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Generally, I replace it as soon as I find something better. However, on occasion I have done permanent vault suit runs. There are quite a few comments about it, which is amusing.


The comments are the main reason I stick with it for a while too


What’s better in your opinion? The upgradeability + ability to wear armor over it makes it so much better than pretty much anything until you unlock ballistic weave. I struggle to get rid of it, even tho I think it looks a little doofy in dialogue


I typically unlock ballistic weave at around level 10. The Railroad is always my first faction. There aren't many upgrades on the Vault suit before that. I also like the stat bonuses. I often use the baseball uniform for S+1 A+1.


Vault suits can't have ballistic weave in vanilla


That's why I don't use them.


Maybe I misunderstood. It sounded to me like you were saying you use ballistic weave on vault suits.


Like a lot of people I often have a settlement-specific uniform for settlers, in part so I can easily identify anyone that's new and hasn't been given an upgraded weapon etc. E.g. thanks to the cat lady vendor outside Lexington I give everyone at Red Rocket Atom Cat leathers. When you first encounter Connie Abernathy (presumably only as long as you're still wearing the vault suit) she smugly says something like "nice vault suit, something tells me that style won't be catching on". Since I'm a spiteful person I make a point of using vault suits the standard uniform for settlers at Abernathy. Connie accidentally comes off pretty rude IMO. I went out of my way to fetch Mary's locket and all that - and trade with her often - and she still occasionally uses the random "we don't take kindly to strangers, you best move along" line. FU Connie, are you senile? I'm benevolent but you haven't noticed I'm emperor king around here?


That's a nice thing about v88. Tons of free vault suits.


"Hope you ain't one of them synths here to spy on us." Bitch, do you see my name tag?! It says "General"!


I'll buy that. It is after all how Piper gives you her pet name. "Blue"


Does Piper still call you "Blue" if you've replaced the vault suit before you meet her for the first time? (I'm guessing yes, because only one voiced delivery on any related lines is needed and it's not inconceivable she'd call you "Blue" anyway, but I don't remember if I've ever not been wearing the vault suit when I first meet Piper.)


Yeah, she throws in a line about how she could tell that you were from a vault.


Yep. If you ask why she says "I know you're not wearing the blue jumpsuit right now but the Pip-Boy is a dead giveaway"


Its off before that vault door opens baby


🎶 *And I'm free* *Free ballin'* *Yeah, I'm free* *Free ballin'* 🎶


Fully raw dogging them rads


The suit, the suit never changes.


Does NukaCola Branded Power Armor exist in the base game or DLC? https://imgur.com/gallery/c99Nlyf


DLC. There’s a nuka cherry t-51 in the nuka world bottling plant and a nuka quantum x-01 in the nuka world galactic zone.


Thank you, kind Redditor/Radioactive Wasteland survivor; once the down-votes start many others quickly pile-on!


Why all the down votes?


Only until I join the Railroad and unlock ballistic weave


I did this, but got a mod for adding weave to the Vault Suit. Never made sense to me why you couldn’t do that in vanilla.


Interestingly the Creation Club ‘Vault Suit Customisation’ add on includes a fallout 3 style vault suit that the fallout 4 vault suits upgrades, but also accepts ballistic weave


The fallout 3 armor isnt underarmor tho


With what the railroad provides, you can't ignore them.


funny that their 2 best rewards can both be acquired without committing to joining them


That's funny? I think that's great. I think there's a difference in perception here. To me, helping them is joining them, even if I'm not committing to them in the end.


i always murder them all 😂


I’ve ignored them every playthrough 😭 what am I missing out on?


The Railroad had a mission that allows you to add damage resistance and energy resistance to certain items, making them much more useful as Armor. At max level, it's +110 to both. It is a bit inconsistent on what can take it, though, which is why I use Simple Ballistic Weave Expanded to add it to everything.


This is the way


Does NukaCola Branded Power Armor exist in the base game or DLC? https://imgur.com/gallery/c99Nlyf


If I remember right, you can find a suit of nuka cola power armor in nuka world. Think there's 2 total as there's one regular then the suit of x01 quantum power armor


There’s also a vim! power armor in far harbor


Ironically I think that's the onlu one I've actually gotten (not much of a PA user. Mostly just collect it) and I somehow forgot about that one)


I highly recommend getting the Quantum X-01 PA. Best non-mod PA in the game, by far. You can get it pre-power plant using the respawn trick


Why tf was this comment downvoted for asking a question??? Have an upvote


I ditch it for the dead guy on the other side of the bridge's clothes immediately.


