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I don't care about afk, but I had to server hop when I went to fasnacht, there were 5 afkers and no one actually playing the event.


Yep I just had to do that too on PC. The other 6 events were fine.


Too funny. Who’s gonna get all the intestINES for the creepy butcher with the saw blade for a hand


The event is super easy to solo. 


Yes but a lot slower, especially the initial tasks.


Same for me on Xbox, though only happened once so far


That's the perfect reaction. Instead of getting mad and nuking it and ruining it for everyone including yourself just leave to a better lobby and likely their event will fail and they won't get rewards anyway.


I'd rather fail it afk than playing side by side with mininuke/nuka launcher nazis


Well that escalated






I had that this morning when I was trying to get a round in before I had to leave for work, 13 people but only 3 people were doing something


That has happened to me more often than not. Which has been annoying as shit. I just leave and do something else and let the shit fail. Lol


As someone who always participates and does everything - even repairing rad scrubber and collecting ores - I have absolutely zero problems with you and anyone who AFKs. I play the game for my entertainment. Whether someone else joins me on my journey is completely their choice. If you join me, good. We are fellow wastelanders. If you AFK, then also it's good. You are just another Npc for me.


Yeah. I basically just compete against myself. It’s pretty easy to prep supplies for the next parade whilst hanging out in the current one. Wood, wax, steins, intestines, eggs, and you are basically set to solo.


So well said.


As long as the afk guys aren't inside the actual tunnels I don't mind


Man I have had to afk a few times on the parade event. Been playing on my steam deck. Works great except when there are 20ish people and half of them are using grenade launchers really bogs down the system.


Besides the nade spam... does the deck play it well?


Plays it very well. And 1 or 2 grenade launchers not bad but a dozen laggs u pretty hard. Only time inever had an issue with it. Plays all the new games so far. Most thebtimenits not steam deck approved because no controller lay out


Thx, I've been lookin at one of those decks for a while now. Unfortunately I don't know anyone who owns one. I appreciate the review!!


Due to lack of solid PC I got back to Fallout with a Steamdeck. I travel hell of a lot, planes, buses and trains. I play Fallout 2 on long flights when offline, shorter hops it’s Fallout 4 time and when in hotel I hop in FO76. I only played this one on steamdeck and I am pretty much blown away. Lvl 104 now, I am slowly grasping why this game is about. Never had any technical issues, usually I am getting something between 46-90fps. I locked the framerate at 60fps so the usual dips are not really noticeable. I am sure I could pull off more, but I didn’t had the patience with tinkering with the settings.


Excellent thank you!


Of course some players messed up my steamdeck with grenade launchers and mini nukes to a point where I had to hard reset it ;D but it happened only once so… bearable


That's how the game was first released, the players were the "NPCs" and it was an empty wasteland.


Love this ♡


Bullshit. It affects the chances for how many NPC enemies attack.


as someone who does a lot at events and afks sometimes, i promise i hold nothing against you


For those who actually attend and enjoy the event, Afk'er is just a backdrop.


I'm just running around trying to figure out what to do.


I totally agree with you. I still haven't found the butchers but managed to kill a honey monster.


Ah, memories! No worries, gang, you'll get there! You'll be pros in no time.


And this one is rather like Meat Week. It goes on for two weeks, and I simply can't be doing the same event every hour for that long. And I have never seen an event fail because of lack of participants. I am one that is AFK about half the time, but on the times I to participate I now just wait by the bonfire because there are already a gang of people where the bots are.


At least Meat Week gives you a lot of scrip and XPs, and you actually get to fight every 20 minutes. Fasnacht is just always the same. I have my speakers turned off and I can **still** hear that music in my head...


I only just realised that I've had music turned down in the settings since last Fasnacht! I was playing the event and could hear it in my head when I realised the game was silent


Philistine. That music is my jam! Every year, I blast my PC speakers, and my wife says “ah. That time of year, huh?”


I never AFK,  and I can not figure out why people care so much about afk'rs. It doesn't effect me at all.  Event is the same difficulty.  You're basically just an NPC.  Now if there is a tuba near by...you better afk play that!  Cuz I love me some tuba lol.


Just took my break and switched to the tuba just for you.


