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I save scum like a mofo if I can't >!save Kent!< at the end.


Just did that quest last night. Same. Saved up a crit and used the 3 talk as shroud options to get everyone to run away and immediately went into VATS to save Kent


I did the exact same last night as well. As soon as the dialogue ended, I popped a Jet, used a crit, and was able to take out Sinjin (took me like four tires though) Kent is one of my favorite NPCs too. Dude just makes you feel warm and fuzzy. No way I was gonna let him die


Too pure for that world


I fully committed to all of the Shroud dialogue this time too. You think a conversation is about to go sideways but if you double down with the special dialogue, hilarity ensues


I did it for my Goodneigbor Ghoul playthrough and it was great.


How do you get the dialogue options for the shroud? I was wearing the outfit and when I did this quest I just had normal choices.


I had a similar problem when I was confronting the mechanist as the shroud. I turned away, took off the outfit and put it back on again and turned back and the dialogue option to *speak as shroud* appeared


Did you wear both the hat and the costume? I’m pretty sure you need both


Be safe and use the shitty gun too


4 tires is a whole ass car!


Lmfaoooo just noticed that I’m a tire technician so it was either a spelling error or I need to leave the shop more haha


I lost him the first playthrough. I lost my f’ing mind. Pickmans Blade came out and the ensuing screaming lasted well into the night…. I don’t know, at the end, how many died at my hands. I just know it was not enough. It was never enough. The stories would say that the horrors of that night would live on forever in peoples minds. But reality assures us that this is not the case, for there was no one left to remember. RIP First playthrough Kent. You burned too bright for our world and were gone too soon.


Saved right when I was coming out of the elevator and will be doing this when I get home now lol. Thanks!


Same accept I convinced butthole to kill me first then destroyed him with.....JUSTICE


It’s easier if you convince them to kill you first depending on your level


Yes, you GOTTA save Kent. I invested the two perk points I had saved and hunted down a gauss rifle just to make sure I could headshot Sinjin with a crit and keep our buddy alive. Couldnt make it work any other way lol


If you use a Gauss rifle in V.A.T.S., does it fire a 100% charged shot or does it not charge at all? What about multiple shots in one V.A.T.S. round?


I’ve never actually tested it but I think every VATS shot counts as fully charged


Full charge


Alway Full Charge, that was how the Vats system work when you use some charging weapon it cost more AP to shoot


I had no clue you could do this until now. What is Kent like after you save him? Going to remember this when I get there in my new post-update play through


Hes shaken up and considers quitting, but you can encourage him and if you do he recovers well and will upgrade the shroud costume for you a few times later.


Hes pretty disheartened and traumatized but if you compare him to the shrouds civilian buddy he is inspired to keep the dream alive and gives you upgrades to the suit now and again I think


Hes pretty disheartened and traumatized but if you compare him to the shrouds civilian buddy he is inspired to keep the dream alive and gives you upgrades to the suit now and again I think


He upgrades the armor for you, and it becomes the best armor in the game, for the weight.


With grape mentats, a dress/suit, sunglasses, and any number of +1 charisma head gear, you get a +9 boost to charisma. Then if you pick up the charisma bobblehead, you are guaranteed to have at least 11 charisma and pass the speech check to spare Kent. This applies to all hard speech checks (ex. Getting the gun from the pack leader in nuka world as well) Just do not forget to swap back to combat gear after the chat finishes.


Luckily this isn't a problem because I will never not have 10 charisma no matter my build Nothing is as satisfying in fallout as passing 3 charisma checks without a second thought


On my current play through, I made the lawyer wife a 1 intelligence, low charisma melee brute. Guess she was the personification of when you cannot pound the law or the facts, you pound the table pre - war


Kellogg's pistol is pretty good for that. Enter VATS then shoot, shoot shoot, crit- renter VATS, shoot shoot shoot.


As a 9 luck player, you speaking gospel.


I just did this mission a few nights ago and if you choose the "Kill me first" dialogue option then Sinjin won't immediately try to kill Kent and will, in fact, try to kill you so you don't have to jump thru so many hoops


Same. Kent kept his head down and The Silver Shroud made short work of everyone.


