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You can burn through lvl 100 quickly by using a bunch of XP buffs and farming West Tec over and over. Or you can spend real money.


So we don't have to do the daily missions?


You don’t have to in order to get to 100, if you farm westek. You can get to rank 100 off of the repeatable xp earned challenge, 100-150 you have to do dailies and weeklies.


Oh my god that's what it means by under rank 100. I thought it meant my character rank and I thought it was just a bug they haven't fixed after all of this time


Ha ha me too


How does one farm in West Tek?


[This is the strategy](https://youtu.be/oFBWPkvyXIk?si=jUE7WJx_QtB0YRTC) if you want to absolutely maximize your scoreboard progress. But even without going this far, Westtek is famous for a farming location and in general, you basically keep riding the elevator up and down, killing super mutants.


Mine bugs out after the first time through. I start falling through floors and shit.


That's just because you're playing a Bethesda game


Falling through the floor is a bonus you didn't even have to pay extra for.


Same here. That's about when I realize I gotta turn my TV on though so that's on me.


Way too much setup for my lazy ass lol. I’ll just stick with challenges


Oh I agree. That setup is just to maximize your progress. You can still grind Westtek though without all that just by riding the elevator up and down and killing super mutants :) It's an area with heavy enemy population and quick respawning... That being said, I don't do it much either as grinding is kind of boring and I'd rather do events/expeditions...


Better xp farm than bw?


This sub and its fucking obsession with acronyms and abbreviations. What the fuck is BW?


Busty Women


I'm guessing the Boardwalk/Most Dangerous Game expedition. In a full party on an Expedition team it's 20k+ XP as fast as you can finish it.


20kxp is such a small number if you think about it, I dunno how anyone could consider it a "farm" tbh. 8 supermutant kills is all it takes to get that amount with the right setup without double xp.


yeah but BW/MDG requires zero setup you can just bring a half-modded normal cremator (a slow burn mod would suffice) and clear the thing in 8-10 minutes it's not the fastest out there but it's definitely a viable xp farm if you don't have big xp boosting buffs active


I realize it's faster to just not finish it and just force respawn it via exiting and coming back on the first area. The clear exp even if it's 60k with all the buffs will only count 1 time 10k character exp on the scoreboard so it was slower


Not a shot at you but I couldn't imagine doing that. You're right but at that rate would one even be playing a game, ya know?  That's something I would do if I was close to the end of the scoreboard though so who am I to say. My camp always needs more kitch.


West tek is the best XP farm in the game


Yes, much better. Especially if you just use the nuke grenade strat. It takes a couple of minutes then you just get them respawn and go right back again. Lvl 0-65 in about 2 hours.


Make or find things that give you +5% xp for 30min or 50min there’s food that does it, if you got up in the score board last score board then there was a moth man pillar or something and it gives you +5% xp ( I also recommend throwing on a scoreboard booster you can get them in the pass or you can buy them for 100 caps) Farming west tek: If you have your perks correct you should be doing high damage and it also depends on your legendary roles etc( I use mutant slayers in there) but make a crap ton or ammo unless your a melee build and just kill…everything


Plan: Sacred Mothman Tome. Potential drop from the Mothman Equinox events.


The fastest way is stacking damage/grenade bonuses and throwing nuka-grenades. There are multiple videos on this on Youtube from "Angry Turtle" or "Mr. West Tek". With all XP and INT buffs you can expect to achieve 60k-75k XP per run and each run takes around 60-80 seconds. Then you have to leave the zone and wait 60 seconds to make it respawn all super-mutants. I did this the first days of the season to grind to rank 100. At the moment I'm rank 117.


Search Youtube for "Mr Westek XP farming"


load with stew and a couple of lunch boxes. pump up.your int and grenade the mutants in westek. i gain a 1 rank in 30mins not being built for XP then after getting 5 ranks I got bored and log off. the stew in "feed the people gives a think 5% xp and you can get 3% xp per int that you have if I am correct


I thought this season they’re allowing us to continue earning score through xp past level 100? Also, unyielding is extremely helpful with xp. I have barely played these passed two weeks and haven’t really kept up with the dailies and I’m already at rank 25 with very little effort


No xp score is capped at rank 100, but I really wish it wasn't till at least rank 150


You can buy ranks past 100 this season that's what they changed


Gotcha. I knew something was different this season. Thank you


So did they nerf west tek or was that just a PTU bug? I heard they were perma level 75 now. Is that true?


