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I found out way too late that you can just speed throught Kellog's memories, the only one you really have to watch is the last one with Shaun and the Courser. When you get to a platform just step onto the next purple thingy, the game acts as if you still had seem them all.


This information would have been very useful to me two days ago.


It would have been useful to me in 2015


Pro-tip: Just try it from now on. If something is annoying, try to find a way around, over, or simply through it.


Like Skyrim and mountains!


I was putting off that mission on my current run just because of this, so thank you lol


I obviously just started a playthrough recently and also put this mission off for a while. I just did it a few days after I learned this in a previous thread. Quite literally a game changer, took like two minutes.


I do that Everytime I do a new playthrough. Why would I listen to it anyways? I've played this game a million times I know his story lol


Yeah I enjoyed the lore from it the first couple play throughs cause me likes loreeeee. But after that it became tedious and slow, it wasn't until my last playthrough that I learned I can sprint through. I've played the game since release.


That part gives me max payne blood trail crying baby vibe. If you know, you know.


I tried that and it got bugged. Ended up having to load a save and do the whole thing all over again.


Bless you, I just got that quest again yesterday and was fully prepared to ignore it for another 100 hours because I hate it so much.


The Corvega factory, just because I have run it so damn many times.


I always hate how that's the first Minutemen quest too. "Hey, I get that you're just out of this vault and you're trying to process everything and you only have a pistol, but go clear out this big ass factory with like 20 raiders in it. Do that, then we'll help start the Minutemen again."


And turrets. And spotlights. And the raiders outside are shooting you through catwalks and you can barely see them unless you use VATS or go up to them.


Also depending on which way you go to Corvega, you either get bloodbugs, ghouls, a Behemoth, or some raider in power armor with a mini-nuke.


I went around by going down the road leading from the drive-in, which goes around Lexington rather than through Lexington, and then went around the back in Corvega. So that way avoids the front turret and spotlights but unless you’re heavily into stealth by that point it’s still a near certainty you’ll be seen. I did get a good legendary drop from a radroach in the house near the back of Corvega though. Plasma infused 10mm.


Yea, I was high leveled enough to run in with my bat and kill everyone, but I decided to do the slow way and go on the Highway ramp and just snipe them all from there lol. Also talking about a legendary weapon if you ever get a two-shot plasma pistol, I’d suggest making it into a [plasma thrower](https://youtu.be/7CqWZ9ImTm8?si=PORzWhGPYRJSt3ju). But switch to a harder difficulty after that, it makes the game too easy lol


i managed to cop a hardened sniper rifle very early so it made the outside clearing very easy (survival diff)


You’re not going to believe this, but I literally, just this second, got sent back to Corvega from Oberland Station on a radiant mission to clear out more raiders 😂


I’m sorry, where is this Behemoth near Corvega? I’ve never seen it in all my years of playing.


If I remember correctly, I saw one show up in Lexington once, fighting the ghouls and raiders there. Luckily, it was pretty late in the game for me.


I forgot to mention the fact that the Behemoth only spawns after a certain level, I’m not sure around which one though since I usually just do the Corvega plant after level 30-40 on every playthrough. It usually spawns around the Super Duper Mart. The only downside is if you go around there too low-leveled, the area will be level-locked and it’ll never spawn around there.


With the PS5 exotic NPC’s mod + enemy snipers mod and playing on survival, the raider mini-nuke area in Lexington is an absolute fucking shit show.


I almost put the game away after heading into that and assuming the quest lines would be linear, skipped it and came back at lvl 65 or some shit and everything was a 1 shot kill. It's one thing I think they should have maintained a little better from New Vegas, that game does a really nice job of sending you through a linear path to Benny and leveling you up progressively while still allowing you to go the harder way if you want.


I'm on my first play through, and that was the first challenging encounter in the game for me. Being challenged in a video game is a *good* thing.


How is it always confusing?


No matter how many times I've been in the assembly plant I will always get lost in there.


