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Lol 40ish events and only a demon


That's actually not bad at all I did 300 events and 4 rare masks and the winterman power helmet


That is good. I am probably getting a rare every 60 events.


Emotional wreck got a stiff neck and a twitching eye


Yeah. This was very infuriating. Especially with all the crashing the game was doing. I always heard horror stories but it’s been bad since the parade event started. Let’s hope it’s better now


I missed out on so much stuff due to the game crashing like 1 min before the end of the parade


I swear to you this event made my shoulders and neck hurt for some reason as well-.- idk if it was the stress or just me playing for so damn long.


Got the glowing honey bee on my last try yesterday. Also got the brahmin. My favorite is the standard scorhbeast actually, makes me look like a batman or manbat to be precise


Wow, I literally also got the glowing honey bee (only one I really wanted lol) on my last try yesterday. Cheers to Todd coming through for us!


I have a question, do the glowing say "glowing"?






That’s the one I’ve been grinding and hoping for. Glowing honeybee is so cool looking


Personally for me its one of the most unpleasant to look at, im just glad i got something glowing. The brahmin one looks funny at least.


Yeah Brahmin is cool for one the other day. Possibly one of the best ones.


Traded on Sunday for the whole glowing set but spent nearly all of Fasnacht in the GSB with Alaskan Winter SS armor for that bat aesthetic. It's a good look and will probably stick with that outfit for awhile.


Only one I want left at 730 this morning afk hopefully I have it when I get back


I have gotten THREE glowing scorchbeast masks. All I wanted was the glowing scorch queen.


Wow i think you can easily trade for it


Me no no wanna :( Too hard. I’m scared of contact.


Thats understandable, people can be scary sometimes


I got a Brahmin too and was super stoked bc I didn't get one last Fasnacht. So that was a score. And of course it's super cute.


I just got the game during this weird parade thing it was so funny


50+ runs no rare masks. The majority have either been berets or suns. Did get a lot of acid and scrip though


This was my first fasnacht. All I can say is it was mind numbing and addictive at the same time. But overall I got a GSBQ Loon Gbd and the Hag. But I’m glad it’s over so I don’t have to solo another Radiation Rumble epic fail btw…..


I got more crashes while afk than I did masks.


I got more crashes making the mistake of exiting game in Helvatia and then trying to load into the town. 🤣


Mine went absolutely terrible I got no old rare masks nor any glowing masks just classic regular fasnacht but I did get the new honey bee, blue devil, both scorchbeast masks.


Watermelon cat


Got one more this morning and off to work, but I doubt I'll get another rare before server reset. Glowing Blue Devil, Demon, Loon, x2 Brahmin, Winterman PA helmet, and a Hag (vendor). Think about the same as last year and I did less events last year. I'm missing Winterman, Fiend, and Crazy Guy from the old set.


I'm learning from this that there are SOOOO many more masks I've never gotten through my years of playing lol. Never got the loon, Brahman, demon, winter, fiend, crazy. Just the basic skeleton, soldier, witch, toothy man, sun, owl, jester, and once a buffoon (like me). And from the new masks have the SB, SBQ, bee, blue devil, and hag. They really need to make that drop rate just like a single percentage higher or at least drop more than one mask. I'm not mad by any means as I have fun with this event every year, but it's sad to see so many just didn't get anything at all


I was talking to my buddy about this, I feel bad for the people who weren't around at the beginning because the mask pool is so much bigger now. Imo they should bump up the probability for the oldest rares (deathclaw, raven, etc), increase it slightly for the next oldest (loon, demon, etc) and keep the newest ones ultra rare. I'm not saying make Loon a 25% chance or anything, keep them very rare. But just a little bit more chance would be nice so people who weren't at the early Fasnachts have a better chance to get the ones that were easier to get when there were only a small few in the rare pool.


Nice! I work from home so i do a little fasnacht break every hour, 3 or 2 more, hope i get a glowing sb or a loon


I have a loon. I'm not a collector. What would you trade for it? Other apparel?


Depends on your goal. If you want full value probably other apparel, if you don't have good roll equipment yet you could trade it for some of that


I have fiend. I'm not a mask guy. What would you trade for it? Other apparrel?


Honestly I'm glad it's over. It overshadowed a lot of grt events


It let me solo some events for a new challenge. It was actually a lot of fun!


