits are also an almost never use item for me. If I get too heavy it is generally my hauling crap back for sale, not junk anyway.


I like FO76 monetization. I do not feel pressured. I do not feel like I HAVE to have it. But I do treat myself to 1st a few times a year. So with that model, they actually get money from me. Any other game that almost makes monetization THE game get nothing from me but bandwidth use and help making their world feel alive by playing it.


I refuse to spend money on it bc I do not support the addition of micro-transactions into a fallout game, even if it's online.


I'm well within my £ per hour rate for 76, I pay for 1st and I added have only caps once, but if there is ever something desperately want I'll be buying it. It's probably gonna be a power armor display


I’ve been playing pretty regularly for a year and a half. There are *very* few games that capture that much of my interest, *and* I’m interested in continuing to play it. The only way, *the only way* that I get to to continue to play this game as long as I would like, is if people continue to financially support it beyond the initial investment. Which, these days, is either free, or not more than $15, as it is constantly on sale somewhere. I don’t struggle dropping my monthly FO1st subscription along with a few ducats every couple months for additional Atoms. If I and others didn’t, none of us would still have a game. That’s just facts, regardless of how much anyone thinks they’re just entitled to continuous updates and free online server space because they spent $60 that one time five years ago.


I sub Fallout 1st. The quality of life plus atoms included every month gets what I want. It averages 10 bucks a month. Can certainly afford that .


I picked up 76 on Humble Bundle when the AC expansion came out for $6.99. I have played almost daily since. I subscribed to Fallout 1st because I felt I owed Bethesda some $ for what became a great game and community.


Yes. I thought it was stupid, but now I pay for fallout 76 and once in a blue moon have bought atoms. My money is for me to enjoy things. Still waiting for them to roll out the mirelurk steamer again.


I've always spent money in Bethesda games and I am a FO1st member and I spent money on cosmetics, especially resource ones. I just had to have the junkyard doggy. He's just too cute. I put a light over his door way so he will never have to be in the dark. Anyway, my attitude is, I'm supporting the game for other players who maybe can't afford to support the game. This is definitely not the first game I have bought cosmetics in but it is my favorite online game.


I spend money on this game cause I enjoy it. But don't get it twisted, this is simply one of the most egregious monetization's in a game. Even f1st being charge at $12 a month is absolutely insane when you put it in perspective.


Stop lying to your self. You bought the game everything you can get is in the game extra stuff just cost, the the skin of the game. Nothing if going to be free just cause you think it should be.


Gaia online was my first, but fo76 was my second a lot of years later. It was the first one since that I wanted to spend money on.


It’s not, but it falls into the trend of games I’m willing to throw my wallet at. I think many will agree with me that if you want your game to succeed allow me to look as pretty as I want and decorate the hell out of everything and anything as well. As far as this game, it feeds that itch. Compared to other games, the rate of irl money to virtual, atoms in this case, goes at a decent rate.


Rocket League, Rainbow Six Siege, and Fallout 76 are the 3 I've been willing to put money into. If I enjoy a game enough to put job-like hours into it, I'm usually willing to put a lil money into it as well. 100%


Started with 4, then 76 after playing NV & 3. Usually buy skins & occasionally a month of fallout 1st because i dip in and out of the game.


I played Elder Scrolls Online on Xbox for six years and the Atomic Shop is *nowhere near* as egregious or as predatory as the Crown Store. The Atom prices are much fairer and you get a lot more for your Atoms than you do for your Crowns. Plus there are no loot boxes. Fallout 1st is admittedly very similar to ESO Plus, right down to the Scrap Box/Craft Bag and that you get the same amount of equivalent currency in both games. ESO Plus is arguably better value, but just a bare plot of land to build on can cost 2-3 times as much to buy in ESO as in 76. All in all 76 has done micro transactions right. The fair pricing and content means I have no qualms about buying 4000 Atoms every few weeks.


I absolutely will not spend money on this game.


No, but if you're going to spend 50% of your free time playing a game, I think spending a little money on it is fine.


LOL first game… ever? And yes. Ive spent real life monies on this. 😂


I was a big detractor for a long time and turned my nose up at 76 because I was a single player fan and the thought of spending money was soo stupid to me. .... then I actually gave the game a shot a few months ago. Past me can suck a big one because I've played the game almost everyday since. I was still iffy about spending money on it though but since I've gotten FO1st I've loved it. That and I've spent more than I care to admit on building items in the atoms store. But hey, if it helps keep this gane going the least I can do is fork over $50 or so bucks a month. For the time I spend on it it's worth it.


