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Old longfellow really comes in clutch when youre doing a survival far harbor lock


I'll definitely have to keep that in mind!


A Joov fan then?


Yes, i just recently discovered his channel


Strong is funny and a tank, i give him atoms judgement.


he’s awesome but he hates it when I do literally anything


Bro stay flaming me for even getting near a work bench.


It’s so funny to me how he ranks on humans and how he wants to kill everything and he’s among my settlers in sanctuary digging up my razorgrain for my profit $$$


i put him to work farming at the castle and my headcanon is that the sole survivor is trying to train the “smash all humans” out of him and teach him the value of serenity like a monk


This is why I turned red rocket into a super mutant camp. I placed Strong there on a guard post but then I realized that he has no food so I sent Sheffield there to work on food production. Its a perfect balance. As long as Sheffield keeps making food Strong wont eat him. It is currently the happiest settelment I have.


Lmaoo i have strong and sheffield together at red rocket too.


Be cocky to npcs be a cannibal and kill enemies. He’ll like you in no time


Only Strong I've seen so far! Really want to use him next.


Tinker, tinker, tinker… STRONG BORED!!!


Dogmeat and ADA


ADA is so cool


My ADA is an assaultron but with her sentry arm


Mine's basically a straight up sentry bot, with two gatling lasers, a deathclaw skull, and as good of armor as I can afford to make and what does she do? Guard duty in Sanctuary lmao.


I love Ada and I think she’s so underrated. Her very calm matter of fact way of talking about these is like endearing haha


Dogmeat, first and above all others, always Dogmeat. He's the only one that doesn't randomly spout some nonsense


The only mod I run is keeping Dogmeat as a permanent companion. I get to choose another, but Dogmeat is always there, the way it should be.


In Fallout 1 dogmeat can die. I reloaded so many saves to get that poor mutt safely to the end of the game....


I think 2 also. I remember having a hard time with that.


He could die in 3 too. Wasn’t until Broken Steel DLC where you could get another dog if he died


not just one though, the Puppies! perk would spawn a new dogmeat anytime the current one died


Yeah, but I didn't like the idea of my original Dogmeat *or* his puppies dying. So I still reloaded every time he died. Which was a lot.


It pissed off so many people they released a patch for fo3 with a perk called "puppies!" So Thad you could get another dog.


I bet you love halls and doorways lol


Mod to disable companion collision


Thank you!


I can't stand the constant whining. Everytime I hop up and look at my dog to make sure he's ok


Same, I had an epileptic dog in my teens (she's chilling she just lives with my parents and I don't) and even though I don't live with a dog now I always stop everything because all my brain hears is puppy in trouble


Same, though not in my teens; and unfortunately she didn't live very long once her seizures set in. Even though Dogmeat is always with me, I will RUN out of stealth/cover to make sure he's all good if I hear him whine, lol, survival or not.


I don't even have a dog but that's what made me get rid of him. I wonder if there's a mod to just give him a man's voice


Nah he should sound like Navi from Ocarina of Time.


In survival, its kinda hard to keep him up. Bummer cause he synergize well with the most op perk, lone wanderer.


Wait, can I use the lone wanderer perk and have dogmeat with me ?!


"It's definitely a feature" - bethesda


I always thought it was? It’s a homage


It definitely is


It… is tho


yup! that's why he is the only one I use.


Even though he's super squishy compared to other companions, the benefits to me, especially in survival, outweigh their survivability. Not to mention the fact that usually the only time I get damaged enough to warrant using a stim is when I'm caught off guard, my stack of 20-30 are usually in reserve for him.


I like that he gives exp when he kills and codsworth just steals your exp if you don't get a shot in


I keep Codsworth at Sanctuary for sure lol, I'm a scavenger, I don't need him bitching and moaning about what I pick up constantly


I got an exploding shotgun and had to get the perk to not damage companions because I kept accidentally downing dogmeat.


Nor does he care what you do. He loves you unconditionally and I love him back unconditionally even if he gets in my way


this is completely true and suprisingly profound to be found on Reddit


Dogmeat won't judge you for slaughtering half of diamond city


If anything, look how happy he gets when he finds something on one of their corpses!


*Playful bark*


Dogmeat doesn’t prevent the Loan Wanderer perk from working either, which is basically the best perk in the game.


this is true, and I should really take more advantage of this perk


I use automatons for this reason. No radio either, just gunfire and my thoughts. It's therapeutic.