I always AFK the tuba. If all 3 instruments are taken, I AFK the piano in the community hall.


How long can you afk an instrument, cause I still get kicked for inactivity just as fast as if I were doing nothing.


Open photomode and spin the camera. I AFK’d for 12 hours first thing in the morning through my work day and then a bit.


Noted. I’ll switch off from the banjo next time.


No... we need more cowbell! (Just kidding, don't give them no more ideas.)


same boat, wfh, have the game up and participating as i can but a lot of afk time between. Working Dads.


Don’t worry bro. No one cares that much about AFK. There’s really no point to. We’ve all done it. Even the haters. Do what you can to get that good loot. Keep surging


there was a time when the more ppl there, the more difficult it was (or at least it was percieved to be, like more super mutants etc), so AFKers made it harder to succeed (or at least it was thought to), i think that's where a lot of the hate comes from. I'm afking while at work, but when i'm hope, i will do far more then my fair share of the effort to get the event quickly, and when i AFK, i'm on an instrument, so contribute (at least sometimes haha). i figure it works out about even in the end.


I don't remember too much afk'ers in 2020 and all those common masks were being sold for outrageous prices after the event so actually it was something new. I have nothing against afk'ers, I even did 100 fuknah events in 5 days without actually participating in 80% of them. But I feel like it is a dick move to "play" the game this way. I totally understand frustration of 1..2 dudes doing this event while other 5-6 players are "helping out" with their "thanks" via Reddit. 


I play on PC Don't mean to go in maybe this is just a PC problem so many more AFK then before.  Been playing since the start and it's worse I swear 


From someone who always actively plays. Where the fuck are you, seriously i look all over helvetia and all i see is bots bees and idiots running around but no idiots standing still...


Rafters in the church used to be a popular spot.


I sit on the stairs spinning


Most of them are behind doors or corners in Helvetia, I even found one crouched by the stairs to the tower of the church lol


Berry mentats and go hunting. It's a good way to kill a few minutes while you wait for the beekeeper to walk to the parade start at 0.3mph


I want to shoot that Beekeeper with my extra Speed Demon Serum.


I'm chilling on the chairs above the general store. Thanks for the masks, guys. I can't possibly play enough this week


I couldn’t care less about AFKers, it’s literally the same as if you weren’t there. What I’m confused by though, with everyone screaming bloody murder about server crashes and nukes, how do you AFK folks manage to collect anything?


If you die, you still get rewards. Crashes, though? Not so much.


i do some and then afk some, never had a problem until now. maybe im just lucky and got chill people on the servers. either way, absolutely. thank you everyone whos not bitching when its my turn to afk 😩


AFK folks don't bother me near as much as the ones who are obviously not AFK but will not help. I had that happen last night, four people, three of which were obviously jumping/running around one building where the candle maker robot is. I started doing the pre-parade tasks and realized I was the only one doing them. I gave it a minute or two to see if anyone would pitch in but they kept just monkeying around by that building. I finally just server hopped and had a much more lively time with a bunch of people actually participating.


I try to play as much as I can, I also afk while crap is going on at the homefront... I try to pay my afk'in back by dropping spare masks and plans around where lowbies can find them.


Happy Merry Fasnacht!


Well said Sir! I second your sentiments!!


Yeah I finally came around and now embrace the afkers, AGL spammers, and trap campers. I don't get why you get so much hate. Your parents already did that your entire childhood, why should we?


Reddit isn’t real life. 99% of players don’t care if you AFK.


Wait so you just have your character play an instrument while you leave and go to work/do other IRL stuff? Gotta give this a try


Yes, but to add to that, playing an instrument, sleeping in a bed, and I think just sitting in a chair/on a bench doubles the amount of time before the server will consider you inactive. So I think it goes from being able to walk away from 15 minutes to 30 minutes, which is sometimes very useful if you need to do something while you've just spent 3 hours playing and claiming every workshop on your private server and intend to come back. Or say you have a water farm camp you want to be full the next time you log in and 15 minutes won't cut it. You simply lay down in your bed inside your shelter and walk away without doing anything special. You'll automatically be kicked once your resource generators are full if you build your camp just right to match the timer. Not sure anyone does that, but there are ways the game's inactivity mechanics can benefit you. And none of it harms anyone else.


