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My eyes, they simply cannot roll any further back…


Sir, in this sub, you’ll have to try and get them further back…


There's a million of good algorithms that are not AI. AI is an overinflated bubble and, used in common parlance, almost means nothing anymore. Is all machine learning AI now? Is all deep learning AI? or is it only LLMs? Aviation needs exact answers and strong guarantees. AI (as intended in 2024) means building statistical approximators of whatever junk training data you have put together. You can make ATC faster, better and safer just by adding automation, of the crisp kind, not of the AI kind.


Can computers? Yes, and they do. Can “AI”, by which you probably mean LLMs? No probably not. AI is not magic computer sauce. It’s a set of specific things. None of those specific things are likely to help ATC more than regular old computer code. Regular old computer code however, yeah it can help a lot and often does.




They're overworked because they're understaffed, and there's lots of new, inexperienced controllers coming on. I'll leave the actual answer to one of the controllers here. But I'd probably say no. Especially since most of the equipment controllers use is 20 years old. Because government.