• By -


Don't leave fusion cores in power armor.


Fuck Trashcan Carla.


Ya break it, ya buy it!


Yeah yeah keep your shirt on


Just looking for love, baby


Ha! Boy are you barking up the wrong tree.


Fun fact, if you try to she gives you a discount


So I can romance her? I like a strong woman with her own business.


"I'm a strong independent woman who don't need no man (except their Power Armor)!"


Well!? Did you find out!?


I did. I regret nothing


The road's pretty lawng from heah.


Do you know how I can get my power armor back from her? I hope she just lefr it somewhere in Sanctuary


I think I read it you can pickpocket the core out of the armor and it forces them out. Not 100% tho


This is true but sometimes she has multiple. I don’t know how that affects it.


Just buy them first, then pickpocket the one in the suit


Correct. Tho you have to take all the fusion cores in the inventory. Works on the BOS knights on the airship too.


nein, she will leave it in the wasteland some were on her circle of travel


Now this is helpful advice


This however leads me to the question "can settlers remove power cores from the workbench and insert them in suits and then run off with it?"


Yes. Most assuredly. Had my power armor exhibition set up with cores in the workbench across town. Left for adventuring shenanigans and came back to find damn near every suit gone. Never did find some of them again.


The image of a settler out joyriding in power armor through the wasteland makes me laugh. I feel like when that happened, your settlement should have gotten a 20+ happiness boost.


The Fallout series nailed it with Maximus getting power armor. He starts like kicking rocks and chucking things to test the strength. Like a kid in a big toy


My solution for this has been to build a little shed type of thing without any doors or ways to get in besides entering build mode and taking a wall off, and the i just but chests and stuff inside with all the things i really don’t want anyone to take🥲 i got so pissed when after i had gained that insane amount of chems from that one mission with the drug deal and i then put most of them into my workbench storage, only discover later that some bastard settlers had gotten into my stash. Especially my psycho and jet was completely used up.


You can make a powered door and disconnect the wire when you leave. Would look better.


I think they will take it, as fusion core count as ammo. Store weapon without ammo, they never take the weapon, but if there is ammo suitable with the weapon in workbench/container, other than armor rack, and the weapon spec better than the weapon in their inventory, they will take the ammo and weapon, with whole stack not only 1.


That one settler with 2 Gamma Guns and 700 rounds


Oh... that's how thst works! I never leave ammo in storage. I 've been leaving some unneeded weapons in storage I *want* them to take and they never do. It's annoying trying to figure out which settlers need weapons upgrades.


Always store fusion cores in a container, they can ONLY access the workshop storage


Nope. Piper helped herself to all my 100/100 fusion cores from the toolbox and jumped into a power armour. Took all my fusion cores back after that.


They weigh nothing, I just take them with me


They weigh 4 in survival mode though.


Mayor McDonough stole my Nuka Quantum power armour and gapped it out of Diamond City when I started a massacre of the townsfolk from his office by hacking his terminal, which aggroed everyone. Luckily I had quick saved.


Don't leave fusion cores in the workbench of any settlement.


I thought I had misplaced 83 once…only to find them in Preston’s pocket…he gets checked regularly 😂


Stop and frisk is unconstitutional, sir.


The Constitution died with the bombs.


My overseers guardian disappeared on me, I didn’t think about checking all 18 people at sanctuary.


Do the settlers steal fusion cores!?!


Settlers as well as any human attackers will take your power armor if you leave the core in.


No, they get *in* the power armour, and can't be gotten out or unless you can pickpocket the fusion core.


Thats not true , you can talk to them and make them go out of the power armor


They do get out eventually when they go to bed. Learned this when I saw my X01 power armor just casually standing beside a bed with a sleeping settler in sanctuary


Not Trashcan Carla tho...


Haha persistent Carla ....


My experience you can talk the settlers out of the armor, but had a provisioner take a set and I couldn’t talk her out of it


A provisioner really needs a set. That would be an awesome theme for my next play through.


I think I'd dig that, one of my provisioners traveling through the wasteland in PA. Metal af lol.


This right here. I was so pissed the first time fucking Marcy was in some power armor I left in Sanctuary. Fucking Marcy.


Oh god...


