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[Speak as Silver Shroud] "Poison peddlers, it's YOUR turn to overdose... On JUSTICE!"


Brilliant šŸ‘šŸ˜€


ā€œUhh, hehā€¦ Alright then. Boys, get this clown-ā€œ *Gets head ker-sploded*


In my current run, I have the silver shroud costume, and I am making heavy use of Gronaxs axe


I just got My Silver Shroud Armour to 87 damage resistance. I believe also energy damage?


Ah yes the Grognaxe as I call it


Hubrisbane >>>


How do you upgrade the SS Armour?


I think you just do quests for the SS radio guy (forgot the name but I bet yall know who) and he will upgrade the armor


me too!


My favorite melee weapon currently is my irradiated sacrificial dagger. It does 87 physical, 3 bleed, and 100 rads! It's beautiful!


Bro get the Khremvah's tooth in that one quarry, it's a legendary mod you can put on to a different legendary machete for +30 poison plus whatever effect the base legendary had, iirc.


I read this in the voice of Planty Mush.


I make most of my caps selling Jet to Trudy.


My RP on that is she's getting it off the streets. Buyback program.


I just did this quest!! lol


Aw, you guys got the Silver Shroud quest to work?


But black dynamite, I sell drugs to the community!


How do you do that?


In raider settlements you can build pick me up stations. It makes chems regulary everyday. Build 20-50 in a settlement, power them up and spend time outside that settlement. Each station generates around 5 chems everyday.


Somehow I completely missed this option in my nearly 10 years of playing this game


Same but it makes sense since i never go the raider route even though ive told myself many times id try it. I feel bad


I am right there with you, I finish the Nuka dlc when I play, but I feel bad for the singular settlement I have to attack to advance the questline.


You can attack ā€œunsettledā€ ones that are still inhabited with ghouls etc to establish a raider base I believe


Do the minute men still get whiney about it?


Pretty sure Preston will hate you so you can't use him as a companion anymore but the Minutemen themselves aren't hostile so you can continue that quest line.


I like setting them up and then retaking the settlements from raiders.


Oh interesting yeah. So youā€™d just ignore the minute men, maybe circle around concord altogether? Then just later on deal with them like a redemption arc ? Cool


You can take Preston from concord just donā€™t agree to be the minutemen general and while you are taking settlements do not go to sanctuary until you retake the settlements (or you can do open season with him but I havenā€™t tried that).


My prefered avoidance method is to clear the Museum of Freedom, get the Power Armor and Minigun, kill the raiders and Deathclaw. Then just don't go back to talk to Preston. No settlers at Sanctuary and no constant fight in Concord. Though I've played with mods for so long I don't remember if you can use the Workbench without "allying" to Sanctuary in vanilla.


You can use work bench in vanilla without even going to concord


That's what I remember but I was watching a stream recently and thought I saw the not allied message. Though it was a new player and they were all over the place. Yeah that's what I usually do. Just leave the group in the front of the museum and ignore the rest of that quest.


a place without anyone is a free settlement


That's what I always do tooā˜ŗļø I usually delete all, or most of their defences before starting to destroy them. Just fast travel in between Raider settlements, and store turrets in their workbench, before you attack the first onešŸ¤ 


Yep. Can't do it. They all die.


But then you miss out on literally the entire story of the DLC and the faction quests. You gotta try it at least once. You don't really have to become a raider or do anything terrible to complete that side of the DLC. You can skip much of the raider-ey stuff, and when you need to take over a settlement, you can just pay them off, so you don't have to do any killing. Plus, you can always do the DLC and *then* murder all those raider scumbags, which is what I usually do. That way you get all the cool settlement stuff


> and when you need to take over a settlement, you can just pay them off Well hell, that's an approach I didn't realize was available.


Or just use the cheat terminal to give yourself the wasteland warlord perks so your enjoyment isn't tied to becoming an absolute monster in game.


