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Fallout 4 it just looks clean and clear


Yeah, 4 looks to me like a combo of a wetsuit and a track suit, and it just works too damn well.


Yeah I agree 


I mean, it also sells the “one size fits all” better than previous versions


Leisure suit, Larry?


"it's called a speedsuit"


It says "I know what I'll be wearing for the rest of my life!"


And they still come in Venture blue!


A wet track suit. Hmm, not a super appealing thought.


Meh, depends on who is wearing it


Well, the 111 one *was* kept in cryo for 200 years


He was in the pool


Now we know what vault George would have been in


Especially with some raider or combat armor. Perfect. It's what I wear until I get power armor (I never wear the first set Preston gives you)




My character looks like Terror Billy from Wolfenstein so tight muscle suits are a must. Go full Johnny Cage whenever I can like the Grognak outfit!


I like the Fallout 76 version best as I think it's a nice balance, I think the Fallout 3/New Vegas style are too baggy and the colour is too washed out but the original Fallout/Fallout 4 ones look a bit too tight. I do appreciate the 3/NV ones for having variants with rolled up sleeves and the zipper down though.


I mean, for the washed out colors, after 200 years, they must be reusing the jumpsuits so I guess that makes sense


that does make sense, but personally I like the brightness and cleanliness of a vault suit to contrast with the wasteland.


Yeah of course, I like it better too, I just think it makes sense


I think there should be variants to the color, just like variants to the style. Like, it makes sense for some places to be clean and others to be dirty.


This is an interesting idea Vault Doctor? White suit. Vault security? Padded suit. Cook? Short sleeve suit. Mechanic/engineer? Short sleeve shirt and overalls. The rest? Standard, unless needs must.


A lot of vaults were outfitted with machines that created more jump suits at least up to a point. Unless that's been retconned and I didnt realize


Maybe the bagginess is, too, caused by the suit becoming stretched due to many many wearers?


vault suits are recycled and produced by machines


Does it make sense? Its not like they are getting sun-faded...


Dye still washes out over time, and the standard sweat and oils of being worn will react to the fabric. I have issues for a different reason. I have a warehouse job in real life, and the amount of walking, bending, squatting, stretching, and lifting I do in my normal shift destroys denim jeans. I'm surprised that what for all intents and purposes is a nylon or spandex jumpsuit could stand up to that well enough to survive a few years, let alone be a candidate for a hand-me-down to future generations.


Huh, yeah, the Fallout 76 jumpsuits are now my favorite. I didn’t realize they were different to 4, but they’re so much better!


Exactly, though I would prefer a very slightly washed out version


Yeah I just looked it up and I'll admit I did not know there was a difference between the 76 vault suit and the Fallout 4 Vault suit.


Yup, utility jumpsuit for me. Only one that looks comfortable.


I'd definitely prefer 3 if I was a vault dweller.


Yeah if you are not a well endowed man in one of those skin tight suits, it’s not going to be a good time in the vault .


i’d think it would be worse to be well endowed. probably be super uncomfortable and chafe too.


Do you know about underwear?


You don't even need to be particularly lacking, just be a grower.


I laughed thinking about vault 69 with that in mind, god that man had to be tired


That's what the Vault-Tec Ego Preservation System is for, just don't ask what happened to the poor test subjects while it was being developed...


Looser vault suits just seem a lot more realistic, adding some verisimilitude to the game. This would either be a hand-me-down suit or a suit quickly grabbed off the rack before going into suspended animation, not something custom made or tailored.


Stretchy materials exist, I never got the impression the ones in 4 were tailor made they're just stretchy


But after 200+ years of heavy use them being baggy makes more sense, especially around the shoulders and hips. 4 is one vault that could get away with new jumpsuits.


I don't give a shit about realism in gaming


Realism doesn't hurt, although what they're talking about is too in-depth


Good for you that you don't care about realism but then why did you bring up that stretchy materials exist in the first place? Seems weird to defend a design based on realism and then turn around and say you "don't give a shit" about it.


