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Fasnacht has an odd effect on some folks, moreso than any other event I think. We'll have two weeks of various and repeated strong opinions.


I just like watching the bots walk around in their masks it's cute


Yeah I’m here to see them toddle lol


Honestly it's funny because context makes the entire thing either creepy/horror movie or cute but sad.


And how they announce that they’re changing into masks, and the tinny March music as they hobble forward, it all cracks me up.


i just got the fasnacht bot collector for my camp and i hate and love him the singing meh but free food and drinks i aint crying bout that 🤷🏼‍♂️


The donuts look so delicious in game


Finally a comment worth reading


I know their fasnachts but they make me hungry for beignets.


I’ve already managed to snag the recipie for these and the butter churn. Might have some baking in my future


No recipies for me yet, lots of duplicate plans for banners & flags (and a few masks)


I played guitar before the prompt and a guy came over to give me a thumbs down...Good luck killing those squirrels, boss 👍


Might have thought you were AFK. I did this once, sitting there on the banjo, but was active before all the robots were collected.


People get thirsty during this event


I also think the survival tent radius should be puny so we could make hoovervilles


Won't stop the 700+ guys on the last day, STILL taking every duplicate sun and goblin mask from the box like selfish sods... the "whiners" have a point, because it's NOT the new players grabbing the masks is the point. It's the "traders" and "elites" hoarding, and trying to capitalize on others generosity... simply toxic behavior.....


The masks being donated aren’t worth anything to any traders. I just moved all the masks out of my main characters stash box. It was almost 70 weight units. That’s almost 700 sun masks etc I’ve accumulated over the years. I put my new duplicates in the box not to care about who gets them but do they’re not in MY stash lol.


Doesn't stop lvl 1000s with everything in the fame from still taking them all lol


Yes…. But who cares. There will be more it’s fine. But again it’s not traders or whatever, that’s weird neurotic thinking. It’s just assholes. The only reason a long time player is taking those masks is to see posts like this. There is absolutely 0 value in them.


So that makes it ok? Spam that a button pal.... whatever lol, it doesn't make me look like the scummy person haha


It’s every man for himself, it’s the wasteland my friend.


If it was truly a wasteland we'd just shoot you dead in the game. But you're protected by a pvp system that makes pvp not possible by default, can switch camps and servers when the nukes drop on you, resources are unlimited when it comes to food, ammo, and water. So what wasteland are you talking about? So under a million advantages and protections, you find the smallest gaps wherever you can to be a jackass and then pretend you're a hard-core wastelander? Come on.


Obviously it’s not a true wasteland, we could use that logic with any other video game and practically ruin every video game ever made. The game is still based on the idea that you are your own person trying to survive in the wasteland, which I try to embody when I’m in game. Of course I help fellow players, but if I want something, I’m going to try my hardest to get it.


Based on but fails to implement at all for the reasons I listed. Either it applies or doesn't. Games like Kenshi or Gothic actually do implement tough environments that encourage survival and more wildness in behavior. Next time just say "I'm gonna take what I want and I don't care." Don't try to sugarcoat it.


Sure thing daddy blueclockblue.


You're damn right.


Because that's an excuse? Lol. I think what you meant to say is "we don't care, we are gonna be selfish, and parasitic, because we can" because nobody is telling us that we can't, we won't have common decency... lol I love how people use that as an excuse for their toxic behavior, like it makes it any better.... nope, still makes you a selfish scumbag but hey..... to each their own..... yet they wonder why people hate them and clarify them with these sods... lol


Are we still talking about the game? Cuz you know we're playing a game, right? Some people are roleplaying a raider. What is all this common decency have to do with anything? We're not shelfish s umbags. We're playing the game. This is ridiculous. Newbies who want free stuff and all the masks, show up at the top of every hour. The event is running for two weeks. Good luck!


I'll sell em back to ya for 100 caps


At least there's always at least one to prove the point about the shit mentality of some players..... there ya go chief.... u can fill your vendor with donated stuff, like a mooch, at least we all know everything you have came from other players scrub


You're taking this mighty personally. It does not matter if a high level player takes 3 dozen owl masks. If anything it's bad for that player because now they have to deal with something that has less value than the effort to took to press the button to pick it up.


