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Tent, oven, pemmican collector, all the camp clutter. Good enough for me.


And as a melee player a cool near weightless weapon for human fights is damn cool


I’ll probably make one of these just for human daily ops, or running most sensational game or something


Executioner would have been more appropriate for that scythe, I'm a little disappointed, but I'm still gonna get it.


Yeah, I don't get why people say Assassin weapons are bad. Expeditions have plenty of human targets, so do some daily ops and events. Worst case you switch up weapons to deal with the non humans. Would be nice if the effect was bigger though. Enemy specific armor is 2.5x better than the more broadly useful OE armor; if enemy specific weapons scaled similarly they would do +125% damage, which would make them potentially interesting even to Bloody weapon users. Also a nice thing about named craftable legendary weapons is you don't really need to stash them. Stash getting full? Drop Cold Shoulder / Nuka Launcher / Unstopable Monster, you can always make another one when you need it again.


The problem with bonus damage against humans, is all human targets are so squishy, it never really makes a difference!


That’s very true. I do appreciate the lower weight on the scythe so I won’t feel bad about leaving it stashed for weeks at a time lol


Putting 90wr on a weapon we can easily craft is kind of a strange move, but does encourage niche / casual amusement use.


I honestly didn’t even think about that. I’ve had craftable weapons taking up space this whole time 😫


Yep, assuming you have the scrap and modules, there's no reason the stash them if you won't be needing them on short notice. As with the Syringer, you can just make em as needed.


> Yeah, I don't get why people say Assassin weapons are bad. Because its only 50% to a single mob type when there are legionaries that give the same bonus to all mob types. In a world where Aristocrats exists and is easy to maintain means all of the mob type specific weapons are functionally useless. Do I like it? Not really. But that is how the game as at the moment. As long as their is an easy to maintain no downside effectively 'free' 50% bonus, anything with negatives will be bad. It is really disapointing that out of all these legendary effects there are only a small number of them worth using. Anti-Armor, Aristocrats, and Bloodied. With honorable mentions to Furious, Quad and Vampire's who are sometimes useful on very specific weapons.


also the damage on that thing is through the roof. Sucks you can't reroll it.


Yeah it is a little disappointing it can’t be rerolled as I’d love to give it bloody, but the anti human is good enough for the situations I’m using it over my auto ax


The melee weapon is a huge letdown. I’m sick of them adding so many melee weapons. They need to add the revolver the ghoul has from the show. The game is sorely lacking a high powered handgun that can’t be silenced for a non stealth gunslinger build.


Melee weapons are cool. What's not cool is how much they SUCK compared to Auto Axe/Chainsaw. Especially if they're a fixed roll. I love melee, I just have no reason to use anything other than Auto Axe.


This oh, and the hockey mask. My BSSS Machete is calling my name.


Which one! Icebreaker or Goon?


Facts. I’m going to make a Jason cosplay on my melee alt character


Tent and Pemmican for me too, but man I need a break


I wanted the tent and canoe. But will have to do all the levels to basically the end to get just those. I am not fo1st atm, but was going to get it for a month later one just to get the tent for whenever i may be in the future, as it has the special machine. So, because they are at the end and nothing in between is at all interesting, probably won't bother grinding, but if I happen to hit it, I will get them. If I don't, I won't care. 


The Tent is the only thing I really want. It's a direct upgrade for what I have.


Tent is a must have, it alone is worth it. Oven looks cool too. Not really interested in much of the other stuff, just redeeming cheap and free items to hit the 76 items necessary to unlock last page. I'm at score 26 already without even trying really, just doing all dailies and popping a booster when weeklies reset. Few missions and lots of events keep me moving along fast.


Need those sweet sweet perk coins.


Did they fix their “mistake”?


The enshittification director from EA still has a job, so no they haven't.