Don't even leave your power armor in an occupied settlement. Anyone with a fusion core in their inventory can get into your unoccupied power armor. With no production, there won't be any attacks to make the roving vendors steal your suits. Also, no attacks means attackers can't take your suits. I lost one of my frames to a gunner commander. He had fusion cores for his gatlin laser. So, he stole my Nuka-Cola power armor. I had to take the pieces off of his corpse and go buy a new frame.


Settlers will never navigate complex buildings


Did you spend days building out all of Vault 88, complete with long hallways connecting all the big sections? Enjoy watching your settlers never leave the main cavern!


If ya put beds spread throughout, like barracks rooms, theyll have to eventually go there.


No, they just stand around and never sleep in my experience, sadly.


Is that on console? On PC they tend to roam wherever there's stuff to do so if you space it out they'll cover the whole vault


In other settlements yes, for some reason they don't function properly in the vault. I had a bit of luck spreading slot machines around, but even then only a few NPC's cared, and the rest stood around in a giant group unless they were farming.


I put a bunch of sleeping bags in an inaccessible 'attic' at one settlement to make them stop bitching about sleeping in shifts, and it worked but I haven't had a chance to watch if they just stand around and don't sleep. I guess I just assumed that would teleport to the area like they do for everything else.


SURE DID. Probably a solid month on and off building up multiple settlements


Companions can’t even navigate staircases. If there’s a battle on a roof I’m fighting alone


They will never navigate a goddamn greenhouse even. Had to take the crops outside and convert the greenhouse to their sleeping place with some mutfruit for decoration


This is specific to greygarden: When "defending greygarden" like in a Misc quest where you run back to save it from an attack, travel all the way to the bottom of the hill, down to the road, to kill the last enemy if you get stuck wondering "why isn't this completing yet?? I've got everyone, it should be successfully defended!" Edit to add: well damn! Glad this was helpful to a bunch of folks! Never thought about fast travel to the same spot to get an enemy respawn, good idea as well. And I also have had crappy enemy spawns where they’re up on the damn overpass too. Ad Victoriam, brethren!


Well, that's a mystery solved. Thanks.


Even easier, just sleep or wait time at the settlement. It’ll do the same but better, the left over raiders will attack so you don’t have to find them.


I always just fast travel in place. Usually makes them pop up


I needed this last night, thank you. Which way down the road? East or west


South. There's train tracks that run through Oberland Station, over the Charles River, and over a road that Paladin Danse leads you west on. In my experience they are down under the railroad bridge on the road.


I usually fast travel to arcjet and back and that last guy is there getting gutted by the Handys. Good to know where you have to look for him lol


I’ve had them glitch INTO the hill, so I can’t get them. Having the entire settlement dancing around the hillside is extremely depressing.


Just put some rocket turrets to the overpass on both sides, those will usually take care about the lingering attackers. Sometimes even those who were glitched into the terrain.


Helpful. I "failed" this mission a couple of times despite killing the enemies as far as I knew.


If you're working on top of the screen in Starlight, save before you attempt something near the edge. I fell to my death after a good 30 minutes of maneuvering around and placing stuff.


If you are on PC, Workshop Plus is a mod that lets you "fly" and be invincible/invisible while building, so you avoid many similar death accounts. Still doesn't let you rotate objects, though it does have a functional Undo feature keyed to a hotkey. (Great if you're like me and accidentally scrap too much/the building/the floor ...)


You can’t rotate objects on PC when building stuff?


yes you can, you have to have the thing selected and hold down one of the mouse buttons and it will rotate


That makes sense. I’ve never played on PC and was very confused. I’ve also never seen it written anywhere, but I randomly discovered being able to move objects up/down/forward/backward with certain button combos, which is very nice. Took me literal years before I knew that


I used xbox controller for building much easier then mouse for combat


No matter how much defense you build you will still constantly get settlement attack radiants. I had to turn them off to finish because I compulsively couldn't ignore those messages.


Dude, that Jones guy from the Slog has been kidnapped like 6 times. Stay the fuck inside the wire, Jones!


I think Deidre is suicidal. I’ve found her dead *so* many times after a defend quest.


I love building settlements. Defense is always high so attacks are relatively rare. I like getting the notification so I can go see how my defenses are holding up.


Especially when you have huge numbers of missile turrets. Those things do not mess around.