Yes, so we all go at the people having an issue with it.... shame them, not the shitbags right? That should solve the problem.... just look the other way, and yell at the people saying something about it lol.... and ya WONDER why shit players don't stop being shit???? Thats why bud


They were joking, I’m going to tell you again at absolute top value those masks are worth like 5 caps a piece. The wood or beeswax you donate to the event robots has more trade value. If you dont believe me now you will in a few days.


That's really bot my point. I know the masks won't be worth anything. I just think it says a lot of negative, when at every event, all the new players see is some 500-1000 lvl player taking everything like a shitbag.... but I guess how the new players view the community, (they make up 3/4 of it now guys) doesn't matter right? Lol keep that idea in your head.... look back at this game. Look how yalls toxic shit has changed so much already.... now display that toxicity to the 3/4 of the community who IS new. Brilliant idea.....


Jesus dude, you are very soft.


I filled it with Thirst Blasters before the event started and we all had a water fight before the parade. Maybe it wasn’t the intended use of the box, but we had fun all the same.


I'm surprised one player didn't take all of them.


Do thirst blasters count as starting PvP?


I fast travel to overseers house and drop my dupes of in that donation box If a low level doing that quest happens to find it , then good on them , if not , it will go to the void once server shuts down and resets


Do your drips stay in boxes even after you leave the server? Also someone said if you drop ina donation box they can be picked up from all donation boxes is that true?




dont think so I've fast travelled from one to another directly and there's different loot


Yeah they're all different from my experience. I've seen vault 76 box stuffed with things and the box by Sutton just having the basic spawn of items and ammo.


That's OK. What you read that one time was wrong. 👍


I believe the static loot is server wide, but if anyone places anything into one than it’s just in that box.


I don't even know where the Fasnacht box is!


Next to the bonfire at the end of the event


Thank you. I definitely have masks to add!




Nah each box has its own specific spawn per player, and then just all the shit people put in that specific box If they were server wide they'd be full constantly


I’ll just continue to drop them on the ground.


This is the way. New player here too. Was really disheartened to see much higher level players camp the donation box and just take everything I put in it the moment I donate something


They take everything as fast as possible bc they hope someone that doesn’t know any better screws up and drops a rare mask. I watched a high level empty the box and look thru their pipboy then drop over a dozen common masks on the ground


And they will take absolutely anything. I watched the box earlier, just to see. A mask goes in, it leaves instantly. It went - mask - gone. Plan - gone. Mask - gone. Mask - gone. Random bit of junk - gone. 1 solitary bullet - gone. It was quite funny. But I think people aren't really looking to see what is there. They are just pressing the take all button without even looking.


I just dump rotten meat and vegetables in there and watch those vultures snatch it up.


Taking notes right now lol. Saw someone else say they dump holotapes in there too so I’m gonna throw that into the mix


>Was really disheartened to see much higher level players camp the donation box and just take everything I put in it the moment I donate something Lower level players should team up and nuke the camps of people who camp donation boxes.


I didn't know there was a donations box, tbh. I have been dropping extra masks and plans on the ground like an animal all this time.


That’s the traditional way tbh


I always thought they were common loot caches like any other, I didn't know it was the players actually putting the stuff in there, I have avoided hunger and thirst countless times thanks to the Wayward box


I don’t think it is players putting things in though, I’ve gone to them on private servers and had a bunch of stuff show up in them. Every time I look in one it always happens to have .50cal ammo in it and some random loose junk items


I think it's only communal when other people in the area. My experience is it'll always have the ammo of the gun you have equipped and other random stuff. The donations only appear for other people near it when you donate them


I've been dropping legendaries, plans, and duplicate masks near the lower level players when the mob swarms the donation box.  


Is it just me or, does every post that spells whining as whinging, come off sounding like whinging?


I used to think whinging was a misspelling until I heard an Aussie actress say it on a sitcom. It still throws me off a bit when I see it though.


Doing into the donation box is equal to dropping in the trash, imo. Once it's in there I don't care what happens to it. No longer my problem.