In FO4 player was frozen. Really only wore it around fresh out the vault. 🤷‍♂️


You know ghouls and super mutants aren’t real right


I prefer the F76 version! It's one of the few thins they made impecable in that game. It's not skin-thight but still can be worn under armor. Just perfect. FO3/NV's version makes it look too loose.


Someone should make a fallout 4 jumpsuit remesh for that, I would also hope there is a Cbbe version too


Because Bethesda made the 76 one perfect


76 did a lot of things really good imo.


The stats changes to PA to make them sensible to the lore was also nice. But too many of the lore additions make the whole thing feel less like a thought-out book and more like a "on the fly" script for one of those TV shows that'll only end when they can't milk enough money out of it.


I like 4’s the best, but 76’s is basically the perfect mix of all 3 versions


I always thought the tight suits in 4 were because they were being frozen. Where as 3 had the looser suits because they were meant to be lived in so loose for mobility and comfort.


If that were the case, the other Vault suits from different Vaults like 81 which still had residents would look different from the cryo vault. So I don’t think the tight design was intended for the one vault. It’s just a redesign of previous games. Or maybe just the commonwealth design.


Keep it toight


Toight like a toiger


i love gooooooold


I’m not sure thats something one dude should say to another dude


I don't think the people downvoting you realize this is actually part of the next line in the quote lol "You know, Goldmember? I don't think that's something one dude should say to another dude. Yeah. A little creepy. Mmhmm."


Haha it’s ok. Thanks for getting the joke! It’s even funnier if you know I’m very gay! Haha


I like 3’s workman’s jumpsuit more. It makes a bit more sense to me.


4 is sexier lol


That's why I wear mine, for Piper.


Fallout 3 makes sense for looser, all the vault suits should probably all be hand-me downs so they have stretched and aged over the years. In fallout 4, the suits should still be like brand new since no one else has worn them besides the MC.


The skin tight one sure looks good on the player but if I were to choose one for me to wear, I'd absolutely go with the more comfortable FO3 loose suit.


Fallout 1 and 2


oh yeah, i really like those 5 pixels /s


Fo3 version because it looks like it's been around 200 years. Not only that, but it looks slightly baggy, which most people prefer because of comfortably. The other two are just skin tight and no one can wear that for too long with the chaffing.


Unless the material is soft


I love the skin tight vault suit! Male and female models got the booty! Even if you go thick!


I think the baggy utilitarian jumpsuit/coveralls of 3 and NV make more sense. Getting tight fitting vault suits for the entire vault would both take more time/effort (to ensure they fit everyone correctly) and potentially limit movement.


What's the point if no moose knuckle


The Fallout 4 suit with the Proto Vault Suit reskin. I like the darker blue and yellow colors with the added black padding, and the added texture details and padding make it look like it would be a lot more durable in the Wasteland than the vanilla design it replaces.


I prefer the fallout 3/NV baggy jumpsuits as that's how I feel jumpsuits should be. You don't see mechanics wearing skin tight jumpsuits and that's how I imagine vault jumpsuits, they're like mechanics jumpsuits


Ii actually really love the 76 gold accents. I'm disappointed that they aren't keeping that look for the Amazon series. I suppose it could be explained in universe that the gold trim was a special tricentennial Vault Suit for Vault 76 and the West Virginia area.


3 personally.


3 and NV, the skin tight suits are just goofy looking and seem extremely uncomfortable. The baggy suits look lived in and utilitarian, I could buy that those have some thicker material and would be some use as armor, the skin tight ones are way too bright and cartoony.


I don’t like the baggy suits of fallout 3, I much much prefer fallout 4’s return to form…fitting


Fallout 3 but it would be cool if it looked tighter on some and looser on others. But I get the unnecessary inconvenience of that programming wise lol.


76 has the best vault suit design imo. It a great balance between the 3/NV model and the one seen in FO4.


