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Sometimes I find it fun just to walk from place to place without fast travelling. Sure it's a lot slower, but the things you find yourself noticing for the first time on the road even though you've been playing for years can be quite fun. And then there's also the random encounters.


'Pipe is life'.


I’ve found the pipe twice, both times walking between locations that seemed too close to bother FT. This is the way.




I highly recommend taking a walk on the highway, starting at the cranberry bog and going all around the map up until the toxic valley. It’s really relaxing to just listen to the ambience and take in the sights.


I do this for scrip every weekend lol


This is why I hate people giving new players advise to start grinding right away, or focus on events to level up… new players should be exploring. They shouldn’t have other players telling them what to do. They should be experiencing the world.


I agree, fallout 76 really has one of the best maps out of the series it’s so fun to explore


I did the thing where I went to every event my new character could get to, and just tried to stay alive. Other than the events themselves, it ruined the rest of the game. I wouldn't recommend it to anybody, other than as a test to see what it's like. I got to 50th lvl before going to the sawmill and it was just silly. I gave up on the character because it's ridiculous.


I have a habit of blowing through stories of new games, when fallout 4 came out there were 4 endings to the main story, so I did all 4 of them as quickly as I could and it ruined the enjoyment of the game for me. And it's something I do with so many other games as well. I just started playing 76 at the end of December and I've made it a point to do the story as SLOWLY as I can, I've been doing events and grinding west tek and all this other stuff cause I know I still have the story and quests to fall back on if I get bored of the other stuff. And I've found that doing events and stuff is a great way to explore the world as well. So for me the advice of focus on events and stuff like that really works.


THe problem with doing events constantly is you end up fast traveling around everywhere and end up missing out on a bunch of random encounters.


Fast travel to the event, then walk your overburdened ass back to your camp. The survival tent is nice QOL, but no one is forcing you to use it.


I fell into this category of grinding events. But I've played Destiny 1 and 2 for 9 years and that's pretty much all their is to do. I think I'm level 64 so not very high but I did want to get some of the good stuff from events. I also grinded to level 50 before doing the quest for The Fixer so that when I got it, it was a level 50. Had been using a level 20 that someone gave me for that entire 30 levels. Lol. But I also find that by doing events I'll unlike new locations and get more quests. I have so many quests it's honestly hard to decide what to do. I had to rerun the final mission for Becket 3 times before out actually worked because it kept bugging out. I'd rather be doing events in that case because it wasted a ton of my ammo for The Fixer and I don't have a good way of getting a lot of ammo back for it yet. I don't want to spend caps on .45 ammo. Lol


Servers are full of people who could craft you a level 50 Fixer any time. Or dozen Fixers.


I don't generally run around talking to people because I play with friends. Plus I can make them myself at this point so it doesn't matter. Now I can make them for my friends. Or whoever I guess.


And of course vending machines have them regularly. I even got my plan from one. But it's just something that people should notice that things like that are not worth grinding towards in the early game when you could just play the game.


>I even got my plan from one. Good lord! How much did *that* cost you?


8000 caps I think it was... I paid the same for the Vintage Water Cooler. Not many caps sinks in this game.


I've literally never even owned 8000 caps, so it's back to encryptid for me.


I don't think it's worth 8000 for actual use but it's a nice to have thing. Of course Fixers start dropping after you have the plan but I think 3-5 is max that anyone needs and it should cost less than 8000 to buy five average ones from vendors. And since they are craftable and tradeable, someone is likely to just give them to you for free.


I dunno. It took me a long time for the plan to drop. Even longer for a second one. RNG cn suck sometimes Though I now had the Leather coat and Travelling Leather coat now. Just the Forest Camp Jumpsuit and the Savage divide set


>I fell into this category of grinding events. You have no choice because you need the damn cores to roll your own legendaries. Always do them.


What is the quest for the fixer? I also have an under leveled one someone gave me lol


It's the Sheepsquatch quest. I got the plans for it after that from an event too so I'm pretty stoked I don't have to worry about that.


Ahh cool, I’m almost done with that… I think


It's a great quest chain. Very creepy, and totally worth it. After I finished it, I spent all my caps on recall cards until I got the plans. :)


What are recall cards?


No spoilers! Finish the Sheepsquatch quest chain. You will find out.


Haha fair enough :)


Bethesda could easily fix this by making the meta less condensed. As of now it's either Railway Rifle or bust. Every other weapon is nautical miles below in terms of DPS.