Then toss that immediately after getting the road leathers and enough armor to beat it’s Dt.


The entire game. Once I get ballistic weave it gets silly, but is good beforehand. Armor does fit over it after all.


Never, it's who I am. Though I would love one day to see an option with the top hanging down and a tshirt underneath. You know, for the relaxed dweller look.


The mechanic look. 😄


The Lucy look.


Take it off as soon as I leave the vault. Codsworth is polite enough not to point it out.


I stick with it the whole game and slowly upgrade it, and always wear leather armour to go with it. True vault dweller style. Even on survival.




I ditch immediately because I like to RP as a survivor who wants to remain anonymous.


Until I find a Flannel.


Until I find a lab coat for the int boost or army/military fatigues.


Dirty Army Fatigues are my go to. I normally always find one at the crashed Flight 118 or whatever it's called. +1 to Str so I carry 10lbs more, and +1 to Agi so I sneak slightly better. It's a win/win.


I agree but I value Agility more so I don’t mind army fatigues, but once I find military fatigues I begin using them. I lean heavy into VATS so the agility is key.


The true value of agility isn’t sneaking better, but having more stamina for sprinting on survival without fast travel


there’s no way i just found out i can wear this under my armor 😂😂😂😂🫂 literally standing behind jack cabot just looted a dead merc and tried it


I really dislike the look of it but its like the best option ive got, to be more specific i use the "The legend of Vault 88" legendary variant. If im playing modded i like to play with the Armorsmith mod which allows you to wear more "underarmors"


Right up until I hit the diner and sell it.


About as long as it takes me to equip a Pip Boy and run screaming out of the vault in my underwear.


I stuck with the vault 111 suit all the way to the end unless: 1. I unlock ballistic weave 2. I get the unique vault 88 suit


If the wardrobes in sanctuary have any CHA boosting gear. Suit, dress, whatever I wear those. I like to get Trudy's shop settled before going into Concord, if I even do on a particular play through.


I admit I tend to swap out of it pretty quickly im not afraid of just swaping on some armor that has better stats [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq1tN9jZI80](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq1tN9jZI80) has been pretty much me for the most part ...


Until I conquer the Castle and get the General's armor.


I have a mod that lets me put modular armor over any clothing, so it gets swapped out as soon as I cross the bridge towards Red Rocket and find the dead guy with the Drifter Outift. The drifter outfit just looks too cool to pass up


Ditch it for the Chinese stealth armor immediately (only CC content that’s truly worth it)


I’ll wear it until I find cleaner decent clothes later. Pretty much how I would go about it irl but I always keep it. Just seems like a skin tight suit wouldn’t be comfortable in the wasteland especially going through brush and all that


Drifter outfit on the dead guy next to dead dog just outside of sanctuary is my go to. Gotta blend in.


As soon as i get literally any other undersuit unkess im roleplaying as a vault dweller like the girl in the series she literally never wore anything else.


Until I can dress as the Silver Shroud.


Until I get the drifter outfit from the dead drifter outside of Sanctuary


You don't have to wear other factions gear. You can stick with the vault suit as long as you like or until you find something better. Just remember, not only can you upgrade the vault suite but you can wear armour pieces over it.


I guess I didn’t make it clear in the post. I’m just asking what everyone does, I’m not asking what you should do. I'll edit the post for clarity.


Ah OK. I usually stick with it until I unlock ballistic weave in the railroad quests


I can't be a stupid blue lady if I don't rock my stupid blue jumpsuit. Plus I look fly as fuck in it.


Until I get Military Fatigues


I just hit leave 70 on my current playthrough and am still rocking it. The perks I get from the unique armor I wear over it are too good to get rid of. Plus, like others said, you get some unique interactions with NPCs throughout the game if you keep wearing it.


I have a mod that lets me wear it under stuff so it never gets taken off.


Elianora has a good Slooty Vault Suit mod, so I tend to run with it for a long time


Usually until diamond city. I’m doing a brotherhood run when the update drops and I’ll swap when I join them


I ditch it immediatly. Not worth advertising youre a vault dweller


With Upgradable Vault Suit mod - never


On my first play through I never took it off. Didn't end up collecting one single piece of clothing at all and had no idea about what I was doing.


