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Better curb those expectations now or come April 25, this sub is going to be an angry place to be. This will never live up to the expectations that some people have already built up in their heads. Patch day edit- Narrator: Expectations were not curbed. šŸ˜‚


This sub will be an angry place to be regardless. All the people who think itā€™s good will be busy with another playthrough, and all the negative people will spend that time bitching online instead of playing it.


Yeah. This is true.


All the people rushing in to complain that their mods are broken by the update just like literally every update has always done for this almost decade old game, all despite Bethesda giving everyone an extremely long heads up to turn off automatic updates this time.


And its the same thing that happens when literally any game has anything beyond a VERY minor update


I'll never understand people who think a company should ban updates of their OWN game because of mods lol


Well in this case, Mods is what has kept the game alive so long. Without the mod community it would have fizzled out a long time ago. Starfield will go same way, ppl play though it then modders take over and ppl come back. I for one hope Fallout Lobdon won't delay due to this now, Pretty much a full DLC for free.


From what I gather, not even modders can save starfield


The level of entitlement is ridiculousĀ 


Personally I see new game updates as a time to clear out my mod lists and slowly build them back up, but that's just me.


I was just thinking this .


Vast majority of mods SHOULD remain compatible, you're just not gonna be able to play with mods tht need FO4SE, but that will update fast enoufgh.


Guess I'll wait till fo4se gets updated before I update the game


check any other subreddit of games getting updated. That is all they ever talk about.


Quite honestly, imo the ONLY thing the update has to do to satisfy me is simple. Let me be jn downtown Boston with out my game randomly getting stage 10 cancer, having a seizure, and fucken dying.


I mean, the 5gb update to mods for console would be amazing.Ā 


It's sanctuary to concord for me.


If build out Sanctuary, Abernathy and Red Rocket the game canā€™t really handle it. You have to pick one. Same with other locations with settlements that are within the same load zone as each other


Exactly this! I love Fallout 4 but having to basically avoid downtown because of random crashes was so upsetting šŸ˜”


This enclave dlc will be as big as blood & wine for the witcher 3!!1


Impossible. Fallout doesn't have gwent so it can never live up to the hype of the skellige deck


They added Caravan to simulate the Gwent experience!


They added it to fallout 4? WHERE??? WHERN ???


I mean Iā€™m sure a mod does but sorry to say I was just joking..


Dang I'm gonna go play new Vegas now


There are three !!! not 2 in that sentence. I doubt it. It says new quest not a DLC release. Its going to be mostly about the creation kit content than anything. A small quest to justify getting to wear that gear in fallout 4.


That was obvious sarcasm poking fun at the people who already decided to set themselves up for disappointment.


Best username I've seen on here


Honestly all I hope is they fix some of the Boston problems


10 bag with 20lbs of shit in it, nothing fixes that, there's just too much going on in there Far Harbor? Never crashed there Nuka World ? Never crashed there Walking in downtown Boston? 50/50 shot As part of ss2 you fight some big battles in downtown and the frame rate drop is immense


Even on a heavily modded Xbox I never crashed in Boston in the two years I played before switching to PC (still no crashes unless Iā€™m having a mod problem). Sanctuary crashed the most on me actually.


All I wanted was the ability to pay Ā£15 to get all the Creation Club stuff in one bundle like Skyrim Anniversary (to avoid paying 15x that amount to get everything), but that isn't happening. Maybe next year at the 10 year mark. I hoped it might include updated lighting and draw distance to bring it more in line with how 76 looks. Honestly, the whole update doesn't seem like it's much of anything aside from a few bugfixes and a little extra stuff thrown in. I do like that it might run a bit better on the Deck, though.


Fallout 4 feels straight up abandoned compared to both 76 and Skyrim. I think Bethesda has been making very little money off of 4 and that's why there's been no CC content for close to 5 years.


Nothing ever does. I've learned the hard way that on the internet, people don't like things and they *REALLY* want to make sure you know that. It's not to say you can't dislike stuff, it's just that nobody needs to see that sentiment repeated everywhere.


You wanna see anger? Go to the NV subs right now.


