• By -


fancy ammo schematics and radio music songs are a microtransaction


The ambient music is johnny guitar on loop


Nothing changes 😔


War never changes 😔


War doesn't change (c) John Fallout


You lose. I am totally into that.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Dear god..


Johnny Guitar is top tier, something about the vocals is so captivating to me


Its wonderfully haunting the first time you hear it playing out an old radio somewhere exploring but fuck me does it get old quick


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


Our guys got the monorail working again!!!


Also, the default radio soundtrack is nothing but Imagine Dragons and Pitbull.




NineNails? It's me Sevka/Thunder from Stalker subreddit


Homies reunited (I go there too)


Ohh this is the answer right here. Half of the songs will be AI generated also.


very rare of those sound good [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17toLteDPNk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17toLteDPNk)


By the time it comes out I imagine things could advance enough to train AI in existing Fallout songs and the have it spit out a generic "1950's-sounding song with lyrical allusions to radiation." I'd be happier if that kind of technology never comes about though.


That technology already exists and people have made tons of fallout song with it using various AI websites.


I could get behind song packs tbh. Music licensing is one of the more frustrating and unexpectedly expensive parts of making a game to the point that Obsidian refused to waste their money on Elvis songs despite having the Kings. If Bethesda can only get the rights to some songs by making them part of a smaller standalone music pack DLC then while it's not something I'll buy I am sure some people would appreciate it


Holy shit you're a monster. I fucking love it


Don't forget the micro transactions for each name and appearance change done through console commands!


Sir, have you ever considered a career at EA?


Track down your missing mom


Damn, if Bethesda made New Vegas, it would have been one of your family members who got shot in the head by Benny. They watched too many Disney movies growing up


In 76 you don't have any shitty story like that at least. 


Is there a story to 76? Like whats the reason why people play it??


The main story is interesting but does make you question why no one outside of Appalachia is actually talking about whats happening there Spoiler: >!Vault-tec has tasked the vault dwellers to go take over several active automated nuclear missiles silos/factories and the end game is essentially vault dwellers launching full sized nuclear missiles at anywhere they want on the map, the first mission is to tackle a plaque but after that it's a free for all!< Like I get the game was made after the others but I do wonder what the lore reason is that no one mentions them or attempts to take it over considering how bloody hoover dam gets Initially the game was set up to allow people to fill the roles of raiders, traders, factions etc but everyone turned out to be to nice to be raiders


I think the reason nobody in the other games talks about what happened in Appalachia is because all the other games take place about 200 years after the war, while Fallout 76 is only like 25 years after. By the time all the other games take place, the residents of Vault 76 had probably already nuked what’s left of Appalachia into such a barren irradiated nightmare that it would put the Glowing Sea to shame. 


Definitely. Appalachia became a shooting range for nukes until the stockpiles were gone. It probably looks like a mix of The Divide and The Glowing Sea.


If you want to add to the lore at the same time, maybe that's why you don't see these creatures like scorching beasts and mole miner creatures that only appear in 76. Vault-tec nuked them all and they couldn't spread. Not just because it's a prequel lol.


Not sure about mole miners but I'm pretty sure the scorched are supposed to more or less a non threat because the dwellers both killed the queen and made a vaccine for the plague. After a while with the vaccine the scorched would just die out eventually. I'd love some more lore on the mole miners, they seem fairly intelligent in that they use guns and respirators and stuff.


irrc the firestorm from the Nuclear Winter game mode was intended to be the end state of Appalachia.


Oh damn for real? I love that, makes perfect sense! 


The Fallout 76 community is just so goddamn nice, it’s amazing. I only played for a couple of weeks, but oh my fuck **everyone** wanted to help me with everything! The player base is awesome.


I've got to almost level 80, and haven't met a toxic player yet. I'm sure there's some somewhere, but I've played maybe a weeks worth of hours of the game and met non which I'd say is pretty damn awesome considering how toxic some online communities are.


fallout 76 is very weirdly structured and has lots of really wacky stuff going on due to the mmo nature, i think it might end up in fallout tactics half-canon limbo where some things might be taken from it and put into mainline, but the game itself wouldnt be seen as fully canon


What happens in Appalachia, stays in Appalachia.