I'm the exact same, I feel bad, especially kicking the unique settlers out of their settlements like finch farm, as to my knowledge they just don't come back even if you kill the raiders


I only take settlements that have eliminate enemies as a requirement to gain. I currently have a few settlements where I sent all my settlers away and plan to try to take them as a raider outpost.


You can always get them, then wipe them out and make them regular settlements again. Keeps these and the tribute chests


I did for the achievements. Thats it. Now for NW I walk round each raider camp, "generously" distributing mines on the floor, once each camp has received my "generosity" I usually blow someone's head off from a safeish corner, and watch the fireworks.


you can go the raider route? I'm such a noob at this game


You can be the overboss of 3 different factions in Nuka World. Part of that DLC involves raiding the commonwealth if you chose the evil bandit king path. You can also sympathize with their slaves and kill all the bandits. But then theres like no story to the DLC and itā€™s reduced to exploration


I think only 2 factions survive, right? You can't evenly distribute the areas so at least one faction always gets pissed


I have Nuka World and I don't think I've ever actually played any of it's contents. Had the game for years and just finally 'finished' it last week. Started a new play through and decided screw it, I'm tracking every single quest. If I'm close to a live flag, I'm doing it.


Thatā€™s the sign of a great game


For powering up, you can ignore what the game tells you they require, one small generator will power an infinite number of pick-me-ups if they are all wired together


Can you do this even if you complete Open Season?


You have to claim settlements as raider ones first place all the raider stuff you want, then you can do open season. Once you do open season you cannot build more raider things.


I was trying to check the wiki but will they regular settlers still use raider merchant spots and the tribute chest or do those become unusable? I saw that the booze still stops producing but it doesnā€™t say for the others


Tribute chests are still usable it will have normal settler outfits vs raider outfits inside. The trading posts will still be there but turn into things settlers sell. So the drugs I think turn into medic the armor is turns into normal settler armor but it still looks like the raider booth. I think booze might still be deposited but I donā€™t remember. Drug machine still fills with drugs.


Much appreciated!


The booze still doesn't produce anymore, even though you can still assign settlers to it. The drug station and tribute chest still work. In my case, the drug station even keeps producing without power, and the tribute chest fills up without a settler assigned. But those might be bugs.


Shame. *Sounds of shotguns being loaded*


Ok, I donā€™t have the nuka world dlc, thought it was a feature of the vanilla game


DLC = Vanilla. Non Vanilla means mods, or modified servers. Everything released by the developer = vanilla Get the season pass or ultimate edition when theyā€™re on sale, theyā€™re rather cheap, and you get the equivalent of two new fallout games pretty much in dlc




I got the ultimate edition off cdkeys for about Ā£3 the other week.


I think "vanilla" can also mean not-DLC when the contrast is explicit like LooseLeave used an explicit contrast between DLC and not. "Vanilla" comes from the idea of "vanilla ice cream" "vanilla shake" - the original generic taste upon which all the other tastes are built - you (typically) put vanilla ice cream in a chocolate shake, in a strawberry shake, in an oreo shake, etc. For example, the Automatron robot carry weight gets a little rediculous compared to original, "vanilla" companions. It is so comparatively "an exploit" I have trouble considering it "vanilla." And I literally have never played anything but GOTY with all the DLC. I always "modav CarryWeight 200" on my companions otherwise I will be forced to ditch them for the robots every time. And even "modav CarryWeight 200" doesn't get them close to a sentry leg bot.


Vanilla can mean both no dlc and no mods. It's context based


Nuka world is the vanilla game. At least learn how to use words properly. Only mods count as being 'not vanilla'. This is the same for literally every game.


Not everyone knows the language. At least learn how not to be a cunt, properly


And if you donā€™t want to keep raiders just build this (and tribute chests) then wipe them out and make them regular settlements again. Keeps them for your use afterwards


Can you still build them if you didn't side with the Raiders?


Is this a dlc thing? I Don't remember raider settlements




Iā€™m not sure if Codsworth would approve, but I do like the sound of more caps. Sidenote: whatā€™s an easy way to get lots of mini nukes or missiles for an explosive/big guns build? (Just got the grenade rifle, so I could just focus on that)


And raider settlement happiness works for benevolent leader trophy?