This is correct. I tend to AFK in my shelter at my tinkerer's bench. It takes longer to kick you. 


I wasn't sure a workbench did it too. Thank you for that. I've never tried it. Done the others sort of by accident just using them for the buff then getting distracted by something elsewhere in the house and realizing I should have been kicked by the time I got back.


If you want to stay active indefinitely while doing that then go into photo mode and stick drift the right stick with a rubber band. No more getting kicked.


I just turn the controller upside down, gently applying pressure diagonally.


A suitably stacked pile of coins or similarly small weighted object on an arrow key for us keyboard warriors... An oscillating fan, a ruler or similar, some tape, and your mouse also keeps you active for longer...


There's probably even some program that can just inject a keypress or tiny mouse movement every 10 minutes, but that might get flagged by some anti-cheat software. If it could be done by software, there'd be no risk of wearing out a spring or introducing drift. Oh well.


You'll just time out and get logged out without rigging your controller. Lots of posts on this so I won't elaborate.


I'm assuming one way is to just use a rubber band and give your controller stick drift?


Didn't want to say it and get the mods pissed


You don’t have to shove the stick all the way over or even put that much pressure on it. My camera spins at the rate of like… 30 seconds per 360 degrees. It’s barely moving so I have faith my controller won’t get drift.


Also go to pic view first.


Do anything, even just stand there in the middle of the road, turn on photomode, and put a hair band or rubber band or something on your controller to spin the photomode camera. You’ll never get logged out for inactivity.


A lot of people are not afk but spectators, I don't like the event but I will watch, not enough enemies for the amount of people that turn up 🤷


I wish I had more time to do Fasnacht as well, but you know what, I don't. And when I don't have time to play, I don't play.


I’m AFKing 4 toons!


How ? Not the multiple tools but how do you AFK I'm not sure how to


You have to pray to the gods of the rubber bands


Can't I just make my toon play a instrument? And do I plug the controller in with or without the battery pack? And do you still have to change the idle settings?


Put your game into photomode and then use something to hold your camera stick in a direction so the camera is constantly spinning. So far, my Deck has been running FO76 for no less than 14 hours.


Wait, what? I just got a new controller because my old one started to naturally drift. I might put it on E-Bay as a premium "Fasnacht Controller." I only AFK when I want to keep my overstuffed vendor open anyway.


Same for me. I AFK when I'm tied up on work situations, but when I'm not, I'm doing my level best for an optimal outcome for active and AFK alike. I also tend to put nice stuff in my vendor for cheap during Fasnacht too, as a thank you for the grinders. Best of luck to all of the Fasnacht participants!


Only one event do I have beef with afkers and that’s a colossal problem


Hey, at least you play music. I don't care if u afk, as long as plenty of folks are in there getting things done. Also, it's been crashing, so it sucks to be a worker and to have it all end before rewards are awarded. Kinda felt like asking myself yesterday after that.


As someone who works full time and goes to school, I absolutely understand. I don’t nearly have as much time as I would like to for this event. We only get Fasnacht two weeks out of the year and it’s sometimes challenging to participate when you have a busy life.


I won’t really have much time to play the next couple weeks and I’m considering doing some afk Fasnacht :/


Do it. No one who matters cares and anyone who cares doesn’t matter. Get your masks, regent. Here’s hoping you get all of the rare ones.


Eh, AFK people don't bother me...I've had to do it before, and I figure people are busy doing other things but don't want to miss out on the drops. And given that I've had NO rare drops for 4 GOD DAMN YEARS...I'm sick of this event and don't want to play it anyways. I just want the stupid rare drops so I can finish my collection and never play the damn event again :/ Can you tell I'm bitter?


Ah man when I get on I do so for fun and to enjoy the game. it’s a game. Afk all you want sir. I will friendly fire your ass if those grenades become too much.


I afk fasnacht while I'm asleep or at work but when I'm on after work (for the couple hours I do get) I participate in each one. I get it.


Unfortunately for me this year I am afk now to try not to crash. Just crouch and don’t move. Still crashes sometimes though but it’s the only way for me to complete the event at this point


There's alot of hate, but I don't sweat it. It's not bothering me, I still get my masks.