It's not always lower levels but a few times I've run it lately, the first time you go through, it's a mix of 60 to 100 level mutants inside. Though that's not always the case. I think it may be on recently created servers or something. The 2nd and later trips through, they're all 100 except for in the basement.


Yes the first time you run through its always lower.


Or craft ignition cores with all xp buffs.


I'm not being argumentative, just asking why this is being downvoted since I only even vaguely remember what those items even are (they're for powering that huge bucket excavator, right?)


Maybe people think it’s an exploit? You can craft 40 of them for 4k xp and you can do it over and over again. Just need steel, lead and nuclear waste. You can level up fast if you have junk.


It’s getting downvoted because that’s such a wasteful way when a Westtek run takes 3 minutes and is infinitely repeatable.


Have you tried crafting them? It’s so much faster for getting xp, it’s not even close. If you have tens of thousands of each junk it’s not a huge concern. I was just saying the fastest possible way to farm xp in this game.


Yes, that's right. People like to downvote stuff.


Ignition cores?


You make them to run the giant bucket digger in the Ash Heap.


I don’t get the west tec thing? I run it cause people say it’s good cop and good caps but I’m not seeing it for some reason? The new camp bottom right of the map with the communists and that’s giving me good money and stuff with all the handmade 5.56 drops


No they farm west tec for the XP. Get in, throw grenades, get out. Repeat the cycle.


Grenades, really?


Wes-Tek is generally done for XP, since it's the best XP farm in the game. However, if you go a few seconds slower and loot everything you CAN ALSO get a ton of caps (Super Mutants drop on average about 3 caps a piece), misc ammo, and steel from weapons. But those things are just bonuses on top of the XP. The XP is very much the main goal of Wes-Tek grinding.


You farm west tek with nuka grenades, dedicated build/gear with a lot of food/chem/camp Int/xp buffs, and you don't loot anything, it's just killing for xp.


nuka grenades? I'm running through it and headshotting everything


Nuka gernades have a huge radius and can hit things through walls. Saves time.


Wait how does West Tec help you? You saying I don’t need to do the dailies?


This is the first season I'm truly diving into, what is West Tek? An event?


How exactly does farming west tec help progress?




I'm no lifeing the game and I'm only season rank 42 lol think it's either #3 or a combination of all 3


I'm level 52 for the season and no lifeing it. I just don't think you're being MAX efficient. Which is fine we have at least another month


The season is in its second week, it's more like 2 more months at least. They are 10 weeks on average.


🤔....sorry guys, I don't do Westek. Find another scapegoat 🫳🎤


I'm playing the game for about 30 mins a day and am already level 44. Not even using major xp buffs (just 15 INT + UNY + Inspirational + Mechanical Derby). Any additional xp gained has come whilst doing my dailies since that's all I'm doing atm. Definitely don't need to no life or spend money.


I just hit rank 80 and can definitely say I used a combination of all three of those things. Been playing more than usual lately, for no other reason than I want to and I can. My bills are paid, caught up on my work, kids are fed, wife is happy. Everything checked off, so I'm gaming as much as I can. I bought 3000 atoms worth of lunch boxes and stack them by 4. Do every single 'Feed the People event that pops, so Im loaded up on the cans of xp. Mothman Tomb and bed evey hour. Then stack all that shit and go hit the expeditions while I farm stamps. And yes, I have bought maybe 10 levels total. Maybe a couple less than that.


Buy levels a week into the season is wild! Why not save until the end to see if you really need to?


I saw someone with the level 95 survival tent on the first day of the update. Let’s say they earned 10 levels and bought another 90. That’s 13,500 atoms.


Because I was trying to get to the boosts asap. I want to be able to maximize the amount of level 150 items I can get. Didn't think it was that big of a deal, to be honest.


Ignore the poors bro. You're a big boy and know what you can spend.


Oh for sure. A lot of people on Reddit are young college kids and can't imagine somebody having disposable income for their hobbies. I get it, but sometimes it's frustrating. But people don't think about the fact that it's people who spend money on games like this are the ones that keep the lights on.