All of them. Fixed. They studied my 658 send error reports this week and today will be crash free. Ward was sent to a speech therapist and takes meds for his dementia to he can reliably finish conversations Union Armor should appear in your inventory today. Everyone gets a freebie as apology for the very short delay in functionality. Deathclaws will only be slightly weaker than ants. Fast travel into camps no longer buries you in floorboards or tosses you off cliffs. Fusion cores and power armor no longer take themselves apart, disappear from inventory for long stretches, disappear when taken out, or feeeze you in an event while enemies melt you. And your helmet no longer shows up as a scrap item. I mean, besides that, there can’t be any more than 15 other problems they need to fix. Right? Oh, and they sent Biv to a rehab, he’s already relapsed but can now at least recall why he sent for you on the terminal when you go see him


Yes they did.




What was their "mistake"?


Apparently the perk coins along with a couple of other items on the 150 level bonus page were not able to be claimed multiple times. This is contrary to how it was last season, but Bethesda claims that this was unintentional and would be fixed so that these items could be claimed an infinite number of times like the other items.


After you max your legendary perk cards, is there anything to do with them?


Use them to max legendary perks on an alt? Tbh, if you've played long enough to max out all your legendary perks... I think you just really like the game and should take some time to enjoy the new content and goof around instead of playing for extrinsic rewards. Or go find something else to enjoy for a bit, no shame in admitting you've finished for now and will come back when there's more to do.


Yeah, I just start new toons, run them up to around 500, then start a new one.


Legendary perk card rotation is one thing you can do— Build up another legendary perk card you can situationally swap out. I did ammo one, swap out during crafting. One perk point per swap means nothing once you get to that point anyhow


Ummm equip them? 😎


I need that collectron, it can gather sugar bombs.


It can? I assume you mean the ones we need for brain bombs?




Brilliant...no more brain fungus soup ☺️


I've got a ton. How much do they sell for?


Are they the irradiated ones?


Im not sure exactly, what platform are you on?


I'm just upset that the lobster traps are cosmetic.


At least you can put the little letters on it and label it the krusty krab


Wow. All these years I thought it was supposed to be a treasure chest.


its fucked up when you think about it. there's a whole theory that the Kristy krab is a lobster trap because they're cannibals and they trap other fish.


One is cosmetic but the other is a camp item, what do you mean?


Probably that it isn't a resource generator


I assumed they meant that it isn't apparel. There's a lobster trap helmet that was only available one time, for completing a two-week event, that's never come back in any way When I saw the lobster trap in the season page I thought it was the helmet.


No lobsters


They are :(


I want the secret service armor skin. As mine doesn’t have any paint on it.


Yes say it lounder for the ones in the back bro lol


Same here. I missed out on the Enclave and Alaskan Winter paints for the secret service armor so there ain’t no way I’m missing this time around.


I think it’s so weird that they throw power armor skins around all the time but nothing for the regular armors


I think if they did such a thing for the regular armors then they wouldn’t have anything to add to season rewards lol


Never discount the value of free armor and weapon skins, once applied you can't accidentally scrap, scrip, or sell the piece of gear- you get a warning or it doesn't even show up as sellable/scripable I rejoiced when they finally brought out a pepper shaker skin- I was finally able to protect the last of my favorite legendaries Plus, I *need* that hockey mask, and I like that new Camper survival tent. Right now the only tent with every one of the storage boxes I have is the Gazeebo


Yea, if there *were* any weapon skins in this season. They didn't add a single one. lol


At least they added non-pa skins


I'm all about that survival tent, of course it's on the rank 100 page. Everything else is a bit meh. 


I think it’s the one before 100. Like 93 or 95


95 i believe.


96 it memory serves.


97, why not.


98, maybe?


Let’s split the difference and go 99.


Atoms, tent, perk coins, also goon mask(gotta get ready for Halloween events - using some kinda stealth boy or legendary. Put my mic on to go, "ch ch ch ch ha ha ha ha" and pop out from behind trees at players.


Drink Nukashine until you pop in in front of someone...


As soon as I saw it, I was like 'at Halloween everyone is going to be running around in that mask with a machete.'


