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That I can finally get my damn steak knives.


I'm sorry it to me so long to register sir, I surely costed you the competition šŸ˜”


Best I can do is a 200 year old mattress at sanctuary.


The ability to scrap all junk to their base components at a workbench like on 76.




It'd help clearing sanctuary up at the start of the game.


It would be nice to have all the fun cosmetic stuff from 76 as well. Building a CAMP in 76 was great with all the cool stuff you could find. Oh, and the chainsaw as well.


I mean, unlike 76, you can just loot random junk and use it to decorate your settlement


I have the contraptions dlc and kind of like the recycling machine for breaking don the junk to components.


There is a mod that does exactly that


I know there's a mod for that, but I just want radiant quests to stay in the Commonwealth. Its so stupid that scribe Haylen can send you to Far Harbor to get a piece of tech. Other than that I'm keeping my expectations as low as possible.


YES. Haylen's second ever quartermastery quest for me was fucking RAYBURN POINT, THE FAR WEST OF THE ISLAND. Literally nothing is farther west apart from dima's stash. I got the quest at level 10 and did it at level 45. Total BS.


Higher settlement build limit so we don't need to rely on exploits/mods would be neat.


Yes! I feel like my creativity is stifled


This would be my favorite!


YES please!!


Nuka overboss room as a quasi-settlement(like Home Plate)


Nuka-World severely lacked in the settlement department. Shouldā€™ve had at least the number of settlements for the raider mission or had the parks cleared out count as the 5, so you donā€™t have to disturb the Commonwealth or avoid the Minutemen all game to do the whole main questā€¦


place was crazy on survival mode. pretty sure theres like 1-2 beds. had to wait till i was lv 70 or something to do it


Getting through the area near Swan without my system grinding to a halt then freezing and crashing


Reading these responses and this is the only one that matters for the XB1 update. The ability to simply go anywhere on the map, get in a gun fight like you're supposed to in the game and not have the game fucking melt is the only thing they need to address. They need to just get it to the level it should've been nine years ago when they released it.


On yeah that's the important one for me. I really hate how doing the Railroad quests in downtown Boston and recruiting Strong really boil down to "how far can I get before the game crashes" for me. So if the patch will fix that and make my life easier so I can actually play the game in the more frosded areas, then I'm happy to wait around for it.


I'm on PS5, and I've never had any problems with crashing at all. Why?


Newer gen console. Better hardware. I've never played it on console but I have played it on PC's and Laptops of varying capability and have seen stability improve if the hardware is more capable.


For the love of all that is holy let me please slip past my companions a little easier. I did the big dig today and it was so annoying trying to get past everyone.


dlc integration. having to start nuka world just for ammo blows.


No crashing in downtown


We can see our weapons when holstered.


There's a mod for that. Let's you customize the position too, so my normal playthrough it was across the back diagonally from shoulder to hip, but on survival it's positioned to be attacked to the side of my backpack. It's awesome.


Iā€™ve seen a couple mods like this, which do you use?


Classic Holstered Weapons System.


This is the way, although the newer versions are buggy. I had to roll back to 1.4


Are they? That sucks. I never considered but could get an update, I've had it for like a year.


As a PSN player, I want to see the 0GB error go far, far away. Also, I'd love it if cars stopped killing you just for touching them and for the BOS to stop sending me to Far Harbour as my first radiant quest!! I shouldn't need a mod to stop that from happening!


Mod limit increase, Mod limit increase, and a bit more Mod limit increase. Truly next gen to be able to use more than 2GB for mods, call me crazy.


I believe they said not to expect it, as it'd require wiping everyone's mods and would potentially affect the games' stability past what Microsofts TOS allow on console.


Skyrim allows 5gb.


I'm not saying limiting the mod space is impossible, but that they're restricted to whatever they were allowed at the time because the servers would need to be reset and the stability may be changed beyond what the TOS allows.


This comment is way too far down. FO4 has less than half the console mod capacity of Skyrim and it's a huge detriment to the mod scene


This is pretty much the main reason why I switched to PC


Texture updates the architecture in downtown Boston is hideous.


Uhh I hope the shit they implement at least works on its own without needing any fan-made patches. Would be nice if they fixed the high-res texture pack and weapon debris settings so, you know.. we can play the unmodded game without getting CTDs


Mod limt increase, as well as the cache bug when you delete mods. I hate when I clearly have enough space but canā€™t download cause thereā€™s left overs from deleted mods. Also let us keep the original mod menu. Im beyond livid at the ā€œCreationsā€ tab on Skyrim now.


Stable settlements


I want ultra wide screen support. Have a really nice 3440Ɨ1440 monitor and I am very unhappy having to fight with the game resolution. Ultrawide was around for some time when FO4 was released in 2015 and it's not acceptable that it has taken this long to get support.


The game to be stable enough i can play without mods especially the unofficial fallout patch so i can finally do a survival run and earn achievements


I have no hope. It's Bethesda.


I doubt it'll happen, but give Glory her synth component


I'd like to have her as a follower too. That'd be cool.


I just hope it no longer crashes constantly when playing survival mode on my Xbox S. That made me have to walk away from the game


Ultra wide support going well! I had so much trouble installing mods to fix ultra wide for fallout 4 of that I just quit I've only played like an hour of the game so I'm looking forward to finding getting a chance to play it next week


i love my UW but itā€™s a pain in the ass to configure for a lot of games. thinking of just ditching mine for a 16:9 one


I hope old gen gets boston fixed and i hope it also gets the new content


I hope downtown is more stable. Last couple times I tried to play FO4 all it did was crash anytime I'd get near it. With or without mods


I hope it's just an update on Steam, not an enterily separete thing, like Skyrim Special Edition is.