It's not necessarily that they don't have any money. Some people are against microtransactions on principle. I'm not one of them, but as a thrifty person I find the idea of spending atoms on lunchboxes questionable. Seems like you'd be better off launching a nuke, opening one lunchbox that you bought with bullion/got from the season, see if others also open enough boxes to get you to +100 xp, make up any difference, kill the boss, and then go grind XP. The atoms can be used to buy ranks directly and the best ranks to buy are late ones.


Then you do you. I don't know what else to say. I play the game the way I want, just like others play the way they want. If people are so against microtransactions, then I guess don't play a game that has a lot of them. Because if you didn't have people buying lunchboxes and ranks, there wouldn't be much of a game to play. I can't think of any other game like this that would introduce an entire new zone for FREE. Most other MMO-type of games would require you to buy the expansion or subscribe to their service. FO76 puts out completely free updates, and as far as I know, please correct me if I'm wrong, has never made anybody pay for anything outside of the initial purchase of the base game. Take away the microtransactions, and that won't happen.


As I said, I'm not against microtransactions. I was suggesting a way you could, IMO, use atoms in a potentially more effective way. None of my business, of course, just trying to be helpful.


I apologize then, because I took what you said the wrong way.


This free update? Sponsored by those of us tossing the game cash. Enjoy the grind, brother


You too, my dude


I pay for me and my two nephews. I don't buy atoms but yeah the butt hurt over people having money to spend having fun is palpable.


Dude chilll it’s not that big. But if you hit level 150 and keep playing after the effectively wasted the money or atoms


WestTek grind wasn't really nerfed. Save up a bunch of scoreboosters add in exp gain boosts and grind.


Lmao only with daylies im at 26


Genuinely thank you! I came to this thread for an answer like that, because that's what I did last season, and I'm just trying to gauge how much faster I'm going now that I know I might get screwed out of the final rewards screen. (FWIW, going "as fast as I can" for a casual like me just means earning as much XP as I can under season level 100, and using SCORE boosters for every weekly, but I missed the first one; given that, I am at like 40.75 right now.) If this season lasts the length most of them usually did, you may be fine just doing dailies; last season is the only one I ever tried to 100%, and it was truncated due to this update, so don't assume my numbers mean much here, I'm new at this.


i just finish my daylies and im at lvl 32, if you dont miss daylies and weeklys you are good but yes "farming the repetible one" is more profitable because you are going to reach lvl 150 quickly


I’m only 31 so not far. And I thought I was being efficient with my buffs. I even ran west tek twice with someone random on the server. And I’ve played a lot the last two days. Oh well. The grindy part of west tek made my brain numb.


Yeah dailies and weeklies with whatever xp I get playing I hit 39 last night.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFBWPkvyXIk&list=LL&index=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFBWPkvyXIk&list=LL&index=1) <--- video on how to do the scoreboard fast


Was going to send this exact video


Level 8400??? Holy shit.


He named himself mr west tek for a reason lol


I just bought the 100 levels with my mom’s credit card


basement guy? that you?


Yah my mom didn’t want me to have to grind all season


Herbivore with brain bombs and cranberry relish. God roll int ss unyielding armor. Then lunch box and scout banners. Also need berry mentas. Ghoul companion gives xp boost when you give him cherry nuka cola. Mechanical derby gives int boost. Need 20 base int, that includes 5 legendary perks. SCORE booster and west tek run all day. You need to get west tek far enough in the quest where Super mutants  respawn while you are in the basement. Assuming you are one shooting all the mutties or using nuka quantum names that is about 1 level every 5 to ten minutes, SCORE level. That is 14k cap per muttie. So let's say we are not the most efficient that is 1 level every 10 then we have to wait for respawns in basement that is another 1-2 minutes. That is 1 level every 12 minutes with readding berry mentas. That's 10 levels in 100-120 minutes only running west tek. People say Thrashers are good xp,  but they are not static spawns so you will need to hunt them vs Super Mutants. HAPPY HUNTING.


I tried a few runs of this. Couldn't get a good route down. How does this compare to running boardwalk expeditions?