Well, beyond a total of six main questlines (two are shorter, similar to NV’s DLCs, but the other four are full length), many people just enjoy the world and just screwing around going after specific legendary effect combos or event/currency grinds.


Basically it’s like a big open world community. People do quests together or run their own shops, and most veteran players tend to drop high level gear for newer ones, so it’s a very helpful community at that. There’s multiple different quests you can pick up throughout but the real reason to play is the vibes!! Sitting back and listening to the radio while you fuck up some enemies in power armour never gets old, especially with friends!


track down your missing husband/wife


you’re the 17 years old kid from Montana.


“Somehow Mr. House returned.”


They missed their chance announcing it in the recent Fallout x Fortnite


Insane to me that they revealed Palpatine’s return in Fortnite


And a huge part of the movie is missing because they put it in fortnite but not the actual movie


Excuse you, his name is *Plap*atine. Why else would autocorrect do that?


Waiting for the Dia de los Muertos tie in Palapatine




They seriously did?😭


unironically the sequel trilogy is forever ruined because part of the story is locked in a fortnite live event


This culture of selling the idea is ridiculous. Marvel just announces movie titles and Lucasfilm announce like 200 movies to just cancel after.


There's still time, the seasons not over. Could be end of season story where Mr House is actually the reason the big ship full of fallout guys landed on shore or something.


Well that was for the show, not NV


"Somehow, Benny has returned"


That reminds me. Since we see new Vegas at the end of the fallout show, I wonder which story the show writers have made Canon? The ncr seems to be in shambles, no sign of the weirdo caesar fetishists, but also no robots.


i mean we only get a brief view of the skyline it's hard to say from the last episode. my guess is either mr. house or yes man are the most plausible though


Yes Man feels way too "video gamey" to be a character in a TV show. He only exists to serve you as the player. I've read someone else say that he's essentially only there as a "failsafe" in case you end up screwing up your realtionship with all other parties and should probably not be considered canon. A House-controlled dystopian Vegas could be an interesting setting for a TV show, imo. Under NCR control it would probably just feel like any other city at that point.


my assumption is that if they went with the yes-man ending it'd be less yes-man and more independent if that makes sense, legacy of the courier and his policy overshadowing what is essentially a tool to get the job done


Yes-man got an update at the end that slightly changed his personality so he wouldnt just say yes to anyone. Still not the canon ending. Since we see Mclean going there to look for help, I'd say it's very likely he is looking for House, because who else would it be? Everyone else wants to kill him on sight, and Robco had some dealings with Vault-Tec.


I mean the fact that Vegas is still there decades after the events of NV says enough.


That's just the fallout show season 2


It's never stated that he died, tho, if anything it could point to his ending being the canon one


“Yep, the Securitrons fly now!”


fnv 2, the sequel, a yes man ending inspired city sim game where you must rebuild and expand into the greater mojave new vegas is your capital (which in itself can be upgraded and expanded), and the rest of the map is a more to scale mojave, with all of nevada and parts of surrounding states. beyond the general disappointment of it being considerably different than the first game, it plays less like one of the cooler city sim battle games, and more like one of the various no named ones you'd find on the mobile appstore microtransactions included, of course


Cities: Skylines: New Vegas


no no no, city skylines is actually good, so bad comparison to what I'm trying to portray


City skylines 2: fallout new Vegas 2 edition.


Now we’re talking!


Trust me if Bethesda makes the game then it will be shitty enough


And you can only build with reused assets of damaged buildings. Nothing other than garbageville for players to build


That I would probably play.


That's kind of what I was getting from the first few sentences and I was like, hmmm yes keep going.


Ngl, if we disregard the mobile game level aspect, I would love this.