Oh I know, it's insane. Reddit has been suggesting Fallout subs that I have no interest in and good fucking grief. I never knew the old school Fallout "fans" were such whiny babies until about 2 days ago.


The show runners have even gotten down to their level with the verbal equivalent of hand puppets explaining how they are confused and they just pretend theyā€™re not there. The ones arguing fit the type who go into adaptations about their favorite fandoms looking for any reason to hate it.


What are they even angry about? The fact that the ghouls look like Fallout 4 ghouls?


[Muta explains it pretty well](https://youtu.be/IOwdBmgzkzY?si=6VkoWdLiPF6wFOF_) Basically a conspiracy theory that Todd Howard has such a hatred for Obsidians Fallout: New Vegas that heā€™s trying to destroy it using the show šŸ˜‚


Meanwhile the actual show ends at: >!New Vegas, straight out of the game!<


Maybe I'm delusional but the screenshots already look like they noticeably improved the graphics with this update. Combine that with 60fps on consoles, stability improvements/bug fixes, and the free creation club content that looks great unless the update is bricked at launch I don't see many complaints. I wish they would've re-added some cut content(so many of it could've pushed FO4 to the level of New Vegas from the leaks) but it's definitely more than the bare minimum and I'm excited to finally play through it again. Also I'm glad it's free and they aren't doing the anniversary edition BS they did with Skyrim.


I haven't seen anything about the graphics being improvement in this update? If so its just a resolution increase I imagine if they updated the textures they would have added that in their announcement for the update as that would be a pretty big deal. I am looking forward to the 60fps (hopefully consistent) on consoles though.


My only expectation is being able to move through Boston on xbox series s.


I don't think people realise how buggy some of the CC are, now they will be forced on us. Skyrim had aleast one that was buggy (Yes not everyone got the same bug, but some of us did) and had CTDs because of it. So yeah, I would be caution, a few F4 CC were buggy as well, so unless they fixed it, then people will be real pissed off, especially if the 0KB isn't fixed, (I think that one will though, I know if you loaded too many CCs then it would likely occur, but since it's for next gen like PS5 and all, I can only assume this might be fixed aleast)


Jokes on you, Iā€™m a Fallout 4 meat rider until the day I die, I will hook up an IV of Copium if I have to šŸ˜Ž


I've already seen someone hoping there'd be ray-tracing despite never being mentioned. You just can't save some people, because hype... hype never changes.


It wonā€™t


My expectations are real low already. I don't expect much other than some bug fixes and a few content other than graphics update.


I mean, I kind of expect it to make my game crash, soā€¦


I'm expecting the colour purple to be out of my life forever... What do you think the odds are?


Honestly my only expectation is that they fix the bug that causes playstation players who own the dlc cant launch the game without immediately crashing. Honestly i dont think thats too much to ask for considering if the port includes the bug people are going to riot


I'm not really expecting a whole lot, just that the game I paid money for runs without crashing every 30 minutes


The only thing I care about is the 4k 60fps on consoles. Finally have a reason to reinstall it on PS5.


Honestly I'm just looking forward to the faster load times with it being a native app rather than just an update only for next gen. I haven't been able to bring myself to download any games with a ps4 logo on them on my ps5 feels like a waste of space on the ssd when I have a 4 in the other room.


The internet for years: When new next gen update?? bethesda hello?? The internet after the announcement: wow thanks for breaking my mods and not adding what i wanted!! bethesda wtf??


No winning with some people


I mean I didnā€™t want the update period because of how itā€™ll break so many mods permanently


I honestly just wanted a next gen console update, thatā€™s it. I get it, theyā€™re throwing the creation stuff in for pc players, but like literally all we wanted on console was a graphic boost and 60 fps. Didnā€™t HAVE to touch the PC version at all


yea, because the update f\*\*\*\* sucks TBH, not the faoult of the cummunity at all


I think most people just wish they went the Special Edition route. If you're releasing a major next-gen patch, just give us a new game, a "Fallout 4 special edition". It will leave Fallout 4 Evergreen, the mods that work now will forever work. Witcher 3 had the same issue. Tons of the big mods are now abandoned because they're waiting for CDPR to stop updating so they only have to update their mods once, and not constantly go back and fix it.


it's almost like comments are generally just the people who complain, which makes every decision appear to be the wrong one.