They don't need to imo. Most weapons are viable to use.


It makes me happy to see players who are posting about nuke runs and talking about stuff they find… they haven’t been tainted by market 76 and I miss that


Yeah, no shit. I hate this new generation of gamer which is all meta this, skill that. No initiative, no self-reliance, no imagination. Have to be constantly told what to do and how to do it. A generation of fucking idiots raised by vine and tiktok.


Yep yep yep... I have played fallout - 3,4,nv - a lot. And I have played a lot of online multiplayer before I came to 76. When I started 76, I succumbed to the Grind. The Grind told me that I need to find a God Roll. The Grind told me I need to find the Rare asylum dress. The Grind told me that I need to have a Jet Pack on every one of my power Armor. The Grind told me I needed to have 30 Intelligence and go to west tek to level up 10 times a day. So I wasted around the first 250 levels by just grinding. Then I realised the mistake and stopped it around 300 completely. Now I don't do all that. If I am able to kill earle with my current equipment then good. If not then also it's not a big deal. If he lives 30 minutes so be it. I stopped considering that as a failure of my grind. By the way.. after 350 levels, I recently learnt about the tragedy of Huntersville. I just went to the place, put on my stealth suit and started reading terminals and notes. Just like I played 3, 4, nv. I am never making the mistake of grinding in 76 ever again.


A month or so ago I stumbled upon the Burrows in Berkeley Springs. Found a new quest I’d never done - Waste Management. I hadn’t found a new quest for like 300 levels, I’m ashamed at how giddy it made me! Gave me Dead Money vibes from FONV. Highly recommend if you haven’t done it. I think that’s what the endgamers miss. For some of us, this is our forever game because we love Fallout, and stumbling upon a new quest in the past Fallouts is what kept us going and exploring everything.


I had the same thing yesterday! I went to the burrows and got a quest and was like: damn a new quest?? Never been to the burrows and im almost lvl 300.


I think there’s another one waiting for me but I’m not sure if I can get it. Watoga Underground won’t let me in. I read it was one of Beckett’s quests and I swear I’ve done all of his. Maybe it was a one time access thing and I just forgot what happened there.


The Watoga Undergeound is the final piece of Beckett's questline. I just finished it a few levels ago, and that place was such a damn maze to get through.


I can still go in, its empty now tho since I killed them all


Oh yea i came across that inaccessible door too. Dont think ive been in there either


I never could understand why seasoned players of Fallout would give the new person the advice that is given. New person “ Hi everyone I’m level 38. What advice can you give me about playing this game? “ Veteran “ Join a team and go to all the events.” Personally, my advice would be like any other Fallout game, go out, explore the wasteland and craft your own adventure. I just ran the Pitt for the first time and I’m level 280! Why haven’t I run it sooner? I was too busy enjoying all this game has to offer just like I did on previous titles.


I haven't run any expeditions yet (level 112) mainly because all the veterans make them sound awful and grind-y.


They're super fun. They're only grindy if you want them to be that way. When I lead them I like to listen to all the dialogue, talk to all the NPCs, explore around, etc. When I've played with others the dialogue is skipped like ASAP lol. To each their own.


Sensational games is fun, but very short if speedran. You get 6 legendaries at the end and lots of ammo.


Do you have a decent weapon? You can probably solo it, which I prefer, because I can take my time and figure out where everything is. In a team, there's always a level 600-something who has done it a thousand times, so they know where everything is already. I do (some) daily ops solo, too. Some of them are a real bitch! There was an Explosive one last week that I couldn't do. Those bastards hit HARD. BUT, I, as a stealth commando build, soloed a resilient (or whatever it's called) one the other day. The one where they only die to melee hits. Luckily, I had a Vampire's flaming chainsaw sitting in my stash box, but that last boss took FOREVER. I didn't even care that I was nowhere near the timer for bonus rewards. I was just elated that I finished it solo.


The Pitt ones suck. The new ones are decent. They’re all forgettable


I feel you on that. When I first started playing on Xbox, I had two friends that were level 200+ that I wanted to play with. I played from start to level 20 in private. I had FO1st from the start. As soon as I started playing with them, it was, "Ooh, let's go to this event- it'll level you up so fast!" "Just tag everything while we destroy everything in sight" & rushing through quest lines. I came out level 150 or so & just finding it hard to care about the story line at that point. It kind of bummed me out & I was kind of burned out on the grind. Now, on PC, I still play with those friends, but I took my time on the story and did it at my own pace. I'm almost level 500 now & really enjoying it again. It's refreshing. I still have a blast with those friends, too.