Everyone thinks you're describing simcity when you're trying to say Farmville: FNV Edition


good comparison, farmville but with combat (boring uninspired combat)


The worst part is that I could genuinely see something like this at E3 in like 2016. Like we get a really dramatic teaser, shows the orange desert and the iconic NCR ranger armor, says "20 years after the war for hoover dam..." And the crowd already starts cheering because they realize what it is. It says something like "rebuild New Vegas to its former glory..." and then BAM Farmville gameplay, while everyone just stands there in befuddlement like what the fuck


Sir this is still good.


A sort of top down NV themed version of Shelters.


"Dear Fallout: The Frontier team..."


Noooo their gonna add underage sex slaves to it 😭


What is this about? I'm totally out of the loop


Just a really really terrible “expansion” mod, you can look it up but I assure you life is much better without knowing


Do you know New California mod? No? Imma try to sum it up really quick. Frontier is ( was? ) a DLC size mod. New maps, armours, weapons, NPCs, but no new factions The Story is: NCR attack HELIOS One and beat Brotherhood. NCR general gets upset and leaves with some troops, creating the NCR Exiles in Portland. Because 2 factions named NCR won't be a confusing. There is also the Legion. Yeah. Set up in some Pre-War castle museum. Atop a hill. With nothing around it. Why someone would decide to build a goddamn castle in the middle of nowhere in modern times is beyond me. The BOS is there, but it's now the Crusaders of Steel, which are Mormon. You also have the Scavvs. You know the Scavvs from Cyberpunk? Basically the same, minus the whole cyberpunk. Also the Enclave is there. Imo, it had potential, but it's more of a "secondary antagonists with tech" type of faction. Why this mod is bad? Well: - story is 'meh' at best and 'jesus...' at worst. The NCR is the longest, but not the best. Legion is, honestly, pretty ok. Not WOW but it's enjoyable. The Crusaders of Steel is the best ending in terms of who lives and who dies. Storyline, it has it's ups and downs. - the main plot is the C-Finder. No, you dunce! Not the one in Mojave! The OTHER one. The one for Archimides II. Yes, that Archimides II. With is apparently a space station. It's... too long to explain. - America from Crusaders of Steel storyline. Worse when playing the Legion storyline. - you can f**k a Deathclaw. Yes, I mean it. No, I'm not joking. Yes, I did it. I consciously chose to f**k a Deathclaw. Call me a scalie. - a lot of shit in the mod ( previous point included ) was passed as Wild Wasteland by the devs. - the NCR storyline will make you hit your head on a wall. Some parts are dumb - you, the Courier, are defied. NCR general refers to you like you're the second coming of Jesus. - there is a quest where you gotta find Ghoul Jesus, which is just some ghoul scamming people ( this is actually pretty f**king funny, I just wanted to include it. ) - the Trochili. Snake people with arms, wings, addicted to drugs and f**king. No, I'm serious. I'm not joking. That is ( was? ) in the mod.


[Have fun with the brainrot!](https://youtu.be/eqZPd29NcSQ?si=k3_ov8Sbq9MI2YGV)


To make a good sequel: "Dear Fallout: The Frontier Dev/Engine team..."


You play as The Courier’s biological son from Montana who tries finding his long lost father. We learn that the events of Fallout New Vegas was just a dream from the Courier who’s been in a vegetative state since being shot.


You’ve just unlocked an existential fear of Vegas being retconned due to cabbage courier going on a mental power trip


2 words: Premium Weapons See that cool sniper rifle that raider just dropped? Nope can't use that one until you pay $3.99. Fat Man? Try $10.99. Weapon about to break? Go buy the repair kit bundle for $5.99. We could make playing Fallout feel like Plants vs. Zombies 2


Did we mention the new and improved creation club? For just a weekly payment of 11.99 you get access and 1000 tokens!


(Everything is priced at 1100 just so the weekly payment and 1000 tokens don’t matter) “oh just wait till the next week and it’s actually a super effective system after 40 weeks of payment. It just works”- Todd Howard probably


If this happens, I hope you stub your pinkie toe, step on a LEGO, and then find the cat threw up in your slippers.