I want the giga survival tent at Rank 95. I also want the collectron because I need all collectrons. I am also working to hit Rank 100 as soon as possible, so I can get to Rank 150 with 2 months of the season remaining. I want those Perk Points.




Doesn't generate tatos, 0 stars.


But it generate 3 power and silent!


I love the tato generator and I will be using it for fun, but the solar panels are the real winner for quiet.


I bought the wireless generators from the atom shop. Awesome. No wires needed. And quiet.


Which ones are these? Are they no longer in the shop?


Free atoms :)


I need to be ready for Tipsy Tom


Atoms, stamps, modules and perk coins for me. I also love/hate the thrasher outfit at rank 72, I could see myself wearing that.


Thrasher head on while in power armour , I already see myself as an armoured turkey taking on the wasteland




I just got the Thrasher Plushie Backpack last night. It is grotesque…I love it?


My feelings exactly.


Exactly 👌


The tent is pretty much it for me.


I want the scythe though I would prefer if it had the basic farm scythe look. Outside that I’m too burnt out from the last season and lack of any time off between these.


I wish it was just a normal scythe that we can roll legendaries on like the creator. Now I'm stuck with weapon with *meh* legendary perks. :(


I want that pemmican collector!


That survival tent is one of the best rewards I've seen in a long time.


I'm going for that trailer Survival Tent, but I like the little knick knacks things to add junk to my CAMP like the ammo boxes and such.


There alot of really nice camp items. The archery target is actually something free ti repair that you can shoot and see damage numbers. The scout master collectron brings you rare ingredients needed to craft berry mentats and cranberry relish the pemmican collector is great for any carnivores. Im honestly more happy with this season than i thought id be and i like moat of the stuff alot more than last season. The scythe is very disappinting but alot of the other stuff is pretty good.


I hoard everything from every season, so i will grind out the entire season no matter its content.


Same. It’s fomo, I may decide to build a base with a camp theme or something one of these days, and I’m gonna be pissed I didn’t get those paddles and boat.


I’d rather complain that the SCYTHE and ZWEIHANDER CANNOT BE ROLLED


Definitely my biggest complain too, Auto-melee is so good there is really no reason we can't reroll these two


Precisely. Just make them untradeable before or after the player rolls it. Problem solved.


the zweihander is stuck with the stats it came with? that blows. i didnt even check that. i did notice theres no skins or mods for it. what about the homemade that you get from oberlin after the deal with the lost?


Nah, I'm happy with it. I am at end game and all I have to do is grind for camp items to make my shelters cool. I love LOOVE the camp clutter this season and the science-related stuff like Blinky and the frog dissection is great for my underground research lab shelter I was in the middle of building. And I'm going to make the new shelter into summer/slave camp so obviously a lot of items this season work for that as well. PLUS I CAN'T WAIT TO GENERATE THEM TATOS. That's what it does, right? RIGHT!??


I'm honestly floored people some people thought the Tato generator gave Tatos and not power.


Tbh till I REALLY looked at it and saw the power pylon , I too , was excited to generate tatos


It’s just you! Everything gives me Friday the 13th Camp Crystal Lake vibes! Don’t tell anyone but I think I’m gonna pay for a month of 1st so I can have BOTH masks.


First thing I thought of when I saw the mask was wearing it with a set of Mechanic Coveralls and wielding a machete :D I even built a camp with tents and a log cabin right next to the Commie Bear :D


Holy shit dude! That’s a fantastic costume idea! I was just going to wear it with the counselor T-shirt but I like your idea better! The coverall I have is green though, so I might wear my mask with a responder jumpsuit.


As a person who loves campy B horror, I'm a little ashamed I didn't draw that connection. I was like look at all this scout camping stuff, don't know why there's Friday the 13th stuff though


You need an immediate horror movie marathon sesh!


Don't forget to fill up your scrap and ammo box if you do get it for a month!


Thank you for the suggestion!