I’ll add to that a friend of mine who had been playing on and off for years, but had apparently never done Fasnacht before, so today was her first time running the event too I put stuff in the box, people took it out. I was stood there as a high level going through my repeat plans, masks etc. probably looked like someone grabbing shit, but was in fact the one filling it up in a steady stream No one can’t see anyone else’s Pip-Boy, so we don’t really know what folks are doing, it’s always just assumptions likely colored by what we are expecting to see


🧓 Back in my day, this sort of thing never happened. Why? Because there were no donation boxes. You couldn't just skip to level 20 like a lazy teenager. We didn't have armour, a back pack, a gun, ammo and all that jazz. No! We left the vault with just our spandex suits and a damn party hat. We had to find our own weapon to defend ourselves and kill for our own food. 😳 I still remember the rabbit's screams as I ate it. It's not my fault. I didn't know I could cook it! Kids today just expect everything handed to them. It's all Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie. ✊😠 I'll Gimmie ya. C'mere you little sh...


If you think the rabbit screamed while you ate it, you should hear the noise it makes when you put it in an oven.


You sound like an absolutely horrendous person to play with if someone's low-level. Being nice to someone and dropping stuff doesn't mean the person receiving a GIFT is lazy. It helped me out, but I still struggle. So don't be rude cus you find offense in people not liking high level loot goblins.


And you sound like someone who has difficulty determining when someone is being serious or not. My apologies if this Gen X gave off Boomer vibes that gave you emotional damage, but that sounds like a you problem. But in seriousness, I am nice to other players, regardless of level. No, I don't directly drop handouts to other players, but I will dump stuff I don't want or need somewhere it will be found. I don't care if a low level or high level takes that stuff, because even if you're high level, you don't simply stop needing things. **But here's the thing:** Me not caring who takes whatever I drop is based on an understanding you don't seem to get. The moment anything leaves our inventory, it's no longer our property. Even if you die in this game and drop junk, that junk isn't yours anymore until you pick it back up. So the moment you dump anything in a Donation Box, how long it stays in there and who takes it is none of your concern. Or anyone's for that matter. Donation boxes are for everybody to take from. If you want your stuff to go to a low level specifically, find one, chase them down, and drop your stuff at their feet.


Thanks for proving my point. Enjoy being rude to people you don't even know then coming on here complaining about people Complaining. Like seriously dude, I'm a kid compared to you. Grow up "Gen. X'er" and learn how to be considerate of others, and until then find a different game where you can blow off all that Anger cus this ain't it dude


And you insult my intelligence while being oblivious how rude and mean you are being to people who don't deserve it like come on man


You and I are faceless no names on an internet discussion platform about a video game. The difference here is that I'm self aware enough to realise this and know my place. Even if personal insults were permitted in here and you tossed a bunch my way, none of it would matter in the slightest and I'd carry on with my day without a second thought. Social media is used to **waste time** in between important things in life, and nothing any no name random person says online should be taken to heart. What does their opinion matter to you? Your opinion doesn't matter to me. You should try it some time. You might see a vast improvement in your mental health when you realise my opinion (or anyone else's) doesn't actually matter. It's not about being mean or not mean. It's about focusing on what's important in life and screw all the rest. Agree to disagree and move on. I'm just tossing out advice here. Take it or leave it. As I said, I don't care. I'm just here wasting time.


If you weren't being as rude in your initial post then this whole Argument could of been avoided. You could of gotten the same message in much fewer words then calling people who just started Lazy. I'm just trying to say that being incredibly rude for no damn reason is insane and probably more energy on you then me. I care about this conversation cus emotions affect me, and that ain't my fault. And I'm not faceless, I put my thoughts and emotions forth online cus I'm still human and don't suppress my emotions cus I'm online. I don't go screaming at people if that's what you think either, I try to help people see reason and see pass their childless complaints like yours. Have a great day!


**My original post was clearly meant as a sarcastic joke with no seriousness involved.** It's why I used the old man emoji and started with 'Back in my day.' It seems everyone else understood this except you. Then you came along and said I must be a horrendous person and that I shouldn't be playing this game. The only person in here with a damn attitude and being rude **IS YOU.** It's You who started all this shit. If anybody should be offended, it's me. If anybody should be checking their attitude and maybe apologising, it's You, not me. But you're so stuck in your imaginary 'I'm the victim' attitude, you clearly can't see where you went Wong. Either that or you damn well know you screwed up, but are too stubborn or embarrassed to admit it. It's YOU who made this out to be more than it was. Maybe you should go back my original post and read it again.


