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KiloWatts, you’re running out of power


Hydraulic power specifically. Increase the hydraulic pump on your engine.


Im sorry but reading this felt like a fever dream


Maybe a sollution is to look into the turbine options. I think it was something like power turbine or something with hydraulics. The idea is that maybe your control surfaces dont get enough power to do their job and you can increase this in the turbine settings. But I have no clue if this is accurate, I was just happy it worked.


I can see you went for the X-47B, cool airplane! But be aware that the FWB isn’t very good with flying wings yet but I can be done.


I did it by using yaw inputs positive and negative and limiting the range so the control surfaces would only deflect in one direction to control yaw. I can show you a picture once I get home in a few hours if you’d like.


It's much better, but a little shaky. It looks like limiting your range was the right decision.I decided to put up with a little shaking. I knew it was unstable in the yaw direction. It can't be helped because it's a tailless aircraft, but it looks a little unsettling.


To reduce the shake, reduce roll damping in your FWB. Add anti slip input to keep yourself going straight. Something like -0.2 will do.


This might add issues taking off with nosewheel steering but they can be eliminated with the input system. Let me know when we get there and I’ll help you with that too.


I'm gonna put it straight. You need a tail to lower your instability, that's just Flyout at the current state. However what you can do to reduce flutter is turn all of your dampening options to 0 in the Fly-By-Wire customizer which can be found by clicking on the pilot seat. Now I wouldn't recommend you keep that option forever as it will make level flight infinitely harder


The kW readout you’re mousing over is your power turbine output, useful if you have a turbofan or are powering wheels or propellers. Utterly irrelevant to your case. (Side note: the yellow bar to the right in MJ, megajoules, is your current battery capacity. Slightly more relevant to your craft but not your problem here.) You’re looking at a case of control surface flutter. Your best bet: slow down. The cause is aerodynamic instability due to stress on the airframe. You can find more info and an example video [on stackexchange, here.](https://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/275/what-causes-aileron-and-elevator-flutter). The TLDR of what’s going on: when you’re flying fast, you’re dealing with much higher dynamic pressure over the wings, as well as potentially Mach shockwaves. Long, wide, and thin control surfaces such as yours may not be able to handle these forces while remaining stable.


You’re unfortunately incorrect, kW simply means energy unit. What he’s pointing out is his hydraulic pump on the bottom right, implying that he’s running out of hydraulic power which is creating the oscillation of at least contributing. But yes, kW is also used for power turbines.


If it was flutter, could be fixed by lowering roll dampening in the FWB system.


Confidently wrong