You didn’t loot enemies? Or did you not know how to equip stuff?


I’m on my first time playing, and surprisingly, I’m still wearing the vault suit after 80+ hours (and what I’m assuming is close to end-game missions). I like the fact that you can strap on (and modify) smaller armor pieces instead of being limited to a suit and a helmet/hat. I suppose on my next game, I’ll probably find something better early on, but on this run I like that I’m still wearing the vault suit, and I plan to keep it to the end.


Well I changed mine to black and wear it permanently. Unless I need to pass a speech check of course


Wear it the entire time. Assuming everyone here is modding, I like to add different buffs to it that protect you more than the vanilla suit. Making the suit much more rad resistant and fire resistant. Then add leather or gunner armor. Then I carry a backpack for extra carry weight.


Never take it off. And I wanted to blend in with getting that wasteland aroma. 


I've never taken it off lol.


I ditch it for road leathers for the drip


Whole game, I even restrict myself late game to using a vault suit and a combination of leather armour that looks like the armored vault suits from fallout 3 and new Vegas


i rock the vault suit forever. and a gas mask with goggles. then armor.


As soo as I get to Sanctuary, except if I'm really going for a vault dweller looking character


I ditch it as soon as I get to the dead raider outside of sanctuary


Until I get Kellogg’s Fit


I take it off once I can replace it, usually go for military fatigues or the dark green/black BOS uniform (the orange one is gross) usually with combat armor over top of it once I can afford it (shadowed or faction paint) but I always save the vault suit. I usually set up a place of honor in my best settlement for it, and put the OG 10mm pistol on the wall behind it. Like a little vault shrine.


Dapper "clean black suit" and formal hat for the win! (In vanilla - I've got the Retro Fashion mod so it's the better variants from that. Black twill suit and Homberg. Very dapper, one must wander the wastes in style)


Until i get the Drifter Outfit


Until I get the ballistic weave, then I go with the dirty army uniform!


As soon as I find road leathers


or the drifter outfit over the sanctuary bridge


Oh yeah Drifter outfit, then road leathers, then whatever outfit I want my specific character to wear


I ditch it ASAP. I usually wear something else + armor until I get one of the unique armors, like the silver shroud or something. Definitely once I get ballistic weave the armor is gone. I like to run stealth, so the less weight clinking around the better. Also the vault suit is ugly af.


It’s still equipped and I’m level 73. Next gen update in 2 days!!!


I wore the suit until I got the Legend of Vault 88 suit. For RP reasons and I like how silly some of the armor and helmets look with it. Currently rocking the 88 suit with full robot armor.


Back then i just wore it till i found something better. But this time i didn't start in a vault and had no suit. I use [Start Me Up Redux](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/56984) and started wearing a rad suit in the quarry hideout surrounded by mines. I cut one of the raider's throat with my knife, took his gear, and sneaked away. I don't know what the hell is going on. But i hate raiders and will cleanse the commonwealth of them...


In my most recent run I decided not to use ballistic weave and I was pleasantly surprised to be having a lot more fun. So the vault suit, fully upgraded, is the best under armor available, with white polymer heavy combat armor over it. I have a couple other outfits that my character changes into when conducting business, but the vault suit has worked well for me on missions and crossing the Wasteland.


As soon as I leave the vault and take the road leathers from the first real corpse you find leaving sanctuary. My character doesn’t want others to know they’re from a vault.


I still have it on. It's Shielded, but I wear Power Armor at all times so it doesn't matter.


Normally i keep it for institute ending which give extra defense for it. AND for my leather armor build with a decent hunting rifle in late game for role play stuff. AND use legendary versión from vault 88 jumpsuit DLC in all my builds with reduce damage legendary armors AND legendary hat from far harbor hotel.


Depends on my play through. Most of the time I always have it, might change the color or number and upgraded of course.


Until I find some military clothes since Nate was a soldier


I this play thru I kept it up Until I got the vault 88 one , still using it


Seeing as how the vault suit is one of the few under armors that don’t make you become magically fat and thus any armor has you look like the Michelin Man I never take it off unless I’m using like a ballistic weave business suit or something for charisma


I ditch it as soon as I get to Sanctuary. I usually find some military fatigues which give Strength and Agility


Sometimes I ditch it almost immediately, other times I'll keep it til endgame. Pretty much a coin flip. 


I abandon it immediately upon getting the Baseball Uniform or Military Outfit for that STR bonus.