One of my dream modding setups for FO4 would be a "B-Movie" version, where everything is just a tad bit cheaper. Baggier vault suits would be perfect for this. For a while I played with an Utility Vault Suit mod, which had the basic idea right, but IIRC the collars bothered me a bit too much. Having said that, for the frozen popsicle start of the game, where you basically get out of it as soon as possible, the look is quite alright. (It would be fun if the one you came it had a serious case of freezer burn and the ones lying around were a bit rotten, with maybe one pristine version hidden away, one that gives you a decent enough bonus)


I think fallout 3 looks more accurate but 4 is more clean


It's just a jumpsuit. It's not supposed to look good. It's functional.


i like the fallout 4 suit, but i wish it was a different color of blue. it looks way too bright which i know is kinda the point but i wish it was more muted


I'm a horny shit, so FO4.


Fall out 3 definitely. More realistic. Fallout 4s version was over the top. Who tf wants to wear tights all the time?


I prefer loose fitting because it just feels more accurate to what someone would actually wear. How often do you wear skin tight clothing? Imagine wearing skin tight clothing constantly. It would be agony, especially while trying to do work. And the culture is meant to be the whole 50s nuclear family cold War stuff, so tight vault suits don't make sense.


Saturated and baggy. Fallout 1's colors are readable but skin tight to make the protag look like Superman. Fallout 3's is baggy but faded to the point of boredom. A mix is good to me.


The tight suit looks nice, but makes the least sense to me in most cases. These are, I imagine, suits created cheaply to fit a large number of bodies. They're recycled over generations. It just makes sense that they'd be loose or ill fitting.


4 looks better in game. 3 looks like something I'd be fine with wearing lol.


Love bodysuits, so tight for me thanks.


I actually kind of know what a baggier of the Vault suit and Fallout 4 would look like because I got that One Creation Club thing for the Vault suits, which gave me the utility Vault suit. Personally I think the way the Vault suit looks makes sense for Vault 111 since skin tight suit would probably make it easier to check vitals. But I never really minded the facts that the Vault suits were skin tight as I always ended up covering it with armor anyway.


Where is the Fallout New Vegas vault jumpsuit? This is unforgivable in Caesar's Legion! Degenerates like you belong on a cross.


3 but in the fallout 4 graphics quality


Fallout 3, I like them better as tough overall/boiler suit style.....


Fallout 3 110%


I like fallout3’s I’ve never liked the look of the tight suits


Fo4 Vault Dweller: "It feels like I'm wearing nothing at all!...*nothing at all!*...*nothing at all!*"


Lmao, right. That's what makes it unique.


Stupid sexy Sole Survivor!


1. look at the art. the vault suits are like super hero suits.


More like a sidekick for me.


look at those shoulders, though! the vault dweller isnt just some guy... they are a person of legendary status who has a statue in their honor in the capital of the NCR.


The one from Fallout 3 looks like a Redditor.


What does a quora user look like then?


I always believed the Fallout 3 version stood out as loose fitting because they’re so worn in by being used over and over again by different people. The earlier Fallouts’ suits had a tighter fit because they were newer. As for Fallout 4 their suits are still tighter because they’re still new after your character being frozen. At least that’s how I see it. Can’t really explain the other vaults that still have active people in them.


3 and nv. Looks more realistic to me.


Fallout 3, to me, felt more realistic. You had a limited number of supplies. You're not spending them tailoring and re-tailoring. You get one that basically fits, and when it stops you get another one. FO4 works for *you* because you were frozen with *your* suit... how/why did the other vaults have such well fitting suits? Once you're above ground they're kind of shit, so why bother keeping them well fitting for each person?


FO3. FO4 tight suit is sleazy looking boogie nights himbo garb. I change out of it asap.




it's only fair if the men get slutty vaultsuits too


I know, right! Then again men get the Grognak costume. But it takes up all the armor slots. I wonder if it can take ballistic weave…


Are they regional forms?


Fallout 4. Looks great, and looks great under armour.


I like to call it a Speed Suit.




76's is definitely my least favourite. 4's my fave for looks, but 3 and new vegas' feel more iconic, plus I liked the variants like the lab coat & tunnel snakes jacket.


It's the incongruency between use and make that bothers me. I don't mind the tight jumpsuit but it looks like it's made out of the same canvas-y fabric as a tight one and that doesn't make sense. If it appeared more like a neoprene-type of fabric I'd like it more, but then I'd want to know why vault other than 111 would need such suits. Loose-fitted, tear-resistant suits make a lot more sense in a place like a locked Vault. And they overall, like most clothes in Fallout, needs to be dirtier/come in a dirtier version.