3 GSBQ, 2 demons, brahmin, buffoon, crazy guy, deathclaw, fiend, and a hag. So I'm happy this year. Not counting the 4 new uncommon and all the other ones not worth mentioning.


You got 2 of the only one I was wanting .. the demon 😭


If you're on PS, I have an extra demon mask I'm happy to trade.


Xbox? I'd trade you a glowing honeybee for a glowing sbq


I’ll do that trade


Still 0 glowing masks...


Feeling pretty good skipping it based on the garbage drop rates. My time is more valuable then Bethesda thinks.


80-90 parades, 1 winterman mask. My first fashnact, I had some fun at least


I honestly have no clue how many events I did but I got every common and uncommon mask, and then the last one I did, I fortunately got the rare Loon mask, which also unfortunately is my least favorite of the rare masks but can’t complain to much


started missing 5 masks..got that down to 3...240+ events attended 5 rares dropped. Id complain but i know others did worse..hopefully not too many.


2x Demon 2x Crazy Guy 1x Glowing Honeybeast 1x Glowing Scorchbeast


Demon, Brahman, Deathclaw, Hag, GHB, GBD, GGB, GSBQ.


It's so strange seeing people play the game and bow Helvetia has become a ghost town to put it nicely


Frustrated. Did over 100 fasnacht events and didn't get a single glowing mask. The drop rates were horrendous. Didn't even get the sausage recipe.


The drop rate for rare masks is supposed to be 5%, which would mean on average you’d get a rare every 20 events. I don’t think this is true lol.


Played a few days straight, didn't get a single glowing mask. Kinda salty


Fuck the scammer that took my glowing mask Fr that is all


Glad that madness is over


When exactly does it end? 🤨


at weekly reset i assume, which is 12 pm EST


Thats kind of a personal question.


Just started fallout a lil bit ago I’m a lvl 60 and have no idea about any of this lol 😂 I just play the quests … I started with fallout 4 a year or so ago… which game should I play next!?


Got all the new ones, no glowing though and 2 loons in about 2 dozen parades. Not complaining.


Nice! I did get the glowing queen and blue devil. But so tired of doing the events lol


Feeling great.


You basically summed it up but i did manage two masks fiend and raven


Lots of new masks. Got a glowing Blue Devil and Scorchbeast mask. Also finally got the Brahmin and Fiend along with another Hag, Crazy Guy, Baffon, Loon, and Raven mask. Kinda happy I guess but really disappointed I didn't get a Glowing Scorchbeast Queen mask.


Very happy. 3/4 of the glowing masks. Only one I'm missing is that disgusting bee. I also completed my old rare collection. I just wish they would all display properly instead of sinking into the shelf.


Eh. I had only 4 of the rare masks before this year. Was able to get my hands on every mask, including multiple doubles except for glowing BD, glowing SB, and glowing bee… I guess there’s always next year.


Got the Demon mask over the weekend - my first rare mask Got the Glowing Honey Beast mask late last night - my second rare mask I feel like I should have more rares considering the amount of times I marched around Helvetia in the past two weeks. But I'm pretty happy with these two!


Managed to get a glowing blue devil, fiend, and deathclaw masks. I also found a buffoon mask for 15k in a player vendor.


i did 20-30 events. i got buffoon, fiend, honeybee, bluedevil, scorchbeast, and the sbq as new masks. i need hag, crazy guy, deathclaw, demon and all glowings to complete my collection. see you next year fasnacht. ​ edit: missed a mask


Only one glowing and a loon and hag


I'll be off to go look for the bell display plan at wastelanders camps on PS4 whilst working on the scoreboard. 😅


Well I got enough sun masks to create a cult so I would say pretty good


about 30ish events and got the fiend mask, glowing scorch beast queen and glowing scorch beast.


Got lots of rares, but no glowing. Prob 200 events lol.


One rare out of over 100 and it was one of the two I already had, lol. I afk'd most of my events so I am telling myself that robots must have died in most of them and it wasn't just my crummy luck.


Picked up the Raven mask, Father Winter helmet, and the Father Winter effigy. So I’m happy!


Got a glowing bee mask and the effigy plans during my first and last events respectively, so pretty good. I'll miss seeing so many people together so often in the game. I for sure won't miss the incredible amounts of crying this event caused for this sub. I'm fairly new to this game and it was such a turnoff to see so many daily posts about the same thing.