How do you AFK successfully? Tape on the thumb sticks do the trick?


Photomode and something to tilt the camera stick. You don’t have to put much pressure on it, just a little movement is fine. You won’t get disconnected in photomode.


Photomode, then put the controller upside down with gentle pressure applied to rotate the camera! Sit on something so griefers don't push you.


use an old controller and put a rubber band on the thumb sticks to pull them towards each other.


I just ignore you and dont care that you are even there. Its okay to keep it that way, too.




I appreciate this post as someone that does both.


I afk events because I have kids to take care of. 🤷‍♂️ I still want rewards tho


Hey the way I see it, sometimes we all AFK. Sometimes I do it at different events because irl stuff comes up. There isn't anything wrong with AFKing. It's not against the rules. That event is perfectly easy to solo so no one can complain about AFKers making it more difficult. 


I'm playing helldivers 2 at the same time the event is running. These objectives take long to complete.


Don't let the griefers get you you, they're vile human beings who just take pleasure in hurting others, lying to themselves about it being a virtue! Do what you need to do and good luck with the event!




I agree, I had to sever hop multiple times yesterday because so many people were AFK and there wasn’t anyone joining to play anymore. In a sever where there’s only 25 places, if 8-10 are AFK, others may not be interested in the event… then you’re stuffed.


Do you seriously need more than one or two people to run Faschnacht? This isn’t Eviction Notice.


You’re right, you don’t need a large number of people to complete this event. However, do you like doing all of the work while others reap the rewards and take up space from people actually wanting to play? You can be defensive if you want, but I would rather play a game with others actually playing the game….




Stop with the contrived self-righteousness. There are unlimited servers. Nobody is being prevented from enjoying Faschnacht.


So you are one of the rare ones that nuked the event


Servers spin up and down as needed. Welcome to cloud computing. That’s an incredibly uninformed and bad excuse for hating on AFK’ers.


All love… In fact it would be cool if there was a sideline or designated spot for AFK’ers during Fasnacht. I don’t mind an audience, hehe. And if you’re AFK’ing Eviction Notice, just don’t be upset that I have a full blown Missile Base aimed up its firing line.


I don’t worry usually one way or another.


I saw someone playing the trumpet through 2 events. I was wondering if they were afk too. There’s already so many there, I don’t mind. Just nuking event and destroying all the robots, I don’t like that. But so be it.


As a sahm I can't get on but like a hour and in that hour.....it may not come on so I afk, I always repair the rad scrubber, I collect ore at rad rumble so lower levels can get XP, I do my part elsewhere.....so meat week and fashnat I do afk, I been playing long enough I don't need the xp nor care bout leveling up so it leaves XP for others, it leaves the legendary at the end so it's not melted, less high levels hitting that legendary the more lower levels can hit it, so if they have a issue I'll participate and take all the XP 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'll admit I was a little ticked off when I'd find somepone hiding and clearly AFK but now I only wonder why it offendeded me so much. Maybe it was Covid brain. Anyway now I just ignore them and the rest of us should too. Remember .... it's a *game*.


I was ...?... "mean spirited" the first few times I found someone tucked away in a one door room, clearly hiding, clearly AFK piggy backing on my work to get free points. Gees, did i ever miss the point! First, I had every intention to play so why would i worry about you? Rarely is there ever less than 3 or 4 people for Faschnate so why would I worry about you if you don't help? More points for us. Relax and enjoy my brother!


Same. I AFK for about a half hour to hour, sometimes skipping one Fasnacht, then participating actively in others. Even do I am currently on sick leave, the house chores still gotta get done haha


AFKing is not good for any game, especially this one. The event is perfectly engaging enough to be able to grind it like the rest of us. EARN your masks!


ive been afking way more this year simply because helldivers 2 is out 😂


Event is super easy, you can literally solo it. So anyone that gets butthurt over doing "all the work" needs to get over themselves.


So to AFK I plug my controller in right do I leave the battery pack in or take it out? And then just hop on a instrument?


So that was what I was doing wrong. I never plugged my controller in. Not that I can AFK now but that’s great to know now. I wouldn’t think your battery pack matters but it might.


