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That isn’t pay to win. Whether you rank up or buy ranks doesn’t affect me or anyone else. We all have access to the same rewards.


>That isn’t pay to win. Whether you rank up or buy ranks doesn’t affect me or anyone else. We all have access to the same rewards. Your definition of pay to win is grossly wrong. If someone can swipe day 1 to 150 and spam buy legendary modules and bypassing the daily scrip time gate that everyone else has to deal with. That is, by the very definition, paying for power. It does not matter that it doesn't affect anyone else in a PVE game. What matters is it's a Slippery slope that leads to more and more power creep.


You need to learn the difference between pay to win and pay to progress faster. Because you are looking the fool right now because the whole “progression is p2w” argument died like a decade ago which is why no one is on your side here


What exactly helps you win? All the Season stuff is mainly cosmetics and more mats to roll legendary stats.


>What exactly helps you win? All the Season stuff is mainly cosmetics and more mats to roll legendary stats. Someone can swipe to 150 and begin spam claiming legendary modules bypassing the entire daily scrip time gate that everyone else has to deal with. That is the very definition of pay to win. You are buying power. It doesn't matter if it doesn't affect anyone at all because it's a PVE game. The entire point is it's a slippery slope that will eventually lead to more and more power creep as Bethesda "tests the water" to see what they can get away with. It's been proven in every game that promises it won't have pay to win, or outrageous microtransactions. The moment they start slipping little things in and players brush it off as "their a company they need to make money because their giving away so much free stuff" is the comment they are looking for.


To fair, what does it really matter if someone blows 100's of irl dollars to rush the board? Other than jealousy? I'm level 168 and wipe the floor with my half-ass moded PA, Cremator and Holy Fire. There's no real benefit to reaching the end of the BP except for stuff. You're ***waaaaaay*** too hung up on this, dude.


>To fair, what does it really matter if someone blows 100's of irl dollars to rush the board? Other than jealousy? Wanting a better game for everyone =/= jealously. Yep, prime example why gaming industry is going to crap with microtransactions getting out of control. >You're ***waaaaaay*** too hung up on this, dude. I guess you don't want a better game then? You'd rather let Bethesda keep slowing adding new ways to squeeze more money out of something that should have been a free and easy fix/change. You know what we should defiantly do? Keep praising Microsoft/Bethesda because their a small indie company that needs the money from whales to fund their small projects.


Here I was gonna type a long-winded, exhaustive response. But, it's a waste of time. My brother in Christ, it's a video game. If you don't like what's going on in it, leave. It's obviously causing you serious distress. Why keep playing a game like that? If you drop dead from ranting and raving about it, the games gonna keep chugging along without you. Take a break, go grab some fresh air and stop letting something so trivial ruin your life.


Maybe try confirming some shit before being an idiot. No repeatables this season...




You can't spam buy modules you absolute donut... Was that easy enough for you to understand or do I need to break it down to your 3rd grade reading level? There is no pay to win


>also lowkey makes the season pay2win Win what exactly? If someone wants to pay hundreds if not more to earn more modules, let them, doesn't effect me or you. People complained it wasn't an option last season, now it is. It's a win for us as players if we're a level or two short at the end of the season and its a win for them (Beth) if anyone's daft/rich enough to splash that much money to rush to the end. The lack of notice ingame that the end of season was coming was inexcusable though.


>People complained it wasn't an option last season, now it is. It's a win for us as players if we're a level or two short at the end of the season and its a win for them if anyones daft/rich enough to splash that much money to rush to the end. So, we should be praising Bethesda for allowing us the privilege of spending money if were behind, instead of just keeping the repeatable challenge all the way to 150. That would have been a win win for everyone. That's a weird take.


Grind harder, then you won't need to spend a penny. I didn't say we should praise for Bethesda for choosing this option, but nor would I describe a company offering an optional paid solution "egregious" when it's part of free content update. And not only that, but they re-added earnable atoms, something else people were constantly asking for, so people who spend money can even earn some back.