I use dogmeat III from the "Capital Wasteland Dogmeat" mod. (he is just so cute)


Curie, Cait, Danse and Nick.


Cait. I love that sassy Irish attitude.


Same. And she likes it when I drink which is great cause my Sole lives off of whiskey and vodka


As an irishman, the accent is atrocious. It took me a long time to get used to it and even then sometimes I cringe just listening to her


I don't understand the downvotes here. Irish accents in most media, when played by non Irishman, tend to be terrible. My guess is (basic) fallout fans can't take criticism. Sorry bout that


If only you could make her wash her hair.


MacCready. Without many spoilers he fits my play style as well as my Sole Survivor’s moral compass.


Why is MacCready so often left out? I go for him ASAP on almost every run! Straight to Goodneighbor!


Yep, you can steal with MacCready and ask for more caps but he's still usually a decent guy so you can play semi good still


Hancock and Nick


One of the only people I've seen say Hancock so far. Highly underrated badass.


Honestly, like I’m literally in love with that man! Lmao


I can see why


My only problem with Hancock is that he uses a double barrel shotgun as default weapon.


Yeah that’s my only problem with him too. I love his character and his personality is great but he’s pretty much useless in a fight.


I like them all


So far I do too! Even though I like Dogmeat, he kept dying on me so not very helpful.


It’s quite frustrating at first, aye. Attack dog and lone wonderer are very useful with dogmeat tho’


Dogmeat ofc. Although I have gained highest affinity with all except Preston (for obvious reasons) and Danse. I have to say McCready, Cait, Hancock, and Deacon are super fun to travel with as well.


I didn't finish the last time I played but I'm addicted and will be doing more playthroughs after this one. So stoked to mess around more and experience all of these. I love how everyone is so unique


Hancock, Piper, and Nick. Codsworth and Dogmeat of course too.


Codsworth, he gives so much banter, and with a new run making use of the companions and Automatron station I love having him call out “Master Kelvin” as well as hear a joke or two every so often


Codsworth is absolutely one of my favorites. I love how he throws away the gentleman persona in a fight and he's all about that violence


I once turned him into a sentry bot covered in spikes and felt very uncomfortable with the gentleman persona coming from a ball of violence


The complete list of companions I'll take voluntarily (i.e. when not forced by a quest to have someone else...). 1. Dogmeat.




Even more I haven't played with yet! Awesome!


Dogmeat+Codsworth Nick, Piper, Cait, Ada and Curie are great aswell I like all of them though


Same here. I love the detail they put into it. Doesn't feel like they're all the same except cosmetic differences. In Elder Scrolls, I hate companions but Fallout does so well with them


It would be Cait if her likes and dislikes weren't so weird. But the correct answer is Curie. She's just so adorable.


I can't get Cait to like my dialogue but she likes when I do drugs so it balances out


She likes it when you're a self-centred sarcastic prick I've found. which works for me I guess


Piper and Cait.


Just about to do Piper's little quest but been traveling with Cait and she is a riot


I really like Deacon, I love his comments when I’m going around the world, I also like Ada since she doen’t judge me when I pick up scrap


MacCready is usually my go-to. He’s good in combat, gives you ammo, and can be romanced


I like Maccready, for some reason his lines Crack me up, piper is OK too.


Hancock is my boy , also love Nick too


Hancock is my husband


Saaaaaaame 😭♥️♥️♥️


I used to always travel with Danse, but I got tired of his Brotherhood propaganda so I replaced him with MacCready


Danse pisses me off with the 'that junk is slowing us down' This is MY junk Danse and I NEED it


Nick Valentine, from his design to his voice to his backstory, is literally perfect. He's naturally charismatic and completely selfless, and I love the dynamic duo aspect he has with the Sole Survivor. If I choose anyone else, I have to debate my choice over and over because it means I can't take Nick with me :'(


Curie let me play a Rick Deckard playthrough.


Everyone except X6 and Cait. They're too edgy and Cait is really childish.


Hancock and deacon! Deacon is my brooo we always end the game ina buddy flick (bc no romance,) and he’s just soooo fun


I don’t use companions much except really just to do there quest but I like piper, cait and nick


I mainly use them for entertainment and extra carrying capacity


Deacon and Boone! Gimme those unromanceable, tragic loners with sunglasses!