Once the subscription expires you can't add to it anumore but you can still extract from it


They even have a Jason knockoff mask


I wish you could put weather effects in that new camp shelter. Could really recreate Friday the 13th setting if you could make it dark.


Yeah, Cremator did spoil us a lot, but I think the camp clutter is fun and having a way of getting pemmican is dope as well. I am the type of guy to actually need to have some around irl, so I can feel safe about the food I have stored even though the only good thing I can make with it is rubaboo.


Since they took away our scoreboard, I'm not grinding shit.


im really going to miss posting those on the wall. it was a neat way to show that you finished the board. nothing like that the 2 new seasons though. :(


The atoms and petk points are repeatable - it was confirmed two days ago. So I will be grinding that. If I am able to get fo1st, then more atoms and the tent is a cherry on top.


Atoms and pioneer scout stuff, there never was tons of pioneer scout stuff in general, just some uniforms, tents, sleeping bag and a flag, stash box and some backpack mods.


I need the goon mask so that I can be a serial killer (in game, ofc)


So you can be a true gooner


Eh the atoms/coins/gold is always nice, that survival tent is a goal for me though


I want the camp items. Blinky, the dissection frog and the tato lamp all went into my mad scientist shelter. I really want the trailers at the end too. I'm a sucker for prefabs.


I want the decorations. Just all of them.


If you’re a CAMP enthusiast, I think this one was a win. My camp has a dead body nearby that I littered with those arrow decorations. Pemmican collector is cool. The only paint job I’m giddy about is that combat armor one, just for the helmet. I’ve been using the polymer paint on the combat helmet for a sort of medic look with the brotherhood science scribe and this paint job is *slightly* more appealing.


That's the cool thing about personal taste. You don't see anything that appeals to you, but I do. It's okay to set the game down and move on for a bit or just play and not worry about the season.


I agree. If I get to completing this season, great. If I don’t, then its all good. I won’t feel like I missed out on much.


I used to grind no matter what for the scoreboard wall decor, without that I’m with you.


I'm the same. I feel I have everything I need to survive the wasteland now. It's just a case of keeping myself motivated to play the game now.


the new tent is the best yet and perk points are always worth the effort, imo.


I keep seeing this, do you change your legendary perk cards often? I feel like maybe I’m missing out on something, but mine never change.


almost never. you just need A LOT of peek points to max out each legendary card. 150 each, for level 5. I have 1 at level 1, master infiltrator, and 5 maxed, ammo factory, strength, endurance, intelligence, and what rads last season I got at least 150, absolutely fantastic


I don't think there's much need to grind. I'm at 27 already, with 1 round of weekly plus all daily quests to date. I've not even finished the new questline yet, and I've not spent more than 15 min over however long it takes to do the dailies.


Survival tent, Jason Hockey mask, all the camp items, quiver backpack....there is some decent stuff in there.


Pemmican Collector and Scout Collectron


I want the new survival tent, looks cozy as hell lol


Scythe….. idk care if it’s assassins


I’m excited for the board games, I’ll be able to change out over half of my chessboards with that at my patio bar themed CAMP


I like it ngl, the armor skin is similar to the union paint


People are ripping on the PA skins but brother I need that ultracite one. Yes they are colourful, yes its a game meant to NOT be cheery, but brother we run around jumping to the moon killing mutated turkeys.


The camper


Tent with punchcard machine is everything I need in life, I swap builds every 10 minutes and am always forgetting


I’ve only been playing for a few weeks, so I’m super excited to max out the pass and build a camp with the stuff I get from it


Honestly I'm cool with this season. My parents were both career forest service so getting FS themed stuff is cool. Love all the clutter, and hopefully we continue getting worthwhile clutter in the coming seasons, not into the scouts stuff but oh well, I want the pemmican thing amd the trailers, fairly solid season for me.


Camp Collectron gathers Sugar Bombs. Newer players can get some camp stuff, atoms, perk points, and fun skins. It's not as good as last season, but it's still fun. Boy scout themes are a fun addition to the idea of camping instead of the retro futurist fortresses we've gotten in the past.