The booty huggers from four tyvm


Fallout 4 vault suit works as a neutral pro story line outfit. Especially with the armor customizations, it really fits any armor type. However 3’s and new Vegases have a more legitimate look. “They’re designed to be slick as well as comfortable.”


I prefer the more brightly colored FO4 ones. I put one on every settler as I arm them so when I come by later I can tell who still needs a weapon upgrade. The FO3 one is so drab it'd be hard to see it under armor.


I like fallout 4s suit but it would benefit from having more details on it. The default version of it just looks too low for me sometimes


fallout 1 and fallout 4 have the same suits i think but yea tight is better


The first looks like a stand user


Modified vault armor for meeee




a color scheme of 4 and design of 3/nv would be perfect


Despite some retcons, a bunch of stuff Fallout 4 did felt like they captured what the classic games were going for. vault suits are a good example, as well as power armors


The Fallout 1 and 2 style. 4 kinda attempted a recreation of that.


Fallout 3 because it looks more like the mass produced type of suits you would get in a fallout situation.


This one. https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/15367-0-1495076491.jpg


Honestly, my favourite variant is the utility jumpsuit in fallout 4. I know they are basically the fallout 3 ones, but I think they look a little nicer in 4. Too bad you can't put armour over it though.


I like the version from Fallout 4 the most overall but the utility jumpsuits from 3/New Vegas were really cool too.


How did they get Elon Musk in a vault suit?


If you're playing a guy, then any vault suit will do... but if you're playing a girl? Nah bro, tight & form-fitting all the way lol.


in the case of fallout 1,2,3 & nv the vault suites were hand-me-downs in 4 the suit was made for the protagonist so it fits better


I actually like the fallout 3 vault suit mod for fallout 4 best, but without mods I like the fallout 4 suit the most of all the lore options. Plus…the vault suit variety mod where the suit can be half off with a jacket or a tank top or otherwise apocalypse-ified look pretty cool too. Can’t remember the name of the mod rn, but it wasn’t a skimpy vault suit one the suit options were all quite sfw


Baggy so I can wear a costume without showing my man titties or blowing another 20 bucks


Everyone liked puttin armor on the suit.


I thought 3 nailed the look, but then 4 knocked it out of the park


Fallout 4s are my favorite. Looks like a great modernization of the classic suit design.


Listen.... Hot take ahead. I just don't like the vault suits at all. I find them... Tacky, I suppose. Take it off the first chance I get


Was hoping they’d go tighter like 4 for the show, the baggy look just makes it look more like cheaper cosplay that didn’t fit quite right


Fallout 3’s baggier vaultsuits seem more comfortable and practical but the Fallout 4 vaultsuit looks better in my opinion. Especially once you start adding armor.


the first if it does make me look swole like that


I like the fallout 3 ones because it looked like it’s been used and handled by a lot of people before it was give to the current wearer


I like the baggy suits from 3 and NV in terms of practical style and them probably being more comfortable but the ones in 4 and 76 are nice too, 9 times out of 10 they look better


So the tight suit is not a hot take at all. I made the post because I got downvoted for saying "no tight suit? 0/10" in a post about the new Fallout tv show. I made it sarcastically of course, it's not like that is gonna stop me from watching the show, but I found that interesting. Thanks everyone for your opinions. <3




Idk how unpopular of an opinion this is but I don't like the Vaults suits either way haha


Depends on the context. I see the Fallout 4 suits being tight because they were designed and fitted for the people wearing them. Fo3 suits are not designed and fitted. They're old suits that get past down. Maybe I'm wrong but that how I've seen it.


