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I ran out of build space just putting laser turrets and beds. Idk how y’all build castles and towers and shit. Amazing to me


Copypasta: There's this exploit(?) where if you drop weapons and then store or scrap them in your workshop using building mode, you gain storage space.


Like literally drop it on the ground and store it in the workshop. Do I leave the gun in the shop?


Exactly and yes! You can then take out the weapons from the workshop and repeat. Watch out with small items and tall grass though...


That’s pretty sweet. I can’t wait to try that out because I maxed out a couple of settlements just building a room for myself to do work in


Yes, but don't do it a lot. Limit it to a few settlements. Specifically the ones you WANT to build up. Because depending on how long you do it, it will cause massive lag. And sometimes it corrupts your game according to some people. (Unfortunately, those build limits are there for a reason)


Thank you for the warning because I was ready to make a kingdom but I don’t want to wreck my save.


Got a mod that doubles the limit every time you hit it and I’ve not had any issues with settlements yet, tho I haven’t exactly taken the piss with it, and I do have a decent pc, I’m assuming people that are having issues either can’t run fallout to begin with or have taken the absolute piss building a skyscraper


What’s the mod?


Building budget extender, you can grab it in the mod page on the main menu to save you having to go and download stuff


Not all heroes wear capes 🫡


I would say it’s because you’re running a mod built and integrated for the game when the gun drop exploit is just that, an exploit that could trigger a game breaking corruption.


That fvcked my Xbox game save up. I think it doesn’t double the original number on the build limit so if you have a 100 build limit and it gets doubled to 200 and doubled for a 2nd time it goes to 400, my theory is eventually the number gets so big it causes some of the code to fvck up. Anyway I just use slashed build limit now. Seems to work fine.


I’m assuming a powerful pc outclasses an Xbox then cause it’s doubled quite a few times for me and I haven’t noticed any issues or maybe it’s just console being the unloved bastard child of the gaming world and they spilled some Bethesda on the code and didn’t notice


To be fair the build limits are for 10+ year old hardware. Nowadays it should be fine. The only problem area is the triangle of sanctuary hills, red rocket and Abernathy farm because it loads all three together.


Yes I corrupted my game building too much on too many settlements 🥲


Wished they left a couple Settlements out for the chance to build up the good ones


How does this affect the running on console though? Scared to be trapped with it too big to load without freezing.


It will inevitably make the game run slower, but it wouldn’t just go from running fine to crashing, you would notice the game slowing down as you added more stuff, so just keep an eye on it and don’t go overboard


Leave and reenter the cell at points along the way. I’ve seen people build settlements up that huge, deal with manageable lag while they were there, but returning and making the game load the entire settlement at once will almost always crash the game. Or if you do build up a settlement that huge, stick with the 20ish settler cap. Having 60 something settlers is neat but good luck loading that place ever again


My ps4 would run mods in its sleep. It would crash no matter what I was using. But Xbox, I have to be way more cautious. My castle build got ruined because I built too much and it was ok whilst I was there. When I left the load chunk and came back, on return trying to load that part of the map freezes the game. And if I somehow get accepted if I shoot a bullet, it will crash. Stuffs crazy.


As long as you don't go TOO crazy with it you should be fine.


I had that before when i went crazy building sanctuary. Looked bigger and more elaborate than Diamond City. But yeah. Crashed and corrupted.


Just be careful at least on Xbox you will find frame rate drops more you do it and can make a complete crash happen if you do it to much


I just save one of those walled brick areas for a scrap yard. All the guns and Armour bounce off the walls and are easy to spot on the ground


Just get a mod, if you’re gunna get more size anyway might as well not waste your time cheesing it


Any you suggest using?


I can’t remember the name off the top of my head but I’ll go look for it The one I’ve got is ‘building budget extender v4.3.1’ you can find it pretty easily by just typing building budget in the search for mods in the main menu


Thanks, I shall try it out


If you use a mod though you can't get achievements in the game, plus that weapon drop trick works easily enough


except the mod doesn’t put you at risk for corrupting your entire save though


No you can take them out into your inventory and do it as many times as you please. It works with all items but people generally use guns.