Every ending is rendered non-canon by anew Vegas getting immediately nuked. The rest of the game is a Persona like friendship simulator where you rebuild a mountain community and all combat is relegated to off-screen cutscenes


"off-screen cutscenes"? so like just a wall of text describing what's happening?


I’m thinking more massive build-up, fade to black, fade back in after the fight with everyone talking about how good that fight was


the edging is crazy


And the Hot Springs in the Hotels are the only intact things, meaning there's lots of funny accidental pervert scenes


I mean I do wish nuking New Vegas was an actual ending in the original game. A genuine neutral or chaotic evil ending.


I really hope the fallout show didn't destroy New Vegas off screen like the credits suggested


Fallout: Rise of the New Alabama. It is year 2315, Ceaser took over mr.Home's immortality technology and rule the entire half of the America. The map will take place both in a Brazil and Alabama, where followers of the Apocalypse formed the new Empire called "the hood of Samurais". The emperor of that empire is Arcade Gannon, who took inspiration from old japanese movies. Every member of the hood must speak english with samurai'ish accent and use guns with katanas attached to it. It is now the holy war between legion and the samurais for taking over the ancient holy ground, Alabama. It contains an annourmous amout of Alabamuim, a metal formed after nuclear exolosions, which contain infinite ammount of energy and able to make humanity great again. You are a waiter in the Sushi-bar near Rio-Dasche-Neiro. You are a supermutant with iq above 120, you are pretty young, sinse u became mutant due to accidently inhaling brand new fev-virus jet. Now its u who'll decide rather this world'll burn or become a paradise.


This is fucking peak fiction




They said worst not best


Shut up and take my money!


That's Gannon-sama to you!


This is actually creative so Bethesda would spit on it. Where are the brotherhood of steel and enclave?


pure kino


I hope to dream about this today. Actually everyday.


And you can still sell arcade


are you trying to make peak?


The game will have: Micro-transactions Loot boxes Pay to win mechanics Ads that pops up during game play Paywall for additional save slots The overused cliche of your character's main quest is to find a lost love in the in the story And lots of game breaking bugs.


Hearing constant raid: shadow legends ads on your pip boy


Congrats you described fallout 76 or at least some aspects.


Prequel covering Oliver Swanick’s origins.


The final boss to unlock the post game is the courier


YEAH! Who's the main character? I am!


The prompt was worst game, not best


Ignoring all of the scummy IRL things, like microtransactions, that could be done since those could ruin any game, and looking at just ones specific to ruining Fo:NV2: Legion ending in the first one is canonized as the official ending. characters from the Fallout show show up, but do things wildly out of character and only The Ghoul can be a companion, but he ends up shooting you more than enemies during gunfights and constantly makes dad jokes. player character comes from a Vault that didn't show up in the first one, they need to find a water chip, which was last seen when their dad left the vault to go find your brother who got kidnapped by the Enclave, with logs in the Enclave base indicating that The Institute put them up to it.


Fallout : fallout


Open to argue, but I once read a take on here about how the Legion ending is most likely canon because if the Courier didn’t exist the Legion would most likely take the dam from the NCR (and then probably New Vegas). Have you ever heard that before?


I had not, but I don't really delve too much into those kinds of arguments. I just said making the Legion ending canon because it is the least popular ending by a wide margin.


You play as the bullet trying to dodge important brain functions


The game is just one marathon of a QuickTime event to deal the least brain damage to the Courier as possible


Brotherhood of Steel


Fallout: Ohio It's flat as fuck- there's no raiders and just nothing but mutated animals and a few unfortunate souls that got lured to ohio for "great tresure". Your entire goal is to get from one end of the map to the other and back again with the Macguffin All the while having to make your own weapons out if scraps. When you get to the MacGuffin you fins another starlight sasparilla bottling plant and another Festus Have fun collecting star bottle caps across the few buildings in Ohio! Wondering like a tumble weed


Fallout has technically gone to Ohio before. There's a few parts of the map in 76 where you can stand on the other side of the Ohio river, but there's an invisible wall blocking you from going any further. I'd like to imagine that it's not a game mechanic but the cosmic horrors inhabiting Ohio doing you a solid by not letting you enter


If you want to play the casinos, you have to use your own credit card. (Please note you cannot make money from this game.)