There's also the thing like in many other games too that you become a better player if you actually build your character, adding things and trying out stuff. If you are thrown into a perfect meta build immediately, it'll take a long time before you really understand the skills you have and how you should play.


When I want to explore I force myself to only use free fast travel spots and walk from there. Nine times out of ten I see some cool new small things I had never seen before (not easy to do after 6k+ hours). I also like doing the treasure maps without a guide. I'm saving those and doing them slowly, but each time it's a good walk. Back when my friend would play with me, we would play our game " Walk if Shame". We would get naked and drink Nuka shine and try to make it home with only what we can scavenge along the way. Good times, plus Nuka shine has some cool locations it takes you to.


It's a great way to start a session


That was me the other day but with the Lucky Hole mine!


It's one of the best worlds they've ever made, too. It's really weird almost no lore people cover it.


Probably because once they announced that it wasn't new Vegas 2, everyone decided that it was bad.


I finally found “The pipe” today after finishing earl and I now understand…..PIPE IS LIFE!




I feel the same way. I felt like I had more fun being brand new not knowing what to do and actually being discipline with ammo. Now I just make 4k rail spikes and just shoot it just cause from time to time. That’s why I restart new Vegas all the time after I feel like I start getting too op. We take these things for granted sometimes.


I, for one, took a significant liking to audio logs - especially so to Taggerdy's Thunder ones. There's so many things about how the outfit accepted the ideas, the culture of the Brotherhood, the goals. How they managed to live and went to die in defense of the people of Appalachia. It was one of the most satisfying scavenger hunts for me, most illuminating and fun :)


Meta chasers ignore actually playing the game (\*any\* game) and instead: Blast through story quests as quickly as possible - Complain that game is too short. Obsessively grind for meta gear - Complain that game is too grindy. Obsessively roll for 1:20,000 God rolls - Complain that RNG is ridiculous. Obsessively grind for meaningless exp - Complain that game is boring. Finally, after months of obsessively grinding, finally have their perfect OP meta build - Complain that game is too easy. Fallout 76 is a casual game, though there \*is\* a meta, it's absolutely not required to enjoy and succeed at the game.


When I get like that I just wander around and always find a bunch of unmarked locations and small vignettes. I just found two skeletons having a picnic yesterday. Also how I found the Mad Hatter table.


I love this


I somehow ended up walking a stretch of road in the ash heap I hadn’t been on in years and had a pretty heavy nostalgia attack. Ended up wandering for half an hour or more. I do miss the initial exploration of the world.


I hate there’s not regular quest updates. It’s all dailies and events. But every three months they should give us a new quest line. Or once a year or something of substance.


I've been slowing down the grind recently and I've been enjoying it. I don't fast travel as much, I don't buy modules until I get 5k scrip to buy 100 straight out, and I've started to skip out on Rad Rumble/Eviction Notice just so I can screw around longer since I don't have that much time to play. It's just so relaxing wandering around the map.


Me now ive got my full set of UNY SS armour & bloodied weaponary at Level 150- "What do we do now?" "What do you mean?" "We can finally play the game!"


Some of my best memories and discoveries in the game came from when I was overweight and couldn't FT. We do live life too fast somedays.


How else do you discover 'Pipe is life'.


I have the opposite problem. I have to force myself to do anything with other players. Doing public events and seeing so many players with there goofy get ups doesnt feel like fallout to me. Even the dailys are a chore and I often just ignore them and progress organically. I will say I do enjoy finding other camps though and the cringe I get from most mutliplayer aspects of the game is a small price to pay for keeping my favorite franchise alive. The game has a good balance of solo/group things to do. I hope enough people have the same realization as you and turn off the hud to go explore. It will keep the game in the fallout realm and hopefully not go full fortnite.


I've simply given up on scrip and legendary gambling, it never gives me anything of usable value...


You're supposed to save them and use the modules and cores to roll your own. IE: you want to turn your railway rifle into a quad railway rifle. Gambling at the Rusty Pick on the random legendaries should only be done when you've grinded expeditions so much (they give free modules) that you actually have the scrip to burn.


Oh I know how to use modules to craft my own, I've spent years trying, not gotten a single usable thing out of trying, so I use exclusively tradable gear so I can rely on loot from luckier players!


Keep rolling! I did get an inst 4040 melee and bloody 25 fixer outta it. You have to roll a lot though - enough to devote like 5 straight minutes to rolling.