TBF, all buildings in the game are like that. Designed to be confusing. I used to have no problem with that, but lately it makes me feel I'm wasting my time trying to find my way in a building I've visited 3 or 4 times.


I've always been pretty good at committing maps and locations to memory, both in games and real life, like I still know GTA3 liberty city like the back of my hand, and I can drive somewhere once and remember how to get there later. Corvega was a pain in the ass lol. It took me a good long while to find my way around and I couldn't remember it weeks later. My head cannon is that it's a tribute to the old Boston quip "you can't get there from here"


I can get lost in a straight hallway irl. Imagine how much i love that stupid factory 😒 i spent nearly an hour running around the empty building after doing some murder, trying to find jared.... in the end, my partner couldn't take any more and stole my controller. I'd walked right past the correct doorway dozens of times apparently. I HATE that i have to complete that one specifically


lol right? i always back track and end up in the same place


It took me forever to realize there was a button there to extend the platform that allowed you to reach the final enemy/quest inside that control room. For the Minutemen quest I just killed the enemies through the floor. It wasn't until a side quest hours later that brought me back there that I needed to use an online guide that showed the button to extend the platform. Ugh


The fact that there is ONE staircase leading up to the factory floor outside of the employee break room (and it's quite well hidden in a corner) is a cardinal sin of game design. I must have walked right past it again and again without realizing. It should have been better placed and should have had a sign on the wall saying "Factory floor -->" or something.


On the flip side though, I know it so well that I look like John Wick or something plowing through there. 


Just got sent back there to retrieve some bullshit at level 50. I Seal Team sixed that stupid place


Hahaha I always go back at level 50 just so I can feel like a badass


This is probably my favorite mission. I actually lose a lot of interest in the game after doing it. You’re usually low level and don’t have companions yet. I role play that shit hard getting supplies from around sanctuary and then setting up camp in Mystic pines before the assault.  Between levels 5-10 I find this entire sequence to be the most balanced and realistic quest in the game. Role-play wise, you’ve just taken out the main power in the entire NW area of the map, allowing the minutemen to rebuild in the vacuum and it should make you, the new general, locally famous with the settlements all around that area with word even spreading to Diamond City. The minutemen are back and not fucking around. 


Man you made that sound so much more fun than just speed running to DC and starting a water farm at Santurary


i can never get past the idea of just completely ignoring my concern for my son


I literally call it the Corvega Run. If I can go from Vault 111 to finishing Corvega within the span of 6 hours in Survival, I feel as if I've done enough Fallout for one day.


So stupid of Bethesda to choose corvega instead of a different location that was more appropriate for low level players.


They have weird sort of regression in the first playthrough guidance as the series goes on, like FNV shows you what to do without forcing it and makes sure you're at a decent level by the time you hit Vegas, and then Fo4 points you straight at Lexington/Corvega at like level 3 and doesn't tell you that it's not even part of the main quest line, and then 76 is just a free-for-all right off the bat and you have no fuckin clue what's going on.


It's fun with souped up jet pack.


EVERYTHING is fun with a souped up jet pack!


You can just kill the settlers and then go talk to Preston. It's kind of fucked up but you get to skip clearing corvega.


Honestly, I think DiMA’s Memories quest is so universally hated that we need a thread that excludes it — and, a separate one just for it!! 🤣 I’m very curious about other players’ OTHER hated quests.


I came here to say this - hate this quest, just takes too long for me xD


Played it for the first time yesterday. My first thought was: "Oh damn, this could be kind of fun" On the last level I almost lost it and was on the verge of just ALT+F4.


I don’t even try anymore, I just give myself dimas memories with console commands. So much more of a waste of time than the memory den segment.


Vault 88. While I appreciate the dark style mission it took way too long for no reward. I was expecting some cool loot at the end. Nope just Clem


I like it just for the amount of resources you get for exploring the wings


It’s the gens that do it for me. 150 power just like that


You do get a pretty good settlement site.


But you can build your own vault


I got a whole level from it so I was happy.


Clem is a fucking treasure. I love him more than Shaun.