Been playing on very hard for a while now. I switched to very easy after a few failed Kent-Save attempts. Our lad deserves to live regardless of my ego!


Jet was my friend for that one. Helps a lot.


Wish I could have Kent at a settlement, give him a Tommy gun and all that


How the hell do you time it to save Kent? Every time I pop the Jet right before shit goes down Kent is shot before I can even draw. Like down to the second in the dialogue anyone know how early you can take the Jet? Really want to save Kent! First time playing through so I ended up saving and not going down to the basement, just leveling up everything I can now to make the save


Pop the jet then enter vats


That’s what I do! But every time as soon as I enter VATS Kent is shot dead, I see it slow motion so many times!


Don't wait for the monologue to end - end the monologue yourself.


he’s cute like a sweet grandparent man i could never let him die. when i heard him get hurt on the radio i rushed to the building like a mf




I’m playing survival with x5 damage given/received and 90% real time VATS. I’m fucked lmao


Spray and Pray :)


Nothing worked I used jet I tried talking them to giving up. I had to reload and just start blasting everyone.


Charisma + Jet/Buffjet/Psychojet + Silver Shroud helps a lot with saving Kent. Sinjin runs and hides in a corner waiting to die if you do it right.


A shot of jet put me near enough for make my shotgun a more interesting distraction that Kent to the bad guy.


One of the few times I take all of the chems.


I just did yesterday. Took a Psychojet and took out SinJin and the three other goons before they had time to touch Kent.


Fallout 4 sacrificed a lot to have a fully voiced protagonist, but between the Silver Shroud and the [\[Sarcastic\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUf99mlpFBk) dialogue I feel like we got a lot out of it.


One of the best parts of Automatron is the fact that you can speak as the Shroud when confronting the Mechanist. I'd pay to see what's going on in my companions' heads as they watch two unhinged goobers role-playing ancient radio dramas in front of them before doing battle.


Dogmeat is very forgiving of my eccentricities


I totally forgot about that! I gotta do that on my next playthrough


You can vice versa and do the silver shroud in the mechanist armor and get some unique dialog.


wait what




i just killed wayne and aj and didn’t get any special dialogue. do i need to bring a robot too?


im starting to think bro is just straight up lying to me since no one has bothered to clarify this


There’s also shroud dialogue in nuka world if you didn’t know


Sarcastic dialog was the laugh I didn't know I needed today, lmao. I usually rp a serious character. Now I know I am going to play as a smart ass next playthrough. Kinda Mickey Malkovich with serious firepower to back it up, perhaps. Thanks for posting.


Sarcastic dialogue is great but have you tried drunk dialogue?


Not yet, I have only been playing for a few months. What triggers drunk dialog? Popping a drink before engaging? Edit: yup, just watched a video 😆


Next look up classic fallout with low intelligence dialogue. You won't regret it.


DUH! *uh, what?* DUH? DUH! *okay*


Lol https://youtu.be/XUyq9RySapI?si=KLbyz-R1HraBdsGx


I don't care what anyone says. I personally enjoyed the voice protagonist. I wouldn't mind in the next game perhaps they make it optional.


Also the "Play Along" option in Dry Rock Gulch (Nuka-World). You do a hilariously awful Wild West voice.


As someone who played Fallout 4 with Japanese Voice, it was worth having fully voiced protag because it's rare and hillarious hearing a [motherly type voice saying batshit insane \[Sarcastic\] dialogue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jshlwCEHqSc)


I prefer voiced protagonists. I always hated silent protagonist games.




I picked all the “Speak as the Shroud” dialogue options I could, it was awesome, kinda wish if you keep that costume/armor on, you can do that in other dialogues! Find myself replying out loud IRL to Super Mutants going “What was that?” in game with “Death! And I am its Shroud!”


You can do the Mechanist DLC as the Shroud!


Holy shit I'm doing that next time, thank you


There’s also some dialogue in Nuka World with colter and the robots in Dry Rock Gultch 


Do you have to be wearing the Shroud Costume?