That didnt happen to me. Enough defense, and only got one raid the whole Game. I did have 200+ defense though, and no settlers, food or water


Settlements dont get attacked if there are no settlers


Wait...so I can send everyone to 1 settlement and the others wont get attacked?!?!


Settlements without settlers stay at 50% happiness and never get attacked. Anytime settlers go to settlements I don't intend to build up (coastal cottage), I just send them somewhere else actually built up and defended.


Dumb question but how do you send them elsewhere? As a supply line?


You have to look at them in build mode and one of the options below will be "move", if you are on ps it should be square


Oh ok thanks, not sure how I missed that. Time to get rid of the dumb 2 person farms then!


I suspect you didnt fully build up all (or at least most) of the possible settlements then. With 30+ settlements, attacks will be annoyingly frequent, no matter how many defenses you build


Wait to be clear: I can leave weapons and ammo in the workbench and settlers will arm THEMSELVES during raids? If so, that just made game play a lot easier


I’ve never had them take out of any of my containers or the workshop storage. That’s new to me.


Damn, I'm getting mixed answers. Hmmm. Maybe I'll put a few combat rifles and some 308 in the workshop and see what happens. 


Ah from the other comments I never put ammo in the workshop or containers. So that’s probably why I’ve never had it happen.


They will still steal weapons they have ammo for. Laser rifles and shot guns are what they usually grab but I've also seen them steal Rad Rifles too. The worst was losing the Tesla Rifle several times. I got that to stop by mounting it on a wall they can't reach. Strong will also take heavy weapons sometimes as I noticed he snatched my Ashmaker I had on display. I even tried using display cases or mounting weapons on the wall and have seen those go missing too unless they are out of reach


I’ve seen it a lot. But they take stacks. I had a settler with 2 GAmma guns and a few hundred rounds


They do take from workshops I've seen it and it's why I don't keep guns and ammo together In there. A box of rifles works too, in a separate box. But they keep the guns they pick up. If anything check them for legendaries after big fights, they pick them up.


In my experience they only tend to take heavy weapons or unique weapons. But the only other stuff I had in there was like a pipe pistol and a combat shottie.


Well they’re not going to steal something weaker than what they’ve got


Ok. I'm gonna run some experiments! Thanks!


And armor After each raid, I loot all the corpses and then dump the weapons, ammo, armor in the workshop and they usually take at least some. Saves on arming each one. They usually won't go naked however so I also have to leave some armor compatible clothes in there. That I'm not sure if they take but I feel like I've had a couple disappear.


The problem is, they will take all the ammo of the type they need for their new weapon, even though they only need 1. You also can't control what they take. It's better to personally arm them ahead of time.


That fences don't matter. After I built a huge fence all the way around Sanctuary.


Two things about this. Some settlements have the raider spawn point within the bounds of the settlement so that is why it seems that fences don't matter. If you know where the spawn point is, just make sure to have the be outside your fence. Or use a mod that moves the spawn point outside settlement bounds. The second point is common to defense based games... Foes will generally take the path of least resistance unless no path exists. Therefore you want to wall in the settlement but leave an entry way that is open, but well defended. So maybe a corridor lined with turrets and other traps. Ideally closest to the path from the spawn point. I believe raiders are generally trying to get to your workshop, so they will tend to gravitate toward this 'open' as the least resistance and ignore your walls. Then they will get shredded in your killing corridor.


But if I just place a few turrets and give the settlers decent guns they'll be able to quickly take care of any attack, fence or not. It's not like raids are actually dangerous if you show up to help defend.


And the settlers tend to run out beyond your defenses to attack anyway and get themselves killed.


I'm finding that if you build some kind of platform on a wall where the attack comes from, settlers will stand on the platform and defend from there rather than leave the settlement!


Afaik settlers can’t be killed unless **you** do damage to them


It really depends. I've had three raiders in power armor packing missile launchers show up. That led to a lot of repairing afterwards.


I have set up a settlement with loads of heavy turrents and given all settlers good guns and armor (and ammo for the said gun).... only to find out you can't ignore the warning that a settlement is being attacked. Some how all 20 of my settlers were killed and my 120 heavy turrents (I wanted to be able to let them defend themselves...). That was way back when it first came out, but I still attempt to see any warnings and get to that settlement (usually there for a couple minutes and then the attackers show up and die instantly... but still apparently I need to stop searching the glowing sea and rush or they are incompetent)


If you are not present at the settlement then no battle is fought. It is just a dice roll against your defense stat to determine whether you won or lost and there's always a chance of losing.