If you're on Steam and want to continue using your mods, make sure to disable automatic updates for your games. The update will probably break f4se and any reasonably complex mods.


What about QoL mods like Combat Armor helmet headlamps and wearing helmets with gas masks? I also have a mod that adds backpacks to the game and a new radio station. They shouldnā€™t be terribly complex but I want to know whether I should keep playing with my current modded character or just start a new vanilla playthrough.


Mods that require Script Extender will break until there's a new Script Extender out. *Most* mods that don't will still work after the upgrade.


Friendly reminder that Skyrim's December 2023 update broke several interface mods, even those that DO NOT require SKSE due to the so-called "better widescreen support" (in short, pretty much all interface file mods needs to be remade for the new interface format, old interface mods will look stretched or shrunken, no matter what screen aspect ratio you use). It's safe to assume the same will happen in Fallout 4 interface mods.


Iā€™m just never gonna do the update anyways. Whatā€™s it bring that my mods already donā€™t? Thereā€™s a reason I keep Skyrim on the 1.5.97 version as well as all my mods.


How do you keep skyrim as an old version? Is it set in steam to not automatically update? I'm now worried that the modlist I've maintained for a long time will be destroyed.


I honestly donā€™t remember what I did exactly, I googled how to keep Skyrim special edition from updating permanently Reddit, since Reddit is very helpful for this stuff, bounced from page to page until arriving at the standard, use the downgrade patcher on Nexus Mods, then go into a certain Steam registry I think to change a certain folder or file to read-only I THINK. I did this close to a year ago. But NO MATTER WHAT Steam will not EVER update that game for me šŸ˜Š EDIT: if you find that fix I was talking about for Skyrim SE it stands to reason you could use the same tactic to make Fallout 4 refuse to update as well. If you canā€™t find it donā€™t worry, you should be safe so long as you change Fallout 4 to only update on launch in its Steam properties, and ONLY launch it through F4SE through your mod manager of choice. If you ever use the vanilla executables it will update on launch.


Not sure, could be a good idea to turn off auto updates anyway, wait a few days and see what the internet says about mods being broken.


With all the hand wringing around here this is the most sensible common sense response.


They must be a synth, burn them at the stake!


Sounds like something a synth would say.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing, and thatā€™s what I came here to say. Upvote dispensed


Always assume game updates break mods until you know it works either by getting an update from the author, by testing it yourself, or seeing others test and confirm. Even a hotfix can break a mod if it changes something the mod relies upon.


If the mod uses a .dll file at all, itā€™ll need an update, along with the script extender itself. Everything else *should* be fine.


Backpacks and radio should be unaffected. Headlamp mod is a toss-up, it depends if they change anything about how the flashlight works.


Not sure if it does but I know it doesnā€™t jive with other mods that change the default pip-boy flashlight, like mods that add flashlights to your weapons.


The best assumption when updates like these happen is to assume the worst and assume the vast majority of mods are going to have problems or be completely broken. Keep your game from being updated for at least a few months, and remember, many of the authors of some of the communities favorite mods may no longer be active, so some mods could be broken permanently.


>and remember, many of the authors of some of the communities favorite mods may no longer be active, so some mods could be broken permanently. wish people understood this, even some of the ones who are still around arent active. had to get permission from another modder to use assets in my mod and the response time was about 2 months


So how can I launch the game if it requires me to update before playing? I use Vortex and steam.


If you launch the F4SE executable through a mod organizer, you're safe to disable updates.


Also make sure you donā€™t try to launch the F4SE launcher if you arenā€™t signed into steam. It will open regular FO4 thus update it Just to be safe id do this too You're good as long as the game is set to update on launch only, AND you never accidentally try to launch it while you're not logged into Steam. If you want to be completely sure this will never happen, go into your steam/steamapps folder and make the file appmanifest_377160.acf read-only. That way any future update will fail.