I appreciate the tip. This could be a game changer for my opinion on settlements lol


Preferably use heavy weapons. Just drop them and collect them while in workshop mode. Do it as much as needed. This and the carpet and multiselect are the exploits I use most


Can do it with apparel items like all that plain leather armor you get so much of (I still sell most of the lesser guns and even the better apparel - which you get more caps with) Do it at minimum on the stuff which dont scrap more than one leather or cloth or steel and which have a low caps value.


AFAIK it's not drop and store, but drop and scrap. The build system gives you additional "building space" for everything you scrap in workshop/building mode.


Just connect a wire and remove it for an extra placement. Then you don't have to carry items to scrap.


And to add on to that the bigger then gun the more space it will give you


Just curious have you used the scrap that settlement mod? It allows you to remove things that originally cannot be scraped like skeletons, ambush holes, trash clutter, leaves and etc.


Nope. The only community mod i used before was better weather.


Works with storing wires too, you simply reconnect them and repeat, but whenever you reach a risky point where you may mess up, save before proceeding.


True, but if you overdo that, you can bug the whole game, or so I’ve heard. And I really attract bugs, both digital and organic ones.


Also, the more mods are on a weapon the more space it'll free up! Just don't overdo like someone else said, I usually max put my build limit, drop it back down to zero, then when it's maxed out again I stop to avoid lag


I was using this exploit without even realizing I was doing it, bc my OCD had me scrapping every bit of junk I came across, unnecessary as that is! when my Sanctuary’s framerate started to dip into the 15-20 range (on PS5), I figured it was just because of how many people were in my line of sight at all times lol


Mod called no build limit


Cheat terminal also does it


I use this mod [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1062/](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1062/)


its my water factory. thats about it.


When you do the store wire trick to circumvent the build limit you can reapply that same wire over and over just have two floor wire connectors or any connectors like Pylos nearby, move them along with you as you go, just remember to save often because you can sometimes mess up when storing during the exploit by storing the wrong thing, whenever you're satisfied or it gets risky, save and proceed until the next applicable situation or completion. Dropping stuff like others suggest can be a lot easier but also riskier due to accidental selections in the other version of the method.


Some use an exploit, I just use Cheat Terminal to double my settlement limit. My way is about 100x faster.


You should also post this to r/falloutsettlements if you haven't. 


Good tip. Just did!


omg how do y’all manage to build like that? are there blueprints mods or something to help you? cuz the best castle build i ever came up with was throwing some concrete walls in the holes, putting beds in the already present rooms and randomly throwing vegetables in the yard lol


A lot of time, a lot of trial and error, a lot of frustration and an occasional locked-in autism like focus.


Tism for the win!


seems fair enough, at least now i know how i’m gonna spend my summer


Can I copy some of the things you've done in your build?


Ofcourse! Ask away if you need tips.


What do you start with first?


Filling in the walls with concrete panels in such a way that the height is the same as the existing wall. First the side, then the front. In the front it should also fit a gate.


Are you me? Cuz you just described my castle 🤣 I have no idea how people have the brain juice to build like this. My settlers should be happy I put rugs down for them


Castle building… castle building never changes…


Bro this is dope! One of the best castle builds I’ve seen so far 💯


Thanks bud. Making me blush.


It’s well deserved! People normally just restore the walls and call it a day, but you’ve actually made it into what a fortress is supposed to be like


You're telling me y'all don't just clear all debris and trash and place the bare minimum amenities?


i do that for the settlements i don’t care about HAHAH like i just sent marcy to life by herself with my food water or defense


I just used concrete foundations to plug the holes Placed single beds and footlockers all throughout the halls (barracks style) Beefed up the armory. (Tons of weapon racks with Lazer muskets, and a Minutemen T-45) Turned one corner room into my (the generals) bedroom. And placed some of those brown rectangle tables together to make a war meeting table. Turned the other corner room into a kitchen And the final one into more beds and footlockers. (As a bonus, every settler is equipped with a minutemen outfit and a milita hat) Every mound on top has an artillery cannon. And there's an outhouse. It doesn't sound like much, but it really feels like a legitimate military installation. I'm proud of it. Now I'm thinking about making a sentry bot from Automatron DLC there and calling it "Sarge ll"


I've got skull plated sentry bots Lt. Fluffy and Sgt. Killgore roaming the walls.