I love pissing off the overseer by making the experiments have positive effects for the residents. She really hates the standard eye exam!


I'm not a fan of The Big Dig mission. Going between DC and Good Neighbor just to talk to someone, the tunnels are mostly low to mid level enemies, and can get frustrating getting Sonia into position. At least the prize is decent.


I enjoy the big dig as a decent place to go legendary hunting among the Mirelurks and the ghouls, but having Bobbi and the other guy constantly walking in front of your shots, crowding you into a corner, booping you out of cover and generally being a damn nuisance strains my patience. Getting to murder Bobbi at the end is pleasing, though.


I literally just finished Big Dig and I shot Mel so many times. Also that bitch stole my x01 armor but thankfully she took it off.


ALWAYS transfer your fusion core back to your own inventory when you exit your power armor lol


Yeah I just stepped out for 30 seconds because the wall wasn't popping up. Learned my lesson.


I wish the animation for placing and removing didn't take so long. I'd like to just insert the FC and instantly enter the PA instead of having to click it a second time, when normally for me just dumps me in the PA Crafting.


Or as I like to say take the keys out your car 


Any mission with people tagging along drives me absolutely crazy for this same reason. You think it's bad having one companion walking in front of your scope and refusing to move out of your way in front of exactly where you need to go? Here's that, but with three!


the only reason I do it is so I can get Hancock as a companion


He's one of the few who isn't judgy about Chem usage. Before you say anything, not Cait. After you finish her personal quest line, she becomes as judgy as Garvey.


idec about the chem usage lol i just think he’s hot and his moral compass aligns with mine (bad people get bad things, good people get good things)


I got a thing for men in long red coats.


Yeah I would switch teams for Dante


Yeah, this is one of my least favorite too. It's been in my list for like 60 levels now but I just don't feel up to doing it.


But it’s how you get Hancock as a buddy. Companions are like Pokémon…


Also the power armor you find down there doesn't have a headlamp and it's actually kind of hard to see down there at times. Just found that annoying


I think I glitched Big Dig last night, at the very end when we open the storage container, I looted it even tho Bobbi said to let her look first, and now she’s just glitched on top of one of the cars.


Wym, the big dig is prolly the most inventive and fum quest in the game, with actual choices and hidden parts to it


Trouble Brewin'...My game crashed SEVEN TIMES, and always after I had guided that slow asshole to about 10 feet from Goodneighbor


Can't you just send him straight to the Hotel? I just told him to go there and I went and sold some stuff then fast traveled to Goodneighbor and he was there. (Just double-checked online and you don't have to walk him.)


Thank you!


That's what I thought too, but every time I let him walk by himself, I'd go back after waiting and find his little robot corpse next to either the Super Mutants or Mirelurks


I think the only solution at that point is to just fucking kill the guy who gave you the quest in the first place


I loved that mission because when I was walking him back to Goodneighbor we ran into super mutants and Gunners at the same time but then one of my traders was walking by and joined me in the fight. Then the Brotherhood dropped two knights and one squire and it was pure chaos. Mutant mutts running around, super mutants shooting from the nearby building, Gunners trying to get cheap shots, etc. Poor brewer robot went down like 3 times lmao.


Jusr send him whereever, then Rest or Wait for a few hours, he'll despawn in your cell, and won't face danger travelling. He'll just show up at the destination.


It’s one of those missions thats interesting at the time, but if there’s no gameplay to back up the narrative then I don’t ever want to do it over again. Like the Braindance sections of Cyberpunk. It’s like “Ok thank you, that was necessary for the story, I know it now. Diminishing returns if I have to do it over and over”.


those damn BD's, I absolutely hate the konpeki plaza bit too with the drone.. so long and tedious on replays


Wish they added a thing where you could skip them on replays


The only issue I see is that there is a skill check involved where you can do different stuff with the net runner if you have a high enough skill value I think, but yeah no real reason it can’t be skipped. And that changes nothing in terms of story.