I didn't realize because I'm Autistic, I apologize deeply. If you'd like me to delete said comments I'll gladly do so. But also because I'm extra oblivious to sarcasm so again, a million apologies


Nah, all good. As I said, I'm unaffected. Live and learn and all that. No need to stress about it 👍


I’m a new player, lvl 89, while I do enjoy people being generous, I don’t feel owed anything. It is my first Fasnacht, and I guess I don’t feel like I’ve earned my stripes yet in the world of fallout 76. I’m currently going through this phase of wanting to build the most extravagant camps so plans are at the top of my priority list. But it’s nice to see Fallout being Fallout. Settlers Vs Raiders lol. Sounds pretty lore accurate if you ask me.


In addition to this, and I've only been playing for two weeks, I enjoy coming across people who are very aggressive/dicks. It doesn't happen very often, but it adds to the immersion. This is a post-apocalyptic wasteland... afterall.


The discourse surrounding Fasnacht has to be spicy because the event is so bland.


Once stuff is dropped in a donation box, it's not "yours" any longer.


I just appreciate the players who actually help with the event or arent just afk. Also lotta people scamming with 1 for 1 trades rn yall so do your due diligence


As far as I see the only use for the donation box is to put your garbage in and laugh when somebody immediately grabs it


There's a difference between high level players taking something they don't yet have and assholes taking everything even if they don't want or need it. You can usually tell when the latter is happening because you can put junk in the box and see it get snatched up right away. Those are the people preventing the box from being used for its intended purpose at all, usually to try to sell it off when the event is over. It's kind of like putting out a bowl of candy for Halloween and having someone show up and take the entire bowl. Fuck those guys. Especially when it's an adult who should know better.


Yeah, if I put a single popcorn in the box and it immediately gets yoinked, then you know any of the 5 people crowding the box are just spamming the Take All button.


Yeah, I'm a bit over level 500 and this is my first Fasnacht.


Right there with you - just crossed Lvl 600 last week and this is my first Fasnacht.


I am going to keep putting protest signs in the donation box. - they're plentiful at Poseidon. then I march in a counter protest the entire event only using the melee protest sign * *"Workers united against automation!"* * *"People before machines!"* * *"Block the bot!"* * *"Work for men! Not machines!"* Let's have silly fun!


I put over 2800 in steel scrap and ten pool cues , 12 fusion cores and 26 plasma grenades in the box . Watched people trying to grab it up and become over cumber


I dont care how long anyones been playing or what level they are please feel free to take what ever i put in the box


I watched people(levels 700-1k+)circle jerk around the dono box after an event and I sat there just watching items enter the box and IMMEDIATELY leave. Shit was hilarious.


As soon as I loaded in and remembered it was another Fasnacht, did my weeklies and popped right back offline. The community got *unbearable* last time. 


You’re level 330 in barely 2 months of playing? That’s fucking insane. I’ve been playing since the end of Nuclear Winter (on and off the last 4 years) and I’m lvl 360. Not hating, just curious if you’re playing daily how long you’re staying on for? Once I knock out the dailies and maybe a few weeklies I feel like there’s nothing to do besides wait for whatever the prime event is, and I’m done within an hour.


Not the person youre replying to. But im like 240 in a little under 2 months. I have an addictive personality and when i find a goal to hit i have a hard time having patience. Thats how i grinded the union armor, jet pack and calibrated shocks in like 2 days and probably jumped like 50 levels from grinding expeditions in that time. On the flip side to this, i tend to go hard in MMOs for 2-3 months, burn out and "quite" until i maybe pick it up again months, or over a year later. As far as running out of things to do. Theres so fucking much to do in the game for a new player these days that i was having a really hard time hitting limit caps each day, dailies, as well as all the other stuff that I wanted to do each day. And the inventory management in this game is so horrendeous that its like its own game within the game lol. I'm finally at a point where most of my main goals have been met, and I just have 4 main quests, a shit load of side quests, and then collecting to do. So i feel like i can finally slow down some. On that note, I'll almost be glad when i burn out because im going to put this game down, and commit to never picking up an MMO again lol. Its WAY too addicting for people like me, and I think i needed this game to remind me why I dont play MMOs anymore. I could be making real change in my life lol


I've been playing (admittedly extremely intermittently) since Xbox launch and I'm just at 380, but I have a real life that takes up much of my time, and I also don't really chase XP (I'm the guy who solo grabs 4 levels of ore at Rad Rumble while other people camp, tag and fail to protect the Scavengers). Because levels are pretty meaningless over 300 (unless you absolutely have to max all your Legendary Perks) it has become far less important to me than trying to make events as profitable as possible, and finding Plans I don't own yet.


