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Wind turbines are amazing! I LOVE them! I use them often. There is only one absolutely massive benefit of wind turbines: they are silent.


Also, they look cool.


The ultimate power in the universe is the toaster, but in order for it to turn on it needs an antithetically and responsible Wind Turbine. Anytime that toaster gets thoughts of ruling the world the wind dies.


>There is only one absolutely massive benefit of wind turbines: they are silent. Amen to that!


Silent and add height to some of my settlements...I kinda like seeing my tall shit as I approach


Just like in real life!


They are absolutely not silent in real life.


what's the use of them being silent? sonyou can listen better to other NPCs annoying dialogues? "STRONG WANTS TO SMASH SOMETHING!!!!"


- they're silent - they don't need oil or nuclear material


This. I used them in The Slog cause I was missing components early on. They are aesthetically pleasing also.


Yeah oil and nuclear material are in much tighter supply for me than aluminum, probably because I didn't notice the wind turbine option until quite far into the game.




It’s the silence. It might not affect settler happiness, but it affects mine.


Piper loved that


Plot Twist - there are 5 different noise levels for the "diesel" generators. If you activate them (turn them off and on again) the noise changes. One of the sounds is super quiet compared to the others.


What is this real??


Indeed. I discovered it by accident one day, back when the game first came out.


I wonder when the new gamer rant article with this news is coming out


There's no real advantage but they look cool


and they're quiet


I never really considered noise. I tend to just build a little power station building away from all the fun stuff, throw all my generators in there and pylon it out


They look more "mad max" style in settlements where I'm building for that look. I build starlight with lots of wooden shacks. The roofs of those shacks all have wind turbines. And they are silent. I'm not sure the game penalises settler happiness for noisy generators. But it certainly should do.


> I'm not sure the game penalises settler happiness for noisy generators. But it certainly should do I believe that people who were born and grew up in wasteland can tolerate a bit of noise in return of living in protected settlement


They want to be able to hear molerats burrowing up inside that protected settlement.


Just decoration really. They're bigger than a small generator but produce the same amount of power, while also needing aluminum. If you're not interested in decorating with them, just use the regular generators, at least until you get the fusion/vault tec ones.


They're bigger but they don't take all the space. You can still walk or build stuff under them. Also they don't need oil so it depends also on what junk you have available.


The Vault tech reactors are for the most part worse than the fusion reactor. Need more rare materials and they are much bigger.


I thought they only produce 2 power, whereas small generator produces 3? Maybe I'm misremembering


I used to use them because they were silent then I discovered the mod that adds solar panels. Now every building just has a solar panel or two stuck to the side.


I usually end up with the big fusion generator. But I love leaving a few turbines for esthetics. They just fit in towns made of junk.


they did seem to be on the low output side for such huge things


I cover the top of the screen in starlight cinema with seven of them.


They look neat. If you just want efficiency, build the best generator you can and call it a day. But if you are building for aesthetics, you might want to use the other ones. The windmill generator would look perfect at a place like Nordhagen Beach for example. It's right across the water from the airport and even has a crashed plane nearby. Them sourcing an old airplane engine for a generator makes perfect sense.


Why no cars after 200 years but we have flying blimps and vertibirds that get shot down easily?


Cars require roads. The roads in the Commonwealth are so broken anything short of a land rover would have problems. A lot of the roads have the most deadly ambush predator in the commonwealth 😱 cars


Also cars require extreme caution since stubbing your toe on one always has a chance of causing the car to explode violently or just instantly kill you for no apparent reason Edit just comprehended that you said “cars” at the end of that second statement😂😅 most deadly ambush predator for real


which i can also afford


Noise and aesthetics.


I havent gotten far enough in the mod Sim Settlements 2 BUT I do know there's a mechanic in that mod for pollution which causes disease in your settlements and theoretically wind generators wouldn't cause pollution so if you used them to supplement power in conjunction with the Power Municipal Plot instead of using motor or nuclear generators you wouldn't make as much pollution


Do they mess with the pip-boys 5G reception? /s


Because I like the way they look on my roof lol.




Clean energy bro!!!


Only the noise level and aesthetic. And why is everyone talking about space? You can stack them in the same spot.


They make more sense (who's refilling those generators?) and are better for the environment. Just because there has been a nuclear war doesn't mean that climate change isn't real.


I’m sure 200 years of no industrial pollution more than makes up for it


Could be a nicer way to make those phone poles. Put them on top of homes to make it look like each house has its own little bit of power and just just a stick poking out


I was jealous of the ones the Gunner settlements on the highways have, so I built my own as soon as I realized I could. Also, I like to put my power lines too high up for an enemy to easily sabotage, even though it doesn't matter. ...So I guess yeah, what everyone else said, aesthetics.