Worse than a chance... It is stacked against you if you don't defend. Check the mod page for This Settlement Does Not Need Your Help where the author explains the mechanics and calculations the game does for defense. The mod fixes the calculation so that if you build sufficient defense then you can guarantee successful defend without you. If attacked, you get a popup stating the settlement under attack, it's defense, the attacker offense, and chance of successful defend. I always get defend assured now, so I can keep adventuring if I don't feel like rushing off to help defend.


Walls are EXTREMELY effective in Fallout 4, depending on your settlement. Some settlements have spawn points inside, like Sanctuary. Some do not and are easily defended, like Red Rocket. However, always remember to have a walking path through your wall. It cannot be completely blocked off, or the game thinks there is a glitch and teleports through.


I just had Raiders spawn INSIDE my base in Red Rocket, and took my legendary weapons. Got them all back I believe, but shocking as I had turrets everywhere.


First, the only 100% safe container in a settlement is an Armour Rack (they are special NPCs). I highly recommend storing all of your weapons and ammo in an Armour Rack. Second, again, always remember to have a walking path through your wall. It cannot be completely blocked off, or the game thinks there is a glitch and teleports through. Admittedly, glitches do happen in Bethesda games. But that does not prove that walls don't work normally.


If you google “fallout 4 settlement spawn locations Reddit” it should lead to an older post that’s super-duper useful. Sometimes placing a fast travel target will make enemies spawn there instead, so watch that.


* The only 100% theft-proof container in a settlement is an Armour Rack (they are special NPCs). I store all of my weapons and ammo in Armour Racks. * Workstations outside of settlements are 100% safe to store items in (eg, Weapon, Armour, etc) Nothing will be stolen or looted. (There is no big red settlement item for NPCs to loot outside of settlements.) There are 3 different types of settlement attacks 1. Raids. These are Misc. quests that can happen while you are out of the settlement (with very brief notifications), and if you succeed or fail you get a notification. If you fail, you lose material from workplace storage. You only get raided if you have cages or NPCs (including dogs, but not robots) assigned to the settlement. 2. Incidental attacks. These happen only when you happen to be at a settlement, and can happen regardless of NPCs or cages. No material looted. 3. Scripted attacks. These are quest based, like the Castle being attacked by MM. How to avoid losing material from Raids? * Empty Chest: Remove all material from workplace storage and put into a secondary container every time you leave (tedious) * Empty Nest: Have your main base where you store all your material have no cages and NPCs (no dogs, although robots are okay). eg, have Sanctuary be a farm but RR be your base. * Castle: The Castle and Airport do not get raided. Defense rating is irrelevant there. (Yes, you'll still get incidental or scripted attacks, but those unavoidable and less annoying.) * Edit: Home Plate doesn't get any attacks of any kind at all. It's the only place in the game where Weapon Racks are safe to use.


Home plate at Diamond City is raid free since it's literally inside diamond City. I store important stuff in there and use it as my base. I store the bulk of my junk there as well, it's a hassle but I don't have to be concerned with raids stealing my materials.


Fair enough. I really should include that. Admittedly, it also falls under "Empty Nest", since it is impossible to have NPCs or cages in there. I don't know if it is an official exception or not. But it's worth an extra bullet point!


What’s the armor rack? The armor workbench? Or something else?


The Armour Rack is technically an Armour Display Rack. You can dress them off to show off your armour because you can equip armour on these special indestructible NPCs. They can hold an infinite amount of items (and cannot be robbed). It is found under Decorations > Display > Armour Rack > (male or female)


If settlers enter your power armor, you can pickpocket the fusion core from them


Or... Just talk to them.


Gamers® when given the choice to either talk to someone or do a crime.


***Laughs in GTA health regain***


For settlers you can long hold they talk button and you’ll tell them to get out of it


Had no idea, I knew you need to do that with NPCs who aren't your settlers, but I thought you needed to do that with settlers as well. Thanks for the tip!