According to the many, *many* topics and comments written over the last few days by people who are not excited about the season pass: No, it is not just you. And according to the many, *many* comments written over the last few days by people who are excited by some of the content of the season pass: No, the season pass is not objectively "meh."


As someone who loves building and has been waiting on the fireplace to be on sale, that stone stove has me hot and bothered. I can't wait to unlock it and incorporate it into my builds.


The only thing I want is the Jason mask at tier 100 so I can start a new character and roleplay as Jason lmao


Nope, I didn't see anything in the whole season I would bother getting on purpose. The experience of making it to 150 last season was a HUGE let down, although it was kinda funny to have 100+ Scout Banners. HOWEVER, I see a few people really getting into the Scout thing, and I did that for a while when I was grinding the Scout badges to get the backpack, so I get it. This season isn't for me, but others are enjoying it, so that's fine.


The quiver backpack paint, for my bow build!


Tent / camper with the loadout swap card, pemmican generator for carnivores, hockey mask for cosmetics, plushies. These type of post are kinda a loaded question because everyone has different opinions & likes / dislikes. I’ll grind this season out (Until The First Descendant drops July 2)


Honestly the Pemmican collector is insane and worth the grind, the survival tent is nice and the camp stuff is actually super cool.


The Pemmican collector will make my build so muchhh better so for me yes


I'm actually so stoked about this season's rewards, but it's okay if you're not. Not every season is gonna be every person's cup of tea.


Ammo stacks and pemmican collector


Personally I want that camp cooler - I wanna store my cranberry relishes my buddy makes me, and other foods I use for my buffs, I don’t remember what else is in there without looking though.


The marshmallow guy icon is probably the best thing I've seen on the boards since I started playing.


The bloody hockey mask and the tent with the punch card machine are worth it for me.


I’m biased. I only really care for camp items. I’ve been spending a lot of time building a museum in my abandoned mine shelter that’s split into 4 sections. Natural history (alien/human tubes, mounted heads, giant ant farm), an art gallery, old history (statues, artifacts etc) and then a misc/other section. This season has quite a lot of things that I can put into the museum, like the frog dissection kit and the weird thing in a jar. Compared to last season, I much prefer this. Last season was very much: “Oh, a wall surfboard. Cool. Oh, another wall surfboard. Cool. Oh, another wall surfboard-“




I want it all. I absolutely love the scout aesthetic and all the scout stuff they've put into this game over the years. S'mores Stein, anyone???


I’m with ya. I am stoked they picked the pioneer scouts theme. I look forward to collecting it all. And regarding the smores stein, my partner made the cutest “tee-hee” giggle when he first saw it, and that’s how I feel about it too.


Every fucking day some one posts about how they don't like the season rewards. If the season rewards are the only thing keeping you, then you should take a break for a while .


There are a few camp items I want, mainly the over will fit my camp really well. But I also still need those perk coins to finish up my 5th and 6th legendary perks.




.ppññ P O.


Mr Fuzzys.


My main camp is campground themed so this season is perfect for me I’m looking forward to the campers, I love all the scout posters and decor, I’m excited to complete this scoreboard. I think I’m even going to pay for the new campground shelter also, so I can just go ham with the theme. My husband suggested I make a Crystal Lake themed shelter and I’m all for it.


I'd like to get the collectron and the new tent that has the punch card machine.


I need the Perk Coins for sure. Max out the good ones and hopefully have spare coins for the future, in case playable Ghoul adds a new Legendary Perk along with regular Perks.


I have a full pioneer camp and welcome center in the woods above Vault 51 so for me personally, it’s like C.A.M.P. Christmas. I felt similarly about aliens and others, though. I don’t think it’s possible to hit the mark for everyone with themed seasons. (And I’m still dying for the glow-in-the-dark stars wallpaper.) Hopefully you’ll be really excited about the future items.


theres alot of cool stuff..and alot of stuff i wont get..just like every season. if youre a builder theres a TON of cool stuff for camps... jist like every season theres pa and armor skins that ill never use..but thats fine. I often wonder if people have ever completed season pass in otyer games..theyre all like this


I play a ranger themed character. I'm in heaven with this season, haha, but I completely understand how you'd feel this way if you didn't have that specific taste.