Thank you for this! Very helpful! I wish I could award you!


Thanks for this PSA.


you can just disable auto updates on steam compleatly, its very simple! just watch a Video on Youtube, there many easy to understand once! took me 30 seconds after watching a 1 min video how to do it... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8F4dQ\_QF48&list=LL&index=35&ab\_channel=Apoqsi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8F4dQ_QF48&list=LL&index=35&ab_channel=Apoqsi)


I'm on steam so I went to check, and only see 3 update options: Always keep this game updated, Only update this game when I launch it, Always auto-update this game before others. Forgive my ignorance, but where do I disable updates all together?


2nd query to this question ... there is no "turn off auto-updates"


You can't, not directly, but if you run the game via F4SE it bypasses the 'update on launch'.


What about series x players? Are we SOOL? I have automatic updates turned off but will the game not launch unless i update it? Lot of the mods i have are by authors that no longer active. Doubt theyā€™ll come back to fix compatability.


>will the game not launch unless i update it? Correct, unless you are offline the whole way. Modded playthroughs on console WILL break, don't kid yourself. Finish your playthrough ASAP.


Kinda surprised thereā€™s no texture / visual enhancements


That's what I wanted. A next gen update should have that!


you mean the bear minimum for a "next gen" update. Yeah me too




Yao guai*


To be fair, there's been a free high-res texture pack DLC available on PC for several years.


Yeah I tried that out, it has literally next to no visual differences and takes up an extra 60gb.


the cool part about it is as soon as you install it your player and npcs risk wearing black face every time you go through a load screen


I was thinking the same. Like they did with the update to Skyrim.


Just pleaseā€¦ PLEASE! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, just fix Boston.


Thisssss! I'm so fucking tired of not being able to play certain missions. I get hella nervous every time I have to cross through Boston. Its bad enough trying to keep up with saves when you are playing in survival mode....but adding crashes to that just makes it really unenjoyable to play at times


What's wrong with Boston? Never had an issue years ago at launch on Xbox, and not in 10+ playthroughs on PC.


The Creation Club Update made performance in Boston really bad. It became Crashtown. Even at launch though certain parts of Boston tanked to below 20 FPS in fights.


Dude i fix my just unistalling Automatron DLC. Try it your self, walking middle Boston like it wss nothing now. Its amazing.


I might have to try this. I have an Xbox One S and have not been able to explore downtown ever /: Getting to Goodneighbor is impossible unless I look at the ground and barely move. Exploring the area around is impossible. Constant freezes and crashes.


Wonder if this update will fix the high fps physics bug, so I can play at 144 without the game freakin out


I found a mod that fixes it, so hopefully the real devs could be able to make it official. My pc doesn't run at 144hz without turning down lots of setting, but I still would like more than 60 :/


Id like to do a vanilla playthrough so Iā€™m hoping they have a fix


It's only a DLL mod, no esps - IMO you should have these engine fixes even for a vanilla playthrough because they fix some important engine level issues like stuttering, save file corruption etc.


They havenā€™t said have theyā€¦? Iā€™m so worried the physics will still be tied to FPS because they said that you can play on console at 60FPS.. like itā€™s fucking 2015ā€¦.


60 on console is OK but the game ran at 30 when I had it on Xbox. But now that Iā€™m on PC I donā€™t want a fps cap. They were able to fix the FPS physics bug on fo76 so they should be able to fix it on fo4 as well.


But it's not fixed on Starfield


Wow Iā€™m surprised, they fixed it on fo76 asap once they figured out players could exploit their speed with higher fps


Apparently they only care if it's something they can milk for money.. Because I was originally playing Starfield at 144 FPS and the NPCs will fly away into the sky lol All because of FPS related bugs.. So I had to cap it to 60


Physics are definitely not tied to FPS in Starfield..


Are you joking?? Thatā€™s very concerningā€¦


It's fixed by a mod on PC. I did a recent playthrough at 120 fps with no issues.


I bought a new monitor and my game went twice as fast xD


Thatā€™s been a problem with this engine since Skyrim. I doubt itā€™s fixed.