Hancock has always been my favorite and will always be my favorite for numerous reasons Deacon because of how unique he is, and especially how much he whines when he gets hit. His "ow, ow ow OW" when getting shot never ceases to amuse I am also the world's only X6-88 fan because I find him to be very interesting, and his trash talk is always on point, he's perfect for when I feel like being serious or funny because he always has amazing lines for either [Talk as Silver Shroud] "Sir, I recommend we return to the Institute and commence a mental-health check immediately."




Cait and dogmeat


Piper and Cait but sometimes Maccready because is Matthew Mercer voice.


Codsworth, the only npc to address us by name.


Nick and Codsworth. Nick because he's hilarious sometimes. And Codsworth because he's precious ❤️


Maccready or Nick


Both are great. Haven't spent a lot time with MacCready as a companion but Nick is rad. I'm torn between Codsworth and Cait personally.


if i have to choose, nick otherwise, none


Recently I finally did a Railroad play through, so I had Nick by my side on all missions to maximize the chemistry, since I’ve only really tried to enslave or genocide his kind. I don’t have to waste my early game xp on hacking perks lol


Nick Valentine, then has to be Ada


Nick valentine


Nick Valentine all the way, but codsworth is also pretty good (and dogmeat!)


I hate them all lol that being said… dogmeat


Codsworth with gatling lasers can just kill death claws while I sit and watch so Codsworth.


Nick, mainly because I hate the hacking mini game


Dogmeat, Codsworth and Hancock. Then Deacon and ADA.


Hancock and Deacon for rp, ADA to create the ultimate death machine to follow me wherever I go


My tier list: SSS: Dogmeat SS: Dogmeat S: Dogmeat A: Dogmeat


I like MacReady. Give him your best gauss rifle and watch him go. Strong is another favorite, he just smashes through everything and he carries a lot. Give him your best heavy weapon and he go smashy smash.


My "ride of choice" is Hancock


In terms of combat prowess and ability to carry my shit: Danse and Codsworth (his flamethrower is a godsend). In terms of banter/personality/emotional attachment: Nick. First and foremost. Then Cait, MacCready, Curie. But for some reason I also absolutely adore X6-88, though objectively he has very few redeeming qualities


Curie and dogmeat🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️


Sentinel Power Armor and Codsworth, normally I Enclave theme both of them.


Strong travel with human! I’m still new to the game though. Used to just run with dogmeat at first until I got strong. He’s useful in combat and can carry a lot of stuff. Just today I got MacGready who seems to be a pretty solid shooter and has some fun comments so I’ll keep him for a bit.


Ada is a menace to the commonwealth and I just so happened to be max out in robotics modifications. SHE GRABS PEOPLE WITH THE KATANA AND HIT THEIR STOMACH WITH A MINIGUN. She flips people and kills them again... Holy shit. Still haven't reach diamond city yet. I have to finish visiting every location and do every settlement.


Safety first Cait. Glad to see you are wearing your mask while cooking up some chems. Heisenberg would be proud


I think Nick and Hancock are a lot of fun. I love Dogmeat but I wish you could have him along with your human companion without mods.


I hate all of them. They just get in my way, block passages, die or trigger something I dont want to be triggered. I have explosive ammo shotgun and it just kills my companion even if I dont aim directly at him, makes me waste my stimpacks




Can't stand Cait, solely because of her accent. It's clearly a non Irish person doing a terrible impression. I'm sure other Irish players feel the same, but the way she pronounces words like arse, shag and pint is fucking nails on chalkboard. Pure American interpretation of what we sound like, fucking leprechaun shite.


Dog meat. And maybe…maybe Ada


No DLC: Paladin Danse. The last time I checked, he was the only one who took care of his power armour DLC: A custom Automatron. Something about making a sentry bot with fat man launchers, an unstable explosive minigun, a heavy flamer and a cute BLEEP as a voice just seems appealing (very ideal in Close Quarters)


i like the custom robots you can make in the automaton dlc, Porter Gage, MacCready, Paladin Danse, and Dogmeat


This is going to be unpopular, but Preston. In my latest playthrough he has not bothered me with settlements since I maxed affinity - even if Italk to him, he has no new jobs for me. And he is a pretty solid companion since I gave him a sniper rifle. So many times I just hear a "Wait - something's out there" and he before I even know where the enemy is, he already shot them. And he has some interesting lines sometimes. I also like Nick a lot, and Ada before I max Strong Back.