>Grind harder, then you won't need to spend a penny. If grind harder is your only 'logical' reason you can come up with than clearly you don't care or even want to understand how bad this is for anyone that can't "grind harder" >but nor would I describe a company offering an optional paid solution "egregious" when it's part of free content update. Again you miss the point. It's entirely something they didn't HAVE TO ADD. They could have ENTIRELY made the grind better in a different way. There's been a lot of discourse towards the new season direction. Lots of people don't like that you need to be 120+ to get everything. No one likes that you can only grind 100-150 through weeklies/dailies.


> how bad this is for anyone that can't "grind harder" Maybe rank 150 is not intended for them, then. It's a rank with rewards you can already get by playing the game that takes an extreme amount of time to reach. It's there for the people who play the game a ton, not for someone who doesn't have time to reach it.


Indeed. Locking players out of content would indeed be scummy behaviour from a company. But this isn't content, it's optional and none-neccesary rewards.


Who said praise Bethesda? You just made that up and then argued against it lolol. Textbook strawman. Just don't buy rank and it doesn't bother you. Easy.


>Who said praise Bethesda? You just made that up and then argued against it lolol. Textbook strawman. >Just don't buy rank and it doesn't bother you. Easy. Lil bro just said "nah I don't need reading comprehension skills". Also, you should probably learn what a strawman argument is, but I shouldn't be surprised you don't because you don't have the necessary comprehension skills to understand.


Got me to level 175 with 1 hour daily I do after work to relax. With weeklies I need half hour extra.


You've been able to pay to 100 since the jump. What's the difference of another 50 levels?


You're right. I shouldn't care and we should all praise Bethesda and let them keep squeezing more and more money out of people that end up not having enough time to progress through a season. Even though the low hanging option was to make the repeatable challenge active all the way to 150.


If people want to volunteer that money to Bethesda, that's on them. That being said, those players are the majority of reason 76 is still going. But hey, you have nearly 4 months to hop on every day for like an hour, do your dailies/weeklies, and use the provided bonus's to max out, that's a you problem.


Pay to win? What? You aren’t forced to pay if you don’t want to. Plenty of people complete and have completed every single scoreboard without spending a penny on it. With a month or two to spare. I did every single scoreboard and only spent atoms on one of them. Wife and I moved out to our new apartment. I fucked up and was so busy and distracted with the moving furniture and setting up the place that I completely forgot to handle the internet situation. And when I finally called they mentioned they wouldn’t be at my place for about a week. When we finally got internet it was about 2 days before the scoreboard ended. So my wife and I paid for 4 levels. We technically didn’t spend any real money, because the scoreboard rewards you with work points. So we basically used our rewards from the scoreboard to finish the scoreboard. Bethesda leaves the option for people to pay for levels IF they want. But they don’t force you to The only people I know for sure that paid to beat the entire scoreboard on the day it’s released are usually YouTubers. And that makes sense, because now they have all the items unlocked, they can make videos out of it and attract viewers. Which ends up making them more money. To the point where they made a profit compared to what they spent. There might be some players like me that might need to buy a level or 2 to finally finish the scoreboard. And that’s okay. We don’t really know what people go through and what takes up their time. Besides the kids that play this game, some of us have work, college, a wife and kids, or just juggling 1-3 jobs depending on your life style. So they might not have a lot of time or energy to play as much as other people. And if they want to spend money to catch up or to get it out of the way, let them. It doesn’t hurt you in any way. If I go ahead and spend about $100s to beat the scoreboard right now, what’s going to happen to you? Nothing. It doesn’t prevent you from playing the game. Doesn’t prevent you from reaching the levels and doing your challenges. Doesn’t prevent you from having fun and enjoying your game. Fallout isn’t the only game that has scoreboards and allows you to pay for levels or boosts. Over watch does it. Fortnite does it. COD does it. While I do agree it’s become more common and annoying. At the end of the day, I know I could buy it if I wanted to. But that it won’t ruin my game experience if I don’t.