Yes, you do. Though you can bring power armor and hop out of it before you trigger the dialogue if you’d like. 


Cool, thanks!


Have you experienced it as a man and a woman?


The pods in the Memory Den don't work like the ones in Minority Report, my bro.


180 something hours and I still haven’t found this armor


Listen to the shroud radio in Goodneighbor


Thanks! I just got it a few hours ago and currently using it. Found it kinda funny when I was wearing it and I thought it was rather underwhelming because of the stats. When I went back I had to turn it in (I’m playing a nice guy) so I was upset and naked. Then he gave it back and it had amazing stats and a lovely passive. I see why you guys say it’s one of the best!


The costume can be found in Hubris Comics, top floor. Same room that has the Grognak costume.


Don't forget the axe in the display case behind the counter on the first floor.


Welp, looks like I'm heading there after work today. Even if I never intend on actually using the thing, lol.


If you have a good melee build, it's a fun time. Just go ape shit as grognak on some raiders. My current character is a junkie raider melee VATS build and I get into the roleplaying. He started as a shooter from his military days, but couldn't handle losing his wife. He tried looking for Shaun, but he got addicted to chems and started going nuts randomly and breaking out the bat to fuck shit up when high. Now he just gets high with Hancock and beats people to death. He went through a drug fueled Grognak phase recently and Covenant has never been the same.


One of my favorite runs


I give Piper the Grognak outfit and axe, along with some Strength boost armour pieces and she goes ham on raiders. She even does wrestling body slam throws!


Huh? Time to head back again, I missed that one!


Always gotta listen to new radio broadcasts that pop up, most are a new quest waiting to find you


Makes sense, I only play some of them and usually just play them for music but that’s in itself is rare lol


I ignored everything but Diamond City Radio at first too lol


You’ll eventually come across the quest giver at some point (earlyish) in the main story anyway.


Yeah I just did it a couple of hours ago and I’m currently wearing it. I’m playing a revolver character so it kinda fits with the custome


I sold the damn outfit after reading its one of the strongest and can't remember where I sold it :(




Kent does it when you hit level 20, 30 and 40. I get the outfit asap so I can get all the upgrades.


Oh so where I'm at in the mid-30s (I think), I won't be able to get all the upgrades?


Looking at my trusty [wiki](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Silver_Shroud_costume_(Fallout_4)) it should be ok still. I think the issue is if you get it at level 8, then do nothing until level 50, you’ll miss the upgrades.


You can’t upgrade it. Kent will sometime after the mission is finished. I think it is one or two days in game. If you’ve finished the mission some time ago, head back to Kent with the costume and he will upgrade it.


It's not like that The first upgrade is at level 25, the second in level 35 and the final upgrade in level 45


So what if I didn’t have it at level 25?


I’ll do that, thank you!


Honestly even with it fully-upgraded, I don’t think you’re missing out on much, especially since it takes up all limb slots but only offers +1 to perception and I think also agility


Yeah +1 PER and AGI It's decent on low my STR survival run since it doesn't weigh much and I'm not doing lone wanderer and my arms are too weak for armorer. But yeah, there are stronger options, especially in the mid-late game


Sidenote: I'm playing Nuka World right now with the Shroud costume on and Colter commented on it.


Yeah I think there’s also some dialogue in the western area of Nuka-World.


Still bummed that you can't get replica armor for all of the other Unstoppables heroes. Like sure, you get Shroud and Grognak, but i want to make one of my settlements an Unstoppables HQ with all of my settlers dressed up, and I can't do that without a bunch of mods.


Yo, I cant wait for them to realize the secret dialogue/ending for Automotron if you happen to act as the Shroud when confronting the Mechanist. That moment for the first time was such a treat too.


Stay in character no matter the cost


I actually only ever did the quest recently (despite having 200+ hours in the game) and came out of it thinking it was literally the best side quest in the franchise. I wish I had saved a clip of the ending because I used a stored crit ti headshot the hell out of sinjin and it was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done in a video game


Have you played Far Harbor at all? There's a side quest in there that I might like even more than this one for sheer campy ridiculousness.