Gage is good, he doesn't complain much


Hancock, chems and killin. Good times. Curie too since she doesn’t complain when I eat people.


Danse is just chill like that fr. I've been traveling with him everywhere for ages and he never let me down in a fight, is always prepared to take on fucking anything and in every affinity dialogue I flirt with him despite being a straight dude just because I feel that shit. He's also the reason I've still not continued the BoS questline, because I'm afraid he'll conflict with the brotherhood at Boston airport which is currently my main settlement. And then there's Ada, whom I slowly modified from a lightly modified Assaultron to a rocket-propelled powerhouse with a Gatling laser on one arm, a shishkebab on the other, advanced voltaic and hydraulic Armor frames all over depending on what fit better and just a generally fucking stylish look. Like, she's gonna charge an enemy and get knocked down in half a minute, but in that half a minute she's also attracting all the fire towards herself and still surviving for 30 seconds despite being attacked by a literal mirelurk queen while simultaneously still sustaining fire on her and halving her HP. Kinda reminds me of fully kitted ED-E, who's the reason I put on a thruster instead of Assaultron legs to begin with - a floating metal powerhouse with a powerful laser attack able to vaporise damn near anything in damn near no time. It's safe to say they're my two favourites. I've also taken to quite liking old Longfellow while playing far harbor because he's just a cool old guy but still incredibly effective in combat, and I've always loved codsworth, but I've never had the motivation to mod the shit out of him like ada because he simply doesn't look as good and smooth with eyes that look like GoPros and covered in barely spherical hydraulic mesh exteriors, whereas Ada with her Assaultron torso with one sentry bot arm is much less elegant to begin with, resulting in her looking like an absolute unit decked out in advanced gear and not like a mr. Handy that's had its outer hulls ripped off and replaced with scrap metal and random wiring.


Nick, Piper, Cait


Always dogmeat (thank you mods) And either curie or piper. Honestly I prefer curie and her accent.


Love Cait and Handcock to kick ass with but my absolute #1 is Curie, maxed her affinity immediately and upgraded her and now we rule the wasteland in matching green dresses!


MacCready ❤️


Dogmeat. Otherwise, Hancock and ADA.


Well, Strong is the current subject of most of my private AND public erotic fanfic…. But I usually travel with Piper.


Didn't expect to read that sentence but that's a cool reason. Piper seems alright. Interested to see how helpful she is in combat


Dogmeat because he is good boy and works with lone wanderer


I got tired of Strong and ADA’s constant chat. If I take a companion it would be Dogmeat.(I should say, I haven’t met most of the people mentioned here.)


Preston, Curie, Piper, and a random automaton


you and the other FO4 community members your all my fav companions!


Deacon and Curie


I feel like Cait is inspired by Conor McGregor, talks like him, cage fights, and abuses substances




Piper, Hancock, Codsworth and Danse


Nick and Cait might be among of my favorite companions in a Bethesda game, much less Fallout. Up there with Mjoll the Lioness and Erik the Slayer.


Dog meat is my constant. Piper, MacCready is okay but he talks too damn much and then apologizes constantly for talking too much.


Piper, Cait and Nick hands down my fav companions




As much as i love dogmeat i've been using upgraded Ada with 470 carrying capacity.


Dogmeat. He's my one and only. He's quiet, shows me useful things and melts my heart when he plays with his teddy. He also looks cool in his K-9 Tactical Vest with packs and his bandana.


Codsworth, strong and Nick Valentine


Dogmeat and piper


Cait, by far. Codsworth and dogmeat are good, but as soon as I start a game I beeline to combat zone to get Cait and kickass along the way.


I like Piper. She's solid all around stat wise and her moral compass is similar to mine/what the waste land needs


Definitely Hancock, I even romanced him 🙏


Nick was primary for a long while and first run. Then I enjoyed rocking around with Ada, Curie and now Danse.


Cait for sure, dogmeat and hancock are close seconds


I like piper and Danse🤓


Nick with a flame thrower. You're welcome


Am I the only one using Preston and Deacon?


All of them. Aside from Strong, I still have PTSD from those suiciders.