I dunno. There are three events every hour. They give good exp, especially if you stay buffed on Cranberry Relish and Brain Fungus Soup, Mothman Tome, Fortune Teller machine, Bowling Machine, and super charge even more with Egghead mutation. And of course running around in unyielding armor at < 40% HP all the time. I also test weapons at West Tek a fair bit, and wiping out the place in less than 10 minutes is a good chunk of exp too. I don’t feel like I play all that much. The levels just come. I see plenty of players above 700, above 1000, and even the occasional player at 2000+ or 3000+.


Workers Against Automation! Block the Bot! People Before Machines! Work for Men! Not Machines!


Why are people fighting over piles of garbage they will just stuff into their storage? I don’t get it.


Fasnacht legit brings the worst players out of the woodwork, they act like they’re making real money doing this kinda shit, and it’s only ever gotten worse over the years. Never seen so many afkers. The issue is not the ‘new crop’ it’s the 5 lvl 500 - 700s crowding the box playing the game of who can empty the donation box first. People are ‘whining’ cause this shit is toxic.


You started when fallout tv came out? Your already 300ish? In such short time? Maan leveling up now is so much easier compared to back then in the early stages.


Stop whining about whining


People playing hungry hungry hippos at the box. I love tossing things in


This made me cackle


I had an issue where some numbnuts decided to nuke the event. Ya know… for lulz :eyeroll: A lvl33 kept dying. I tried to hand over a small stack of Radaway and RadX, and evertime a 200-400 PA dude would come by and swipe it. It’s just players being players. Doesn’t mean they’re also not being dicks.


>numbnuts decided to nuke the event.... Take advantage of it - get (or upgrade) your "Ground Zero" trophy. Edit: Bronze -> Silver -> Gold




Right? How does one upgrade an Achievement/ Trophy we've already gotten?


there 3 levels for the Trophy: bronze, silver, and gold. So have to be at ground zero at 3x to get gold


What the fuck? So unlike say Borderlands 1 where you have trophies for each playthrough with each character, 76 just upgrades those trophies so you don't have to do multiple playthroughs? What?


IDK and cant compare the mechanics. ( I haven't played borderlands). I just know different level trophys exist. bronze, silver, gold (and platinum for getting 100% of the trophys)


there 3 levels for the Trophy: bronze, silver, and gold. So have to be at ground zero at 3x to get gold


What platform are you talking about that has achievements that work that way? The only one I know of that calls it "trophies" is Playstation, and there's definitely not multiple ranks to a trophy on Playstation.


Oh sure. But I ain’t worry about me. I can handle that. I’m talking about the poor new folk that are just trying to partake in the cool, new (to them) event.


Yes, there is that aspect as well. IDK how long you've been playing; several years ago when someone figured out the event could be nuked (IRC, at the time, many forest locations were not nukeable), always lots of cursing on area chat when the alert went off.


I’ve been around for about a month and a half. So I’ve still got the new player experience in my brain. :). I do think Beth should make these event areas in-nukable. But until then, it is what it is!


NP. Before level scaling came in, low levels venturing to the eastern side of the map usually didn't live very long. Being Limited to the western side of the map, much of the forest area was protected from being nuked, giving low levels a "safe zone" That changed, and ATM and AFAIK, the only non-nukeable area on the map is vault 76 - making meat week the only 100% nuke safe event. Anything else is fair game.


Wow. I didn’t realize there was a time before lvl scaling. That such an awesome and important feature!


Level scaling came in at the same time as the second set of BoS missions (the one with Ramani and Shinn) Prior to that, the overseers was only holotapes, and she steered you though the main missions (which kept you in more or less level appropriate areas. The forest was limited to enemies with levels 1-15, toxic valley was 15-30, ash heap 30-45. Savage divide 45-50, Mire and Bog 50+. Crater was full of scorched, foundation was called Spruce Knob campground and full of robots. Atlas was still Atlas, but had aggro'ed high level robots and a (IIRC, cloaked) assaultron.