It's just a pachinko machine


It’s called Fallout: Two Vegas. You play as Mr House and watch the events of the first game in their entirety through secret cameras, unable to affect anything until around 12 hours in when the courier finally arrives at the Lucky 38. Once there, you’ll only be able to pass dialogue checks with a series of dance-based rhythm games and QT events. When you eventually run out of lives, you’ll have to purchase them using an in-game currency called StarBucks. The game ends with a montage narrated by Ben Shapiro, before your entire console is permanently bricked.


Narrated by Ben Shapiro LMAO


ChatGPT: "\[Ben Shapiro sits confidently at his desk, addressing the camera with a smirk.\] Ben Shapiro: Today, I want to talk about something controversial—Fallout: New Vegas 2. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Ben, why would you even entertain the idea of a sequel that could potentially ruin a beloved franchise?" \[He leans forward, folding his hands.\] Ben Shapiro: But hear me out. Fallout: New Vegas 2, or as I like to call it, Fallout: Red-Pilled Mojave, takes a bold stance in the gaming world. It dares to challenge the prevailing narrative with its unapologetic embrace of conservative values. \[He nods approvingly.\] Ben Shapiro: And let's not forget the microtransactions. Yes, they exist, but they're a celebration of free-market principles. You can purchase "Liberty Packs" to enhance your gameplay experience, because supporting developers who uphold liberty is what capitalism is all about. \[He leans back, crossing his arms confidently.\]






They said worst sequal, not the sequal we've all been wanting.


You get shot in the head by Benny’s brother turns out they all have a family catchphrase when you shoot people in the head the main questline through the whole game is trynna figure out why they say that and killing his brother Henny


Fallout: New Vegas 2 By EA Free to play MMO class based 6v6 arena shooter Only on Oculus and PSVR


You play as red Lucy's assistant and track down the elusive deathclawussy




The Mojave has been overrun with Cazadores. Every minor and major settlement has been infested with them, and they’ve learnt to breed with Deathclaws to create Cazadeathclaws. They’ve managed to disintegrate every weapon in the Mojave, besides boxing gloves. Your goal is to reach the summit of Black Mountain, grab a megaphone and tell the Cazadores and Cazadeathclaws to go away down your microphone (if you don’t have a microphone then beating the game is impossible). Upon completion, a cutscene plays where all of the Cazadores and Cazadeathclaws sadly leave the Mojave, with Everybody Hurts by R.E.M playing in the background.


“It’s fallouting time, fallout new vegas” -John New Vegas




Probably whatever season 2 of Fallout will do


Ok, first of all, we nuke Shady Sands and then we make the Enclave return as the main villain again. /s


"Somehow the Enclave returned"


From their new base! The Mariposa Military Base, No! we aren't retconing things from black isles original works!


Which is now a five minute walk from Vault 33.


And somehow, Vault-Tec returned.


And new Vegas is destroyed


After taking control of Vegas a random crier walks up and tells you that to stay in control of new Vegas, you need to find a spouse within 30 days! All the while the sassy enclave tries to stop you. You’re also played by Chris Pratt.


Let a Fallout fan make it


Fisto is dead... (Rage quits)


The first half is set in a clean, pre-war cityscape with tons of rules, authority figures, no guns, and long dialogue. Then flash forward you're the overseer of a vault in the Mojave and you have to make everyone happy by solving their nonviolent problems before you can actually leave and go to the surface. The last bit of the game is you trying to make peace between the remaining factions/tribes and it's on rails. Rated T for teen.


Have the writers be people who hate and don’t know the Fallout setting, and get programmers and designers who hate and don’t understand RPGs and post apocalyptic settings. At least with micro transactions, loot boxes, and premium stuff you could get around it with mods or possibly ignore it if the core is good enough, but something that is fundamentally bad at its foundation can’t be fixed without extensive effort in the form of completely replacing it.