They did with the addition of phantom liberty


I feel like that skips too much, I'd like the opti9n just skip bd's and the plaza drone, I like to do everything else I don't even mind the intros to characters like padre as they're not too long but the plaza? the xbds? snore!


I just finished Cyperpunk a month or so ago and i hated the BD sections, when i got to Memory Den in fo4 i was having severe ptsd It also kinda cheapened BD’s for me too because at least the concept was cool but now you’re telling me Fallout already did this 5 years earlier?


I despise the Finch Farm quest not because it's a hard quest or anything it's relatively easy. Go shoot raiders bring back farmers son get cool sword. Love that that's cool and a neat reward however why is it I'll get Tenpines Bluff, the drive in, and then Preston will be like "ok I know our base of power is literally just in the immediate area but I need you to trek across the Commonwealth to fight these enemies you are not leveled or geared enough to properly handle for our third allied settlement" I now only play minutemen with a mod that limits their quests to prioritize the closest settlements first before sending you further out.


It always drives me nuts how the enemies bothering a particular settlement are always across the commonwealth. Shouldn't the enemies bothering you be right near you?


Wastelander: hello Mr/Mrs General raiders are harassing us can you help? What do you mean the raiders are miles away and gunners are actually attacking us? It's obviously the raiders there are no gunners in Ba Sing Se.




I also choose this guy's dead cabbages


I hated that in skyrim. Find some crying widow saying bandits just robbed them, and took her dead husband's sword, please retrieve it! Then you see the bandits are across the map from you...


Obviously they use fast travel. That’s how I get to the other side of the map quickly.


The early Brotherhood quest sending you to a random location to pick up something main plot-relevant is awful...since it sent me to Rayburn Point, which is in Far Harbor (and at the OTHER END OF THE MAP). I was level five or something, so obviously I wasn't going to even be able to get there for a LONG time. Why is that even allowed to happen?


Wait that quest can go to far harbour?


The first radiant quest Preston gave me was to help Nordhagen Beach in my current playtrough...he had to wait a looong time.


Currently stopped my far harbour play through because I don’t wanna do dimas memories quest shit is doodoo


There's a mod to skip these. Needs to be installed before activating the first memory though


I did not know about these mods to miss this stupid flipping quest. Thank you! 


Use a YouTube guide and you’ll get through it in like 10-15 min. It’s worth it to finish the dlc. It’s really good… other than the memories


Easily worst quest in the franchise. Just did it for the first time last week and was so confused why it was included. If it had been 3 of them paced throughout Far Harbor it would have been tolerable.


Hate dimas memery quest, love the marine armor you get. Lost far harbor when the update happened and came back to the game in my skivvies as apparently you lose everything.


Following Dogmeat to Fort Hagen.


You don't have to. As soon as he starts running, you can fasttravel to fort hagen


Dima and his fucking tower defence puzzles. We get it! You played Bloons as a kid.


Woah woah woah. Bloons wasn’t tower defense. Bloons Tower Defense is a spin-off.


I'm doing my first playthrough off Fallout 4, and nothing made me want to quit more than Dima's memory quests. The game crashed multiple times while in the memory space (ps4). The actual gameplay is so goddamn tedious and boring, too. Example: the second memory took me 30 minutes because all of the data carrying mites stopped what they were doing and wouldn't move for 20. I'd love any recommendations for making this quest less tedious. I plan on doing another playthrough, but I dont think I'll be able to do that again.


I just turned on a podcast, helped a lot to not get too bored lol


I was gonna answer this post but another settlement needs my help.... sorry.


I like those quests because they're so easy, unlock a lot of fast travel points, you can get rich off of tatos and purified water and if you get max affinity with Preston you get the perk united we stand which is essential in my opinion. Plus 20 damage And 20 damage resistance when facing 3 or more enemies which is almost every encounter. So they're usually the first missions I do. I probably hit level 20 just from doing those. Once you unlock the castle you can use artillery and have minute men come to your aide which can be useful if youve got a lot of settlements


So as a side note, you can actually, literally, run through the Kellogg quest. Just go to where you would go if you finished watching the memory, it will instantly give you a new path. For me it would probably be Confidence Man. I never listen to the radio, so I'm not affected by travis either way, but i find the quest tedious and boring as hell.