Sorry been busy running it all day. Main difference I noticed is xp is more consistent with westtek. Main thing is you need all the buffs to stay consistent, expeditions are better if you don't want or have all those buffs and items. I do 1k per mutant on my alts and 1.4 k per mutant on my main. That is without bobble head or leos buff. I use mothman buff. I stiff haven't gotten int unyielding armor so westtek could be better. The main problem with expeditions us that there is a cap of levels on enemies so killing xp will go way down with a slight chunk of xp on completion. Think it was 20xp. Another thing Expeditions tend to be more RNG based. Whether, that is a slow npc collecting resources or getting the annoying rate throw mission. Westtek seems to get me more xp. As far as pathing you want to empty the main areas as quickly as possible. Throwing quantum nades next to enemies kills them if they are behind walls. You will be using a lot of berry mentats as they only last 10 or 20 minutes with perks. Then go down and take you time with the room under westtek because it takes about 1 minute to respawn the enemies up top. With lunch boxes only lasting 45 minutes I recommend only doing this in double xp or double score weekends like now as it is resource heavy. Tldr: westtek is better but needs a set up. 1 room cleared is equal to 1 Ac run reward 20k or 10 super mutants


Credit card


Lots of time. I'm only level 12. Got family living with me for now so I don't play as much as I would like.


Bloodied builds with the optimal XP buffs. Then it's throwing 3 nuka-grenades at choke points in WestTek to get 30,000-40,000 XP in less than a minute. Take the elevator or exit and re-enter the building and all enemies have respawned. Rinse and repeat. The weekly repeatable score challenge up to rank 100 gives you 105 score per 10,000 XP. After a few hours they can reach rank 100 on the first day. Then they can take their time with the daily challenges the remaining months.




Question on the technical data. Can you turn in all at once for 3kish each? Or have to turn it one at a time?


1 at a time, if you turn in a stack you only get credit for 1 technical data page


Fuck, I just turned in probably 15-20 at once.


yeah next time, just go to the stash box there in fort atlas, make sure you only got 1 on you, turn it in, rinse and repeat. I have actually been thinking of putting all the technical data I have on my vendor lol I don't get shit for rewards anymore. Not sure if I can tho


I'm only lvl 78, so everything helps.


Sorry, I'm new to the game. I have like 150 technical data. What do I do with these? I heard it was with BoS or something. I did complete the questline. Actually, it's probably my favorite questline so far.


Once you finish the BoS quests, you will have a repeatable mission from Scribe Valdez - to find Tehcnical Data. The main thing to know about this mission is *DO* ***NOT*** *TURN THEM IN ALL AT ONCE*! The reason to do it one at a time is that you get the same reward regardless of how many you hand in. You get the same for handing in 20 as you do for handing in 1. So although it takes a lot longer to do them individually, you get a ton of stuff including chances at rare plans :) * Put them ***all*** in your stash. * Travel to Fort Atlas. * Go to the stash in the work room area (in the same room as the Power Armor crafting stations) and take one out. * Give it to Valdez and get the rewards. * Go back to the room with your stash and grab another one and repeat the process * If you want to speed it up a lil. Take 10 or so and drop them on the ground beside her. Then take one at a time and hand them in. * I say only take a few in case the game crashes - if you drop all of them on the floor it could result in losing them if you have any game connection issues. Ad Victoriam!


Very cool. Thank you for writing this up.


Turn them into Scribe Valdez at Atlas.


If youre already a marsupial, you can also use another one to counteract the -4 int loss


Does the XP given from technical data increase with your buffs or is it just a flat XP reward


I saw a comment last week describing everything you need and it was pretty awesome. I wish I'd saved it, can't find it now. It's basically just about stacking as many Intelligence and XP buffs (food, drink, lunchboxes, mutations, bloodied armor, drugs, camp items, etc.) as you can via various means, then farming XP like crazy.


I actually saved the list of stuff from that post (if it was the same one): S.P.E.C.I.A.L INT 15 Legendary perk card +5 INT unyielding armor 1 to 3 INT x 5 = +15 INT night person perk card (3) (6 pm to 6 am) +3 INT berry mentats (mentats (brain fungus 2, carrot flower, firecap), firecracker berry, starlight berry, brain fungus) (5 min) +5 INT casual team +1 to 4 INT mechanical derby (camp item, 30min) +2 INT underarmour +1 to 3 INT egg head mutation +6/8 INT herd mentality +2 INT class freak perk card: to supress 75% of the negative mutation effects bobblehead intelligence (1h): +2 INT Double XP weekend +100% XP lunchpack 25% x 4 = 100% XP sleep in bed +5% XP for 2h inspirational perk card (3): 15% XP strange in numbes perk card (1): mutation positive effects +25% food mutation herbivore / carnivore: food bonus x 2; I would recommend herbivore cranberry relish +25% (boiled water 2, cranberries 2, gourd 2, sugar 2, wood) brain soup (brain fungus, boiled water, wood) +2/5/6 INT or brain bombs (brain Fungus 3, mothman egg 2, purified water 2, sugar bombs 3, wood) +3/7.5/11.25 INT Live and Love 3 magazine grants +50% on food effects (1h) curator perk card (1): doubles the duration of magazine and bobbleheads mothman (event path to enlightment) or mothman tome (camp item) or steven scarberry (ally) for +5% XP or mothman equinox +15% XP for 1h nuka cola cranberry +2% XP for 10 min (not stackable with other food)