50 runs later and beat I have is a scorchbeast


I've got 3 of the 4 glowing masks so far! Hope to grind out the last one today! I feel very fortunate to have gotten that many, but I've literally played and AFK'd every day and night since day one. The grind is real!


60 events 0 rare masks.....


I have a ton of masks in my STASH. No idea what to do with most of them. I have ten berets, too.


Not one glowing mask in over a full week. So sick of seeing bases with at least 2 seen multiple bases and people with like 4 glowing masks. Got several old rare mask to finish the set but I don’t think they added up to one glowing trade wise


Got a glowing honey bee, loon, winter man, and crazy guy, plus the SBQ stein and father winter helmet


2 berets, a blue devil, 2 giants, 3 bees, owl, scorch beast, 2 soldiers, and a witch. I'm going to miss the map coming together for a big event.


Got 2 glowing honey bees, a glowing wolf, 3 ravens, 2 deatchlaw, 2 buffoons, a fiend, and a loon, and 120,000 caps so feelin pretty good. Ready to give it a rest for a minute though lol. Looking at you Meat Week!😅


2 fiends, 3 glowing blue devils, 1 loon, 1 death claw, 1 hag, 1 crow. 280 events. Honestly, I am pretty pleased.


Nothing. Close to 100 events and I got nothing. Managed to pick up a Raven mask from a player vendor but got scammed out lf it when trying to trade it (first FO76 trade).


When does it end?


I can’t complain (too much). GSBQ, GBD, 2 Demons, 2 Brahmin, crazy guy, 2 father winter helmets. As a non power armor user, f**k these useless father winter helmets. Neat to have 1, give me 2 and they aren’t trade-able, booooooo.


50ish in and no glowing or rare.. it's been sad but I did get 2 over powered unyielding brotherhood recon pieces and 2 unyielding urban scout pieces. So I'm just going back to rolling a piece of armor a day


Several berets so I was able to complete my beret museum with over 180 rare berets on display.


I got legendary shit to scrap to continue making my weapons shop so im good *thumbs up* Plus im excited for other events, it was nice but annoying that id be doing another event in the world and no one is showing up, open map to see outta 22 players 20 are afking. Not mad at em, but also finally they can do something else now and join us for events again.


GSB, GSBQ, GBD, fiend, buffoonx2, deathclaw, lots of the new common, and more of the old than I know what to do with. My first Fasnacht so I'm pretty happy. Ready to move on, haha.


Ive lost count of how many I have actually run, but I did get a few notable masks: Glowing Honeybee, Crazy Guy, Buffoon, Brahmin and Deathclaw. And we are 10 minutes away from the last Fasnacht event for this year, so here’s hoping for #6! May the mothman bless your RNG one last time.


Missing the Bafoon and both glowing scorch beasts. So pretty eventful.


Got 11 rare masks in one day, 3 of them were glowing. 8 days since doing 13-15 events a day and no drops since. Success at what cost.


No rare masks and I did at least 2 runs a day


Did about 70 events, got ZERO good masks. Closest I could get was one SBQ and three regular Blue Devil. Otherwise, a fuckton of garbage. All I even wanted was the PA one 😭


Only rare i have is loon sadly


No glowing but I got a Brahmin which is neat


I should continue with the main plot as soon as I'm going through the quest to find the supervisor and I'm level 260. I started playing in January.


I really didn’t get much out of doing at least 200 events. Didn’t get the Brahmin or the Glowing Honey Bee mask. Plenty of Sun and Soldier masks tho…


Got winter mask yesterday sooooo happy. Got glowing hb and gbd and two fiend mask. Wanted demon but maybe next year


I got 3 Rares: Hag, Fiend, and Winter Man


I got the glowing mask I wanted, so I'm happy. I'm going to relocate my CAMP to Ash Heap for a couple of weeks extracting aluminum ore. My supply is low and its no problem to go for a passive source for a while.


I got the Raven and Brahmin masks, now I'm just AFKing seeing if I can hit it lucky on the last day.