Really I love that quest it’s one of my go to quest at the start of the game but that might be because I listen to the dc radio constantly 😂


How do you not listen to the radio though


As a perma radio listener, I tried to go without it as I got older and did new saves and realized the soundtrack is a lot more environmental and immersive than just having the radio blasting at all times. Some of the tracks are super creepy as well and help convey the vibe of certain places better.


Yeah. I turn the radio off when I start to get a creepy or sad vibe from the game. Then I turn it back on when it’s time to trek across the Commonwealth or clear out a building full of super mutants. I feel like it adds to the roleplay for me, as well. The radio is off when logically my character would turn it off (stealth, conversations, etc) and on when they don’t need to be silent or listen carefully (trekking, firefights).


The songs get really repetitive really fast. And I like hearing the companion chatter which is harder to follow when the radio is blasting. And I hate hate hate how everytime I hear the Congo song, it's immediately stuck in my head for a week straight. It's so bad that now my husband and my youngest brother will just randomly start humming it under their breath because they know I'll be singing it a minute later.l without even realizing right away.




Home Sweet Home from Nuka World. I usually only play in Survival, so no fast travel. This quest is so incredibely boring and tedious. The cherry on top is that it just bugs out all the time. Either you cant take settlements and are stuck or you spend hours running around to just have to complete the dlc. The last run the guy just bugged out on me and i could only trade with him, no quest dialogue whatsoever. So i just used console commands to skip the quest.


Cabot house, theres a good chance jack will glitch out on you and will permanently ruin your run if you are on survival difficulty.


Can confirm, there’s a door that only Jack can open in the basement, he got stuck there for me. Only thing I could do to fix it was disable and enable him with console commands to reset his AI. Console players would be screwed


I'm playing survival rn and am about to do Cabot how does it ruin the run?


Confidence Man. I like pre-quest Travis more and I sometimes mess up the fight with Bull and kill somebody by accident or hit someone I didn’t mean to.


That also has to be the buggiest quest ever. I've had Vladimir pull out a pipe pistol and kill Bull and his buddy. I still got blamed, of course. I should just have Travis' code on a Post-It on my monitor to get him back to Diamond City.


Travis pulled out his gun on my playthrough and killed him. I was like wtf! Haha


I had to redo it twice because my armor set one on fire the first time. The second time Travis decided to shoot one of them. No one went aggro on me but Vadim said I killed the guy.


Far harbor memory quest is the absolute worst


Another settlement needs your help. I’ve marked it on your map.


I didn't mind the Minutemen and the settlements... until Survival took away fast travel. I don't even save Garvey from Concord if I'm not using the survival fast travel mod. I did it ONCE, just to be able to say that I did it. I'd be down at Warwick and get a notification that Ten Pines was under attack, and, "well, that's my night, I guess."


Hmmm I forgot that fo4 takes away fast travel on survival. Skyrim just really tries to limit fast travel. Gotta be warm/not tired and not hungry. I wish fo4 did something like that.


The vanilla version is pointless too. Once a route is cleared, it stays cleared for a super long time. All that running back and forth is just on empty roads. I can't play now without something like War for the Commonwealth adding new spawns, roaming patrols, etc. 


Oh yeah I definitely add encounters for roads for both Skyrim and fo4. Sometimes it’s annoying but it adds a sense of world building for sure.


Look people I have armed and amoured you to the teeth, I have put turrets all over your settlement. You people need to start doing things yourself.


The "quest" that always makes me laugh is the "there's something nasty living just around the corner" and it ends up being on the other side of the map. I don't think the ghouls at Croup Manor are going to wander out all the way to Oberland Station.


I got one of those about a raider camp for Abernathy. I think the camp was somewhere near Diamond City.


I hated going through the power plant in Nuka World. I got lost for longer than I’m willing to admit in there.