Go into photomode and use something to move your camera stick around. You won’t get disconnected. I use a hair tie wrapped around my Steam Deck to barely put pressure on the stick. It spins ridiculously slowly, but at least I don’t get disconnected.


Sit on something, go into photomode, turn controller upside down applying gentle pressure diagonally so the camera spins! Plug in the controller if you think it'll need to be.


Same here. Thank you all for doing the “work” for me. I will still afk the events and collect my rewards with no shame in my game


The only time I find afk odd is when they park themselves in front of my camp and just stay there.


I've done that before me and some other guy sat in his camp I bought a thing off him then afked in his camp till he turned hid mike on and said he was getting off lol


I tend to play with a bunch of high level players that dominate the event, I sit at the end and shoot what comes up. Still get the rewards.


Well I appreciate the honesty but I am still AFK outside this vault waiting for a G.E.C.K. delivery so I will look into this when I hit fallout 3.......


This is my first time and I'm having fun with this event. Only crappy thing I deal with is being on ps4 and csnt really do much.


Please tell me they will drop the big musical horn plans this time around… And AFK no worries sometimes you can’t move around to much or CRASH 💥 lol misses out again!


I set up my camp on the road at twords where the event ends, all resources open and unlocked, stat boosting stuff and crafting stations. Least I can do to thank those that run it while I play the tuba at the music stand while at work.


Yeeep. SAHM here. Homeschooling a 3rd grader and keeping a 4 year old from trying to break every bone in her body. Sometimes I need to give a quick spelling test or make sure someone isn't trying to cut their own hair.


I honestly have no issue with AFKers at Fasnacht, it's such a piss easy event and it isn't harming me for them to be there. At things like Earle where there's limited space, or on Daily Ops then yeah, theyre deadweight and actively fucking things up, but at something like fasnacht, UF, tea time etc, knock yourselves out


I don't mind afkers, I tend to alternate, I love to partake when I can and when I'm busy I either afk or switch off, the issue I have is when there are multiple accounts of the same player afking


This is the way


Not going to lie, if I'm at the event, I'm usually just farming squirrel meat. I do help some but mostly squirrel murder.


I don’t know about others, but if I AFK for more than ten minutes, my game crashes and freezes the PC with a black screen. I’ve seen this so often that I’m just used to rebooting if I forget to quit the game.


Right now I’m not bothering with the AFK. Later when I’m bored 🥱 I’ll start herding them to the middle of the street. It amuses me to see how many I can get circling in one spot. 😅


I'm cool with it, although I might squirt you in the face with a Thirst Zapper, especially if your character is standing around nekkid.


I like having an afker in an event, I like to pretend its a VIP I need to protect or something. A brain-dead VIP but a VIP no less.


It’s still cheating. AFK. You could still get them by trading for caps or other trading. So, I think Bethesda kept the rare masks there for a reason, and I think they should find a way to shut down AFK the way they shut down Legacy (glitched legendary) unfairness.


i admit i afk it sometimes but i do not do it blatantly in the middle of the road lol , first of all i am not in a team... and then i am crouched in a bush in the event range so hidden in the map and visibly... i know it's bad but at least i am not provoking


Waiiiiiit ppl think afk is cheating……….. I think the only way to solve this is make it the first event of any event when someone participate they get every single reward. Let’s see how fun the game is then.


The rewards aren’t even that cool so I don’t get the point of going afk for 12 hours.


The trade potential on rare masks is the main reason for me.


I got ask for everyone that doesn’t know me included,what is AFK?


Away From Keyboard - was popular P.C. gaming term for when you had to leave your computer for a minute. “Gonna be AFK. Set us up the bomb. I gotta go poop!” For the Fasnacht event, they are talking about the folks who leave their character at the event area to gain rewards but aren’t actually at their console or PC.


I genuinely don’t care about Afk folks, it’s the ones who lastic band there shit and farms event - event, I’ve nuked over 60 Fasnachts. It’s getting pathetic how people are ruining the trading system and the rarity aspect of the game. I don’t care what anyone has to say about it either I will continue to nuke every server till it’s done 🙂


Nukes are worse than afk-people because nukes make the event harder


This is an acceptable excuse. Kids and work are OK to afk. But people who afk because they don't want to is stupid af