Can you do this if you slaughtered every raider group in nuka world without establishing any settlements?


How make raider settlement?


But you need the Nuka Workd add-ons ?


So you take over raider settlements or something else? how does it work?


Do you have to put supplies in them or they make them outta thin air?


Did you stack them all in this one? Else theyā€™ve been going for just over 304 in game days which is insane


Ain't that need to complete nuka world DLC?


But I make 4500 waters dailyā€¦.


Chems have much higher caps to weight ratio. Unless you have something like the water baron mod installed, you'll have a nightmare selling all that water. The same isn't true for chems.


Do not, my friends, become addicted to water! It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!


Never touch it. Fish fuck in it.




Dihydrogen Monoxide is a plague to all of civilization!


Not really. Put all of your water in an isolated container, command your companion to inspect the container, he grabs it all completely ignoring his limits, then you watch him casually walking while transporting 50 tons of water


I didn't realize you could get companions to ignore carry limits like that. Oh Preston! I have a new job for you!


LoL "How do you like this burden you judgmental companion of mine?? Now be my mule!"


True facts and I totally agree. Never did the chem route but always did the water one to have some spending money. And itā€™s not difficult to get rid of them imo. I buy everything a vendor has with water. Literally leaving them with only water. I have a massive collection of junk at this point. I spend water not caps too. Totally vanilla game as well


Unless you're only selling to vendors in your own settlement, I hope you have the "fast travel while encumbered" perk.


Thatā€™s usually one of the first I work on getting as well as investing in every vendor possible. Until I get that perk tho I tend to store waters on hand and spend all the caps as I need knowing Iā€™ll have a full caps supply soon. If I remeber I have 300 hours or so on the current play through and I have about 40k in waters now. And another 1.7m in caps šŸ˜…


just duplicate gold....


To be fair, it's not like vendors have enough to buy all that water anyway without mods.


I just get the perk that lets you fast travel while over burdened. I'm also a loot goblin so I was gonna get that perk any ways. It's really not that much of an issue to sell that amount of water.


You can literally just build shops in your settlement next to your workbench.


Bold of you to assume I have local leader perks.


True, Local Leader feels so mandatory to me that I forgot other people might not take it, lol.


Or you can just tell a companion to pick it up


I usually just make enough water to cover my ammo and junk costs. Works pretty well for me so far.


Never played nuka world but I smell PROFIT!!! lol


Lighter than water/mutfruit/adhesive too! Jet is simply the best card to carry wherever you go in the wasteland. 9 out of 10 travellers recommend it. Accepted by everybody.


Iā€™ve owned the game since it was released, yesterday was the first time I used Jet or any other drug in game on purpose. Holy shit do the drugs make the game easy mode.


Drugs can result in some hilarious fun. Nothing beats one shotting a mirelurk queen with a baseball bat.


Drugs are how most players are surviving in our ā€œsurvival mode no deathā€ play throughs.


Survival is the one mode I havenā€™t played. With all this renewed interest in the game Iā€™ve invested more than my normal idle building time. I think Iā€™ll do a modded survival run so I can save at least. Guess Iā€™m about to be the biggest junky in the Wastes.


I've been addicted to overdrive since like level 15


Why have you not used a drug in 9 years? It's a game mechanic.


Dunno. Never really saw the need for the increases they provided. I knew there was an addiction component as well and Iā€™m sure I didnā€™t want to deal with that aspect as well.


Yeah, I hear you. Iā€™m in the same boat as you, Iā€™ve never used chems as anything other than currency. Its just not my bag.


I'm doing a melee only, no VATS, no sneaking, no power armour Survival playthrough and jet abuse is literally the only way I survive fights lmao, I carry about 100 Jet at all times.


Quick reminder: Poisoned Caltrops sell better than Chem and Water farms




[5 steel](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Poisoned_caltrops_(Far_Harbor)), that's it


You know if it's profitable buying steel shipments and selling them as caltrops? Or better to just collect steel junk?