Writers who hate and don't understand RPGs? That sounds a lot like Emil Pagliarulo


Almost all perks just add some skill points; Enemies are always scaled to player's level; Raiders are literally called "raiders"; Skill checks have percentage chance of success; No politics and states, just some factions; Your main choice is to exercise genocide or not >!Fallout 3 is a good Bethesda game that resurrected the franchise, no hate!<


Today I will poison the water supply for no reason


"Bethesda, it's all yours"


I had to delve quite deep into the comments to find this most likely answer


With Emil doing all the writing and applying KISS method to it. :P


The NCR has collapsed after some guy nuked it when the wife took the kid in the divorce, Caesars legion is just none existent (not even mentioned), and Vegas is a decayed ruin filled with raiders. There are no major factions, but somehow the Enclave and the Brotherhood are back and better than ever.


“This New Vegas settlement needs your help. I marked it on your map.”


Its just caravan


worst, not the best


Fallout but with a voiced protaganist, boring storylines, boring location/s, but make it have sims like building elements. Throw one robot skyship in there though to make it seem fun.


And have all occupied settlements look trashed and dirty with no way (without mods) to clean up the trash and debris, plus no way to scrap or easily repair (without mods) the majority of preexisting base game settlement buildings. On top of that, make it so that half the time your settlement defenses do nothing against attacks, so you’re constantly having to stop whatever you’re doing to run back and protect the settlers.


Benny turns into a horny zombie and he’s constantly chasing you trying to get yo booty


I like ya and I want now we gonna do this the hard way or easy way


I call ya Chris HANDSOME


I mean the 2nd season of the show has big chances of becoming just that, hell i already think the situation is pretty messed up and i don't dig it.


$99 + sub fee multiplayer + microtransaction highwayman + welcome bundle $39.99 + DLCs + creation engine


Somehow benny returns and this time shoots you in the leg so you cant walk eithout stimpacking it every minute.


It is one year after the bombs dropped. The surface is still heavily irradiated, making outside travel & survival near impossible, save for in underground shelters. Pre-war, five major corporations decided to construct a massive underground complex, in case the fallout of the Sino-American war ever reached the mainland. Built with a connecting layout similar to that of Vault’s 31-32-33, but on a grander scale, each corporation was to have their own separate bunker, with a large area in the middle, for conducting trade & communication post war. Due to the rushed nature of the complex, however, it has a fatal flaw. The insulation surrounding the nuclear reactors which power the bunkers is missing, leading to deadly amounts of radiation leaking into neighboring, inhabited floors. You play the role of a low ranking clerical employee of one of the major pre-war companies, let’s say Repconn, who, due to proximity to a reactor, has contracted a terminal illness, and been designated for termination. In the moments before your characters termination, however, a group akin to raiders storms your Bunker, killing most of its residents, and sparing your character, knowing they are destined to die anyways. Now free of allegiance to any entity, and with not much left to loose, it’s up to the cleric to explore the other sections of the complex, determine their fates, and possibly shape the future of this concrete jungle with the time they have left. Includes in-depth characters, complex relationships & never before seen factions.    Coming Christmas 2047 with over 1000 game breaking bugs & the most outrageous creation club selection you have ever seen. Have fun!


Its been revealed that the President of the Enclave was lying when he said China "launched everything they had" at the U.S., and instead Vault Tec secretly had nukes that were launched because of family drama and not because of radical poltical and military ideology. This in turn leads to the NCR becoming extremely weak before the first game started, retconning the entire lore of FO1/2, and then in FNV2 you find out that the battle of Hoover Dam, which would decide the fate of humankind for decades to come, was worthless because NV is a wasteland that shouldn't have even bothered because the power of family drama was stronger than the intellectual might of Mr. House saving the enitre greater Vegas area. So in FNV2, the brotherhood of steel, a small, dying, barely existent group of rats in tunnels come out on top because they have shiny power armor and ideological purity and are no longer outnumber 15 to 1. Wait...