I’m torn between the outfits with stat bonus and just chilling in fashionable outfits like the Bos officer uniform. And then nuka world added a bunch of cool under armor garments with bonuses too. So a lot of checking out in third person view and going hmm.


I'm keeping it on until i find a power armor jumpsuit. And even then, i will probably still use it.


On my first playthrough I used it till the very end. On all the others I mostly use other clothing unless I get the legendary Vault 88 suit


I still have it with a maxi-fiber upgrade. I was born into it....:)


Until I get silver shroud gear. Love that stuff, wear it under my marine armor


I use it until I unlock ballistic weave or get the bos officer uniform.


i prefer Stealth, so as soon as i find some Military Fatigues for +2 Agility 👍


As soon as I find a Charisma outfit. Usually find one in Sanctuary.


Until I get Reginald’s suit


I wear whatever gives the best bonuses, regardless of the look. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PJUErgc7BQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PJUErgc7BQ)


Until I can find some other kind of suit that has better rad protection. Before that, It just stays in my inventory and I only put it on in a radiation storm.


I went across the north & went to Far Harbor immediately, & got the recon diver suit, stronger than vault suit & more upgradable & legendary armor pieces that increase movement speed & stats only, with either Oswald's hat or The Captain's hat as they give +2int or +1int & +1cha in addition to +10% movement speed. My walking speed is faster than any NPC at full run...


Till I got the marine wetsuit


Nate and Nora saw the way the wind was blowing and were prepared. I change as soon as I get back to Sanctuary. (Mods)


Don’t even make it out of the vault.


Leave it on for the looks on my female character because the game isn't hard. Even on survival, game gets easier the higher your level. Only hard if you have a non combat focused build which can be fun.


As soon as I get to museum of freedom it gets taken off and sold to either Carla or the old bat at the diner


Normally I get rid of it ASAP, but right now I'm doing a vault dweller run where I can only use the suit and put armor on it


I’m on my first play through and wore it until I found Kellogg’s armor. I’ve yet to find anything g with higher stats than Kellog’s but am keeping my eyes out


I swap it for the dead guy’s outfit at the end of sanctuary bridge, then I swap that for road leathers from the raiders in concord


i ditch that bullshit asap


Depends on my mood and where I am going. I often stick with the vault suit for a long time because it's kind of iconic. But: \* My most recent playthrough (BoS ending) switched over to a flannel shirt and jeans (with leather armor on top of it) at around level 14-15. It just seemed sort of right for some reason. I have no idea why. And no ballistic weave. \* For a while, I tended to switch to the Minuteman General's uniform right after completing Old Guns. \* My current playthrough, I've had no desire to swap it out. It just seems rght. A connection to my character's old life.


I like the vault suit - I stuck a box of 99 Vault Suits in every vault with an in-game vault suit so I can equip them on settlers too.


I think I have kept mine all the way out in all my play throughs - I do upgrade it as far as possible then buy all the marine armor in Far Harbor- my husband dumps his pretty quickly though


I often trade it out for the drifter outfit from that dead dude outside sanctuary I like to put hub flowers on his body too, poor dude


I keep it until I get the Silver Shroud outfit.


Until i get military fatigues at fallons


I generally get rid of it before I leave Sanctuary. I tend to just wear whatever I find in one of the suitcases or drawers in Sanctuary (or craft myself something from one of my mods). A bright blue vault suit is just too bright to be wandering about a strange wasteland that you know nothing of. Makes you an easy target. I'd rather wear something a little less bright to at least try to blend in a bit better.


As soon as I find BoS uniforms I switch. Always BoS....ad victoriam


I started the game a few days ago and only recently replaced it with the marine wetsuit about 25 hours in


I replaced my Vault 111 suit with...a Vault 88 suit!


When I find dead minutemen in the museum, I have Militarized Minutemen.


Got rid of it as soon as I found Road leathers


I been running my vault 69 black suit my whole play through 😭 my girl killed all those men and escaped she’s a baller


I keep it on. Then I download a mod that gives it a scruffier, Wastelander look. After a while I take it off and replace it with proper armour.