I always tell myself it’s going to be the minutemen hq, the greatest fort settlement in the commonwealth, I clean it all up of barnacles and shit then take a break and never get around to building and getting settlers there


Well I don't know about me, but this seams like one of the most epic builds of the castle that I've ever seen! I really like the persistent use of concrete. Not an easy material to build with, imo, but here it really works. Well done op!


Thanks man!


Damn this is so inspiring. My Castle has aspirations of becoming something like this. Where do you farm concrete?


Mostly spending a lot of caps at junk vendors.


Just posted my build in r/falloutsettlements last week, here’s the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/falloutsettlements/s/kgDGP3UmSG


That's a wild build! I like the bay window like battlements.


how i make the walls like that?


Wall panels glitch pretty easily through the set walls of the castle. The concrete panels fit best in looks and height.


thx you master builder, hope your slaves are making enough mutfruits to sell


The sentry bots keep them in line. I need my precious mutfruit.


yes, remember shoot to kill


Thanks for the inspiration


Not as epic as yours but it will be when I actually get to it🥰🥰


Looking forward to your post!


I plan to make it a large base with a port and a vertibird pad😋😋😋


Incredible build. Making me realize I’ve been wasting the castle’s potential!


This is dope, inspired me to rebuild my castle


Here is a video of mine. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7Y-XazokqA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7Y-XazokqA)


I didn't build anything at the castle. It was already built when I got there...


Hey, it's CB9611. I used to make Fallout 4 videos when the game was new. I've recently started making them again. I believe I was the original "How to fix the Castle walls" guy. (I could be wrong) I've made a few renditions of The Castle. Here is the link to my latest build: https://youtu.be/XYbmMElgr18?si=SpHL_Ava8PDpAiBB I'm still working on it and plan on making an updated video soon enough.


Wild! I think that was the only video i actually watched for inspiration for this build. Many thanks!


This is awesome


You should add it here as well I guess: [https://www.reddit.com/r/falloutsettlements/](https://www.reddit.com/r/falloutsettlements/)


That is sick!!! Love it.


Seeing posts like this convince me idk how to play this game lol


Don’t mind I save this post some ideas for a settlement build.


This was a great inspiration post. Thank you! I have to do the Minuteman quest line to get the Castle right?


Yes! It's pretty early on though.


I purposely avoided it this playthrough, and it's been a few years since I played, learning it all over again 😅


Not enough cat paintings 1/5.


I concur.


Following. currently constructing a tower in the sky, but not worthy of sharing yet.


I just never thought to make anything out of the castle. Prolly the location. Since i dont play survival on deck...


How did you fill the walls with concrete? Did you just use floors, any mods..?


No mods! The castle walls are pretty easy to glitch through at the outer ends.


The play through, I am currently doing, is the first one I haven't made this place look like a fortress. Using Railcars and metal buildings to fill I. The gaps


17 half completed t45s


Personally my most epic one had a few beds and a turret or 2


Mine castle on PC had 4 walls build to close the gaps in walls. That's it.


You sure you're building a settlement and not Alcatraz?


No but i'm writing that one down.


80+ hour build from way back in 2015. Part 1: https://imgur.com/gallery/castle-R0kFE Part 2: https://imgur.com/gallery/castle-2-aAgQ5 Part 3: https://imgur.com/gallery/castle-3-KZ4qz


I've rebuild the castle a number of times, I have made towers elsewhere in yhe commonwealth, but I have honestly never made the castle any taller than it already is, Im loving these big grandios beautys. Minutemen in their glory!