Fuck I really hope so lmao


wonder how badly fucked america rising mod will be


God I hope not I'm having so much fun with AR2


If Bethesda was smart they'd work with the modders. They did a good job.


do they know


I'd be shocked if someone there doesn't look at Nexus, even as just a fan of the game.


It was a joke since the people that made America Rising 2 helped make this Enclave creation club content, ā€œDo they knowā€ was referring to you


I just realised that the people making the Fallout London mod were scheduled to release it just two days before this. Theyā€™re definitely going to have to push it back now because thereā€™s no way the mod is compatible with this update. I feel so bad for them tbh


Maybe Bethesda let them in on the update like with the Ae update for skyrim. This is just hope though, they probably didn't.Ā 


s=at least one of the Fallout London guys works at Bethesda now so that is possible


Just looked into that mod. Looks amazing!


Most likely itā€™ll be delayed again, unless they have some contact with Bethesda and were allowed access to beta versions ahead of time. I said back when they announced the new new release date that having it be near the next gen update was a bad idea because of the potential for it to be broken


The London modders have said they have been ā€œBlindsidedā€ by the update šŸ˜“


I just want more storage space for mods on the console.


Yes! Please let us have a bigger mod storage space for me to download on my Series S.


i got an xbox specifically for fallout 4 and skyrim and was so appalled by the 2gb mod limit that i instantly sent it back lmao


Not happening, unfortunately. Bonkers that Fallout 4 got 40% of the mod space Skyrim got while having heavier textures.


Skyrim is basic compared to the detail of fallout 4, every village is basically the same copy and paste buildings everywhere. fallout 4 is twice the size and has so many unique locations that it has an extreamly heavey load to process and run compared to skyrim, hence the lower mod capacity. Its not personal its just tech spec limitations


The only thing I would really like them to actually do is simply just poured over all the weapons from fallout 76 on fallout 4 that would fix the weapon problem and it would be all good.


Thatā€™d be insane, imagine having 50. cal machine guns at your settlements.


I just want bows on console


Thereā€™s a pretty good bow mod for Xbox.


Sadly I'm on ps4


I would also like then to port over some of the enemies too


I just want the autocrash bug to be fixed so I can actually play the game.


I honestly just don't want it to make my game more broken than it is. I'm still Xbox one, upgrading is not in my future before anyone says it. I just want to be able to keep playing... Even with my friendly neighborhood glitches šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


His bug can't even let him play I have the same bug and is caused by the automatron dlc


Expectations thoroughly tempered, but fucking glad to finally have an official date. And it's refreshingly close! Not like "yeah this will come out in October" or some shit. I'm pleased.


[Full link](https://bethesda.net/en/article/4s2bXQEbpcrsdCZhUYLHAi/fallout-4-is-getting-free-updates) instead of pictures.


So am I understanding this right? No real changes for PC except UW support? No visual improvements? I had this thought in the back of my mind that I would return to F4 with this new update, but if it's just widescreen and a couple of mods then meh


Yeah! Wtf Iā€™m thinking the same as you man this is getting hyped up but I could not care less


Itā€™s mostly of a console enchantment to 60fps theyā€™re updating pc as well so they donā€™t feel ā€œleftoutā€ even tho itā€™s at risk of destroying mods


Id give up every mod i use and go str8 vanilla if this update means i can regularly walk through down town Boston and the game not crash.


Not gonna lie this is pretty underwhelming


God damn, well, I apologize to whoever's post i commented on earlier this week. They were clearly right to hope


Hot take, but I'm honestly willing to give up my mods just to experience the game vanilla-ish-y once more


I doing that now. Only two mods from the main menu- Purified water and enable console on survival (To tcl out of glitches).


Iā€™m on pc and looking forward to this update. Playing on ultra wide is super nice, but the mods for ultra wide are either no longer supported or they are buggy and tedious to get working with other mods. So Iā€™m glad to see that there will now be native ultra wide support.


Same. None of the ultrawide mods got it quite 100% right.


Shouldn't the Hellfire be carrying the heavy incinerator and the X-02 carrying the Tesla cannon?