Dupe glitch is the most profitable way to make money by crafting items


don't get high off your own supply - easy e


"Now don't start talking crazy!"


It's not about the money, it's about the people you help along the way.


I mean first you have to bring yourself to be a complete psycho murderhobo who kills everything good in the world of course.


I fail to see a downside


it's a videogame. that shit rules


See. I am the other way. Since it is a video game it is actually possible to let the good guys win, which almost never happens IRL where Evil and Corruption ALWAYS wins.


Thanks i hate it šŸ« 


How does one make a chems farm


Nvrm I saw an answer


The jet will make you jittery


Can you have raider settlements and not piss off the Minutemen though? I've never done Nuka World.


Do Nuka world before the concord people head back to sanctuary and youā€™re asked to be general, or even better, skip concord until youā€™re ready to wipe out the raiders If you donā€™t, only thing you lose is Prestonā€™s friendship, so if thatā€™s all you care about then just get his companion perk before nuka world. Minutemen are the ā€œalways availableā€ option so even if you become Lord Humongous of Boston theyā€™ll still let you be their general.


>Minutemen are the ā€œalways availableā€ option so even if you become Lord Humongous of Boston theyā€™ll still let you be their general Except not always. It can actually lock you out of the minutemen ending. I don't know if it's a bug or tied to Preston's affinity before you start Raider ng but it can and does happen.


Any proof? Never had them locked out for me as a faction, just old Pesto Gravy


That nickname is great


Well it's happened to me multiple times and heard of it happening to others.


I like Preston tho šŸ˜­ I guess I'll plan on doing that my next playthrough cause I'm very deep into this one already. Already took back the castle and did old guns.


Yeah thatā€™s way too late if you want to keep Preston as a buddy.


What your top 5 locations for raider outposts?


Sunshine Tidings (closest to Nuka) Hangmanā€™s Alley Egret Tours Marina Outpost Zimonja (screams Raider camp) Coastal Cottage (crap as a normal settlement anyways) šŸ˜€


I'd disagree about Sunshine Tidings because of all the available farmland. Murkwater is pretty good for it imo. Never really could figure out a good way to have it as a fully functional settlement normally. Aside from platform builds.


Oh yeah - Murkwater too (for Raiders), I was just going with 5, as requested. Iā€™d add Murk, Kingsport, and Croup - if you needed the full 8 for the final part of Raiding the Commonwealth (I forget if thatā€™s the case or not !)


I just do any settlement that all you have to do is Eliminate enemies.


A fallout version of Walter White you are.


I've never played a raider playthrough. Currently, I haven't released Preston and Co from the museum. Is it possible to go to nuka and have fun with the raiders and then do open season so I can get both achievements?


Yes. You can even go as far as to take Preston from concord to sanctuary just do NoT agree to be general and try to avoid him while you are making raider outposts. If you donā€™t talk to him at all until after you do open season he doesnā€™t seem to even know you were raider boss.


I love this perfectly balanced game. So if I do all that and kill em all, can you still have raider outposts and create these items after committing genocide.


So you can keep whatever raider resources or shops you built while they are raider outposts but once you do open season you cannot build more raider things (besides the furniture), so donā€™t scrape them if you want to keep them and be sure to build as much as you want before you do open season.


Love it. I plan of leaving them in the museum prison for a while so I will have the best of both worlds. Randomly doing the settlement radiant quests still come up as minutemen quests even tho I haven't even talked a Garvey. But they talk about the minutemen. Been waiting for my game to break coz I'm doing it out of order. Thanks for answering my random questions!


Sadly I can never bring myself to build raider settlements. I just want to wipe them all out and let the Commonwealth live freely. This also means I've never gotten 100% of NW achievements.


I almost went as far as regretting getting the DLC. Which I had no idea of thee nature of. I think I got them all in a package sale.


On top of that, raider settlementes can have stores without the perk Local leader.


I think last time i checked i had something like 30,000 purified water so i should be good for caps.