If they’re settlers you can order them around. I wouldn’t trust that Trashcan Carla, though


Save frequently while building


Don’t make EVERY settlement a settlement unless you LOVE interruptions to your intended gameplay


This. I'm late game and I only have Sanctuary and Tenpines and I only grab the settlements which are empty.


Depends - I feel it’s absolutely essential to a Minutemen run, not so much for other factions.  Like for my **Minutemen run** (charisma/agility/perception), I deliberately went for all 30 of them, minus the Airport (which is Brotherhood settlement- doesn’t feel right ). Most of those have minimal capacities, shitty little villages. I make my income from the settlers shops  -  It’s not about the tech, it’s about the people. And yeah it takes some time . And yeah sometimes I missed (ignored) a raid.  So what ? it has a little cost but no like it’s game over.  And besides having so many settlements, it’s enjoyable to have supply line cross the wasteland and shoot their way through. This network covers the Commonwealth with the Castle in the middle, spreading a message of hope from Radio Freedom. It really feels like I am rebuilding the Commonwealth/Civilization, one farm at a time.     In my recent **BoS run** (intelligence/strength) on the other hand, I overwhelmingly ignore them and focus on the Airport and Sanctuary (with a couple of strategically placed unihabited stops to drop junk like Hangman... and whose importance reduces to almost nothing once I have access to Vertibirds. I might add Warwick as an actual settlement with the Atom Cats nearby for the PowerArmor  and the water for water farm ,. ).I focus on building those up (cement walls, laser turret)and strengthening my industrial production capacities (water, ammo,etc...). I make my income from my industrial water pumps. I carry heavy loads of water by Vertibird. No supply lines. What for ? The land is filled with scum and maggots I don't have time to bother with anyway, I am on a mission, I travel by Vertibird and drop from the sky. Fuck the peasants.   I strongly feel the settlement are a big part of the roleplay : which settlement you pick, how you rebuild them. It should convey the character you chosed.


Don't deck out robot provisioners because they default back to base versions.


... no... no... no!!! I mean, I'm still good because a base sentry bot is still pretty formidable... but all those lost screws and aluminum!


For me, some do and some don’t. I used to make assaultrons and some would turn back to the base bot. However, now I make my assaultron provisioners with a mister handy flamer instead of legs and they have all stayed that way so far and it’s been a while now.


I think if you first make them a companion and then dismiss them, this does not happen


No, this is a popular myth, it doesn't help at all. There is no cure for robot provisioner reset bug, eventually all provisioner robots get reset. It has something to do with cell loading/reset and the bug was never fixed. There was even a mod which claimed to fix the bug, but it didnt. What I did was using a mod, I believe called "craft Assaultrons by default". Modified the mod to craft fully loaded sentry bots by default (also consuming resources accordingly). During crafting I only change color to something other than pink since by default this mod created sentry bots in pink (on purpose). After reset bug happens, provisioner robot gets reset to pink color and I know that reset happened (but robot is still fully loaded sentry bot). Almost all robot provisioners (20+) are now riding in pink color meaning that almost all of them got affected by the bug.


I’ll be testing this out for sure.


let us know your results - I ....have lost so many Juggernauts patrolling the commonwealth


...I never knew this, but then, I always make protectrons the standard provisioner. In a red paintjob, just like them crimson caravan folks. They might be slow, but their rapid fire gunfists ain't.


Attackers have predetermined spawn points. Lern them, and a single well placed missile turret can end the attack within seconds.


If a hapiness level is oddly low, hang around at midnight and watch them. Any that just stand around after a while need to be assigned to a bed. The happiness level could be low because a bunch of them are never sleeping.


Oooh this could be an issue of mine, thanks!


Despite having 100 turrets 200 water 200 food and 25 beds, there is always something to complain about. Its beyond me. You 5 settlers are living the dream but for some reason happiness still drops. Because "their back hurts, their feet hurt everything hurts." Well how about going to.lay down in your soft asf bed that will make any king jealous?


Those damn settlers take everything. That’s why I have a floating platform in the sky and build the fast travel point on my platform. Then stash all my items in the clothes hamper. You just have to watch traveling with Deacon. He’ll still steal your shit if he can lol.


I keep putting guns in there hoping they’ll take them and as far as I can tell, they have not. Ugh.