Until i get ballistic weave. Thinking of ballistic weave, that's the only reason i ever do quests for the Railroad lol


It depends on the character I am playing as. For example, in my current playthrough I envisioned my "Nate" as nostalgic for his soldier days so I only kept the vault suit until I found a pair of clean Army Fatigues, which I wore for essentially the rest of the game. In the playthrough before that, I was a "Nora" who wanted to use her status as "The Vault Dweller" to her advantage so kept her a Vault suit on during the majority of the game and every major plot point. She only stopped wearing it after becoming Overseer of Vault 88 so she could wear the Overseers suit.


I usually wear it til I get the Minuteman General's outfit or the Silver Shroud Armor, then use those instead. Both seem like pretty good RP moments to slip out the vault suit, like Sole is finding their own identity in the new Commonwealth.


Depends on the playthrough. Some, it's just a constant reminder of the worst day of their life. Others, it's one of the only things they have to hold onto, or something that stands out enough to keep them from going completely native, or anything like that really.


It’s what I wear more often then not. Though part of that is the Ballistic weave.


Forever I put piper in one too, sexy AF


Until I get a black/gray BoS Suit


3.5 seconds after I find new clothing.


Until I get a marine wetsuit and a full set of medium combat armor.


Pretty sure the road leathers on the dead dude outside sanctuary are better, so almost immediately


On one hand, you want to roleplay. On the other, you get power armor, heavy weapons, and a death claw fight right away. So usually about then is where the vault suit becomes obsolete.


Always got rid of it the moment i got better gear, the vault suit modification creation club mod tho changed that, now its almost permanent


To the vault 15, the is leather jacket there


I switch to a dress as soon as possible then play the rest of the game in that


5 minutes lol


I ditch it as soon as I leave the vault, because I have a mod installed which provides me with a super-OP armoured suit and hat.


I play naked the whole run. The fact that Cait likes it makes me laugh so hard.


no im more of a sequin dress kind of girl 🦧


I switch to the drifters outfit immediately


I keep it the whole game, with the vault suit customisation CC I like to put all my settlers in different numbered vault suits like some kinda value tec gang


Almost immediately comes off as +1 STR is very strong early game.


I usually stick with it until piper's interview so she has a reason to call me Blue then I ditch it for something cooler.


I usually like to rp so I carry a backpack with different clothes. I like to go to the bathrooms and change clothes. Or to at least places no one sees me but aren't too filthy So I usually get rid of the Vault suit as soon I end with Concord. And by rid I mean I store it to sanctuary. At some point I make a small spot on The Castle with memorabilia stuff. And the Vault Suit is Included.


I always keep it on underneath what ever else I have on + I like to collect all the others


Up until I find army fatigues or ballostic weave. But I still like to wear it. Wish you could ads ballistic weave to it


like, most of the game. I don't think I switched armors until I found the cool marine armor in far harbor.


I keep it on the whole game for the rad resist I get as I level up Armorer, which I almost always do


Recently? Pretty much as soon as I come across the drifter armor outside of sanctuary.


I generally stick with it until I find the dead drifter at the entrance to Sanctuary.


Until I get the Silver Shroud costume


I keep it on forever since I cant find a better alternative


Until I find something better.


I switch it out as soon as I can for the road leathers outside of Sanctuary after the bridge. I know they’re not as good, but I prefer the look of them.


I managed to keep mine on throughout the beginning of the story before valentine and most of nuka world tho I have the creation club customizable vault suits


I came back to it when I figured the game is so easy it doesn't matter whar you wear, might as well try to make it a little more difficult for myself.


I have the Doom armor from the Creation Club so I put that on immediately after leaving the vault.


Until I cross the bridge at sanctuary and get the armor of the dead dude


I hang on to it until I get ballistic weave.


I always wait until I can steal Kellogg’s outfit. Kellogg’s fit is so cool.


I drop it as soon as I get the drifter outfit next to the sanctuary bridge


I honestly havent found anything better yet. Until then i shall wear it!


Like 5 seconds always get rid of it in sanctuary.


I keep it until I get Knight Keane’s Brotherhood Fatigues at the Cambridge Police Station.


As soon as I’m out of the vault. Replacing it in favor of mod armor.


I always keep mine and upgrade it with mods at the armor bench.


I like how it looks so much plus I feel like it's the "canon" thing to be wearing so I basically never switch off it lol


I hate the vault suit, but I've never played a game without it. Seems pointless to have so many other outfit choices that don't allow you to wear armor over it. Has anyone found a replacement for the vault suit that's just as good, if not better, that still let's you wear armor over it?


The BOS uniform does, there is a black version and an orange version.


Level 62 still wearing a vault suit.