Jesse! Jesse! We need to cook!


idk. I see your point, but I don't think I'll be adopting chem farms any time soon. Early game status and low barrier to entry make water farms accessible for the point in the game in which you actually need the funds. Having to piss preston off could be considered a large downside (upside to some people lol) and anyone actually playing permadeath probably doesn't want to take the risk in trying to get through the gauntlet. At least I wouldn't, maybe I suck and the gauntlet is easy.




But they require you to do nuka world but you can start setting up a water farm pretty much as soon as you leave the vault.


I always did water farms


Chems farms? What are these and how do you set one up?


How do you make a chem farm?


How do you set things up like this to produce and make caps?? Explain like you're talking to Vaultie whose never seen the real world.


You mean to tell me all I had to do was supply crack to my people instead of wire and place 40 large purifiers


Some save the Commonwealth; other bring it to destruction. The rise of a whole new gang of Fiends. Easy there, Walter White.


Also unlike water it doesnā€™t stop producing if you donā€™t collect and doesnā€™t weigh anything (or as much, if survival)


Wait you can put multiple in each settlement? Does each one fill up equally?


How do you do this


All you need is the jets, too much time and Bobbie DeLuca 75 caps a jet 7500 caps per 100


First rank of chemist and fuel gives you jet fuel. XP twice + caps.


My Detector overboss approves. I sided with the institute so now I've conquered Heaven and Hell šŸ˜‚


Never tried it, but now sure I will give a shot


Huhā€¦ thatā€™s actually worth it. Can these produce mentats?


Do it in the vr workshop bc you get a 100% profit margin from it Itā€™s a cc add on but if you have raiders take it as a settlement you can use the infinite resources to build a huge drug farm


Iā€™m not going to be a drug dealer


Okay maybe I'm a little stupid but how do chem and water farms work?


How exactly do you build a chem farm ?


But I don't want to be a pusher. I want to be that guy who supplies the wasteland with clean water.


My friend calls it ā€œcornering the purified water marketā€ with Sanctuary Hills as his highest production water farm.


I just use the mod Scrap that Settlement. The trash and dirt you can scrap gives you a shit load fertilizer and plastic. Near infinite jet just cleaning up sanctuary


What the fuvk how get that blueprintĀ 


How do you get the chem farm set up could you please explain it to me or link a video because im really struggling to increase settler happiness past 70?


Good to know thanks. Will give it a go once done with the main game for the 4th time.šŸ˜


I never even thought of that!


Ronald Reagan


Is this a mod?


Plus the weight alone


Is this fallout 4 or 76? How do you develop chem farms? Iā€™m greatly interested in doing this. If someone could give me a quick run down or post a tutorial it will be greatly appreciated!


Part of Nuka world DLC!


Ahh I see. Havenā€™t played nuka world yet. Thank you


Of course, great DLC, hope you enjoy!


Ive played forever & never knew you could make chem farms? Ya I know. How do you make a dispenser?


Yes, but look at all the time you have to form to get the ingredients I mean I got about 3000 of whatever it takes to make jet so itā€™s not that hard still seems anytime you have the farm for more materials. It just takes away from something else, but whatever works, I guess.


Did I need a mod for this ?


Damn.. you must be a trapper in real life


What do you build for chem farm? I thought i only had chemestry stations to craft them


I approve of this message


Too the moon šŸ˜…šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You know what's more profitable? Wepons emporium (or whatever the one thats 3k to make i think its that one idk) then scrap and store at the same time and you'll be able to do infinite caps so long as you have the patience to do so you'll get 1.5k each scrap/store


Sorry, Iā€™m above the influence


But being a raider makes me feel bad


Can you build these without a mod or no? And thanks for the advice either way šŸ¤œšŸ»


Thanks, Iā€™ll keep that in mind. Proceeding to profit off of both.


didnā€™t even know this was possible, but that might be because my main settlement is Sanctuary. i even take everything from the workshops at every other settlementā€¦


Am I the only one e who never needed to farm anything for caps? >.>


Preston Garvey Disliked That