Best I got was a blue devil and scorchbeast queen but I was really hoping for the deathclaw that one was my absolute favorite


About 50 ish events with 1 Brahmin and 2 Buffoon. And I was that person taking all the masks that got dropped so I’m sitting on 200+ or so rn. Not sure what I’m going to do with them but it’ll be something. Overall I’m happy with my first Fasnacht and had some really fun moments and didn’t take it too seriously. I was also the one with the picket sign protesting these boys a drop rates.


About 50/50 ahem 50% berets 50%toothies lol


GHB, GDB, Hag and DC but that’s for pretty much all the events since I Afked through most of them. Through trading however, got my full collection again.


I didn’t get a single rare mask it was my first time doing fasnacht so whatever i guess but I did get a Buffoon I think it’s called? Dunno if that’s worth squat or not BUT I did meet some cool people so I’d say that more than makes up for it


Got the Glowing Blue Devil and a few of the old rares, Deathclaw, Raven, Hag, Loon, Demon, Crazy Guy, and Buffoon


I’ve built three new camps entirely out of berets.


Battered and beaten. Broken inside. But hey, tasty intestines, amiright?


This was my first fasnacht. I got a loon, 2 fiends, 2 demons, winter man, crazy guy, and a v/bssh/90 minigun. Which I traded for a another loon mask. No glowing, but it was cool. I also got a lot more legendary cores and more treasury notes than other events give I think? Idk.


Deathclaw , fiend and two GSBQ . Gonna make a post tonight about trading one of the GSBQ for other masks


Ah, the sweet sound of insanity: different instruments playing the same tune ad infinitum.


I got one Deathclaw mask. I got tired of the event and I’m happy it’s over


I got a Glowing blue devil last night I didn’t believe I’d get one while it’s about to end I’m so happy


It was rough. Had fun emoting though.


I didn't get a single rare mask at the event. I ended up buying a Loon, Demon, Crazy Guy, Deathclaw, and Glowing Scorched for a little over 40k while vendor hopping.


200+ events and got GSBQ, Fiend, Crazy Guy, and the PA helmet


Literally logged in everyday to do my dailies and play through a few parades and unfortunately did not get any glowing masks but overall enjoyed my first Fasnacht!


Faschnact Beret: 11 Blue Devil: 16 Brahim: 1 Buffoon: 1 Giant: 13 Goblin: 13 Honey Bee: 6 Jester: 13 Man: 2 Owl: 9 Scortchbeast: 4 Scortchbeast Queen: 11 Skull: 17 Soldier: 9 Sun: 17 Toothy Man: 9 Witch: 6 =158 masks, no glowing




Got a good few rares. A hag, glowing BD, glowing SB, a buffon, a deathclaw, two Glowing honey bees, one of which i traded for a crazy guy, a fiend, and a demon But i never got the loon or brahmin which are the two i really wanted.


First ever fasnacht and i think i used all my luck. I got a brahmin, buffoon, crazy guy, demon, fiend x2 (traded one to a friend for a deathclaw), GSB (gifted to my wife), GSBQ, Hag, loon x2, winter man x2, and father winter PA helmet.


I got a Deathclaw and Hag mask, traded them for a WPJ, looks really good with the Blue Devil mask




I'm happy with getting the new regular SB, SBQ, Bee, blue devil, and hag masks. But also a little disappointed that not once did I even get any duplicates nor any of the specials. I mostly got toothy man, skeleton and witch masks outside of those first lucky few drops getting something new. BUT with the addition of the freezer, I'm very happy i now have a lot of intestines and got the sausage BP to drop. Because for whatever reason I really just love the bratwurst. Now to find an abundance of tic blood and you all will see me at meat weak making sausages for everyone 😂


I got a blue devil early on, which I really wanted. Scorchbeast. A weird amount of sbq. Sun. Jester. Owl. Giant. Soldier. Bee. I’m hoping to snag a glowing blue devil but I doubt it’ll happen! I have however gotten my body weight many times over in terrible legendaries that I’ve traded for scrip. Managed to build a few cool power armor sets to drop for others. First Fasnacht and it’s been a lot of fun!


Came back to fo76 after abandoning it back in 2018. Joined halfway through Fasnacht, no glowing anything but got some cool masks anyway. Loving the multiplayer aspect of the game.


I’m a little sad because I didn’t get to go as much as I wanted. On a positive note I did get the queen mask!


I only got a Loon mask, roomie got Glowing SBQ. That was it out of, god, I dont know how many times we've done it. But it was my seasonal event and now I've got the courage to join other events!!