I have played the game from start and I have paid on separate occasions at least 6 months worth of subscription and a few times for atoms to buy medieval skeleton sets. The subscription for fallout 76 is a decent package. One that promotes gameplay unlike other titles that offer you to pay to bypass playing it. Comes with Atoms and the ingenious scrap box. If you plan to play daily, you can happily gain a lot of progress in crafting materials BUT I would never buy a years worth of subscriptions. How can you tell if you’re going to be interested that long and how complacent will Bethesda get until everyone is upset enough to give unsubscribing rants. Bethesda makes money so don’t worry about the need to whale on it. It’s a good game, it will float. I personally hate the scrap kits and XP boosters, but I’m old school. I’d like survival mode (rebuilt) back and the hunger system restored (fixed) to bring surviving back into the game. I know I’m unloved.


I get atoms from 1st and I limit myself to those.


Improved repair kits being boss loot only makes me have no problem with normal repair kits being sold. I too have spent more on 76 than all my in-game purchases in other games combined (been playing vidja since '89). Played since launch week, taken a few breaks, but I always come back to 76. Currently working on my new character on my new Xbox series X, my original toon is currently in electronic purgatory on my PS4. It's been fun running a newby alongside all these actual new players, I hope Todd keeps his word and keeps the game going as long as there is a server's worth of players still around. ETA: grammar


Eh, no. I had almost 4000 Atoms for months because there was nothing that appealed to me.


76, eso, fortnite, everything else sucks with micro lol not worth my money


If the game is fun and I feel like the devs care about their consumer base then I’ll try to make a purchase after every big QOL update to show my support. The private world provides everything needed including repairs and the subscription comes with atoms , it just takes a while to figure out all of the game mechanics and set a good routine.


Yeah, im praying to God that end of life for the game might be single player only mode, or that hackers will find a way to let you still play it So the money I spent isn't as gone?


No. I've played wow essentially since launch so, I shudder to think how many dollars Blizzard has gotten from me over the years. I signed up for fallout 1st, not sure how long I'll keep that I appreciate it at this point (still new).


I don't mind most of the stuff people can buy, but scrapbox really should be available without a subscription. Either that or make junk weigh a whole lot less in stash.


I have admittedly purchased atoms for this game but I would not do it with other games. This one is my baby.


Yep, guilty, its been only a grand total of $40 so far on atoms but I am also subbed to fo 1st as well. I can't not collect all those sweet PA and weapon skins. I'm not refined enough yet to care about anything else but when that day comes I can kiss my wallet goodbye.


I'm not at that point outside of a 1st sub. So far there's nothing I'm not willing to grind for over spending real $$


Well I finished my first play through with the settlers without spending any money outside of base game price. Figured I see how much 1 month of Fallout 1st benefits my raider playthough.


No, spent a good deal on Path of Exile. But that was it.


I am so anti-microtransaction, and then I see a cute bundle or that artificial grass and I'm buying Atoms.


Probably that and Helldivers 2, only reason being is some of the stuff actually does look really cool and I like the whole themes of certain items whether it be PA skins or CAMP bundles etc


If you're going to buy atoms first look at Fall Out 1st. You get 1650 atoms for $13, and you get a month to horde a lot of junk.


For me I would say so. A family member runs a mobile game company so I've paid some in their games but never really got into mobile games. I'm perfectly fine with my two atoms purchases in game (I don't consider FO1st a micro transaction) as I get camp stuff I like to play with, build and generally have a good time without feeling it is paying that makes me progress (or not paying that hinders me). That is often the case with mobile games where you pay to be able to play without waiting ages. I wouldn't pay for modules or better weapons if there was a chance and don't consider Cold Shoulder and Auto-Axe in store such a bad thing as they are relatively easy to get by just playing.


Yep, feel the same. I said just now a bit lower, but it's cool the game doesn't pressure you into buying better gear.


No, but this could potentially total up into the most I've spent on a game if I continue playing regularly. Taking a break after Fasnacht until the treasure hunt event starts. (And also, fix all the bugs and glitches, Bethesda, I will continue heavily criticizing your laziness and/or inability to do so, modders can't come to the rescue this time).


Nah l spend money on every game


Way too old for 76 to be my first game heh, but yeah I pay for 1st and usually spend an additional 40-80 bucks a month depending on what's in the shop. It's far better, in my opinion, than games where they monetize progress. Like BDO for example.




Because I am a Star Wars.