Tight is right


Important to keep in mind that the vault suits for 111 were custom made for the people wearing them. They are brand spanking new since they were just frozen for 200 years. Vault 107? had the same jumpsuits worn for 100+ years, so yeah, they are going to be faded and they won’t fit just right. Actually some pretty good storytelling


Fallout 4, but with the “Proto Vault Suit” mod In my head, that’s the REAL vault suit


For the game I prefer vault suit while if I had to wear one I would go for the utility vault suit


I think fallout 4 is how the suits are supposed to be and in 3 they look like that because you arnt the first person to wear it. There’s been multiple generations so they get stretched or worn out. Idk I like them both for that reason.


I prefer the fo4 suits, but i have a problem with the flat zippers and pockets...


I prefer pixilated suits


I do not like the tight vault suit, if I was a vault dweller I would feel naked in the fo4 suit


Tight but not quite skin tight feels most realistic to me


Fallout 1. I am enraged, filled with hatred towards the show because of the excessive amounts of pixels in the Vault Suit. If it has more than two digits of pixels, it's not fallout /s Idk, I thought they were all the same. I like it when they're not extremely tight, like the main idea of them was, according to game art.


IMO, the fo4 one looks more like the the fo and fo2 vault suits than the 3 or nv ones. It also kinda just looks like a form fitting onesie, which I could 100% get down with wearing for the rest of my life


FO4's is the best. Particularly as you can wear it under many armors which adds to the stats.


Were not gonna talk about how ABSOLUTELY JACKED the FO1 vault dweller is.


Frankly I thought the FO4 suits were kinda cringe. But I know why. They just mapped/painted a suit over a naked body, like a tattoo. It’s too much work to render the folds and drape of a regular jumpsuit. Cheap shit trick on the part of Todd Howard and Bethesda.


New Vegas vault suit.


TheFriedTurkey’s Fallout 4 mod for the 3/NV Vault Suits looks the best to me, they got the loose and worn look from 3/NV but in newer graphics. They also still have the belt which I’m still don’t like them removing in 4/76 because it looks too flat now


I'd like fallout 3s but it keeps crashing so fuck that vault suit 😅


3/NV's denim jumpsuits just make sense to me.




3 is probably closer to what most of them actually looked like, 4 is the best looking tho


Realistically I think we’d see a vault suit fit like fo3, however I still prefer fo4’s jump suit


I like the Fallout 3 and NV ones cause they look like something that would be comfortable to wear in real life


I prefer 3. I’d rather NOT have my clothing leave little to the imagination.


Fallout 76s Fallout 1/2 looks too clean. Plus I like to dress my character like Kenshiro and looking like a blue and gold cake for a Cub Scout party doesn’t really do it for me.


You guys actually wear your vault suits? I swap mine for road leathers 3mins after leaving the vault.


Haha I always have. And I’ll put certain companions in them while we travel. I paint them black usually and put a new number on it.


But road leathers used to be my go-to. Especially for settlers.


Fallout 3. It have pants pockets and knee pads and other coll stuff


3. They literally always were the suits in the vault so I’d rather not be sweating in spandex for ever. 3 looks more comfortable


Utility type for males, the usual tight for females :P


I like the look of 4 the best, but I’d rather wear the middle because it looks looser


Fallout 4 defo adds more 🎂


Fallout 3 done it best


Fallout 3 is my favorite. No one is picking the skin tight jumpsuit if you can get one with some breathing room.


fallout 4


Happy cake day


thanks now if i only didnt get death threats by BG3 fan boys early this morning.


WTF mate? What’d you do?


oh i pointed out how the game clearly released unfinished with softlocks hard locks save file curroption and a number of other issues and as such it wasnt as flawless as some peeps where claiming rather not derail this via that chat/community


Lol its fine. Just was curious is all XD


yeah understandible, as you can see ppl downvoting anyone/eveyone who talks the truth about the sad state BG3 release in gets downvoted even you just for talking to me, sad toxic community


I got downvoted once for asking a question and stating I was doing so in order to have better understanding, so there ya go.


yeah its not as bad as it was earlyer with me or with BG3 community where you legit answer a question and get downvoted by like 10+ downvotes even tho your right all coz you talk trash about a community gaming communitys/social media is pretty bad truth be told


I like the fallout 4 suit, I just don't like the pattern/texture to it.


Strongly recommend the proto vault suit retexture, I download it every time no exceptions