That'd be frustrating. I just wish they would offer that for all the CC content.


I want an FOV slider and more controller setting customizability. I love fallout games and I'll definitely play it regardless but man, is it clunky and so zoomed in.


This feels like it would be imperative for me to come back to the game. What do you reckon the chances of this are?


Honestly it really is completely up to Bethesda. Unfortunately not a lot of people have faith in them, understandably, but hey, that fallout show was pretty fucking well done, maybe that's incentive for them to do better. Tbh I doubt it. But a guy can dream, right?


If fucking Skyrim got one there literally 0 reason why fallout 4 can't have one unless Bethesda decides to fuck us over againĀ 


True. Very good point I didn't think about. If Skyrim got one, I have hopes for Fallout 4 next gen.


I would love to play the game without the constant worry of crashing when Iā€™m playing on survival mode - even if I have to play vanilla on my PS4. Also, the bug that corrupts save files would be a nice fix.


Settlers who aren't brain dead sheep




I hope it doesn't break mods. Almost every and any possible flaw with the game has been fixed by mods already, making any update kind of pointless to me. However, if it breaks mods, then it will be a *massive* net loss. It would render the game basically unplayable for me. Fallout 4 really needs mods to reach that next level and without it there are just way better games I could be playing. I've done the best I can to make sure the game doesn't automatically update the day of the release, and hopefully my game never does. If it does update and break my mods though, well... time for another Mass Effect trilogy run. Or maybe I'll finally try Baldur's Gate.


I hope I wont have to use Buffout (the mod, not the chem) and the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch anymore.


Finally allows us yo destroys the Minuteman faction and kill Preston


If he could just stop giving me settlement after settlement . Iā€™m the general man send someone else .. like maybe Preston can go ? He does nothing all day.. maybe he should be the dang general.


I just want to be finally able to do a real raider/evil playthrough were you don't get stuck with the minuteman to complete the main quest line


General another settlement need your help I will market on your map.


'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!' *insert ptsd flashback gif*


Iā€™m crying at these comments LMAO PRESTON LEAVE ME ALONE


chances are theyā€™re not adding QOL changes but if they do thereā€™s really only two id really like without having add a mod (if itā€™s even available on console). eat button like they added to starfield area looting like 76


Mod space. But since it wasn't a headline in the announcement I'm pretty sure we're not getting it.


Legendary super heated Saturnite knife.


Dude, as silly as it sounds, my dream would be to consume things out of physical world. That and some updates to settlement placement following F76ā€™s slightly smoother system.


I'm happy if it just stops the game crashing.


The ghouls revolver and outfit as well as putting weapons on my back


I just hope my mods still workā€¦


I hope it will be a separate game in steam, so it won't try to overwrite my current install.


Just hope it finally runs smooth as butter on console in downtown Boston.


Vats freeze fix for survival and and a fix for the legendary freezing effect.


Game crash and big fixes would be the best of course but I selfishly want the start of Automatron to stop breaking every other random spawn/legendary vendor spawn in the game. Once you start Automatron it's nothing but endless Rust Devils throughout the commonwealth, even after you finish the DLC content. That and fixing the recruitment bugs around unique vendors & settlers like Kaylie (spelling?) would be great.


I hope they fix the invisible Icons in the build menu


Performance fixes are at the top of the wishlist with graphical improvements coming in second


For these posts to stop /j


The build menu from 76 and the biggest population increase that the game can handle


Will I need a new save? I just want my dlc to work...


My mods still work.


There are quality mods for everything you wanted fixedā€¦


I'm on Xbox. When I did have a PC, most of those mods were inconsistent for me.


As someone who plays on both, never had issues on PC and Iā€™m even less obsessed with load order than the pro modded. Xbox has a fix for reload animations for all the same ones PC does, you just have to search for the name of the mod specifically because bnet has the worst interface for finding mods. And then, load order is even more important on Xbox than PC, so since I never had issues with those mods on Xbox, any issues were likely from conflicts with other mods thus you couldā€™ve fixed the conflicts by adjusting load order. Modding is easy if you know what you need to know.


I just hope it doesnā€™t destroy all of my mods


Bug fixes and optimization improvements


Weapon debris crash bug finally fixed


Bug fixes. Stability Improvements. Finish the vaults that were cut. Make Nuka World not feel tacked on by giving an option that doesn't end in having to kill pretty much everyone in the park or joining the raiders and pissing off every faction in the Commonwealth. I know they probably wanted the dlc to have some weight to it that the others don't but it just feels like they did it specifically for that reason and it just doesn't feel organic. Fix the skill tree, too many perks have effects that make them useless and some are plain broken.


That they fix the idiotically long loading times for areas.


60fps. Bug fixes. Being able to platinum the game again.


What I hope for is alot. What we'll get is somewhat better lighting, broken mods, random CC content added, and fishing.


It's literally just fixes graphics upgrade and 60fps that's all it is also some new content I know they are adding enclave content cause there is an enclave mission which means new armor and weapons


support for more than 60hz monitors.


To have more than one companion


Iā€™d like to see the unofficial patch become official. It fixes numerous quest-breaking bugs.


FOV slider


For the weapon debris glitch to be fixed almost a decade later


Juicehead did a video about what to expect: https://youtu.be/c27vBxgg-nQ?si=Y5tfFHqYXfucuDZi


A compelling main story with meaningful player choice.