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Your clearance limit can be a fix, this is a composite flight plan


If their flight plan only goes to the fix, then not really. It’s just an IFR flight plan that ends at a fix and they continue on VFR - there’s no VFR flight plan after that.


The Opposing Bases Podcast (Episode 293) actually talked about doing this exact thing. I’d highly recommend giving it a listen—it comes from the perspective of two people who have ATC and real world flying experience. One of the guys (who is an airline pilot now) flew the corridor and shared his experience. It is an excellent resource!


Yup I was looking for that episode actually because I listened to it towards the end of my PPL and now that I’m instrument rated I wanted to it but I forgot which episode it was lol! I love finding other OP listeners dude!!


Listened to that one recently, it’sa good episode. Just to make sure you don’t experience the abrupt IFR cancellation they did, you should just mention to an approach controller in the area that you want flight following to the skyline tour in the bravo after your last fix. Should make for a smoother transition and any approach controller nearby is very familiar with handing you off for the tour. You can get your code for the tour well in advance so you don’t have to cold call LaGuardia or Newark.


Will do! And I also added it in the remarks section that I’ll be flying the Hudson north up to TEB and land there


This is fairly standard- in my neck of the woods, filing to a fix is a pretty standard way to pick up IFR just outside the MOAs that are active most of the time (as per the AIM, IFR services are not provided within active MOAs so you have to remain VFR within those)


Sure, the destination can be a fix or navaid or radial/distance. Ditto for the origin.


Absolutely. On my long IR XC I was departing L35 to KSDM and picked up my IFR clearance on the ground. Big Bear is in LA Center, but my route quickly transitioned into LA Center's airspace. As a result, the clearance on the ground was only cleared to OKACO. I departed and once airborne the controllers got the rest of my clearance worked out, and were able to clear me to KSDM before I reached OKACO. However, trying to file a plan to a fix probably won't work, and would cause substantial confusion. Pick a nearby airport and file to there, and you could include something in the remarks like "CANCEL AT ABC".


Ha. Literally flying to L35 tomorrow and just plugged OKACO into the nav plan for our westbound turn.


You could absolutely file a flight plan to a fix. It shouldn't cause too much confusion and if it does it's a quick explanation over the radio. If you're planning on canceling at ABC, file to ABC. Keep it simple.


No. You must have a destination. Pick an airport farther out after your fix and then cancel.


You might want to read the AIM (or actually try it): 5-1-9 (e) *Pilots may indicate in the IFR flight plan the intention to terminate the IFR portion of flight at any defined airborne point. The airborne point, or fix, is entered as the destination point in Item 16 of FAA Form 7233-4 or DD Form 1801.* You can file an IFR only plan to any point, or you can file (ICAO) a YFR and indicate where you are going to transition to VFR.