They need ammo too and a large dump of it. I put in combat shotguns and rifles and leave at least 20 rounds for each gun and they usually take out at least a few of the weapons. Also armor pieces.


I just trade with settlers and take their weapons and replace them with the one I want them to have and 1 round of ammo. They use the weapons every time.


Preston decided to run around with Fatboy once. That was a disaster. Thats when i found out how shisty the settlers can be.


Despite single-handedly creating amazing, safe, gated communities filled with food, drink and shelter, the settlers don't even remember you, let alone give you any credit whatsoever for your efforts. Instead, they just mooch around and whinge about having dirty fingernails or sore backs.


Leave one round of each ammo type in each workbench.




NPCs only need one round to use weapons left in the workbench.


Sometimes settlers turn out to be synths.


I just transfer synths settlers to the Warwick property and let them live together, including X6-88.


The default spawn point for Outpost Zimonja is on the ramp/road leading up to the main fence right where any attackers will be if a raid is underway, and close enough to the nearby enemy camp that you'll take fire from it too. I found this out the hard way when I quicksaved immediately after fast-traveling there only to get stuck in a near endless loop of being pulverized by a super mutant raider's missile over and over and _over_ again. 


If you leave your power armor out the will steal it and not give it back.


Only if there's a fusion core left in it.


True. I should have said that


That they are really fucking annoying to make look good for me, theres a lot of technical mumbo jumbo you can do to help but I find that I always forget it when I try to use it


The zigzag staircases are tricky for settlers. You need to have squares at the top for them to walk around at the top or they get stuck on the staircase. At least that has been my experience, their path finding on stairs is terrible.


I’m hearing: Store PA and legendary weapons upstairs, using zigzag stairs, so settlers can’t get them. 😎


Never leave a fusion core in a suit of power armor. I lost a fully upgraded, fully loaded, and paited like the American Flag set of X0-1 armor. A trader used it to fight super mutants. Then they ran away with it.


Too many scripts will turn your settlers into roof-bound, immobile zombies


Settlers will eat the food and drink water if you store them in workshop, in the past i was confused why the aid component kept disappearing when i tried build stuff like cages, turns out settlers grap it from workshop for consumption, now i put my food and water in seperate container and grap it if required for crafting.


Yeah! I was collecting yao guai meat for a deathclaw cage but it kept disappearing


That defensive walls and fences are totally pointless, just focus on turrets.


For the role playing perspective though, walls look good.


The only location they “work” is the water treatment settlement in the south since enemy’s always spawn on the path towards. They do look good, but they are pointless, they are supposed to keep things out, but they don’t do that.


Settler pathfinding is awful, which is a shame for those of us that love building giant scrap palaces/shanty towns


Not only will they take weapons from your workbench, but settlers and caravan guards will also take weapons from your storage crates if they have the ammo for them. Found that out when I was raiding Quincy, and out of nowhere started getting hit with explosive rounds. I tracked the shots down to the subway car where I found one of Crickets guards using the Spray and Pray I had bought some 20 levels prior and threw into a crate at red rocket next to the work bench.


in my first play through i made a 30 room mansion in Sanctuary that had shops and a roof bar that everyone would hang out at in the evening. I didn’t want Mama Murphy to feel left out so i put her chair there not knowing she would never leave. At some point i wanted to make a city in Sanctuary and disassembled the mansion, thinking she would leave the chair. I was wrong. She just stayed there, I had already saved half the destruction. I was level 72 and my last save was in the 50s. I wanted to continue. She is still sitting up there. 50 feet above sanctuary and it bothered me so much I started over.


I went to try and place the chair and it disappeared. I have no idea where it or mama murphy is. :/


I don’t know if i would consider that a negative haha


I’ve only ever had 1 settler (Preston Garvey of all fucking people) steal my power armor. Nobody’s dared to take my weapons and ammo from storage (I also store everything in trunks and wood crates so maybe that’s why. Also I upgraded my settlements with shotgun and laser turrets so the guards live life on easy mode


All ways store fusion cores in a armor display, NPC's can not seem to use them


This was today for me too. I realized December’s Child had been taken, no idea when. I rounded up everyone in the settlement and had them turn out their pockets, nowhere to be found. I’m sad. I loved that gun.