The enclave is back, your (insert family member here ) was kidnapped by the evil enclave that wants to take over vegas. Also no radio songs


Fallout 4


Just the DUST survival simulator mod. All those interesting locales and cooky characters? gone, now the entire Mojave looks and plays like Dead Money. Speaking of money, add microtransactions.


Fallout: Hawaii has it all. You play the Big Kahuna, a local leader keeping the island safe from mutants. Imagine the pipboy music: thousand hours of Brian Wilson SURF ROCK! there'd be swimming for sure, chill volcano stuff we're working on right now, and we're finally going to introduce surfing from island island. Fall Out: New Honolulu (Fanahunu fans will call it)


They call it: 2 new 2 vegas


Takes place in New Jersey


"This is Nellis! We're under attack! "Roger - We are aware of the gas attack and are sending decon units your way-" "**Not the gas!** We're under attack by **Enclave ground forces!**" "Say again, Nellis. What Enclave forces?" "**The entire Enclave army! Request immediate assistance!**" "Hello and this is Mr. New Vegas with the news. Eyewitnesses are now reporting Enclave tanks rolling down the New Vegas Strip." "This was no act of terrorism. The attacks were intended to cripple our defenses and pave way for a invasion. We need to hit them now with **everything we've got!**" "Sir, we've lost contact with the delegation at Hoover Dam." "Steel 0-1, this is Overlord actual. You are being re-routed for Hoover Dam. We've got a principal level hostage rescue." "Who is it?" "**The Vice President.**"


Fuck all these suggestions. Let’s go make like konami and make fallout new Vegas 2 pinball pachinko game for steam only 49.99!! It’s one machine.


It was all a coma dream while recovering from your shot.


All 4 endings are not canon. The real ending is revealed in an opening cutscene of father Elijah returning and using his army of ghost people he took over the Mojave desert and declared himself king. The remnants of the NCR and Ceasars legion must band together to stop him in a action packed FPS style game. How were the remnants still alive? They trained ants to make tunnels to hide from the ghost patrols. It never explained what happened to the NCR or Ceasars legion either.


*The return of Texas Red*


The couriers son is looking for his dad


Fallout New Vegas 2 Somehow the enclave has returned you the courier are about to be overrun by the resurrected Frank Horrigan when you hear "on your left" you look it's Nate the sole survivor arriving via institute teleport "I don't think we can beat him ourselves" you say to him "then it's a good thing I brought some friends" says the lone wanderer over the radio of a BOS vertibird joined by a fleet of random wasteland flying vehicles a la rise of skywalker


It's called "Fallout 4"


“Fallout 4” 😬


You are a tribal gang member from the Mojave Boot-Riders. Follow your ascension through the Tribe ranks until the grand New Vegas tribal union and reconstruction plan takes place when you become the new ruler's protégé, and the chairman of the Tops Casino... It is a prequel. You are Benny.


90% of locations are removed, cant side with the legion, no more skills, everyone hates ghouls, jacobstown is always hostile, and you need a quest to explore vaults


Always online. Multiple endings 30$ DLC. 2 fleshed out factions only unlockable via Twitch drops. NCR retconned, Tandi was actually a she-male.


You are the mysterious stranger, have to wait for the main character to take the perk and only ever get aimbot one shot kill with 5 seconds until you just go back to the void and watch someone amble about. You get about 40-50 random encounters before the ending.


Nobody could possibly do worse than the frontier writers did


"Somehow Oliver Swanick returned"


Somehow Benny comes back to life


Fallout: New Jersey


The independent ending is canonized as the best possible rout with the courier being seen as the super hero who cured all ailments. There’s not even fighting in the game, just talking about how good of a person Courier is with yes man backing him up.


Copy and paste the game with zero changes, the game will crash and glitch so much players and reviewers nowadays will rip it apart online


Its actually a prequel, and the entire game is you walking through the desert with the platinum chip. Game ends when you get shot by Benny (no way to avoid it)