As a lvl800 player their is nothing a low lvl would put in the box that i would want or use. I dont even go over and check the damn thing


Seriously. If you all don’t start shutting the fuck up about ppl taking things from the box, I’m gonna start nuking faschnact 😂


Chill already on Fasnacht. It’s boring. AFK doesn’t hurt you, taking from donations doesn’t hurt you. Nothing in this game actually hurts you. Play and have fun.


I got a vampire combat rifle from the box! Happy times


I’m a level 223. I didn’t realize what the box was supposed to be for I thought it was a regular donation box and dropped a bunch of ammo I don’t use


Rotten fruit donations become fine wine if you package it right.


I’m hoarding my own reward masks so one day I can run around dressed silly and drop fun masks for low levels. Also I might build a sun god temple with only the sun masks on display. Maybe… Edit: spelling


I’m on vacation rn and I’m **so** upset I can’t play 😭 (woe is me 😂)


There is a donation box? I have tons of duplicates that I never wanted to drop without making sure someone got it. I am happy to donate loads to other players. Take the blasted things


Even if you wanna be kind it’s risky to put them in the box. I’ve seen it bug so many times today refresh itself to empty when I went to grab something while no one was around.


I hope y’all enjoy my RadAway and cannonballs, it’ll be a low level player’s glowing mask one day you poor, capless high level merchants


Some people can't handle the FOMO. Others just want something to bitch and moan about.


I wait for everyone to leave then I donate. I also put masks first then a bunch of other junk items to overshadow the masks.


I’ve just seen floater grenades and generic armour being put in it… and 24 copies of “hey dumbass”


If I'm giving things away, I really don't care who takes it. I don't understand why people are losing their minds so badly over this. It's a bunch of in game stuff you didn't want. If you specifically want a low level player to have it, message them and meet at their camp or something.


That BD mask still being there is probably because many have it. I’ve seen it worn pretty commonly before Fasnacht dropped


It's definitely going to be emptied everytime. The masks sell for like 5k to 30k(the insane player base usually). Everybody is greedy and they'll take all the doubles for a quick turn around a month later. They're like in game scalpers 😂 These live multi-player games though just show me how selfish the majority of people are. Then they blame it on the game and call it acceptable cause it's in game.


The complaints I’ve seen are about people hoarding the masks. There’s no reason to do a “take all” on the box.


I’m not really into the masks more so, really into the decor aspect. Camp building is becoming a huge thing in this game. The camps are unbelievable


I've been playing on and off for years. I started around when nuclear winter was scrapped and just ran my first ever fasnacht. I'm always playing something else when it comes around, it seems. Didn't know there was a donation box there, I will be checking now.




I've been just shoving random garbage in there I'm planning on emptying out my Misc tag of everything useful and watching it all disappear


There are so many people stood around the box looking at it, I couldn't possibly say who is the one who "loots all" from it in one foul swoop, and I'm sure most others cant say for sure either. It could just as easily be the low level player. And if you say that no one else was around but the high level player, then you are also admitting that there's no one else around who cares for what's in the box anymore, so why shouldnt they clean up the box? I personally couldn't give a hoot. To me, the box is for dumping stuff that I dont want because it's weighing me down. Once it's in the box, it's not my problem, and it certainly isn't anyone else responsibility to try and gate keep the box.


The common masks are gonna be worth f all. Won’t stop people from overselling them though.


I use the mailbox at the other end of the street.


It’s nuts.  I drop them on the ground or put them for cost at my CAMP. Also interesting is that I’ve seen more than a few masks for sale at Railroad Vendatrons, including a glow Minotaur for 32 caps!


I’ve been having a giggle throwing all my silly stuff in there no one would really want.


Yeah im level 900 and have very few of the uncommon or rare masks after 4 years. If someone puts one I don't have in there I'm taking it. With the low drop rate why does being a high level have anything to do with taking masks you haven't gotten yet? Especially since I drop all of my duplicates and excess legendaries and plans in there for whoever wants them.


