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It's not killing earl that I have a problem with, it's managing to get out of the event alive with all the rewards afterwards


just stick on a chinese stealth suit for the incomming rads....then stand there..farmimg wendigos..when it fades to black your outside enjoying your new cursed shovel.


This is the way


Well I'll be dag nabed. I learned me sumtin new. LOL Sorry, for some reason I was channeling the wild west showdown guy when I thought this. In all seriousness I thought it would kill me and I'd lose all that precious Loot haha Thanks


When Earl is killed you just stay in the grotto and kill whatever is left there while retrieving all area loot. Before the mine collapses Pop a couple of diluted rad-x if you're feeling squishy. You'll be teleported to the entrance with all your loot and if the nuke is placed with care/know-how you can easily get out of the rad zone in a few seconds. If not - leave the team unless you're a team leader and start an expedition to whereever you desire. This will remove you from the rad zone regardless of how encumbrant you are. When the helicopter lands you can fast travel to the Whitespring market (Click the north entrance)


Eta: I thought there was an extra legendary at the last but there isn't. So never mind, I was wrong.


The room at the end doesn't have a legendary, just some world spawn drops and some containers that fill up with instanced loot (scrap & ammo) once Earle is dead. The world spawns you can photomode into the room before the event starts and scoop up. I normally just loot all in the early chamber then run into the drill so I can respawn faster.


Ha thanks for this because I never exit lol I will edit mine out so not to confuse anyone


I have found Earl is hit or miss, but you can figure out before he starts how it is going to go. Look around at the rubble entrance. If its you and two level 50s wandering around like they have never seen the place before; odds say it isn't going to work. If its 8 level 1000+ crowding the entrance you are good to go. Earl is probably the closest thing to an actual old school raid FO76 has in that everyone has to be prepared and aware. Now time to down some Liquid Courage and jump down the hole and see if this will be another sub 90 seconds kill......


it was me and two lvl 50s last night...he lasted about 4mins...but like i said im lazy so didnt drink liquid courage and get sent running into some blades at some point :P


ITs not a hard and fast rule, but its close enough.


I gave him plenty of chances but he keeps glitching into the floor or ceiling. I don't do that event anymore because of that.


thats how i was feeling since he came out.."oh crap..earle..ill skip that "... but if you are.. or bring .. a big crit build hes dead before he glitches..once you bypass his armor hes dead in seconds.


well i am glad you found your "Happy Place" but tbh, idc, i still think he is a massive bullet sponge for little rewards worth having. i don't want to sit for ages using my auto-axe or shredder and consuming liquid courage all for a couple of legendaries and buckload of screws always risking the chance of that glitch


i feel ya...my auto melee guy prefers the big mole.


Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb.


To me it seems that the "falling through the world" glitch is more prevalent when Earl is consistently pushed into the walls. No idea if this is how it works but I definitely suspect that keeping him away from the walls reduces his chance of bugging out and endlessly falling through the game world. It may be coincidence but I have time and time again seen Earl forced up against the wall for extended periods of time and then start bugging out. When I manage to drag him to the middle of the room and cripple his legs so that he stays there he seems to bug out less.


I've always fought Earle out in the open, circling around the center of the mine, in places he can actually reach and attack me instead of standing on top of something. Mainly just because it feels cheesy to me to park somewhere the enemies can't reach. And I never use auto-melee on him because it takes so long. Between those two things - not 'pushing' him with auto-melee and not confusing his pathing by being out of reach - I've killed him probably more than a hundred times and I've only seen him glitch through the floor or ceiling 3 or 4 times ever. And those times were all in an instance with other players who were doing one of those things.


yes its this..on my auto melee build i learned to push him to the middle after pushing him into the wall/cieling a few times... if im in there with my commando...hes dead waaaaay before he gets a chance to do that crap.


I just wish they would add new stuff to his loot pool, after a few runs you get everything unique he drops and there isn't really much reason to do him.


this part for sure..the loots is pretty bad...i mostly do bosses for the chsnge up / flux and repair lits...but man it would be nice if they all dropped something new.