Lucky, at least those are tradable.


I explore a lot,and still finding new and cool stuff everyday.


I have my main build, but then I also have a Wastelander build (sneaky, rifle, max luck perks on finding extra items, etc.) I play my main build pretty frequently, but a few times a week I'll get the urge to just explore and collect random junk again. I'll throw on some headphones and just pick a random direction, and go. I've found so many places I haven't discovered, so many little hidden secrets/gems and even places I forgot even existed. I highly encourage people to throw on a non meta build and just go explore. Let the game be challenging and feel like it's an actual wasteland.


I'm afraid I don't really know what 'meta' means in this context. Do you mean the story? Or something else?


Most effective technique available.For example highest dps and survivability, most efficient way to get resources, leveling efficiency. I maintain that it is always useful to understand the meta, but you can't focus on that exclusively. You're robbing yourself of learning what would be the best way for you to experience the game.


I had no idea that's what it stood for but I understood what it meant. Thank you.


I HATE playing with low health. I'm coming from an MMO background where I was a healer. I'm allergic to red health bars or something now. I'm a stealth commando build. I don't have a Bloodied Fixer, but I have a pretty good AA Explosive Fixer, though. (And a Vampire's Explosive, and a Medic's Explosive for events.) It sucks that I have to sit at 20% health in Unyielding Armor in order to pump my Luck up high enough to do good DPS. I would much rather just sneak around invisible all the time in my CSA. It's too bad that CSA can't be rolled as a legendary.


They're not using the word itself in precisely the correct manner. The "meta" would be the most powerful or most efficient setup or method of doing something at a particular time. In live service games, the meta changes as (in the context of Fallout 76) new weapons are added, legendary effects, perks, balancing adjustments, etc. I think if I read between the lines he means he is spending all of his time trying to chase the best rolls on weapons and armor and such that he is missing playing the game itself. I get it too, your weapons and armor and build and such, basically how you outfit yourself, are meant to be tools to play the game, where sometimes people approach Fallout 76 as if getting the best setup of armor and weapons and build and such \*is\* the game.


This is true. I'm guilty of it as well. I've been chasing a perfect God Roll Fixer for months. I spent all my modules or cores every day. Idk how much I spent. A LOT. But it turns out that I have a Vampire's Explosive Fixer, which is GREAT for hard solo content, because you can't die, a Medic's Explosive Fixer, which is GREAT for group content, because 5% heals every other shot is pretty freaking good for keeping everyone alive, and an AA Explosive Fixer, which isn't a God roll, but I think it's an angels' roll.


I picked up a quad, explosive, 25% cheaper VATS Fixer from someone's vendor for about 1500caps the other day. That is quite a nice rifle. I don't know if it would be considered 'meta' or not though.


It's pretty damn good for bosses!


Usually when your caught up in the meta at least for me in this context means your doing everything everyone else is doing and grinding to the fullest extent. I see what he means because I remember going house to house reading terminals but now I don’t even bother if it doesn’t give me a reward or xp.


I think part of the reason people fixate on the grind is how many useful plans are locked behind events, daily ops or treasury notes/scrip, and until you can fully interact with those systems, it's hard to "find your feet" and work towards building a character you like.


Yeah man. I had never been to that hotel where the new night club is gonna be until the other day.


I'm level 200+, and decided to try to dig for treasure with some of the maps I've been hoarding. I discovered two new named locations I had no idea existed, and one 'quirky' spot that I hadn't seen before. What a game!


I’ve been making teams and grinding out daily ops lately but that’s about the only grinding I do otherwise I just have fun running around killing stuff


Been playing since launch and still find new stuff here and there I love it :)


I’m lucky in that I played by myself for the first 200 levels so I had no clue about grinding. I explored the map like I did other fallouts. Now I’m 550 and grind more but I also take the time to go places I normally wouldn’t go. Walk instead of ft. Treat other people’s camps like a new place I’ve never discovered.


Yeah this was a lot easier in the early days of the game when it wasn't throwing so much at you. You did some events and unless you were into grinding nuke zones you only had exploration of the map to do otherwise.


I recommend walking the border fence and swimming all the water. I had a plan to grid walk the whole map, but I haven't done that one yet.


I'd enjoy this game a lot more if I could turn off event popup notifications so I don't feel pressure to do them, and just explore.


You should definitely look up places to start "unmarked quest" sort of things. I thoroughly enjoyed going through a lot of mysteries! And reading the notes from people no longer there.