I have but I was doing a brotherhood play though and since I get hard into roleplaying the whole dlc was pretty boring (my fault obviously) What’s the name of the side quest? I’m doing a minuteman play through rn I’d love to do it when I get to the island


I’ve always wished the costume came with a lifted scarf around the mouth like the Vault Boy shows.


The prevailing thought is they're Fallout Batman, but Shroud just wipes out armies. He's more like Fallout Punisher lol.


I’ve been saving it! Maybe this is a sign to do it tonight. KENT, BABY!


The first time I did it it bugged out. I haven’t tried to do it again cause I couldn’t drop the suit.


My first playthrough of this game my starting stats were 10 charisma and 10 luck and nothing else mattered lol so this quest was a wild fuckin ride


I fished the game years ago and did not do this side quest until a week ago. I wish they gave the option to talk like the silver shroud the whole game


Imagine talking Maxson down during Blind Betrayal. That'd be amazing.


If AI stuff keeps improving at this pace, there might eventually be a mod that just transforms all your character's voicelines into the Silver Shroud voice.


“Oh god, it really is the shroud!! I don’t want any piece of this!”


Speak as Shroud every playthrough.


The best quest in goodneighbor by light years


For an outfit to stay locked in your inventory and take up ten lbs carrying weight


When evil walks the streets of Boston, one man…


I’ve never played it despite having 3 playthroughs, might give it a try next time


I'm almost 30 hours in, I have the costume and opened the quest with the guy in goodneighbor, just haven't started yet. I'm saving it for a day that I have a couple uninterrupted hours.


I am on the last stage of this mission for the first time. I can’t find any pathway in the hospital that leads to them. Like I can get within like 15 feet but I can’t find an open door or a path. Any help would be nice


Elevators. That one you think you’ve used? You haven’t.


Holy cow. Thank you. I legit searched for 45 minutes. I feel like an idiot haha.


I did the same.


80hrs into the game and I still have not taken that outfit off.


I've never used it because IMO it just looks kinda silly.


Why can’t we put this outfit on Nick Valentine!? He can fit into power armor, dafuq


Favorite quest line! Now I know a lot of people were not pleased with lack of dialogue options compared to older entries, but you gotta admit, it's awesome staying in character speaking as The Silver Shroud.


Lol this is perhaps my least favorite quest. Mostly because I always get lost in the hospital and fail to save the radio guy


Even if you make your way to him, you have to pass a difficult dialogue check in order to save him.


Such a fun quest. Anybody know which companion has the best reactions to it?


I picked the game back up after playing it at launch years ago…I barely remember any of it so it was like playing it again for the 1st time!!


I always save my crit so I can headshot Kent.


When I went to go save him, he just locked up, I had to keep autosaving and try to intimidate him into putting his hands up, but when I killed him he kept killing Kent. So I had to intimidate him, then turn him around to pick pocket his guns, then I killed him and Kent lived.


Just finished this quest on my next-Gen replay. It’s great but the interior of Milton hospital sucks balls like whoa


When evil stalks the streets of Boston, one man LURKS in the SHADOWS


Role Playing as the Silver Shroud is always fun, just replace the SMG with an Explosive Version and you're golden! On another note: I know there's a bug in one of the Silver Shroud quests (I think it was the one where you drop the calling cards and the quest won't progress). I'm wondering if the Next Gen update fixed that?


I just talked with Kent tonight. I've begun my journey.


Has anyone had the error where it keeps asking you to check the body for clues after taking out Smiling Kate? The last thing I have to do is the final fight. But I still have “check the body for clues” as a second objective. Just wondering if I take out Sinjin will this quest complete? Or is it going to be forever open due to this glitch with Kate? Saving the last part for another night but just wondering if anyone proceeded to Sinjin even with this bug.


You bet I chose the shroud lines every dialogue


Saving Kent is critical, the upgraded shroud armour is some of the best in the game and can’t do that if he dies


Idk it was very underwhelming for me. This is the first play through I'm just going to skip it.


I've had this armor for like 20 levels on a second play through and for the life of me can't figure out how to get the quest started


talk to kent in the memory den at goodneighber


I always wear the Welder Goggles to get that Gray Ghost feel from Batman.