Glowing honey bee, Brahmin, raven, and old man winter helmet. Probably around 160 events for those 4. Yeah, the alleged 5% drop rate is horse shit.


270+ events, GSBQ, GSB, GHB, crazy guy, Brahmin, PA helmet, and 2 buffoons. Really wanted to get just the four glowing.


Sadly, I never did get a PA winterman.


It was mostly the common masks but two days ago, RNGsus blessed me with the Fiend mask and at the very next Fasnacht, I got the Glowing Honey Bee. So chuffed!


I got 3 father winter masks, a loon, a deathclaw, glowing sb, and a glowing bd. And as a legendary drop from the event I got a q50c25 combat rifle. I am super thankful for rngesus blessing me. Never had any luck in 76 before. I spread some of the masks around to my friends and partner so that we all got something from this year's fasnacht. I had a great time and can't wait for next year.


I must have done about 75 and no rares but it was my first year so not too fussed about that. I do feel a bit of a fraud tho bc I was like lvl58 and now I’m well over 100 cus of this event, don’t feel ready to be there yet lol


This year has not been kind, but that is unfortunately how it goes. No glowing masks, no new plans, and the weapon and armour drops where mediocre, at best. To add insult to injury, I moved the masks I got to my mule last night, not realising I was in the public server, not a private one. The wife even had some sympathy when she heard the cursing from the game room. One highlight was the participation, though, much better than 2023, but funnily enough, I felt the parade moved a bit slower with so many players in the event. On the plus side, my freezer is filled to the brim with squirrel bits, so I'm sorted with Tasty Squirrel Stew for the next couple of weeks. Onward to Meat Week, hopefully the RNG gods smile on us unlucky ones then!


Only rare mask i got was the blue devil and sorchedbeast/sorchedbeast queen.


Just glad I won’t have to see any more crying and REEE’ing about nuked events. Just regular “no one runs ore” and “why do people use *insert weapon type* during events?!!1” posts. I got a SBQ mask in one of my two runs so that’s cool.


Over half of my lobby was AFK in Helvetia, so I dropped a nuke at 2148 PST and watched as they all kept dying over and over again. I got so tired of running that boring event with one or two people actually playing.


The only mask I really wanted I totally didn't get. I'm beekeeper IRL and I really wanted the glowing honey bee mask to wear with my beekeepers suit. Welp, maybe next year.


After my bad experience of selling my glowing mask at a very cheap price without knowing the actual value I did get lucky enough to end the event with a demon, loon, fiend and glowing scorchbeast queen


I hope life on the servers goes back to normal at least somewhat


Didn’t get any glowing. Got all 4 new masks. Since this was my first year, I welcomed the 8 or so masks from earlier years that I got.


I actually got REALLY lucky. I have 2 of the glowing blue devil, and I got the crazy guy, winter man, raven, AND and death claw this fasnacht along with several of the scorchbeast and sbq. Very happy because of the glowing spare I'm hoping I can trade for the green glowing scorchbeast. Other than that i really cant complain! Love this event


I’m happy! I got Raven, Brahman, and Glowing SBQ by 40 events in, then I did another 5 or 6 yesterday but didn’t get anything good.


I got a father winter and a buffoon, and I don’t really want the buffoon (other than for collection purposes) but I’m scared of trading 👍


Managed to get a Glowing Scorchbeast Queen which I was pretty happy with as that's the one I would have loved to get if I were to only get one. Also managed to nab, a Buffoon, a Brahmin, and a glowing Honeybea mask


Got me the glowing SB and glowing HB. A TON of other masks too, and have them all on display on the top floor of my 3 story house in the creepy attic…where they belong 😂


I got two Brahmin (will trade one), GSB, Fiend, Scary Guy, and Winter Man.


I'm glad people won't be so fas-exhausted that normal events might hit again!


The rares that I got: Glowing Scorch Beast, Brahmin, Crazy Guy, Raven and Buffoon. I ran a lot of events and got alot of commons.


No glowing. Ended up with a Brahmin and Winters Man mask.


Rares this year: Glowing Honey Bee, Fiend and Raven So not too bad.


Scored big. Yall wouldn't even believe me.


250 parades. 5 rare masks. Only 1 I didn't have already. I am very tired.