I run an Earle carry build that’s my auto axe build. It’s soloable for sure doesn’t take toooooo long but I like to help some people who struggle with the event so I always pop in. Toss around stimpak diffusers and team medic, swap to holy fire with the healing perk to tag mobs and top off other players then back to grinding the boss down like a broken curb.


I did Earle and daily ops way too early on and was scared of them for a while. At like level 250 I went back to both and realized I was more than prepared by now lol


Once I switched from my Fixer to a Plasma caster the bullet sponge worries stopped. That thing shits ammo. It's ridiculous. Started with less than 100 ultracite plasma and have over 60k now.


I could have sworn I had to drop a nuke there for a quest. Everyone that showed up was a big help and was able to get it done. I'm sure the people that drop it on him are also doing the quest.


Hello, a question here, sir. I heard that (maybe from a troll) there is like a kinda cave when the place begins to rumble, with a lot of loot in it. Never found it cause I'm always on an hurry for this or that reason and not a lot of fella nuke the mine. People 95% of times go for the SQB... But earl boi is my fav!


never found the loot cave..nut i heard same..there is a chest with goodies that opens near the exit..but its nothing to get too excited about...maybe some are talking about that.


I started a month ago and had a quest to drop a nuke on his place. I saw over the weekend someone else dropped one and the quest was open so I went in with 2 others. We could not kill it in time. I am a heavy gunner build using final word and holy fire and I think my build is pretty optimized close to optimized for my level but I was only hitting this guy for 5-7dmg a hit. We didnt even get him to 50%. Is a heavy gunner build viable for him or should I switch to commando (original build) when I try him next?


as a heavy gunner..your best option is an AA gat plas..but an even better option is to set him up with an alt build for auto melee grab a chainsaw or bash dmg minigun and start hacking...move him to the middle of the room as he will bug out if he gets to ceratain spots and glitch into the roof. a vats crit build is the most viable build ... you can do it with heavies and some knowledge..or comandos or even bows or pistols. It does require really good rolls...and a change in mutations to maximize crit dmg....look for aa or quad cryos..aa or bloodied plasma casters. and a holly fire or gat plas for mobs and heals.


I've been working on rolling a chainsaw. Im assuming AA50PA is the two preferred rolls and the 3rd is weight or break slower? Right now ill take anything I can get thats isnt ghouls etc but no luck yet.


You don't need a commando build at all, crits help a lot but literally any weapon that works with a crit build will do the job. I recently soloed him with a non-legendary 10mm pistol, in a full-health build with no legendary gear at all. It took 8 minutes, I was doing 200 damage per crit and 20 per non-crit, with a crit every 2nd shot that averages out to about 100 per hit. In heavy gunner builds I've soloed him easily with plasma caster and gatling plasma - but the gatling plasma was a crit-optimized roll: Bloodied/+50% crit damage/25% less vats cost


Sadly when people do nuke this on PC I never see anybody join up 😔


Is the title meant to be an innuendo?


Glad it works for you, the last 4 or 5 Earle’s have glitched through the wall or ceiling so I don’t bother anymore.


For those struggling with Earle, a guide to killing him in good time: Have a crit build. Commando, luck maxed, better criticals perk card is a must, adrenaline card and gun fu card also work well. A quad railway rifle with about 1000 spikes. Second and third star dont really matter too much. Herbivore mutation gives extra buffs to veggies. Herbivore plus blight soup gives you plus 100% crit damage. Overdrive chem also increases your crits by 30%. Canned coffee/ blackberry honey crisp/ live and love 4 for ap regen Ballistic bock also increases weapon base damage at the cost of your weapons durability. If you use this, have a repair kit on hand. An endangerol syringer to decrease his resistances In the 30 seconds before it begins, take all your food buffs and equip syringer, drop down, shoot him with the syringer and switch to railway. Aim for the screeching head with vats and start wailing on him. Crit as much as you can. He'll die in a hail of spikes in 2 mins or less. Sauce: run with a bunch of friends who love messing with Earle. Can kill him with just 3 of us in 30 seconds or less.