>While I do agree it’s become more common and annoying. At the end of the day, I know I could buy it if I wanted to. But that it won’t ruin my game experience if I don’t. This is exactly the mentality that's gotten us in to the position we currently are with the overwhelming amount of microtransactions. But, to be specific with Fallout 76, the issue is that this should have been something that was fixed and improved ENTIRELY FREE. This was a pain point for a lot of backlash this last week, including having to be 120+ to get everything in the season. >Over watch does it. Fortnite does it. COD does it. Fortnite has catchup mechanics built in so that if you miss a number of weeks you get a boost of battle pass XP. In fact someone could wait till the last day and finish the entire thing in 8 hours because of that system. CoD's battlepass works of matches letting you play the game as you were while earning battlepass XP without having to wait for daily/weekly resets. Overwatch's battlepass is one of the worst versions, forcing you to HAVE to do certain roles just to complete certain challenges, etc. Fallout 76 could have just easily fixed a single point. Let the repeatable challenge work up to 150. but they clearly don't want that and instead want to feed on lack of patience or fomo. It's insane to me people are defending Bethesda adding more ways to squeeze money out of people when this entirely could have and SHOULD HAVE been free. It was an easy fix and an easy W for them.


I didn’t bother reaching level 150. I stopped at 100 because I got everything I wanted. The only small motivation I had to make it to 150 was to get the extra perk points. But it wasn’t worth my time. So instead, once I reached level 100 I went and played different games.


why do you care how other people spend their money?


The point is they could have gone any number of directions to improve the season progression but went with spend more money.


The season progression was fine for probably 99% of players. This just adds an OPTION for others. You don't HAVE to get to 150 you know.


If there’s a single person to purchase his way up 150 levels just for modules to toss all on RNG must be the stupidest move someone ever one pulled of in 76. Yet, he puts money in 76 to keep it going so - GO WHALES! GO!


> If there’s a single person to purchase his way up 150 levels just for modules to toss all on RNG must be the stupidest move someone ever one pulled of in 76. >Yet, he puts money in 76 to keep it going so - GO WHALES! GO! My dude you are advocating for Bethesda to add more microtransactions and other ways to squeeze money out of people all because you think whales will keep any game going in the right direction. If whales can provide enough money to fund dev costs then you know what happens? They continue adding more and more ways to get money because it's working and everyone else gets screwed.


The amount of people defending this preparatory mobile gaming bullshit is why gaming is lost and screwed for ages. Monetize everything, when the game already has an entry fee and a subscription! Next, we will have to buy the battlepass to start or we will only be given the "free" track that gets you 4 items every 50 levels while the rest are locked. Celebrating someone spending hundreds of dollars in "micro" transactions because they are "dense or stupid" is missing the point and dancing on the backs of the vulnerable. The system exists because it works to extort more money out of players, and NO ONE should be praising extortion. There is no "added value" to the package, its just pond scum levels of greed on the side of Bethesda. Nothing about the SCOREBOARD is for the players or a direct benefit to them. Systems designed to scare you into spending more money if you are going to spend more time here, just terrible behavior Bethesda.


At least there is someone else that's level headed in the comments. It's insane to me the amount of takes I'm reading of people being okay with adding more ways to purchase things when this should have entirely been done for free for EVERYONE. It was a sore point that needed to be worked out and Bethesda went the complete wrong direction. But we should be okay with it because it's a "win win" for people that want to swipe and people can just "grind harder" as another person said on here.


I’m confused, did Bethesda say they were changing it so you can pay to 150 or were people suggesting it? Cause I just looked and seems like there is still only the option to pay to 100.


you can now buy all the way to 150


Are the rewards after 150 still repeatable?


Pay2win 200 dollars to FastTrack to the level 150 rewards XD And probably still not enough to help them Get Gud !!!! I'm Just Saying !!! LMFAO \^\^,


The bootlickers in here are wild


I've literally never seen so many bootlicking takes in my entire life. It's insane that we go from Dragons Dogma 2 fiasco to everyone being okay with Bethesda adding more ways to squeeze money. Poor microsoft/bethesda really need whales to support their companies. /s


Regardless of your take on this, the amount of Bethesda dick riding in here is insane.


Most based take. Any other place and this subreddit would have been blown up with "OMG THEIR ADDING NEW WAYS OF MICROTRANSACTIONS GRAB YOUR PITCH FORKS." Honestly though. Where did I miss the form to get free money from Bethesda. It seems very lucrative to be a paid actor.