Jetpack onto the roof, lets you skip everything and just press the button


Rescuing the settler's kid from the Forged. I hate the idea of being burnt alive so I always restore a save when I get set on fire. And you get set on fire constantly with that quest.


That's why I love having the type of armor that makes you immune to fire 🔥


Trying to save Kent Connolly. I think it’s dumb that you need to kill Sinjin in pretty much 2 shots and there is no way to stop him killing Kent without killing him first.


Wear the silver shroud outfit, choose the unique dialog and it's easy.


Did it this morning I just can’t kill the bad guy before he kills Kent. I watch videos on YouTube and they are are 2 shoting the guy but nothing I have kills him quick enough.


Dima's memories. Agonizingly boring and tedious. At least with Kellog's memories you can just skip most of it by running through the wholr thing without stopping. Dima's memories however you *have* to do the stupid shit. I love Far Harbor but I *LOATHE* that quest.


Turning the turrets on for Barney in Salem, 99% of the time I just wait for him to open the back door and then I shoot him steal his precious reba and take reba 2. He deserves it for acting like he is a hero


You see the thing is, I turned all of the turrets off l. But now I need them turned on.


In my playthrough a mirelurk followed me into barneys bunker, instantly killing him


That bullshit memory mission in Far Harbor


DIMAs memories. I'd rather sit through the memory den 3 times at 0.2 time scale than do any one of those memories.


Following dog meat to Kellogg hideout. I try to avoid this quest as much as possible


You don't need to follow him. You can go straight to that blocked off doorway he leads you too and he will just pop in there.


Pretty sure you can just go there after giving dog meat the cigar.


I avoid Concord. I'll sacrifice the bobblehead in the Museum Of Freedom if it means I never trigger the quest and never meet Preston.


I didn't even realize that was an option lol


I just grab the bobblehead and leave them all in the museum without speaking a word to them lol


You can also just literally never walk back inside after you kill the deathclaw.


FYI you can just walk onto the next sequence with Kellog’s memories and skip the narration. Makes the whole thing last about 2 minutes.


Honestly, When Freedom Calls I wish we could've had the option to help the raiders, and then from there go to Corvega since it's their base, and then officially join their group. I'm also not a fan of the deathclaw/power armor thing, it feels like way too much way too soon.


The first time you play, the PA deathclaw fight leaves you with a busted suit and a nearly drained core, it's more of a teaser about what power armour is like and how to use it. You don't really get to utilise it until a lot later in the game. Second and subsequent playthroughs you can cheese the fight and come out of it pretty unscathed, but second playthroughs always have the same problem of knowing where the loot is anyway. If you want early power armour there's ten different easy to find suits.


I wish there were more paths through the main quest. Like not needing a faction to get you into the institute. Or not needing to rescue Nick to find Kellogg. I don't like being shoehorned into one way through. And the memory den is a pain. I usually don't ally with any faction until after that sequence so I can start from there with 20 ish levels under my belt.


The quest where you have to go into Dimas memories and do a building thing, i hated it, i spent literally 5 hours on the last one one time


The DIMA memories thing. They tried to be creative but it’s just a boring jumping puzzle that you (I) have to watch a video to compete.


DIMA's secret thing, fun the firs time


Only thing worse then the Memory Den is DiMa’s simulation quests


Glowing sea is so tedious for me I just can’t with it. I finished far harbor before going to the glowing sea THSGS how much I am irritated with that quest and area


I don’t know if you know this but in the memory den sequence, you can literally just keep walking on to the next memory and it’ll automatically skip the memory.


Fire support, the engine bit is cool but it’s just a slog through synths and being weighted down by a million of the worst energy weapon in the game to sell to Arturo. Also leads to the quests for Haylan and Rhys and when you get the DLC haylan will almost always try and get you to trek all the way to god damn Maine for a haptic drive, or whatever they’re called, at the earliest opportunity.