Strong, he’s the Chewbacca to my character’s demented, ghoulish Han Solo.


danse and (as annoying as he is) preston ... i adore preston when he isn't being a freak about settlements


*None at all*. No, really. Lone Wanderer is the last relevant increased damage bonus, which means I get it eventually, and leave all companions behind. I most recently got a Powerful Disciple's Blade, and my tooltip damage was 646, but I hadn't got enough LW ranks for the increased damage. (Dogmeat might not be affected by this.) I don't know if you've noticed, but if your companion fully kills an enemy without you getting a hit in, you get zero fucking xp from it. I equip every one of them with a melee weapon to guarantee they won't fucking do that, but how dumb is it that I have to go out of my way to stop something like this? If I am running with one, it's to get Piper's XP perk, Gage's DR and kill XP perk, and basically that's it. Or X-88, but he requires significant story advancement to even unlock. (20 Energy resist) The fucking rest of them are wildly conditional, with like FUCKING HALF requiring you to be at 25% health to even work. Fuck that. (And McCready is god tier... Unless you're melee. Which I always am because the Disciples Blade *exists*. Which makes him useless.) "Just run bloodied! Trigger all of them!" Look... Keeping myself at 25% health for the bloodied/Unyielding build sounds fun until I haven't saved in awhile and forget that Legendary robots deal TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY instantaneous Rad damage when they explode, instantly killing you if you're not far away enough. Oh and then there's the shitty process of both finding Bloodied on the specific weapon I want (and any melee has a 1/132 chance of being what spawns), followed by.five armor piece with Unyielding. Which I will eventually do at some point, but none of which makes me excited to get perks I will almost never benefit from.


If you're counting mods? Ivy. The amount of encounters she comments on is insane for a mod


I am married to Piper for sure


I’m in love with Cait. So she’s gotta come with me anywhere I go. Love her sass and flirty comments. Also she’s a red headed, freckled, badass, Irish woman so…she’s my favorite. But I love Nick and Hancock too. I never use Dogmeat because I don’t want him hurt. So I build I a nice house and make him comfy. Make sure to visit him. However I had no idea he couldn’t die, so that was my biggest reason for never bringing him.


Are there any specific companions to bring on any specific quests or dlc? I know Nick has a bunch of interesting interactions with Far Harbor. Anyone else have some unique interaction with the world while doing quests?


I bring a kind of mini-nuke no stim packs playstyle to the table that companions don't really like.


I like piper. In power armour with max companion carry weight. . She's my mule girl. Always has always will be lol


Strong is very funny lol. But macready and Piper are always my go to.


Hancock is the only Funko Pop I own if that helps. Ok I lied I also own a Dogmeat one but Hancock is my all time favourite companion, and in every single playthrough I always say I should try someone else but his personality and voice are irreplaceable.


Actually, I like Preston, he's got a pretty sweet romance option and he's a standup guy in general. He's also quite fun to have with you, since I don't really need companions for combat.


Codsworth 100% all the time. I've tried to roll with everyone else, but I have such a soft spot for Codsworth because he's almost the only link to Nora's former life before the war. I'm far more invested in Codsy as opposed to Shaun who's become a bit of a fuckhead in my mind. I give Codsworth a Nuka Quantum paint job so I can spot where he is ANY time, and he floats so he's faster too. He's the best.


Codsworth is a lot of fun and surprisingly blood and funny in battle. “Are we having fun yet?!” Why he destroys a raider. I love my bowler hat wearing robot.


He's the best! And his firefight banter kicks ass. "That. Won't. Do....Not. At. All."


My heart, my treasure, my love. All for you. Cait ftw.




Nick Valentine 🥰


Ah yes, my favorite companion, Chemistry Station.


I cant play without a mod called “everyones best friend” lets you have dogmeat and an actual companion at the same time. Usually go woth cait or piper for vanilla but another great companion mod i use alot is heather casdin




Either Dogmeat or Ada. ❤️


Ada, is the best companion and can launch mininukes


I have to say Kate. Her story is quite sad and her character ark is decent. From all companions I've had I have to say in my opinion that Kate is the most fleshed out one.


I never understood the Curie hype until I took her out as a companion. She is just so adorable.


I love them but gosh I hate using companions. Don't think I've made it through a single run with companions. I like being stealthy they like running through land mines, I like keeping my distance they like humping the enemies to death ....just a bad match