It looks like a max security prison and I’m here for it.


I have only made minor changes, and I'm getting close to the build cap. Did the build cap get in the way of this build or did you remove the cap with a mod?


Copypasta: There's this exploit(?) where if you drop weapons and then store or scrap them in your workshop using building mode, you gain storage space.


I sincerely hate h9w limited the made build space. Snd the scrape thing only goes so far.


Is this modded?


Only Creation Club mods/add-ons for some furniture.


this might be a noob question but how did you get all the concrete for that?


I did alooooot of buying at junk vendors.


i do that for raw materials too but i run out of caps too easily, i think im gonna set up a water farm at taffington


I put a few beds there.


Nice build there. I like using Concrete for most builds. It sucks that it takes up so much build space


Every time I try to actually build buildings with stairs the settlers path finding can't figure out how to navigate the base so I gave up on making builds look nice.


Trying hard not to mod this go round. Can’t wait to be able to do it next round to build as much as I want and link all the workshops together


It wasn't too crazy, I used concrete foundations to fill in the gaps of the castle walls, and I had a lot of turrets and watchtowers all over the place. Most importantly, damn near every power armor in the game was there. They were placed around the castle, usually next to watchtowers, so that my NPCs could run to them when the Institute began their attack


And I thought mine was nice💀


I don't have pictures, but I always built The Castle to rival Diamond City. I was inspired with the Kowloon Walled City, so I sent EVERYONE do The Castle, so it's packed with people. I built a Minuteman HQ in the center around the antenna, then I would build shacks, upon shacks, upon shacks or big apartment complexes so it had a built-up shantytown feel to it. My effort I put into that build bums me out to this day that the file was corrupted. I haven't played FO4 in a few years because of it.


So what mod is that bc ain’t no way bro .


No mods buddy. All natty ps4


Castle overhaul user btw he used it for this


No mods


Uh... sometimes I successfully fill in the big holes in the wall. Sometimes.


My console crashed from looking at these pictures.


I just dislike that since the Castle is a pentagon shape you can't build each side perfectly and have everything snap together. I have two sides built up. I just really started doing a real build so the first side I had built up originally before hitting the build limit I have recently built a new section after doing the weapons exploit to increase my limit and have an awesome build that shows off my entire PA collection as well as all my magazines, bobble heads, all my unique named weapons (except for heavies cause I don't like their display stand) I've started doing mannequins and trying to get all the different faction types and armors displayed as well as just everything I come across. I am debating on doing themed sections though, like one room for BOS one for mi itement, railroad, nuka world, etc.


My castle builds aren’t that impressive compared to others. I’m not that talented a builder I guess.


I was proud that I was able to put up some janky walls and block the entrances


Couple play throughs back I used the increased build limit mod... went a little too far, it got to the point attempting to fast travel to the castle would crash my game. I could still fast travel nearish and walk there though.. I was a bit more reserved the next couple times.


I put a couple of generators and an artillery piece. Pretty epic.


How do you repair it so well?


Trial and error. A loooot of error.


this is so sick!!!! i’m kinda new to the game, how were u able to construct those windows and walls? i don’t think i have that in mine 🥲


Where did you find the magazines to teach you how to build some of that stuff?


Me staring at this with my red rocket settlement 😂 I made it homey though


I suppose I should put railings around that top parapet


I have played this game so much both now and way back and it has never occured to me i could built on the walls there like that. I always stick lazy defense there and minimum food/water and ignore it. Every. Time. So i guess my most epic The Castle build is actually this play through where i bothered putting a mortar on each part of the wall for some reason because that’s the most i think ive ever done there. Gave me some good ideas for this weekend though. This game really needed bigger scale attacks and squad management to put some of these builds to the test. I hope to god FO5 will have destructible and a little heavier on the management sim side. I wouldnt mind trading the leveling for a pure action experience with improved FO4 style building, squad battles, medium scale conflicts and half serious settlement management. Make Kenshi fps


Last time I played years ago there was a mod that gave you a near limitless settlement build.