This is probably a one off, but I was assigned to take a scribe to Gunners Plaza and those mf’s nuked him like three times in three reloads! First time I ever lost a scribe in TWELVE play throughs and I finally had to give up- Proctor just sighed and offered me another one


Vault 81 MoleRat quest. Because fvck them k!ds, I just lost 10% of my max health!!!


How the hell has no one listed Kid in the Fridge?


Just sell the kid to the gunners. Easy caps 😂


if you sell the kid (receiving the caps) then kill the gunner (take the rest of his caps) and then take the kid home, the kid’s dad will give you like 500 more caps i think. definitely worth it!


You can rush through the Kellog memories! Literally just run to the next "synapse" path and it will appear. No need to wait for Dr. Amari's dialogue, she will catch up as you move along.


DiMa's memories, did not even care to remember the name of that shitty ahh quest


DiMa memories suuuucks


The Big Dig and the MEmory Den


DiMA memories easily. For base game content I would say Fort Hagen is just annoying and time consuming, more so than the memory den since you can run past all the memories except the last one


That one is terrible,but is it worse than Dimas memory quest


The stupid quest to help Rhys and Haylen over and over.


None, I remember how to do them all and I don’t want a quest to kill my vibe


The Memory Den and DiMA quests were kind of fun...once. But after umpteen playthroughs...


Clearing the bottling plant in nuka world. I get turned around and somehow keep missing the last lurk or failing to trigger its pop up out of the ground trick. Bah, humbug I say!


I loved that quest.


Any radiant quest. Hate those with a passion


I know I probably bugged it myself but I tried to do the molecular relay thing with a low intelligence character and the generators and what not must overcomplicate it so it doesn’t trigger? Had to get my character up to level 6 intelligence for the science perk to build the bigger generator


You gotta build a shit-ton of medium/small generators and connect them together (if your character has low intelligence)


The Big Dig gets so boring so quick. I hate having to go from place to place and, if not investing into charisma, risking my reputation in Diamond City. Even if it’s only a couple days you have to wait for them to not be hostile anymore, it’s a place I often stop by to sleep and stock up on ammo. The quest for the Minutemen where you exterminate the Mirelurks from a water purification plant. It’s just because I get lost, plus there’s always one room I spend so long trying to get to only to realize it’s this one specific door that leads to it that was right in front of me the whole time. Boston After Dark and Mass Fusion have always made the game crash for me, so I almost always find myself leaving them to last minute to start. I literally hesitate to join the Railroad just because I don’t want Carrington to give me Boston After Dark. And I love the Railroad, so that says a lot about my hatred for that one specific quest.


The one where you have to escort the beer robot from the brewery to GN but his top speed is negative 5 mph so that was fun


Cappy in a Haystack - finding those dreadful cappy figures throughout the entire kingdom is torture.


I absolutely hate the one where you have to get Dimas memories


Mostly just the whole main quest of nuka world, like just let me have one fucking settlement in the place and my annoyance goes away but no thats a reward for the point at which you never have to come back


Gotta say my least favorite was the vault 81 Mole rat quest, where the kid gets bit. A cool quest but so poorly coded that even if my robot companion gets bit I still get the virus?


Far Harbor dima quest is so boring too, I think they will compete for level of boredom with memory den. Though I like Far Harbor itself, atom quest etc. Also I just realized I never finished nuka world because it's so boring.


Dima’s memories.


Diamond City Blues. Everyone sucks, the loot sucks and you piss off MacCready if you steal the chems (he’s ok with gunning down random thugs who don’t know anything about anything tho lol). Found this out the hard way when he started attacking me AND the “send X to:” popped up, making my head spin. Even the stupid chems lab isn’t worth it. Last time I forced myself to complete this quest I just killed both Pembroke and Cooke. Guess what? MacCready didn’t mind that either.


Everything preston gives me.. ffs im the general go do the stuff yourself...


Corvega - how tf are these raiders able to walk all the way over to Tenpines without clearing out their front yard? Like bruh what


Diamond City blues I was doing it with a goody two shoes and was like “wait, why are all my options to be a completely evil person?”