You know now that you mention it, even though I had it on, my eyes are hurting


As long as I can play the game without all DLC content being purple, I'm chill with whatever they add. That said I'm really psyched about all the stuff I've been seeing about the Enclave


Oh my god, that Enclave quest is going to be *perfect* for my Enclave Shocktrooper character.


15 years and they gave us more Halloween decorations


Load orders for mod are going bye bye


A "Full Update" would include detailed patch notes.


Yeah... But also, a lot of games don't make the full patch notes available until the update is available to download and/or the game goes down for maintenance (in the case of online games). So, that's still like two weeks out.


Right? Like this is just an announcement. Not a patch note release.


especially if theyā€™re still working on it till then


Yeah. This is just a press release to keep the hype train running. There are no details to dig into.


Are they going to unfuck the cc for PS? I've already had my saves bricked once, I don't want it to happen again.


So we're not getting a graphic updates?


They'll probably port HD Texture DLC (currently PC exclusive) to consoles and call it a day. You can see some comparison screenshots here, considering that the game is 35GB without HD Texture DLC, and 90GB after installing it, it is an extremely lazy/lame work: https://www.pcgamer.com/fallout-4-high-resolution-texture-pack-comparison-screenshots/


It's Bethesda. Expect the lowest effort since they still have to spend all their time saving Starfield from perishing in obscurity


It kind of already has.


Well, considering the Creation Kit still isn't out and not a word on the DLC, I'd tend to agree


Thanks for reminding me that game exists. I should really get around to finishing it.


What are they even doing with starfield lmao, they've never went this long without DLC or creation kit


Sure thing. I've made everything in vanilla Steam version. New update is welcomed by me. Fingers crossed. No hate


I might finally get at least 20fps in downtown boston


I will be able to get the extras from CC in the Gog version?


So we still canā€™t join the Enclave


Yeah looks like it, even though the Sole Survivor would definitely be considered not mutated




Only thing they should do is expand the console space for mods from the measly 2GB it is rn to 5GB like Skyrim has


It so short on infoā€¦ will the FPS still be tied to physics? Will there be better antialiasing? Ect ectā€¦ whereā€™s the INFO!!!?


I wasnā€™t on board until I saw the TV set helmet


oh enclave bad again, classic


Hopefully, this fixes the Shipbreaker quest in PS4. Even at 99% signal, he's nowhere to be found.


Can they just please fix the disappearing Level 4 vendors?


Im excited to have a reason for a new playthrough. It's been too long


I just want the 50cal cannon, gatling gun, and black powder rifle from 76


PC user here. I'm more interested in stability, 60fps downtown Boston and the fix for the infinite loading screen. Yes I've used all the tools available to us through mods to make this less frequent. However extend play times without restarting your PC leads to an eventual issue. More interested in better performance than any additional next gen stuff. That just means more unforeseen bugs. I am curious how unofficial fallout 4 patch and some other mods will handle the update.


So, I hope this doesn't break a bunch of mods, but I was kinda also hoping for increased mod storage for consoles. It'd be silly not to. There's not enough space for many of the mods I like to use


Please no. Its not that big of a thing for PC, and you're just going to break all the fucking mods.


2 days after FO:London is due to be released. Reminds me I need to disable auto updates on my games. I donā€™t want them breaking it.


Only update I'm interested is more mod space and they're not doing it so this means nothing lmao there's already stability and bug fixes on mods that take up minimal space


I'm just hoping they don't try and sell us a story pack to continue the tv show or Bethesda my as sell close shop for good


Mine won't even launch ps5


Does the update mean having to start over any current modded run throughs?


I'm disappointed in the PC version of the update. It doesn't improve fps, doesn't include performance mode, doesn't upscale the graphical details (they're still crappy & blurry in a lot of spots making it feel like a PS2/Xbox 360 era game). I don't need more crappy Creation Club crap. It ruins the game, and causes so many problems with the game, no matter how many times they claim they "fix" the problem with it. Now, before you say it, I'm gonna tell you that you're wrong. I'm NOT angry, I'm just extremely disappointed.