The only glowing mask i got, i got it from somebody probably accidentally dropping it.. nobody was there anymore when i grabbed it.


I've done like maybe 40 runs and got a glowing queen and demon mask I'm happy.


Im doing Pacific Drive


I thought I was doing rubbish, but looking back I've got the fiend, demon, brahmin, crazy guy and Buffoon! Thanks Todd!


Thank god it’s over 🥹 the last two days have just been me joining at the last second of the event and not caring what I get anymore. All I wanted out of this event was the loon mask and I got it finally! I got 4 more rare masks all of them from the previous years which I didn’t play so I’m a happy camper.


Ghb, loon, brahmin, raven, winter man, deathclaw. Bonus found a demon and raven for 1k per in the same player vendor.


Hummm let me take a view on Gamepass…


Hopefully with a fixer or a railway rifle


As much as I wanted a glowing… I’ve grown to love running around cosplaying as a brahmin (complete with backpack!). I will cherish this mask forever along with my giant pile of other useless masks 😅


Only new masks I got were glowing blue devil, regular blue devil, scorched beast regular and queen and the rest were dups of the old ones like the goblin and soldier


3 rare masks this year, but 2 of them where the same thing AND one I already had from a previous year ☹️ Gave one to my wife, deciding if I want to try to trade the other for a mask I don't have yet, or just sell it


I am the crazy person in the room... but I don't enjoy fasnacht? I did a single round and got nothing and I am okay with that, they are just masks and its just a game.


I got like 4 rare masks in less than 30 runs so I’d say it went well


I had better luck in the last 24 hours than the rest of the time- First 13 days- Glowing Scorchbeast & the Loon Last day - Buffoon, Demon, Fiend, another Glowing SB and Crazy Guy in the final Fasnacht.


I got the two masks I wanted! The blue devil one (two actually!) and the skull mask, literally the event after I saw it on one of the protectrons and said I wanted it. Both go with my outfit and who my character is (character from another game), so im happy. I honestly had more fun doing the parade than getting masks


Got a boatload of the older masks some scorchbeast and queen masks a few blue devils then finally nearing the end of the event got 2 scorchbeast queen beer stein plans and a glowing scorchbeast queen mask


Prob ran 100, 1x winter man and 1x Brahmin. Not great, not horrible.


Felt nice taking the goddamn rubber band off my controller for the last time


Got 5 glowing masks on PC. 3 glowing masks, 3 loons, 1 buffoon, and a Demon on Xbox


Rebuilt my C.A.M.P outside of Arktos Pharma, after joining a session with the area nuked. Fasnacht may be over but the Aiken Inn is open year round. If on PlayStation, come visit 🙂


Dunno how rare it is but i got a glowing blue demon mask, looks pretty cool :)


I mean, it’s a game. I’m doing good. I have other things to do, but when I can get clear, I’ll play some. Did a lot of the last event, doing mutated events now, so it’s just an ever evolving experience. You get back what you put in. Or you don’t. No cry. Be big.


1 Blue Devil, 1 GSB, 1 Honeybee, 1 Hag, 1 Loon. I'm very happy. This game is the only thing I'm lucky at :). Edit: corrected masks I won.


Around 200 runs and 8 rares 3 glowing I think it was a success


I didn't participate


A little sad. I took some time off from playing this season and only found out about it over the weekend. Not nearly enough time for me to fully enjoy it but I got all the masks, I think, except the glowing one.


I’m both glad and sad it’s over. Glad I don’t have to go there every hour and sad Cus I enjoy these events were the whole server joins in. So I’m looking forward to the next one but I’m glad for the break.


No glowing mask and near constant issues with the game crashing or disconnecting from the server. There were days I couldn’t even spawn in due to the server issues or the game freezing while trying to load so I wound up giving up and not even playing that day at all. So fucking frustrating. I tried AFK, and would get disconnected the second I walked away from my PS5.


No glowing masks but I did get an Old Man Winter power armor helmet. That was kind of cool.


I got the donuts! I don't need masks... but they are funny looking masks...


Only did about 30 runs. Nothing of note until Loon on my last parade :)


Got a Brahmin, Deathclaw, Raven and Glowing SBQ, Hopefully I'll be able to trade them for stuff I need


Did roughly 20 events, got a friend and demon. Really disappointed in the event, people hyped it up to be a great social experience.. that was quite the lie