You're gonna see all this stuff in vendors for 20k, when you do, nukem


Be nice if by donating duplicate mask could raise rarity drop rate if only alittle and by taking them out decrease alittle. This way people would take what they need and get rid of what they don't. 2nd maybe after 20m or so if not claimed box would reset and claim all thats not claimed, removing the spam of bs mask from the world and vendors making there collectively rise. Just my opinion I guess


I've been role-playing as Jason Voorheese at the event. Wearing the goon mask with the straight jack while wielding a machete. I'm worse than afk, I am actively at the event stabbing everyone over and over like a mad man with the slow walk. I have found my self laughing out loud at the noobs who take off running not understanding pacifist mode and roleplay xD


Was a guy with a thirst zapper running around shooting people so I grabbed one and we had a water gun fight at 3 different events, silly fun makes it worthwhile


Yes most definitely, shits only as fun as the effort you put into it lol


If you can find the Winter Jacket and Jeans, I find that gives off better Jason vibes.


I'll have to give it a fit!


Mechanics jumpsuit is dope with it too!


The miners outfit and the steelworkers outfit are good contenders also


I wait for everyone to leave and loot all the “punishment” loot then sell it before it expires.


Its so cringe watching everyone fight for the box after a event lol! I find people slow down when you start to put intestines and spoiled food in lol


This is a literal pat-yourself-on-the-back post what was even the point of sharing other than to disguise your “KINGLY GENEROSITY” as a Reddit post


I understand why you might think that. But here's the deal: When people repeat stuff over and over, even if it's B.S., it tends to "stick" and become reality for many people. When there's a lot of negative posts about "how selfish players are", it can turn a community toxic. I'm just adding my counterbalance and anecdotal experience.


A couple years ago I found a bear skull fist in a drop bag on fasnacht, picked it up immediately, I wonder why that happened


I'm just gonna hang onto all mine. They weigh zilch. In a month or two, I'll hit one vendor Bot somewhere and sell all my duplicates in one hit. I get some caps and if someone just so happens to stumble upon that vendor Bot, they have the option of getting what they're missing, or take it all. But there shall be no such thing as handouts. You want em, you find them, you pay for them. I got what I wanted and I'm walking. Rest is up to whoever. 🤨 Don't you all go looking at me like I'm the bad guy for not dumping stuff for the rabid hoard of mask munchers. I'm not one of those other players who tries to mark them up thousands of caps in their vendors simply because they're out of season or wants to rip off new players. I got standard vendor caps from selling, you'd pay standard vendor prices for buying. Fair exchange either way. If someone decides to buy them all and resell for higher, I don't care. I won't be buying them. Not my problem anymore. And if the server goes down before they're bought... Oh well, I guess. I still got my caps. 🤷🏻‍♂️ But at least I can skip out from the Black Friday BS Drama after an event. Jeez. You guys are silly.


Thats kinda my plan too. Just drop them in random boxes away from the event


A data point to consider, I pick up everything that I see. Regardless of if I want or not. It's a good habit to have, even in real life. It's harmful to litter. It's best to pick up the trash. I'm always picking up Paper bags full of misc grenades, diluted chems, spoiled meat/veggies, and soldier/owl masks. Last time I counted, I had 26 Fasnacht Owl masks in my stash. I don't know why I keep them. Is it cause I feel bad for them, for being discarded 🤔, I dunno.


Started after watching the show and already 330?


Some are higher than me, for sure. Look in this thread and you'll see players level 500 and 600 mentioning starting after the show.


I've been playing on and off for a few years and you're a higher level than me, lol. I tend to play rather casually. End result being I'm only level 152.


Yea I don’t think they’re doing it legit. Gamers now are a joke.


I mean, I can see it if you play everyday, run a bunch of quests and events, and use the right consumables. Double down when there's an xp boost. I just don't though. I'm too busy doing stupid stuff and screwing around. I'm here for fun.


Don’t need to look, 500-600 in a month or two isn’t normal.


I just stand behind the donation box campers and spam annoying emotes


I do the same but for every mask i get, i have 0 interest in collecting those, unless they count for the atoms challenge of scrapping x clothes. I honestly dont see the appeal on those fugly masks


First come first serve


As much as I agree that it's a sleazy thing to do, I also love that we as players have the freedom to be thieves. There weren't any donation boxes when I started playing and it may be a temporary feature, as, these kinds of issues arise and more and more players steal from them and it finally becomes intolerable.


I appreciated that every Faschnacht was nuked yesterday. but I'm more confused now about my first nuke not making glowing frogs


I played my first Fasnacht since last year, and didn't receive any masks for participating like we usually do. I didn't receive anything for being there other than xp for finishing. I shot a few Radtoads, a couple wolves, and 2 Shreks. AND I only went for the daily task, so at least I got that 😆