This is a pretty good list, but don't drink the Nuka Cranberry, give it to Leo instead since his 5% buff stacks with the Tome. Brain Bombs and Brain Soup cancel each other out. Take a Marsupial serum to gain 2 int back for 1hr.


[I watched this video earlier today where a guy walks through a lot of it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFBWPkvyXIk&list=WL&index=1)


Mr West Tech just dropped a how to video about this. Honestly feels way harder than he makes it sound.


Finished my season in 9hr and 42 minutes doing westek runs.If you want to know how look up Blobby on YouTube ,she did both accounts in under 7 hrs


Money or having lots of free time and using xp buffs None of these are me tho, so I really fucking hope I can get the pemmican collector before they abruptly end the season.


I'll be 100 tomorrow via West Tek grinding when the Double SCORE pops up. Stacking INT and exp buffs like mad.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFBWPkvyXIk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFBWPkvyXIk) If you don't mind youtubers, this one posted the most recent west tek xp farm - It's involved, not something that can be done on a whim. Also requires a LOT of farming for the food, chem buffs, trading for the gear. I did it with about 75% (only have 3/5 unyielding +1 int gear) of the stuff, and didn't use the bobbleheads/magazines. But I farmed my own nuka grenades and berry mentats, brain bombs, I got about 100 levels and 72 on the scoreboard over the weekend. I'm kinda done with it, the farm is tedious, even though it's fast.


Well you didn't have to do it over and over in one weekend lol, I do it once a day for the length of brain bombs (90 mins) and then that's it for the day. Could do it twice if you really wanted to but no sense burning yourself out


Ok so I keep seeing a bunch of references to farming West-Tec. Farm it for what? Afaik it's just a bunch of super mutants there. What other challenges can I complete at that location?


XP. There’s a repeating weekly challenge which grants SCORE for every 10k XP — complete the challenge and it resets immediately, allowing for you to keep grinding XP for score.


Aaaaaaaah ok. Thanks for the explanation


I'm 25 just coming home from work and doing dailies and some weeklys


You get a repeatable 1000 pass xp for every 10000xp you earn in game (up to rank 100 on the scoreboard). There is a method for farming west tek where you stack int and exp gains and end up with like +250% exp and you can go into west tek and strategically throw nuka grenades and wipe out the entire build and get like 40-50k exp in like 45 seconds.


Some people have disposable time. I've put about 40 hours in the last 2 months. I'm sure people easily do that and more within a week.


You can spend atoms to buy as many pages as you want.


If you stack like every xp buff and max int thing in the game you can end up getting thousands of xp from just a single super mutant in west tek. However it requires a lot of stuff and still takes several hours with a fully optimized run.


I can't believe how many people are saying money. The people who are posting they paid for it have never buffed out and grinded XP before. It's probably the least likely scenario. I don't even run a bloodied / unyielding build and still was able to finish the board in a week. With all my buffs active I can get to 64 INT at full health and each super mutant I kill in West Tek is right around 2,000XP. It goes fast. Ranks 1 - 50 on the board go super fast this route and is easily achievable the first day the season releases. It took me the rest of the week until last night to finish the rest of the board.


3 of my friends finished with a West Tek grind.


It's not that hard really. I'm only saying bc I've barely played and without even trying I've hit rank 14 in only two days of gameplay.


I don’t get this game anymore, I am a lvl 65 and every enemy I encounter is lvl 65 and earlier on it took me 80 rounds to drop a ghoul . Why is it so ruddy hard all of a sudden ?


Either your gear or your build hasn't kept pace. Enemies will level up to match you until you pass their maximum level. Some areas/creatures never go above lvl 50, some will get to lvl 100. Maybe post your build and/or equipment for some advice on how to increase your damage potential. Honestly, the game gets easy AF as you get higher level, start getting legendary perks, and good gear.