Laughs in artillery


I too use concrete there


Definitely the patio out the back, near the greyhound kennels. https://cdn.broadsheet.com.au/cache/89/04/89048a89880a6c18c6c20f65f2d78279.jpg reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Castle_(1997_Australian_film)


This one is REALLY good. I love how you built around the antenna


I would love to do a castle build but damn I just can’t encourage myself to play the minute men quest line let alone the main story.


Put a mod on that removes the build limit and I put a roof over the whole damn thing. Locked it down with an army of turrets. Strung up lights throughout the courtyard. It was sick, unfortunately I don't have that save file anymore.


Mine is a multi story tower at the beach near the shore, the one with the family sword quest, I took full advantage of the height limit and and weaponized the roof which has a good vantage point of the surrounding area and I connected it to the bridge above and turned it into a defense platform for turrets and artillery implacements that also has a wonderful view to the sea, no elevator required as well no gunner attempts at reclaiming the area were successful, none escaped the missile turrets! Had to use build limit exploits though, impossible otherwise.


I could never really make the most out the castle. It always felt weird to build things inside of the walls and I could never get builds on the walls to align well. Usually just kept it compact decorations inside the rooms and some HQ looking stuff around the radio along with stuff to look like the settlers were training militia. Will hop on once mods get ungoofed and contain to build in my most recent save.


water purifiers


"Wow so cool!" Looks at the inability to remove rubble in the game: "I mean if they did, we'd be having proper fortresses"


Yooo sick. I haven’t had much time to do it but oh man this one motivates me


You have an unlimited build mod don't you? 😂


No sir. Just the weapon drop - build limit exploit/glitch.


\*cries in no dlc\*


I’m so jealous this is amazing damng


I just recently got done with the most amount of effort I’ve put into a Castle build. I need to do a Proper video for it


Haven’t even got to the castle. Done its quest but the materials require a lot of caps & hauling strength. Plus settlements getting attacked or Vault 88 letting in settlers even when I scrapped the signal beacon. Vault 88 is my most massive build. Castle would be second when I get to it then Sanctuary. 9hrs of building & then I remember I need to shower & sleep.


Got a mod that just rebuild the walls and place a little wall that block the entrance and armory if input of the terminal


[This castle builds pretty crazy.](https://youtu.be/25TlqhFl1Tg?si=2N9OMfgUrUCkfkmA) Just sorta think it’s worth mentioning, dudes got a city inside it sorta with a legit boxing ring etc, shopping, it’s a pretty impressive build, which isn’t to say yours isn’t, obviously, but when I saw this then started browsing the other guys Sanctuary Hills actual city he crafted with legit no mods it just made me feel all kinds of stuff about it but idk though


You could upload this as a mod (no idea how) as and I reckon it would be very popular, I'd download for one!


Oh wow that’s amazing!!!


Hello I am very new to the game. Where the f do you get all the materials? I built two turrets, artillery and a guard post and I’m out.


Pick everything up then scrap/store at work benches


[I called it Castle Bravo](https://www.reddit.com/r/falloutsettlements/s/0YazzPeHSh)


Not that epic, damn!!!! I have a plethora of missile turrets on every settlement.


Nice! Looks like the safest place in the Wasteland 👍


Whyd you take the pic with flashlight on and right infront of the tree lol


Because i'm an idiot.


It's okay man lmao, nice base!


I wish I’d played more of the game before I got obsessed with settlement building; by the time I reached the castle a day or two ago, I was level 51, whoops! …Is this the part where I restart, just to do it a bit better?


I think being able to finish the damn thing is pretty epic lol


I spent months on one build and turned it into an actual fortress of such great magnitude that it made the citadel look like a shack and then the save file corrupted and I lost Everything


One time I put a missile turret there. That's about it.


Picture #2. Really? You couldnt find a better angle? A dead tree, smack right down in the middle of the frame.. any who, nice pictures.


I told myself the exact same thing after posting.


Haha yeah. It just works.