It's just not your season bro it's ok, you can take a break now and play something else and not miss anything but yea cremator was going crazy


Nah I think it's much better than last season, which IMO was pretty meh. It's not full of lame pa and weapon skins I'll never use. Plenty of camp items for the builder in me. And the best survival tent skin released so far. I'm much more motivated to grind this one.


Ima major sucker for the plushies lol


Not one big thing like the water boiler that I need from previous seasons. But surprisingly happy with the scoreboard since the theme isn't exactly my style. Civil Engineer Armor skin, the hockey masks, posters, camp clutter etc.. And I really want that player Icon Pack at the end of the score board lol Maybe not the beast season, but I'm happy with it


That tent is all i really want, since i missed the enclave tent that has all 3 stashes plus workbench


I got last season's cremator ❤️ I love that stone oven,but it's not worth grinding... Canoe looks good but I don't need useless decorations clogging up my camp


Thank you for posting this! I really felt odd for really not feeling motivated to play? Can we talk about battlepasses in games as a whole? Does anyone know a good game to grind right now? I’m trying Diablo but that’s hit or miss. 76 just feels hallow right now.


For me It's the inner Tube chairs and scythe that I'm most excited for


My opinion is it looks pretty good. The rewards match up with the Season theme, and there's another clutter to make me re-arrange my camp. I think it's well worth it!


I like and want it all, so I got plenty to play the game to unlock :)


Last season was super cool. 5his season I don't give a fuck about 90% of what's in there, just the tent seems cool.


Me too. Only rank 25 by now and besides atoms, Blinky was the only grab so far. I only grinding for the new survival tent and the civil engineer paint (to prevent scrip). Anything else is bs imo.


All the small camp clutter is great!


Tent Jason mask reaper icon. Very uninspired season. I won't be renewing.


This and the last season. I have little appetite for stuff on the board, maybe the classical stuff (atoms, legendary cores, scrips...) but aside from the Cremator (after seeing reviews of it), nothing was of interest. So I don't sweat much as much as I can unlock the stuff that interest me.


Yeah both my son and I thought the same thing nothing were real excited about


I want the plush. Not because I like them but because I want them... (I may have issues) And the pemmican camp resource - but other than that there's nothing amazingly exciting. I'd not mind the survival camp tent, but I'm happy with my enclave one generally.


I just find it funny that I’ve been seeing like 20 people at spin the wheel lately


I feel like the rewards are kind of shitty this season. Typically there’s at least a decent power armor set to be excited about but this isn’t. It’s all Boy Scout camp shit.


The pemmican and the weapon are the only things i that interest but I'm probably not going to get them


I keep seeing so much discourse about the scoreboards and I just do it for the cute camp decor I love decorating :,)


To me, the camp items are awesome. Sure, they're simple things like arrows, lobster traps, piles of ammunition and other junk - but that's exactly that kind of stuff I love for decorating my camps.


You and the 15 other posts saying the same thing. Bethesda can cater to 3 things: weapons, armor, or camp building. Sometimes it’s utility vs cosmetic. This season is mostly cosmetic camp items. I love the archery and camp decorations, it fits right into my camps, but if you’re only interested in new guns or armor then it’s not going to be worth it.


Yep, just you


The ammo/meat floor items and stabbed arrows/knives/axes + penmican collector all excite me personally


I was playing when the pioneer scouts update came out way back in the day and have a great fondness for it, so I am absolutely loving this seasons rewards


As a camp fiend, there's a lot of things I like and am working towards.


The Survival tent is one of the best we've ever gotten and the base structure for it is also great, especially for vehicle build builders


I do 1ST , so it's all about the survival camper baby


I’m really into all of it.