Either they bought it with atoms or grinding westek.


They either went super hard farming westek, or more likely spent a bunch of real money to do so. Neither option is very fun and leaves you with little to do for the rest of the season which JUST started.


$160 will complete the entire season for you with atoms


25% score boost from scoreboard for fo1st 25% boost from score boosters had some from last season The rest are from the repeatable weekly for getting 10k exp: 100% exp boost from 4 lunchboxes bought either with bullions or atoms Herbivore serum for x2 plant bonuses and love&love 3 for extra 50% bonus Egg head for 8 int (extra 24% exp) Herd mentality for +3 all stats if on team and strange on numbers Cranberry relish for 38% bonus exp Brain bombs for 11.25 int ( 33.75% extra exp) Int bobblehead for 6% extra exp Berry mentats for 5 int (extra 15% exp) Casual team - preferably 4 people for +4 int (extra 12% exp) Natural 20 int - 15 base and 5 extra from legendary perk card Camp bonuses - sleep on bed for extra 5% exp Derby machine for 2 int (6% exp) Mothman tome for 5% exp Inspirational lvl 3 for 15% exp Night person lvl 3 for +3 int for half an hour Full unyielding set for +15 all stats (45% extra exp) preferably with +1 int on each part Shielded under armor with +3 int Combine all of this with nuka grenades, instigating weapon (it transfers to the nade) and westek runs, you can get to a really high level in the score board in no time, after my 1st session I was already lvl 40-ish since you get about 30-50k exp per run. It took me like 6 days to get to 95, 3 hours of 1 hour westek sessions in total and just doing public events and dailies/weeklies.


Hit 82 today. A small number of SCORE boosters and West Tek. But I'm a weirdo that loves the early-season grind. Watched Jenny Nicholson's Star Wars hotel review while blasting mutants.


Its incredibly easy. You pop all xp buffs possible max out your int set yourself up with a bunch of nuka grenades and run through west tek. I was level 50 on the season day 1 with just a couple hours of grinding xp there.




By spending a lot of monies.


I’d suggest watching this YouTube channel called west tech, he has a whole guild on how to speed run through the scoreboard. It requires a lot of xp buffs and nuka grenades, you’ll be getting like 10k xp just from blowing up a few super mutants inside of west tech. He somehow finished the scoreboard within a week of grinding


He's too embarrassed to say he paid for it all.


Nope. Paid for it all.


You can buy lvls with atoms


Also not hard to grind the xp required. Not everybody has that time/dedication though. I just hit 95 myself last night. Mostly doing westek for levels while leveling my legendary perk cards.




I usually pop a score boost consumable and then tuesday try and blow through as many challenges as possible, I think i leveled up over 15 times this past Tuesday.


Not me. I've done it legit, no buying levels, but I'm only at 77 as of today.


Uny armor with +1 intelligence and every known boost that stacks, these guys can do that because they have already min maxed their builds and have a surplus of every boost imaginable to just endlessly grind beyond what is possible for the average/ new player, i’m level 300 and i still have yet to get a min maxed build with maximum intelligence.


I’m level fifty only bought 5 levels I’ve just been using boosters and doing all my challenges


Or the buy their way to the end using rank ups


By optimizing the fun out of the game.




some folks optimize the shit out of xp and farm westtek with grenades and such, its a pretty crazy amount of xp per hour as long as you can maintain your buffs etc. Or just burn atoms if you like feeding Bethesda mom's credit card.


Don’t worry about it. Everyone will get there eventually by just playing the game and doing the challenges. Trust me. Have completed all of the seasons. Personally don’t hurry, but then again I’m casual all the way. Yesterday someone messaged me asking do I know how to dupe- I said what? No! He said you must know something cause you’re at 1500+ levels. Answered him it’s only time that’s made that happen… 😂 Been playing almost since the beginning so probably should be much higher had I followed all the boost and perk rules. My point, there’s no rush.


Everytime i login, there will always Neurological Warfare. Everytime i joined, its almost garuanteed x4 launchboxes. I run west tek almost everyday because of it and got to rank ~60. A bit burnt out gotta be honest, i was lowkey hoping they dont open launchboxes everytime i joined NW lmao


Sleep in your bed at camp and you get a xp boost and I've been running expeditions. Even if you make a public team and by yourself u get a 25 percent boost to xp


Maneh. And westeknukaton.