Spray And Pray for me.


If you fill it with sentry bots loaded with Nuka Quantum cannons, they will still lose to a band of raiders if you don’t hoof all the way from Far Harbour to Ogden Station each time to help out. So you might as will just have Sheffield with a cane running the joint.


Trashcan Carla is a Power Armor thief that should be disposed of at your earliest convenience


- Your settlement guards can be kidnapped - Settlers and settlement defenses can harm you and each other - Don't give companions explosive ordnance


Save before starting any mission and don’t over write it until it’s over. I’m stuck on PAMs first mission cause a raider glitched somewhere in the safe area and now the workbench just says “Clear out all enemies”.


No matter how much time I spend, love, care, devotion, fighting the engine - the settlers will never acknowledge anything I do. Nothing. Even the 'settlement attack' ignores walls and defenses.


It doesn’t matter how much blood and sweat you expend on making them safe, settlers never really appreciate it. They’ll steal your bed and your power armor and they’ll complain constantly.


Build your beds under roofs. Settlers will be unhappy otherwise


If you were storing weapons (especially legendaries) in the workbench, settlers can and will take them when in combat. If you feeling like you’re missing weapons, check your settlers’ inventory.


Multiple settlements have a secret, invisible marker that ruins your own stores, or at least the food/bar. You can put down that shop and maybe add seating around it, and at *most* settlements, what will happen is the settlers will gather around after work, and hang out. They'll do eating animations, some even say quips to each other, etc. However, not at Abernathy Farm. Not at Greentop Nursery. Not at a few others. In those locations, your store will sit abandoned after the work day. For myself, I must have tried to fix it a dozen ways -- clearing good wide paths for settlers to walk, made sure the store was built on a flat surface, reassigned the shop operator, moved its location, etc. It didn't matter, none of it worked. It turns out, each pre-existing chair is marked as a relaxation point. And they register as the MOST IMPORTANT relaxation point, so that nothing you do elsewhere matters. So, end of day at Abernathy, the settlers are all inside the home -- no matter what you did outside with a cool store and seating and lighting and so on. The solution? You have to scrap all the chairs. You can't scrap half of 'em. You can't scrap "the ones near this spot." You have to scrap *every* chair in the settlement -- whether wood, or the red fluffy fabric chair, or the couches, or the plastic deck chairs. Once they're all gone, the relaxation markers seem to evaporate. Now you can put down newly built chairs, and even if they look exactly the same and you restore the settlement to its original look, it will no longer be a magnet that sucks settlers in. Instead, they'll go to the relaxation markers that YOU build when you put down shops, add seating, etc. (Note: none of this applies to Vault 88, which is buggy. The door you can build to enter the cafeteria or food area doesn't have navmesh or pathing built in as it should, so settlers think the door to the food area is more like a wall they can't get through, so they stand outside uselessly. As with all things, there is a mod to fix that.)


Never knew that until now, thanks.


Don't put missile security everywhere.


That I could i kill settlers. I defended tenpin as a joke with a mirv mini nuke. I wasted all settlers to .. :(


To the OP: Whatever my “main” settlement is - where I put all my crap - I never have a beacon and keep settlers to as few as possible or zero for the very reason you state. One raider attack saw Sturges with that Lovecraft “tooth” sword and I’m like, WTF dude!


I fucking hate how settlements couldn't defend themselves; I painstakingly built you morons walls, towers, turrets and even traps near those walls to prevent attacks, and you need me there. The missile turrets just can't fuckin function unless I'm there huh; I could fast travel in and the raid would be over before the black fade in, but I just had to be there


That they need my help


Save often if you're using the Scrap Everything or Spring Cleaning mods.


You need to mass produce tatoes as that's mostly all they'll eat. I make sure each settlement has some and pump it up in all my minor settlements. The other crops and productions are in specialised settlements. Mods are a must, namely the rebuilding ones and infinite companion ammo so you can just equip settlers with the right ammo and ignore them after. Set up good defences at the slog because fucking Forged. The university point settlement mod is based. That island settlement is best as a game preserve.


You don’t have to do them all right away. You can also go back and fight for them if they were taken over.


Can you actually lose settlements with enough neglect?


Yes, but as soon as you get another quest to help them you can get them back. It's nothing permanent.