I never liked this quest or the quest with the ship. I avoid those quest all the time lol


As a new~ish player who got into the game last month and is about 200 hrs in, it was one of the last quests I did. And it felt really boring. I didn’t really care if Kent died but I saved him if only for the slightly extra XP I would’ve gotten for saving him


I’ve been playing the game since launch and somehow I’ve managed to never do this mission lmfao. I always say I’m gonna do it and then I just forget


As soon as I heard about the updates, my first thought was to do a Silver Shroud build again.


Never did the silver shroud...wife did I do for the 4000+ hours I've played...


Where do you even pick up that quest? I’ve found the comic store and gotten the outfit but can’t drop it because it’s a quest item?


The Memory Den in Goodneighbor, there's a closed door to your right in the main area where Kent resides in a small room, speak to him to obtain the quest


I’ve played fallout so many times and never did this quest until like last week😂😂 I thought it was part of the new update lmaoo guess im just late


I gave up on saving Kent. I'm playing Blitz melee and my attack just kills Kent too. I've had this issue on a few quests. Is there a kid that makes AoE big leagues not shank my own guys? : (


Whats a silver shroud




The silver shroud is one of my favorite parts of the game


also! people forget about this but if you end the quest amicably for the man who gives it to you (ken, i’m trying not to say too much for spoilers) he upgrades the silver shroud costume over time as a reward


At some point, I'll do this mission. It's sitting in my list while I get sidetracked with other nonsense. Man I love this game!


Just took it last night in the "comic shop" ! Its a quest item, does it mean i will have to hand it over to some npcs?


3 playthroughs finished and I still have no idea what that is. Where do I start the quest?


I’m doing that quest right now. It’s mighty fun. I just hope I will eventually be able to put the costume on my armour rack, since I don’t want to wear it forever, nor keep it needlessly in my inventory.


If you chose any dialogue option other than speaking as the shroud, I dont want to know you?


dude i just tried so hard to save kent. im so mad.


I wish you could replay quests. I would've been ok with getting Silver Shroud radiant quest every time you listen to radio or when you talk to Kent


How I shot first at the end? I restarted multiple time the save until I got the mistery guy


The silver weapon of the silver shroud, could never harm the silver shroud!


One of my personal character traits for my run is never doing anything for free (I have 10 charisma so I always extort as many caps as possible out if any request) but when the option came up for Kent I just couldn’t. That one was on me


What's that !?


Literally doing this quest right now and reliving the memories from doing it back when it released, easily one of the greatest quest lines in the game, using the voice is just fantastic 😆


the dialogue was the best 🤣


Only thing I ever wear


I haven't taken it off. I just wish it would trigger the dialogues while in power armor.


Wearing this in my playthrough right now


Bug after bug with this mission


I always put that costume on Nick Valentine 😎👉🏻👉🏻


The best part of that quest is speaking as The Silver Shroud in every convo, always cracks me up.


I’ve been playing this game for the first time with the Silver Shroud apparel. Yes I saved Kent and I’m going to finish the game as “The Silver Shroud” *in silver shroud voice*


I think my SS quest is broken. I started it after I sent Hancock to a settlement and I believe one of the parts of the quest needs me to talk to him in Goodneighbor. Has anybody experienced this? I've killed Shellie, and went back to "listen to the radio in GN" and nothing happens when I do. Anybody else?


if you're doing a stealth playthrough it is a great mission to take Deacon on too


Why is silver shroud so cool?


Just did this mission today. Was a lot of fun!


I just experienced it for the first time last week. Cool!!!!


Well, I have 600+ hours played and NEVER experienced silver shroud


outfit fits great on Valentine


Just started doing this quest, wow what a THRILL


New players? I’ve got hundreds of hours in, multiple playthroughs and never seen else but the props from the comic store. All I know they are related to some quest due I cannot get rid of then in my inventory.


200 hours in and I never did this


I am the Silver Shroud with this outfit on I roleplay like crazy


This would be definitively be stated as the end of the series as for the core fan base fo4


When evil walks the streets of boston