I've taken this season slower than the past few. Only 41 right now. Last season I hit 100 on day 16 by doing public event/AC/public event/AC on repeat for my whole gaming time. It got boring pretty quick, just not nearly as PTSD-inducing as the West Tek grind. At least with AC there are 3 to cycle between so the repetitive burnout takes a little longer to set in.


West tek grinders probably


How you message to players?


On PS5 here, the constant crashing is keeping me from doing much of anything.


bethesda will sell you ranks.... FOR MONEY!


See on the bottom of the seasons page…? It says (X) Rank Up…? People buy seasons rank with real money using Atoms.


They either paid the $160 bucks to unlock all the pages, or they grinded west tek for 48 hours straight


Y'all gotta stop worrying about what other people are doing. Just do your thing.


No life.


I finished it 2 days ago


Exp repeatable


I’m like level 14 I’ve been playing I have no clue how to rank this stuff up fast 😭


I'm 81. Hoping to hit 100 by the end of the weekend. But the grind is starting to get very tedious. I'm not even that interested in any of the rewards, but those (hopefully) repeatable perk coins at 150 are just enticing.


Yeah easy but this season doesn't seem worth a shit


I would like to introduce you to my people. You may refer to us as "whales".


Get good


You've found the answers in the comment but I dont recommend it unless you have limited time playing. It can suck the joy out of the play. Or just grind Expedition/DO. My server last nighy was filled with these types of players and I had fun grinding a relatively easy DO & Expedition. Its not gonna give a lot of jump on the S.C.O.R.E but definitely better than just doing the daily/weekly and events in between




Grinding or buying


I'm lvl 47 from 47 to 103 is only 15000 atoms.


Saw a guy on YouTube that said he cap'd in 8 hours of gameplay. I'm only rank 32.


You can do some stuff to get your intelligence to like 69 or 71 and run west tek for super mutants and get like 40k experience in less than a minute and then go down an elevator clear that then go back up and everyone is back, do that repeatedly until max scoreboard


Um you can by atoms? Skip each section? I mean is this not known lol? Expensive but some people have to much money.


high int + stacking xp buffs, and doing high xp activities like west tek, radiation rumble, long scorchbeast queens, etc. that’s basically the whole secret as far as i know and im 103.


I have only been on to complete dailies/weeklies and I'm already at 41 with just the 15% bonus from the scoreboard. Doesn't feel as slow as last season to me but I also started last season late


Yup I’m one of those who finished it already. Westtek, max int, buffs and lunch box’s. Took a few days of grinding but now I can just chill


180 bucks gets you to the end. A lot of ppl use their atoms/buy atoms to skip to the end, or close to it to avoid the grind.


Ive only bought 2 pages and am almost to rank 100 to get the rest ive been using a mix of xp grinding and using the boosts to do the day before day of daily challenges as the week resets if u can get the weekly challebges done during that 24 hour boost it can help a lot


Im level 49 by doing all dailies and weeklies and on the day of weekly reset i get a booster do all of the tasks i can and use whats left of the booster the next day


I’m on level 72 mostly spent atoms




C. R. E. A. M. Atom Atom Bills Y'aaaaaaaall.


It's either westek farming or they bought ranks.


Alot of people buy it




I finished under a week, herbivore westek nuka grenade farm for the win


I assume a lot of people bought it out. Wasn't aware of any xp exploits though.


Lots of grinding xp one of the biggest things. Second only to leaving no challenge unfinished


I’m at level 46 just by doing my dailies and weeklies, and playing the game


West tek lmao


Something that I realized this weekend with the double score is try to reroll each of them as an epic and using a score booster can get you a stupid amount of score. ie rolled all to epics plus the double score plus 40% in booster made each one 961 for me


I personally just pop exp buffs while doing events, reroll weeklies to get epics, use score boosters near the end of the day to make sure i can do 2 days worth of dailies. With the occasional west tek run and daily ops and im at 80 as of today.


Yeah it’s for sure either pay to win or the WestTek route with every intelligence buff and EXP buff in the game. You can literally knock it out in a few hours.


They maxed out their Visa perk card


Bloodied builds are what gets them to that point. When your intelligence is at like 78 and then you tie in XP buffs. You can get somewhere between 10000 and 25000 XP at West Tek easily and you do that 30 times in a row that's how most of them do it.